Duplicate Lovers - Cover

Duplicate Lovers


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - In a futuristic 1990, a lab decides to make a robot that has a male penis, that is expandable in length and girth, and a female robot that is made for pleasure only

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Coercion   Lesbian   Science Fiction   Robot   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   Orgy   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

It was not the greatest position in the world from which to do rational thinking. Nancy's robot rocked his prick in and out of her now, happily using up that overload of energy he had, his sensors activating all the sex reactors he had, sweat glands, deep breathing, flexing muscles, all the rest. A real male in passion could not have been more convincing.

"Sam, Sam... you're so HOT!" complained Nancy. It was almost as if, having his sex with her interrupted that day in the robot lab, when Nelson came in to take over his prick, Big Sam was getting back at her. But she knew that wasn't true.

The robot's fervor told her there was something wrong with one of the machine parts.

"Sam. STOP. You're g-g-going too hard!" cried Nancy.

Her vagina had really swelled and wetted for this vigorous ride. She would never let a real man ride her so hard. She felt deep belly thrills that threatened to sweep her away, and she didn't like to be swept away in sex. Yet for the moment until she figured out what was wrong, there was nothing she could do except take hot love from her own machine, twisting and tossing, moaning like a silly girl under the determined drive of that seemingly eager prick.

It was machine comfortable for Big Sam. If he could use up energy like this he could avoid flare out. His sensors became aware of Nancy's big breasts pressing his chest. He got his hands under her naked back and forced up her torso. His mouth closed on her hard nipples. He was built so that each sex act - kissing, sucking breasts, even caressing nude skin used up more of his energy. His attack on her breasts was most logical to him.

Nancy, the cool engineer, had always been a little ashamed of her luscious breasts. She wanted men to turn on to her mind, not her body, so she discouraged fondling of her beauties. She always told herself she wasn't breast sensitive.

Having the robot gobble and lick and suck on her nipples with such fervor was another matter. She couldn't stop him and she felt great streaks of weakness, of delight, of girlish heat and pleasure flash down her body.

"Oh, Sam, DON'T!" she wailed.

She was being raped by her own robot, a ridiculous proposition. Yet there was nothing ridiculous about the magnificent sex rushes that she had to feel suffusing her body. Her belly and her tits were positively on fire.

"You're TAKING me," she whimpered, temporarily dazed out of her thinking mind.

"Oh, I love you," he responded between caresses on her nipples.

She arched up, moaning. He was certainly going to bring her. Maybe the best thing to do was to let him fulfill his run and explode in her at which point he should automaticlly go still for a while.

She caught his drumming, naked buttocks, relishing the sexy feel of those flexing wonders. What fabulous loin action she'd given him. She felt down in his crack. She found his sphincter button and pressed it.

"Ah, Ho! Goiiing!" he sang.

His spurts shot heavily into her cunt, exciting her even more. She clearly felt the cock expand and shots of a body-hot load deep in her and she got that vulnerable, fucked feeling she feared so much.

"Oh, Sam," she cried.

Gung, gung, gung. He spent it off with powerful shots.

She was half way to orgasm herself now. Maybe it wasn't so bad - she had to have this robot sex some time. Still, it bothered her that she did not have control of him.

She waited for him to go still after his explosion. He did not. No sooner had he spent the last of his jism shots into her than he resumed his hot plunging.


"I love it," he said.

"I know you love it, honey. But you - you're k-k-killing meeee!"

That wasn't quite true. She was getting thoroughly and honestly fucked like most females in the nation by their lovers, but she didn't want to play the submissive female.

This time he moved up to her mouth drawn by this new source of energy expending. She found herself taking hot French kisses with his tongue plunged into her mouth and, it seemed, halfway down her throat.

She just had to succumb. There was no way she could resist the hot action from Big Sam. Locked in his arms with those succulent kisses rained upon her and his wild prick digging in and out of her cunt, she was overwhelmed. How great her belly felt. Her cunt sang with rich pleasure and the good feelings crept throughout her body as she began to strain up and revel in that rush to orgasm.

"I... going to have... to do it," she cried in distress. Big Sam had her going as well as Nelson had the other day - and why not - it was that magic prick that did it!

"Ah, hoo, ah, ah, ah," she went as she climbed up the high hill to exquisite pleasure. She began to whimper as the plunging rod drove her right to orgasmic paralysis.

"OH, OH, OH," she went.

There came that doubtful moment when one did not want to give up voluntary control of the body to the sublime feeling, then she galzed into her pre-orgasm freeze.

"AHHHH, SOOOO GOOOOD," she gasped.

She came up, hard to his loins, wanting the friction wounding of his prick at this point, grunting like a bitch animal and shivering to get off her womanhood. The robot took it.

Throb, throb, throb. Her belly began to convulse in sheer, sexy delight, making her pay off hot quakes of taken girlhood, squeezing on the thrusting rod.

"Oh, luscious," Big Sam said, trained to recognize female orgasm.

"Ah, he, uh, uh, uh," she went. She felt both proud that her invention was so sexy and shy to think she could be turned into a rutting animal just like any other female. There was no stopping that rich orgasm, the second such mind-blower that she'd had from this blade.

"Let it go. Enjoy," Big Sam encourage her.

"Oh, I am. I AM," she squealed. It did feel so very great to throb off her hot desire in scorching pleasure against the powerful blade, and fulfill her animal self. Maybe she was going to run into a loving, orgasmic female through the good graces of her machine!

At last she tapered, still marveling at how well Big Sam took his female through her orgasm. No mistakes there. At last she fell back, thoroughly fucked out for the moment. Big Sam continued to work on her, reaming in and out. Fortunately, she was desensitized for the moment and could think clearly for a short period.

"Energy. The GOVERNOR!" she cried.

But how could that be? No one EVER removed the governor from Big Sam. Yet the way he acted, using up his power source so he wouldn't flare out, would explain why he ignored voice commands.

It was no easy task, getting under his arm to pull the little port. Not while the lover robot kept at her. Once she got her fingers inside she knew what it was - she didn't have to look. The governor was gone! Completely gone. Some stupid assistant hadn't checked him before shipping.

She had to get away from him before he whipped up more fuck desire in her body. Once more she pressed his orgasm button, once more she took his rich flood and thrilled and started to get hot. Then came the magic few seconds when he finished his spurts but had not started plunging again.

She gathered all of her strength and jerked free of him, rolling out from under the robot, no easy matter considering his weight. Even with miniaturized circuits and featherweight sensors, he weighed two hundred pounds.

She dived for her boxes of spare parts, located in boxes in one corner of the room. She had to keep moving. Smiling Big Sam in his seductive cycle saw the naked woman as the way to keep expending energy so he followed her. Twice she had to dive away and lead him on a merry chase around the room before she could get back to his equipment boxes and find a spare governor. Then it had to be ripped from its stubborn package.

Before she achieved that she was back in the determined arms of her robot, hugging her and kissing her as his cock dug at her belly and he got ready to take her down for more pleasure right on the floor. Fortunately the hug position exposed the armpit port. She slapped the governor into place, felt it click and shouted, "Stop, Sam!"

He froze at once. Her ordeal, if that's what it was, was over. The excess energy now flowed harmlessly off his extremities so he was comfortable with his machine self.

She flopped on the bed, exhausted, the robot semen running out of her cunt. She'd certainly learned a few things in the field already. The governor system was no good. A small female alone with a large robot who had an energy problem must have an accessible 'disaster' button. On the other hand, a female who really wanted lots of action might prefer a robot in "heavy, manual" instead of the low energy levels where all the sex was supposed to take place up till now. She herself did not like aggressive men and might've built in the mistake of making Big Sam too tame. Nelson and the Board were really right about field testing the units.

She lay there, her cunt slightly aching from the heavy trip, but her whole body was glowing. Suddenly she laughed.

"I was fucked," she said aloud. "I was forced and used a little - and I liked it. I was blameless for all that hot action and got the benefit." For the first time she had an inkling as to why aggressive men were often successful with reluctant women..."

Grace Dowling, Nancy's best friend at Vassar, was the first person that Nancy introduced to her robot. After Vassar, Grace had gone on to a degree in marketing and now held a job with a major New York firm in that field. Nancy, of course, had taken her advanced degree in engineering, so she hadn't seen Grace in a long time. Nevertheless, Grace was still the "ripe-redhead" that she remembered. She was a little more voluptuous now then she had been ten years ago, but still she had a bawdy twinkle in her eyes that made her a good bet to meet Big Sam.

She took Big Sam to Grace's expensive apartment near Central Park and spend the first half-hour admiring the elegance of her friend's living quarters. Both Grace and her husband earned big incomes and they'd splurged on this luxurious place with its revolving walls, floor-recessed furniture that could change any room into a bedroom, a sitting room, or a dining room, depending on which button you pushed and all of the other modern conveniences a luxury apartment could offer.

"Wait till you see the pool," Grace said. "That's our latest gadget and it's a mind- blower."


Nancy looked around in surprise. They were in a huge living room, done in magnificent black and red with rotating pictures on the walls that presented everything from family album photos to old masters. Still it was an ordinary room with no sign of water.

"Wait till you see," said Grace. "Now, show me your surprise."

Nancy showed off Big Sam, dressed, and soon saw that Grace was bored.

"A handsome robot all right," said the redhead. "Still, Kodak has some fabulous machines around New York."

"How about this?" said Nancy. She made Big Sam undress.

Grace gave a slight gasp when the robot reached nudity. Proudly, Nancy marched up to him and pushed the small control that gave him an erection.

Grace stared, her eyes growing large. Suddenly, she burst out laughing.

"Oh, my dear. Just what I'd expect of our engineer-head Nancy, and a bunch of greedy and dirty-minded old men from a vulgar Chicago company. Do you really expect to sell this!"

"What's wrong?" asked Nancy.

"What's wrong my dear, is that poor addled you always did lack sensitivity. There was always something a little masculine about you, Nancy. Now it shows."

"I don't see."

"My dear, No woman would ever buy, or let hubby buy, a machine with a vulgar attachment like that. It's incredibly gross, no matter how handsome he is. You think the average woman would offer herself to a MACHINE? Oh, maybe a few old maids."

Nancy felt a hot blush on her cheeks and a terrible fear in her heart. Grace Dowling was a master at marketing and she knew what would sell and what wouldn't.

"Of course, we'd be subtle about it," stammered the crestfallen Nancy. "We wouldn't exactly put him in a show window with a hard-on."

Grace began to laugh "Might as well. While you're at it, you could hang a sign around his neck. "Had a fuck lately?" That would be gross enough."

"Oh, Grace, you CAN'T mean..."

"Honey," said Grace, "I do." She shook her head, controlling her laughter. "There's no way you can sell a robot with a prick jutting up. Or even a soft one. You'd be laughed out of the country."

"I can't believe..." Nancy felt that someone had hit her behind the head with a two by four. She was stunned.

"Believe it. You see, my dear, you always were a little calloused about love and sex. A true engineer. I'II bet you had a great time measuring and figuring out dimensions."

"Damn it, Grace, the country is ready for it. The penis detaches so the man of the house can wear it, and it helps..."

Grace went into further peals of laughter.

"Oh, CHICAGO," she yipped. "Dear, delicious Chicago. No, you might as well cut him up for salvage. A girl robot for bachelors... maybe. For women, no possibilty. A-C will be laughed out of the country. Women will NOT have sex with machines, no matter how great they do it. Now let me show you my swimming pool."

Nancy sat there, stunned and shattered, tears in her eyes, while the redhead began to press buttons. A catwalk descended from the ceiling, making a four-sided rectangle. Then energy rays shot down from the catwalk to make a huge box-like square, eight feet above the floor. Carpets retracted to show a shiny, hard-surfaced floor of some impenetrable material. Four nozzles rolled down from the ceiling and water began to roar from them. Inside of five minutes Nancy stared at a complete swimming pool right in the middle of the living room. It was eight feet deep with stairs going up to the catwalk which miraculously became a poolside surface, complete with pool furniture. In the last cycle, sun lamps appeared in the ceiling to shine down a mellow, yellow glow on the sparkling water.

"Florida in Ceniral Park," laughed Grace. "Come on, let's put on swimming suits. We'll have a swim before the other girls get here for lunch. Can your robot swim?"

"He can swim," Nancy managed. Anger and shock still possessed her. In her mood, the indoor swimming pool seemed obscene and gross.

"Well, let him paddle about in the water, but for heaven's sake, make him put away that rediculous penis you're so proud of."

Nancy had to bite her lips, as she complied...

From the first moment that Grace emerged in her bikini, the steaming Nancy began to plot revenge. Grace was a sexy little dish at that. She had the cream skin of certain redheads that made her almost shine. She had a pretty face and buttery red curls. She had high, good breasts, a flat tummy and a voluptuous V between two shapely thighs and good legs. Grace, Nancy decided, was any man's target, a real looker.

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