Door-To-Door Salesman - Cover

Door-To-Door Salesman


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Is it true what they say about door-to-door and traveling salesmen? Doug decides to give up the mistress he goes to while he is out traveling as a salesman. Going home to his prude, frigid wife, he discovers that she has been changed to a wanton, seductive, wild nymph by another traveling salesman. Here everyone confesses their sins and pleasures and they live happily-sexually-satisfied thereafter, or do they?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

For a long moment, there was complete silence. Doug made the first move.

"Betty, honey..." he began tentatively, his voice soft and hesitant.

The gentleness of his tone was too much for Betty; she dissolved into tears, her shoulders shaking, her face covered with her hands. In a moment, Doug was beside her, cradling her in his arms.

"There, there, don't cry, baby... it's all right now," he soothed, pulling her to him. Somehow, the knowledge of her infidelity didn't matter quite so much when it was shown in perspective with his own misdemeanor. He knew, deep down, that he had been wrong to berate her over her transgression without mentioning his own, and was also sure that if Selma hadn't come in just then, he would not have revealed his affair to his wife.

But Selma had been the last person he expected to see. He knew she was upset over the ending of their affair, but he never dreamed that she'd go to this length to get revenge. He figured that she must have called the office and found that he had gone home early, and had decided to follow him in the hopes of a confrontation with Betty. But she was probably just as surprised as she was to find Harvey and Jean there as well.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Doug," Betty sobbed, clinging to her husband. Shivers trembled her body and she couldn't stop crying. It had been so terrible the whole encounter. First of all, the shock of being discovered by Doug when she was involved in a lascivious threesome with Harvey and Jean, and then the crowning blow of discovering that Doug had been unfaithful to her, just as she had been to him.

"And I'm sorry, too, baby," Doug said heartfeltedly. "I guess it's all my fault, really," he confessed shamefacedly. "You see, I first met Selma that day when I... when I did that terrible thing to you... that's why I was home so late!"

So that was the reason for his terrible temper, Betty thought, he was feeling guilty!

"But you see," he went on tentatively, "I never would have been interested in Selma if things had been going right between us!"

"I know," Betty agreed, "and a lot of the fault is mine, too. I see that now!"

"You do?" Doug said disbelievingly.

"Yes, and it took Harvey to point it out to me..."

"What's that son of a bitch got to do with it?" Doug raged defensively.

Betty laughed, feeling some of the strain melting away from her.

"I'm glad to see you're jealous... that you still have some feeling left for me!"

"How can you say that... if you only knew how I felt when I walked in and saw you... sucking that bastard's cock!"

"I do know," Betty insisted, "after all, Selma was pretty honest about your relationship."

It was Doug's turn to feel embarrassed.

"It's all right, darling." Betty said soothingly. "I can understand why you got involved with her. I wasn't much fun for you, frigid as I was!"

"Well, you weren't..." Doug protested, not knowing what to say.

"Don't worry, I realize now what an idiot I've been," Betty smiled. "To tell the truth, I don't know how you put up with me these two years. But all that's changed now, thank goodness--and Harvey!"

She saw her husband's face darkening and put out a restraining hand.

"Now don't go getting uptight about Harvey. Whether or not you know it, you owe him a debt of gratitude."

"What! Gratitude for--"

"For making a woman out of your childish wife!" Betty finished firmly.

"It certainly makes a man feel like shit when he finds out that his wife has to go to another guy to get satisfaction!" Doug said bitterly, turning away.

"But don't you understand, darling," Betty insisted, "for some goofy reason, I just couldn't let myself go with you. I needed the jolt of an illicit affair to set my wheels in motion."

"How's that?" Doug questioned suspiciously.

"Oh, I don't rightly know," Betty replied honestly. "I just know that it works. And as far as I'm concerned, that's the main thing. How or why doesn't mean a damn!"

Doug had to admit that she was right. Of course, it irked him to think that he had failed to arouse her completely, and that she had responded fully for the first time to a complete stranger. But he knew he'd get over that in time. As she said, the main thing was that she was finally released from her prison of prudery, and was free to be exactly what she was--a fully liberated woman. But a nagging doubt remained. Suppose she only responded with Harvey... or some other man. Suppose things were just the same between them? What then?

"Betty, why don't..." he began, wondering if he should suggest what he had in mind. But Betty seemed preoccupied with the sounds coming from the next room.

"Let's go tell the others we've made up," she said happily, leading him towards the bedroom, completely oblivious to the fact that she was stark naked. Quite a change from the Betty I used to know, Doug smiled to himself as he followed her. He decided to hedge his plan of trying out whether the transformation that had come over his wife applied to making love with him as well, and go along with what she wanted.

She threw open the door of the bedroom, and then stopped short. Doug, too, gave a gasp of surprise as he stared at the lewd goings-on on the bed.

Another lascivious threesome had formed, Doug saw, with once more, Harvey taking a leading role in events. He was skewering wildly between Selma's widespread legs, while Jean was astride the blonde's face, her legs wrapped around her shimmering, golden head. He experienced a momentary stab of jealousy as he saw that Harvey had monopolized Selma--first his wife, and now his mistress--but as he watched, he was aware of a curious feeling of excitement. It was a far different feeling than that he had felt when he had discovered Betty sucking Harvey's cock, but this was different. Betty and he were reconciled, and he could look on this new development with something approaching composure. Not that he was likely to feel that for long, for already he could discern that his prick was beginning to grow along his leg, pressing against the confining fabric of his pants.

Betty was watching the scene with avid interest. She couldn't help feeling disconcerted by the sight of Selma's lovely golden body, her flesh soft and buttery. Her husband's mistress was beautiful, without a doubt. And obviously, Harvey thought so too. Betty could see the familiar length of his lust-inflated shaft pumping rhythmically in and out of the clasping wet tunnel of the teenager's eagerly receptive cunt, and Betty could just barely catch a glimpse of the moistly gleaming pinkness as Harvey withdrew. Jean, too, was obviously enraptured by the newcomer. Her head was thrown back, her hard, upswept breasts pointed and excited. The muscles in her thighs were standing out like whipcord as she maintained her thigh-grip on Selma's buried face and bounced up and down incessantly as shivers of pleasure stabbed at her tingling pussy.

Betty's eyes traveled back to her lover, an saw that his hands were clutched convulsively onto Selma's gleaming gold skin, holding her inexorably in place. His body was bathed in perspiration and he didn't even seem to notice that Jean was also getting her share of fun from Selma. He continued to fuck mercilessly between the long, tapering legs which were now curling around his lower back in a possessive gesture, and Betty could see the flexing and unflexing of his hirsute buttocks as he drove his thick, hard shaft to the hilt between the softly swollen flanges of Selma's openly throbbing cunt.

He raised her pelvis a few inches off the bed from the force of his tremendous thrusts, and Betty could see the sperm-laden sac of his balls dangling lewdly beneath his pile-driving cock. She was surprised that she didn't feel any jealousy as she watched the lust-inciting scene. She actually didn't mind watching her lover fuck her husband's mistress. Certainly the sight excited her, but it didn't make her envious. She had Doug back again and he was all she wanted. Turning her head slightly, she was aware that her husband was sidling over towards her. A quick glance downwards told her that he was aroused by the lascivious scene as well. She could see the growing protuberance of his burgeoning cock, pushing against his pants, and with a swift movement, she brushed her hand lightly over it.

"Oh God, honey, don't do that!" Doug hissed between passion- clenched teeth.

"Why not, baby?" Betty smiled, pressuring the swollen organ once more with her sensitive fingertips. "It's big and hard, isn't it..." she mused, her eyes half-closing.

Doug stared at her in amazement. He could hardly believe that she was talking this way, let alone touching his cock in that provocative gesture. He stared hard at her face and was astonished at what he saw mirrored there. Desire was written all over her lovely smooth features. Desire... but who was it for! His heart pounding painfully, he looked questioningly at her.

"Ooohhhh... get naked, honey... quick!" she gasped, her fingers tightening around the throbbing hardness of his erect prick.

Doug could hardly believe his ears. He stared uncomprehendingly at his wife, afraid that he had misunderstood her.

"Oh baby, let's fuck..." she pleaded, her eyes full of longing.

Doug needed no second urging. His hands began to tear at his clothes, pulling off his shirt, ripping down his pants. He was urged on by the lewd, sibilant sounds coming from the bed where Selma, Harvey and Jean were thrashing around in an obscene tangle of sucking and fucking. His blood-swollen penis leaped up happily when he freed it from the confines of his trousers, and his heart gave a painful thud when he saw Betty's eyes lighted on it, widening with interest and excitement.

In a moment, he made a wild rush at her, lunging towards her with all the tremendous intensity of his desire. He caught her in a tight bear hug, knocking her off balance and they both tumbled to the floor, unaware of everything but the heated, passionate closeness of their bodies.

He ground his mouth down on hers in a demanding kiss, and was thrilled when her lips parted obediently to admit his probing tongue. Her own wet tongue fenced and swirled around his lewdly dabbing tongue, whipping up a froth of their mutual saliva. Her arms tightened around his neck and she clung to him, her body straining eagerly against his. He could feel the hardness of her turgid little nipples digging into his chest, and she flexed the hair-covered mound of her vaginal "vee" against the nudging shaft of his palpitating cock.

From across the room, they could hear the mounting moans of pleasure, and knew that the trio were near to climaxing. Somehow, the knowledge of the crescendoing of excitement only a few feet away from them spurred on their own, and Betty's thighs parted of their own volition in obvious invitation to her lust-maddened husband. Immediately, he guided the huge, blood-bloated head towards the small quivering opening to her body, and placed against the delicate flesh.

For a moment, he held it there, savoring the fragile, almost ephemeral contact between her soft feminine vagina and the throbbing hardness of his heated male cock, and then he couldn't hold back any longer. He would know soon if his worst fears were to be realized. He would discover if Betty could respond to him as completely as she did to Harvey. Drawing in his breath, he placed a hand on either of her soft, quivering inner thighs and drew them further apart, revealing the full pink moist slit of her waiting pussy.

Then he surged forward with all the strength that was in his desire-driven body.

"Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh... Ohhhhhh..." Betty wailed as she felt the giant instrument cleave through the futilely resisting cuntal sheath, and forge its way into the darkness of her moistly giving vaginal depths. But Doug, driven on by a lust-maddened demon that was guiding his instinct, ignored her moans and continued to saw relentlessly into the clinging passage.

"... uuugggghhhhhhnnnn..."

Another painful inch.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh... uuummmppphhhh..."

And then, he was in!

"Oh God, you're too big!" Betty gasped, hardly able to breathe. She felt completely stuffed with her husband's big, thick cock, and it seemed to be expanding inside her with every passing second. She was sure it would explode from the tight restricting pressure of her still-resisting cuntal channel.

Doug held it there for a moment, and then, slowly began to withdraw. Her smooth inner membrane was dry and unyielding and pulled out painfully as he exited, and when just the burgeoning head was still tightly imbedded in the squirming orifice, he plunged forward again, ramming it in with full force. He ignored the feeble resistance and sunk his pounding cock right to the hilt in her helpless little belly.

Without waiting, he began to establish a rhythmic sawing in and out, holding his wife firmly by the hips. He drove into her with deep hard strokes, hitting bottom each time, his heavy, churning balls slapping lewdly against the upraised crevice of her softly rounded backside, and then withdrawing smoothly until just the hard rubbery head was still buried between her splayed thighs.

Her eager, grasping pussy finally began to lubricate, allowing his pistoning cock to slip in and out with greater ease. As she became more accustomed to his enormous girth, her hips took on a gentle undulation of their own as they began to respond to the familiar movement. She began to grind her buttocks down into the floor, flexing her tingling cunt upward to receive her husband's instroke. Her full, voluptuous breasts were quivering, the nipples hard and erect. Her head was thrown back wantonly, her flame-colored hair framing her lust-wreathed face like a blazing halo. Her arms reached up and wrapped themselves around his neck, and she bucked against him with increasing rhythm, matching her thrashing with his frantic pounding.

"Ooooohhhhh... Oh God yessss..." she gasped through desire- clenched teeth as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her, wearing away the grittiness of any resistance she might have left to her husband's fucking.

Doug was in seventh heaven. This was beyond his wildest dreams. Betty was responding to him in a way he had never imagined possible. But he had often daydreamed about something like this happening, but had never thought that it would be anything but a dream. And now... he could hardly believe that the beautiful, sensually aroused woman, flailing and twisting around wantonly beneath him, was his wife! His prudish, frigid wife! Well, that Betty was gone, that was obvious. She was truly liberated, just like she said, and she had made him the happiest man in the world. After this, he would never need another Selma again--Betty was definitely enough for him!

Betty was carried away into a world of her own. Her body was afire with pleasurable sensations, and her brain was alight with joy. She was fucking Doug, and for the very first time in her life, deriving full, total enjoyment from it. It was fabulous! Far, far better than she had ever imagined, and much better than with Harvey. Now that the shame and fear of the confrontation had passed away, Betty was glad that it had happened. Otherwise, things might have gone on the way they were going indefinitely, and their marriage might have been irretrievably wrecked. But thank goodness, things had come to a head and now she and Doug were free to enjoy each other to the fun.

Engrossed in her thoughts, and riding the crest of her mounting pleasure, Betty failed to notice that there was a new movement on the floor beside her. She gasped in surprise when she felt an alien hand on her hip, and wondered with a pang of panic who it could be. She realized then that the sounds from the bed had ceased and knew that they must have climaxed. But who was crouched beside her now? She could hear the heavy breathing, and had a moment of fear. Was it Selma, come to separate her from her husband? Then, just when she was about to make an effort to discover who had joined them, a voice whispered in her ear.

"Betty! Betty! It's me, Harvey!"

Harvey! Oh God, what was he doing here?

His hands were racing over her body, trailing over her hips, pulling and kneading at her buttocks.

"Roll over, honey, don't forget Harvey!" he leered, his voice rasping, and Betty froze with fear. What did he mean? What would Doug say? Before she had time to think any further, she found herself being shifted, pulled over sideways, and then she found herself astride her husband, his charging cock still pile-driving into the darkness of her hungrily receptive cunt.

Betty still couldn't figure what was going on. Harvey was still stroking and caressing her, but Doug didn't seem to mind. Now his hands were fondling the flaccid half-moons of her ass, straining the soft pliant mounds apart, pressuring the crevice of her backside almost beyond belief. She didn't know what to think. What was Harvey doing? Why didn't he leave her alone with her husband? And then she drew in her breath with a sobbing gasp when she felt the illicit probing of his finger at her secret anus.

"AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH..." she cried out with sudden vehemence when with brutal strength, Harvey rammed his middle finger forward and inserted the tip into the tightly clenched sphincter. Oblivious to her pain, he continued to burrow it into the rubbery giving passage, forcing it in to the first knuckle. Tears of agony started to Betty's eyes and desperately she tried to wriggle her cruelly sundered ass to dislodge the unwanted intruder but her frantic movements only seemed to encourage the penetrating digit to enter further. For a few second more, Harvey rotated it inside the clinging sheath and then mercifully withdrew it, leaving Betty consumed with relief.

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