Duplicate Lovers - Cover

Duplicate Lovers


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - In a futuristic 1990, a lab decides to make a robot that has a male penis, that is expandable in length and girth, and a female robot that is made for pleasure only

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Lesbian   Science Fiction   Robot   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

When Cord opened the door, Erica no longer looked confused. She came into the room with conviction.

"I... I lied," she said. "I didn't come to Portland to go chopping. I came here to have an adventure."

"Like maybe there's been a little trouble at home with the Professor?" asked Cord.

"Yes," said the long, lanky coed with blonde hair. They've tried to keep me from knowing about it. I had to get away, to know what to do. Then I saw you two and, well, I felt suddenly warm and excited. It's hard to explain."

"Not at all. You felt the effects of my Smart Suit, dear lady. For people who have sex on their minds and are open to adventure, it carries a strong message. Take off your clothes, Andy. Show Erica the Smart Suit."

"Muh... meeee?"

"Well, we both will," said Cord. "That's fair."

They stripped to the suits which were opaqued to cover their nudity as Cord explained the principles.

"I feel it, I feel it," said Erica. The signals from Andy were stronger when he'd taken off his regular suit.

"These suits enhance sex. Unfortunately, I do not have the female version with me, but the male version also brings exotic pleasure to the woman." Cord touched some controls in Andy's suit and it went transparent, showing Andy's nude body and raging hard-on as well. Erica's eyes got huge. Andy blushed but stood his ground.

"So, dear lady, if you really want an adventure..."

"Oh, oh, I couldn't," said Erica, eyes downcast.

Andy stood there, blushing furiously, the suit glittering on him, his penis ready, but that was the extent of his aggression. He had always been too shy with women, not feeling that he could win them because of his small stature and ordinary looks. With a woman as good-looking and as elegant as Erica Parker, he was afraid to say or do anything because it might turn her off.

"Erica," said Cord, "do you play a musical instrument?"

"I used to play the clarinet." Those big, soft eyes shot a sideways glance at Andy's manhood and then darted away in guilt.

"Good. Sit down, close your eyes. I'll bring you a clarinet."

She did as he told her. Cord stood Andy before her and bent her head down.

"Give us a solo, dear girl."

Eyes closed, trembling, the sensitive woman slid Andy's prick into her mouth. It was encased in the SS clear plastic so Andy stiffened from the amplified signals of good feeling.

"Ah, oh, oh, oh," he moaned in pleasure.

Emboldened by his sounds of pleasure, blushing, Erica used on hand to stroke his balls, the other to jack off the lower portion of his shaft, and she bobbed her head with more vigor on the top of his length.

"That is HEAVEN!" called Andy, going up on his toes.

Cord did not like the look on Andy's face, nor the way his body trembled. It could be a short solo that Erica played. He reached out and pressed the controls to lessen the thrill demands on the cock sleeve of the suit.

Cord was hard himself now, to see the stiff prick working up into the beautiful face of the woman. He could tell from her tension that the feel of that hard sex blade in her mouth turned her on. He got behind her and loosend her one-piece suit. She tried to shake him off, half-heartedly, without giving up her sex lollipop, but he firmly took each arm at a time and pulled it free, laying her glittering top down to her hips.

Her smooth torso, her big breasts, her supple belly turned him on to lift him to a more straining hard-on. Soft, supple, elegant and silken, that was the professor's wife.

Andy's hands immediately grasped her nude shoulders. His face shone with ecstatic joy.

"I've wanted this. Oh, I've looked for this a thousand times. Erica... beautiful."


Then, Cord unhooked her bra to release those big, big breasts. She moaned a protest, but kept her eyes closed, her hands on Andy's rod and her head bobbing in her cock-suck. The bra came off.

She had fantastic tits. Not only were they queen-sized, but they were elegantly shaped, perfect glories of the mother-whore. Her aureoles were a light pink, without a blemish and the hard, erected nipples were only a little darker, also without any distortion.

Looking down on those sexy, released globes, Andy almost died in joy. His wife had small breasts. He'd never seen such an elegant pair. Cord made a gesture and he bent to heft them, one in each hand, the nipples burning his palms.

It was all too much for him. Wild streaks of pure sexuality raced from his toes to his head. He could hardly catch his breath. He fucked into the mouth of a beautiful stranger who sucked him willingly and who moaned as he kneaded her glorious tits.

"Ah, Cord... Erica. OH, MY GOD!"

Cord cried out a warning, but it was too late. Andy strained up in pure ecstasy. His forehead was moist, his eyes stared, bugging out. There was nothing to do but give him the power of the suit to enjoy his orgasm. Cord quickly tapped the controls that turned on the hot pleasure rays in the cock sleeve.

"YIEEEEEEEEE!!" went Andy.

He'd never felt such a sensation in all of his life. Cord's suit came on full, while he was in the middle of his gorgeous freeze before orgasm, when his body was stilled so all muscular effort could go to the delicious sex spasms. The piercing, maddening joy that suffused his cock, was almost more than human flesh could bear, since he was already half- crazed with excitement.

The suit prolonged his freeze. He stood on his toes like some kind of robot, every muscle locked, pleasure glowing, and all life forces suspended. He gave an unearthly shriek, like pitching down from a high roller coaster.

SPURT! "AH, KEERIST!" Spurt, spurt, spurt. "OH, I'M DYIIIIINNNGGG!"

He went faint with the powerful bursts of his over-stimulated cock, half collapsed on the woman, and shot off a huge run of milky darts that filled the sleeve of the suit. Like coming into a condom, he burned out gushes of manhood to be trapped and make a foamy cushion and ballon of the containing sleeve. It was almost painful to watch the fierce muscle stabs of his loins as he shot off his glory.

Erica could not keep the wildly bursting blade in her mouth... it didn't matter. The silken pressure of the sleeve more than made up for it. As he tapered, Cord had to catch his small figure or he would've fainted on top of the woman. As it was, Cord had to roll him over on the bed, because he had completely flipped out on this pleasure trip and fainted.

Erica fell back on the bed with an embarrassed short laugh.

"Your suit really works. A short run and he's passed out. I've never seen anything like it."

"First there had to be a gorgeous woman that turned him on," said Cord.

She sat up. "So I had my adventure, and I thank you both." She started to reach for her bra. Cord sat down, grabbed one smooth, nude shoulder, captured her head and kissed her.

"Mrarrrrr... no!" she gasped, pulling free. "I don't want..."

"But you haven't felt the full effect of my SS. I wanted Andy to show you. We just didn't get that far."

"Oh, Mr. Bannister, I COULDN'T. Two men in a motel room, why, my goodness..."

He arched her back, locked his mouth on one of her incredible tits and palmed the other. That hard hot nipple in his mouth made his breathing go short. My God, this woman in his suit, with these breasts could turn the world on fire.

"Oh, now, don't," she begged. "Don't DON'T. AH... AH!"

As might be expected, she was extremely breast sensitive. She writhed helplessly in his arms, pleading and begging.

"You see, they're so big, I feel so, sooooo much when anyone ohhh, haaaa, you're biting... ahhh, please, oh please..."

He transferred up to her velvet lips and kissed her, driving a hot tongue inside to ravage her wetness. Her punished nipple now received a hot kneading with the warmth and smoothness of his saliva.

"Oh, ha, heeee. Now, you're kissing me and I... I..."

Her loins started to buck. A dark stain appeared at her crotch, as her thrilled cunt expressed its lubricant ecstasy.

She jerked free of Cord with a massive effort and stood up, half nude, a gorgeous sight in her distress and confusion. "Oh, I just can't allow this, Mr. Bannister. "It's too MECHANICAL with suits, penises in plastic and microwaves."

"I'll take off my suit."

"NO, NO! I have to go."

Cord felt anger. The woman's husband cheated on her with a young coed, making her flee to the bigger city to get sex revenge. But she'd only dipped her toe in the water and wanted to flee. Like Andy, she was so sex shy that she was almost impossible. He wanted to test the effects on his suit, on her. In fact, she was a much better subject than Marsha, who'd been ready, willing and able.

"Before you go, let me at least revive Andy and run a test."

"Absolutely not!"

She made the mistake of diving for her bra. Cord seized her half-nude torso and flung her face down on the bed. He was not given to badgering unwilling females into sex, but this was impossible. SHE wanted IT, she was available and hot, yet some stubborn morality wanted to cheat her.

"I can't let you miss your adventure," he grunted. He put a knee in her back and peeled off her suit the rest of the way along with her panties, exposing her bare ass, graceful back thighs and legs. She was built, all the way down.

"Oh, my goodness, you... you," she sputtered.

She squirmed but without conviction. That part of her that was turned on wanted to lose. Sure now that her desires were high and hot and she needed a firm hand, he boldly dug his hand between her legs to feel her cunt.

"AH, HOOOOO!" she went, bucking up, her eyes staring. The insolence of the invasion of her private parts made her quiver. "Oh, you CAN'T do this to meeeee!"

Her cunt was swollen and it was rich with her lubricating oils. She practically sucked his fingers into a wet, tight and hot girl passage.

"Fuck my hand," he commanded.

"Oh, how can you use such language. Please don't..."

She suddenly fucked furiously on his fingers, gasping and then burst into tears.

"Your using meeee," she wailed.

Still frigging her cunt, Cord leaned down beside her on the bed so that he could put his mouth close to her ear. His voice was so low that it couldn't be heard a foot away.

"I want to fuck you, I'm crazy to fuck you, stick my hard, hungry cock deep in your cunt, make you scream with pleasure, squeeze your sexy tits, ride your soft ass... drive you, fuck you blind..."

He knew the special value of dirty words and wild exageration to a person who never used them and tried to avoid foolish emotion.

"I don't give a shit about the suit," he went on. "I never did. I just want to ream your cunt, because underneath all that veneer you're a barnyard bawdy bitch with a wild, rutting cunt, crazy to burn off a forest of hard pricks."

"Oh," she wept, "oh, oh, oh."

As the harsh, hot words burned into her brain, she bucked her belly faster and faster on his fingers. He didn't dare take time to even turn her over. He flung her legs apart, got between them and introduced his cock to her crotch in dog-fashion.

He came up over her body, hugging her nudeness to him, relishing the soft curves of her back and buttocks.

"You're so luscious," he gasped, "I don't care whether I put it in your sexy asshole or your cunt."

"You... you're sooo foul-mouthed," she said. He didn't know if she was complaining or admiring him. Probably her professor husband forbid dirty language and she enjoyed the temporary freedom.

He found her cunt. He was wild to dig it into her ripe body. He violated her, but if he had any doubts they vanished as her wet, hot sex tunnel seemed to suck in his prick as she moaned.

"I... I DOING ITTTT!" she cried.

"We're doing itttttt!" he confirmed. With the suit turned on to its most stimulating effects, it sent heavenly friction thrills singing into his shaft, and at the same time it gave hot messages to her cunt, to excite her sex network.

"Hahhhhoooooooo... take off the suit," she begged.


"Don't want mechanical... please take off suit."'

"I want YOU!" she cried.

It was a woman's statement. Even as he went half mad with the delight of driving into her guts, he made a note to remember that. Have to solve that problem!

Andy, on the other side of the big bed, watched them with dulled-down eyes. He was just coming out of his pleasure stupor. Cord managed to notice that Andy was hard again. His suit was still on, stimulating his glands to hasten a new batch of jism. The ultrasonic cleaner had already powered his last ejaculation and whisked it away. Cord thrilled to think that when he finished with Erica, Andy could have another shot. Maybe the lad would be cooled down enought to have a good shot the second time, inside her cunt and lasting a while.

"I take off... suit, ah, ah, just before... we come," said Cord, as Erica fussed again about his dress.

"Want different position," she told him, humping greedily under him, her rounded, full ass giving him a delightful feeling of mastery as her buttocks flexed to his drive.

"Erica," he cried.

Maybe the professor had a reason for taking up with the coed. Maybe Erica was just a little picky about things. Nothing satisfied her.


"If we stop, you'll try to escape," he told her.

"No, no."

He preferred the girl facing him anyway. Reluctantly he broke out of the magnificent, cream friction, turned her over to face him, and he tore off the top part of his suit. He spred her legs to resume.

"I'd better rest a minute," she said, trying to close her legs.

He snarled at her. He jerked open her legs, got into her saddle and quicky fucked up again into that hot, eager cunt.

"Me you don't turn on and off like a light bulb," he said.

"You still have the suit on," she protested.

"How do you know?"

"It feels so good."

It was the first and only time in his life Cord could remember having sex with a woman who nagged even as he and she plunged. It was really weird.

"The suit stays," he said firmly. "I want to fuck you with it on to see what it feels like to me. To you."

She had drawn her legs up to curl around his back, locking them together in delightful tightness. Her face was moist and her eyes began to bug.

"I THINK I GO!" she sang.

He felt disappointed. In this new position on top of her, he had a shot at her glorious tits and her soft petal lips in French kissing. But the signals from the suit had done for her. She began to strain and whimper.

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