Every Inch A Nymph - Cover

Every Inch A Nymph


Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After being raped by her uncle, newlywed Melanie just could not bring herself to love her husband like she should. Melanie thought every type of sex act, other than just laying there for her husband, was sinful and she would not allow any other type of sex in her house. A friend of hers talks her and her husband to go on a vacation at a special spa in Mexico. Here she gets drunk and is coerced into all kinds of sexual situations. Will it change her attitude towards sex?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

With a grim look on her pretty face, Melanie Patton gulped down the remainder of her Bloody Mary and poured another from the pitcher on the patio table in front of her, trying to block the memory of her husband wanting to lick her naked pussy the night before from her mind. The voluptuous twenty-five-year-old blonde felt the cool liquid slide down her throat and suddenly turn into a glow of warmth deep within her.

"Oh darn!" she swore aloud and took another long sip from her third drink. A voice inside her cautioned she should slow down or she would be tipsy before their dinner guests arrived, but she continued to drink. The alcohol was already beginning to cloud her thinking and loosen her usually tightly controlled inhibitions, which made her angry. And that anger was directed at her husband. Tony... and all because of SEX! Well, maybe she was a little frigid whenever he tried to fuck her. But she had good reason!

It had been so different when she and Tony had been going to the University in Tempe, he in law school, and she a music major. She had almost let him fuck her many times--in his student apartment when his roommate was out on a date, in his VW when he took her back to her dorm at night... how exciting it had seemed then when he had slipped his hand under her skirt and stroked the soft flesh of her thighs just below her panties! So many times she had wanted to go all the way, but her mother and Aunt Lottie had warned her that a man wouldn't want something that he could have with no trouble, so she had pulled Tony back again and again, even though her own pussy had been aching to be fucked, promising to let him fuck her when he graduated from law school and they were man and wife. And the miraculous thing, in the light of what had happened since, was that he had managed to control his sexual urges. Knowing that she did not want to let him fuck her at that moment had been enough for him, and he had stopped.

Tears came to Melanie's green eyes as she remembered how wonderful it had felt to sense his hugely bulging cock pressing into her hot, panty-clad cunt when they were dancing close. The feelings it had caused to rush through her like wildfire! Time and again she had wanted to let him strip her naked so he could look at her sensuously quivering body with his admiring, loving gaze.

Sitting on the patio of their $100,000 home outside Flagstaff seven years later, she could almost feel the delicious tingling sensations when he had slipped his hand inside her blouse and bra at the movies, in the darkness, with the fear of being seen... it had been so exciting!

Tears were streaming down Melanie Patton's smooth cheeks now as her green eyes clouded with self-pity, for the way that wonderful anticipation of her first fuck on her wedding night had been brought to an end three months before that wedding by her lecherous old Uncle Max.

Her voluptuous young body, clothed in a short denim skirt and red checkered blouse, shuddered violently as she recalled the horror she had felt that afternoon. She had gone home to Prescott, where her widowed mother lived with Aunt Lottie and Uncle Max, during semester break. Her mother and her aunt had gone out shopping for the day and since Uncle Max was in the living room drinking beer, Melanie had decided to take a long shower and stay in her room dreaming of how romantic her wedding night would be, and wondering if fucking was as wonderful as all the girls in her school dormitory had said it was. She was lying there dreaming when suddenly Uncle Max had entered her room and saw her lying there naked on the bed. She had tried to cover herself but her robe was on her dressing table stool, and he had stared down at her exquisitely molded young body for a full minute, his drunken, lust-glazed eyes roving over the upthrust of her trembling white tittles and then down over her belly to take in the small triangle of softly curling blonde pussyhairs. Then his eyeballs had seemed to swell as they came to rest on the pink, already moistened cuntslit. between her thighs and, for the first time in her young life, Melanie had felt fear.

Suddenly everything that her mother and aunt had told her about sex had surged into her mind, putting back up all the barriers she had erected against feeling as her mother and aunt had felt about men. It had been Uncle Max's eyes! Something had been in them since he entered her bedroom, and then his whole face had taken on an expression that Melanie hadn't understood. He had looked at the slender contours of her fresh unexplored body as if her flesh were something separate from her, his nineteen-year-old niece, and merely an object that had been placed there for him to treat as he wished. "You're beautiful all naked," he had said. "Dreaming about Uncle Max?" Then he had lurched forward, drunk, and she had squirmed back in automatic reaction to his sudden movement. But her cringing had infuriated the animal in him even further, and he had fucked her that afternoon with a brutality it would have been hard to envision beforehand. He had stormed her body as if it were an enemy fortress instead of the tender, fragile bastion of femininity that it was. She had screamed and cried for him to stop, or at least to come back, to be her sweet Uncle Max again, but lust had so overpowered him that nothing could stand in his way.

Fifteen minutes later it had ended with his heavily panting body lying prostrate over hers so that she could barely breathe, her mind shrieking with the pain being broadcast from her bruised, spent nerve-ends. All the pleasure she had looked forward to had ended in a shower of her drunken uncle's hot cum shooting heedlessly into her brutally fucked virginal pussy, and now his huge, sated cock lay deflating, thin white tendrils of cum joining it to her aching young cunt.

It had been a nightmare, and something in her that night had closed off any future possibility of experiencing pleasure from what she now considered a base animal act. That very afternoon she had packed up and driven back to the University to spend the remainder of her semester break before her mother or Aunt Lottie had even come home.

Several months later when she and Tony had married, even though Melanie realized that he could never be held responsible for her Uncle Max's actions, Melanie had remained cool to his lovemaking. She loved him more than anything, and even though he had been patient with her and had exercised all the gentleness she could have wished so that she gradually felt less and less pain, no corresponding pleasure had appeared to take its place. Instead she had felt nothing, and had continued to feel nothing until this day, nearly six years later.

Melanie didn't know whether she should feel bitter about losing her ability to experience pleasure or not. She could no longer really see how sex could ever be pleasurable anyway. All she could think of when he fucked her furred pussy was the animalistic nature of the act, sweating and moving like dogs for a few seconds' pleasure or, at any rate, excitement. Fucking disgusted her, but still she had not felt the right to deny Tony the release he received from fucking her naked cunt, and had decided it was her wifely duty to go through with it any time he wanted. She had even tried to fake pleasure when she found that he was unhappy over her inability to respond to his lewd caresses.

But last night he had gone too far. Everything had been all right as long as he had been willing to fuck her like a husband was supposed to. That she could put up with. But then, about a year ago, he had started wanting her to do things that seemed... perverted, like letting him lick her pussy... or wanting her to kiss his cock. Melanie shuddered... and she didn't think he had a right to force her to do anything like that! The worst thing was that, whenever he started to push her down on their bed she would see the same look come into his eyes that had been in Uncle Max's the day he fucked away her cherry... a horrible leering glint that seemed to replace his normal personality with one of animal savagery.

The first time he had slid down her body and then raised his head over her nakedly spread pussy like a dog about to lick at a choice piece of flesh and relishing its triumph ahead of time, she had pulled her thighs shut quickly as a wave of nausea had flooded through her body. How could anyone be so... sick, so perverted as to want to taste, to lick, to suck at her private place between her legs? God, at first his eyes had flared more brightly, angrily, when she had screamed at him, but then he had relented, fucking her pussy instead in a fashion more normal and decent. But God, that night had terrified her! And then, when Tony had tried again a few weeks later to lick her curl-rimmed young cunt, she had had to start crying before he would stop. And that had been the last time-before last night.

Melanie's mind was reeling under the effect of the Bloody Marys now, but at least she felt she could pretend to be gay when Jeannie Black and her lover, Slim, arrived! She couldn't bear that Jeannie, the same Jeannie who had been her roommate in college, should see that she was unhappy. Melanie and Tony had been a twosome for so long in school that they had been regarded as the most likely to have a happy life. And Melanie was sure that they would have had if only sex hadn't entered the picture in that ugly way. But for Jeannie to see that she and Slim were happier than Melanie and Tony would be a horrible blow for the proud young blonde. Oh, if only she didn't love Tony so much! If only she didn't, then she could leave him and try to start a new life somewhere else, away from all thought of men or sex. But I do love him, she moaned to herself. I love him with all my heart! But the problems with sex were poisoning their whole lives now, were no longer confined to the bedroom or the nighttime. Then, suddenly, a new thought came to the intoxicated young blonde. What if all men wanted, to do such perverted things... then how could someone like Jeannie be happy with Slim Ranito, who was certainly more crude and dirty-mouthed than Tony and must do even more filthy things to Jeannie when they were naked in bed.

Nothing was making any sense anymore! And when was Tony going to be dressed? Even though she dreaded his coldness, still she longed to see her tall, dark husband whom she could hear singing in their bedroom while he changed for their dinner guests. She had always been so proud to think that she had made such a catch, although her own looks, she thought immodestly, were nothing to be overlooked. The voluptuous, huge-titted young woman had been a beauty queen in college, and the years had only made her figure all the more alluring to men.

She decided against a fourth Bloody Mary. It was unusual for her to have more than one anyway, and they were confusing her thoughts so much that she was thinking things she never had before. What if all their sexual problems were her own fault? After all, some women seemed to like it when their husbands turned into animals and mounted them in a lecherous frenzy. Melanie stared at her glass in puzzlement, and heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" Tony called from somewhere inside the house, and Melanie tried to pull herself together before she went to greet her dinner guests in the entrance hall. The Bloody Marys had made her tipsy enough so that she had problems even getting out of her chair.

Jeannie had come in dressed in a tight little pair of cut- offs and a low-cut halter top that Tony had whistled at in a jokingly wolfish way, causing Jeannie to wriggle her sensuously curved ass with a sharp peal of laughter that Melanie had gaily joined in. The three of them had gone through the house back to the patio to begin their before-dinner cocktails. Then Slim, a muscular man in his early thirties, had good-naturedly refused any alcohol, instead pouring himself a glass of his own freshly pressed tomato juice. He owned a health spa outside Flagstaff and jokingly said it would be bad for business if his wealthy clients found him on skid row.

Soon they were sitting down to dinner, serving themselves salad, steaks and potatoes Melanie had prepared earlier, all of them except Slim drinking red wine freely and making the sort of conversation that can only come after years of friendship. Melanie was so proud of the way Tony was telling jokes and drolly describing the exertions Judge Harrison had gone through with the defendant when he was presiding over one of Tony's cases, that she allowed herself to drink much more than she should have. But she saw that everyone else was doing the same and it didn't seem to matter here among friends. And, golly, it was fantastic the way a mood could change!

Melanie found the steak delicious and laughed wickedly when Slim started telling some of his inevitable dirty jokes. The one thing she specifically had never liked about the wealthy spa- owner, when Jeannie had introduced him to her shortly before they started living together, was the way he seemed to be always looking at her huge titties in a manner that reminded her of the animal gleam in her Uncle Max's eyes that horrible afternoon many years ago. But tonight that didn't seem to bother her, even though she had felt very self-conscious when he had whistled at her provocatively clad body in much the same way that Tony had whistled at Jeannie. There was something about Slim Ranito that usually made her nervous, but tonight the Bloody Marys and then the wine had put her in such a good mood that nothing could bother her for long, not even the way Tony kept flirting with Jeannie. It was all good innocent fun, and she was happy to be able to see it for once in that light. This casual flirting had gone on ever since the three of them had known each other, long before her beautiful brunette girl friend had met Slim and Slim didn't seem to mind at all the way they would pretend to bump into each other, or the way Tony would reach past Jeannie for the hot rolls and rub his arm against her titties that were just as big and sensuous as Melanie's.

Well, maybe it did bother her a little, Melanie decided, after she noticed Jeannie drop her napkin into Tony's lap and then reach to fish it out without waiting for him to get it for her, rummaging around much more than seemed necessary to get the silly thing back. But the three of them were more or less drunk by the time they had finished their meal, and there was so much laughter that Melanie found it hard to take anything seriously. Jeannie was her best friend, and she could flirt with Tony as much as she wanted because Melanie knew she would never allow things to go too far. Even though Melanie didn't approve of her girlfriend living with a man and having sex with him without the benefit of marriage, she knew Jeannie was basically a "nice" girl.

Jeannie felt the blood rush to her face when she noticed that Melanie had caught sight of her ploy in dropping the napkin into Tony's lap. Oh God, now I've spoiled it, Jeannie fretted, her mind reeling under the combined stimulation of the alcohol and the feel of Tony Patton's huge, thickly swollen cock jerking in his pants as she grappled for the napkin. Oh God, would I like to suck on that prick of his! But we've got to be careful about this. Just because it was easy to get Liza Smith and that sexy country friend of hers into a little group sex at the spa with us doesn't mean that Melanie and Tony will go along too. Jeannie knew Tony wouldn't be any trouble, but she was worried about Melanie's reaction to the idea. She and Slim were going to have to handle this carefully, with lots of liquor and one of those blue movies Slim had brought along with him for after dinner. Jeannie had been waiting to get her hands on Tony Patton's huge prick for simply ages, and now she could feel her panties getting all damp with the very thought of it. God, I want to run my tongue around the tip of your cock, Tony, baby, she shouted mentally, staring straight at the unsuspecting man sitting beside her at the dinner table, hoping that he could somehow see in her eyes what her mind was saying. I want you to suck my pussy!

The sun had gone down while they were eating dinner, and the twilight was darkening into a moonless night by the time they had finished the fresh pineapple pie a la mode. Jeannie told Melanie to leave their plates, she would help her with the dishes later. For now they should bring their drinks into the den, Tony should set up their projector, and relax for a special movie.

Melanie only giggled when Slim made some joke about a dirty movie and suggested that they all watch one together for the first time, just to see what the things were like. Well, that was just like Slim, Melanie thought, but it couldn't be all that dirty if Jeannie was in on it. Melanie knew she had had too much to drink. but she couldn't see what harm it would do to watch one of those movies she had only heard about, so she and Tony, who was wobbling drunkenly, sat together on the sofa while Slim set up the screen and the projector; then, as the lights went out, she saw Jeannie snuggling up on Tony's other side while Slim tended to the machine. In the darkness, Melanie could sense Tony's arm moving up around Jeannie's shoulders. Well, two women, she giggled to herself, that should keep him happy... since I'm not enough for him!

"Oh! Stop that, you naughty boy!" Melanie heard Jeannie exclaim suddenly, and she was annoyed that she couldn't see in the darkness what Tony was doing to her best friend. But the numbing effect of the alcohol kept her from worrying seriously about what was going on. After all, Tony's other arm was around Melanie herself, squeezing her to him affectionately. It was good to be here with friends and to feel free to be yourself without having to worry about silly things like jealousy. It was too bad, she supposed, that people's joking revolved mostly around sex, and that Slim had to show them a naughty movie, but what was nice was that it didn't matter, it was fun! And soon enough the lights would be back on and they would have their coffee while she and Jeannie giggled about the movie, as they did the dishes in the kitchen.

In the darkened den, Jeannie picked up the hand that had poked her in the ribs and lifted it gently so that it came to rest on her right tit. Suddenly the hand was squeezing the taut, bra- covered flesh, pinching the hardening nipple harshly. Oh God, that feels good! Jeannie sighed excitedly to herself as Tony pressed his leg hard against her thigh and continued to paw savagely at her trembling tittie. She squirmed down hard into the material of the sofa, rubbing the moistening slit of her tingling pussy, against the cushion in an effort to quench the fires that were beginning to rage there in lewd anticipation of victory and the moment when the four of them would start fucking like crazy. And then suddenly Slim flicked a switch, and the screen was bathed in light.

Slim Ranito knew that sweet little pussy of Melanie's was going to get hotter than ever. That hot little cock-tease! Wearing those sexy clothes all the time and making a guy's prick all hard the way she did just wasn't fair, unless she was willing to spread her legs. Thank God he was shacked up with a chick like Jeannie, sexy as Aphrodite herself, but with friends like Liza and Melanie, who were enough to make a man's cock stand to attention and then more! Crap! he didn't know what Jeannie was up to, the horny little bitch, he wouldn't be surprised if she had taken advantage of the few minutes of darkness he had given her to get her hands on Tony's prick. Slim felt his own cock jerking inside his pants at the thought of Jeannie doing that while poor innocent Melanie was sitting there not realizing a thing! Tony Patton knew the score all right, although from what Jeannie said, he had yet to be unfaithful to that juicy little wife of his. And she should know. Slim grinned lewdly to himself. God knows she's tried enough times, apparently all during college. It wasn't that she was any less a good friend than Melanie thought, but just that she felt her blonde girlfriend should share the wealth a little, a philosophy he could understand and go along with, especially if that meant he got to sample a little piece of Melanie in the deal! It would excite him like hell to hear her begging him for his cock after the way she had always seemed to hold in contempt his earthy manners and dirty jokes. Yes, the little cold-cunt was going to get a good, healthy length of cock fucked up her, maybe even tonight! Well, enough wet dreams, he thought, it was time to start the film rolling.

Slim pressed a button and suddenly the title of the silent 8mm movie appeared on the screen before them. Melanie had been lost in a drunken reverie, but the sudden movement on the screen attracted her gaze in time for her to see the words "Candy Cane and the Professor" disappear from the screen, to be replaced by the jerkily recorded view of a chemistry lab where strange bottles, glass tubes and burners were lying on a long table. And then, suddenly, the camera zoomed in for a close-up of the blackboard behind the table.

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