Door-To-Door Salesman - Cover

Door-To-Door Salesman


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Is it true what they say about door-to-door and traveling salesmen? Doug decides to give up the mistress he goes to while he is out traveling as a salesman. Going home to his prude, frigid wife, he discovers that she has been changed to a wanton, seductive, wild nymph by another traveling salesman. Here everyone confesses their sins and pleasures and they live happily-sexually-satisfied thereafter, or do they?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Doug felt strangely nervous as he pulled up in the driveway, and the sight of the strange car did nothing to soothe his apprehension. It was three days since he had broken off with Selma, and he had decided to make a real effort to patch things up with Betty. But she seemed so busy lately. She didn't come home until late in the evening the first two days, and last night, she had been so moody and preoccupied that he hardly dared broach the subject.

A definite change had come over her, and Doug just couldn't figure out what it was. It certainly wasn't just her new job or the new clothes she bought. She just seemed like a different woman. More mature, and more sensual somehow. But what was the use of this dynamic new change if she persisted in ignoring him? So he had determined to take the afternoon off from work and try to get to the bottom of things. He figured that she'd be at home this afternoon, and after they had solved the problems that lay between them, he'd take her out to dinner.

He had decided that he wouldn't mention his affair with Selma, not right now, anyway. He didn't think that Betty would understand, and it might make her distrustful of him. No, far better wait until their relationship was well and truly cemented again. He didn't recognize the automobile in the driveway, but shrugging, decided that it probably belonged to a girlfriend of Betty's. Whoever owned it, he just hoped she didn't stay too long. He had plenty to say to his wife--in private.

Letting himself in the back door, he was surprised at how silent the house was. He felt sure he would be greeted by feminine laughter and the tinkling of coffee cups.

"Betty?" he called softly, wondering where she was. A quick glance out at the backyard convinced him she wasn't there. Then he heard it. A low, almost indiscernible moan. And it seemed to be coming from the livingroom! The door was closed and Doug hurried over to it. His hand grasping the handle, he hesitated. Had he imagined it? Maybe Betty was in there, having a private discussion with one of her friends. He'd look foolish if he stalked in there. But there it was again! That muffled moan, almost a sob, that seemed as if someone was almost in pain!

And then, Doug felt as if he had been turned to stone when a loud, impassioned voice rang out clearly.

"Oh God, Harvey, keep licking my cunt like that! It's driving me crazy!"

The blood drained from his face and he stared in unadulterated horror at the still-closed door. Who was in there, and who had called out like that? Certainly it wasn't Betty--he'd know her voice anywhere. But who was it? Strangers who had broken in and who were now lewdly fornicating in his living room?

Doug had to know. He had to find out what was going on. Firmly turning the handle, he pushed open the door to his livingroom and stepped inside.

His mouth hung open in undisguised horror and his eyes seemed to glaze with disbelief as he stared at the lascivious sight that met his incredulous gaze. For a long moment, he had difficulty untangling the maze of wet, naked writhing bodies on the floor. He didn't recognize the dark-haired woman who was stretched out, naked and flat on her back, her legs obscenely spread to allow a stranger, a man he'd never seen to grovel lewdly between them. But he had no difficulty recognizing the long slender alabaster body stretched out half-way down the length of the stranger's rangy frame. The tawny red hair was unmistakable, but he had never seen a look like the one that wreathed her face as her lips ovalled around the thickly pulsating shaft of the penis that was sunk halfway into her mouth. It was Betty, his wife, who was sucking the stranger's cock!

Doug's head was reeling in disbelief. He just couldn't believe that his wife, Betty, was actually taking part in this wanton threesome. That she was actually licking and sucking another man's cock while that man slavered and kissed some other woman's pussy. He just couldn't believe it!

He stared in horrified fascination at the salacious scene. The dark-haired woman seemed transported with ecstasy, and he could see the wet, pulsating furrow of her pink slit gleaming under the deft strokes of the stranger's tongue. Her face was masked with pure lust, and her hands were tangled in the man's hair, pushing his face harder down against the burning, writhing flesh of her lust-demented pussy.

Doug's disbelieving eyes traveled down the length of the lascivious human sex-chain, and came to rest again on the heavy, blood-inflated rod that was pumping lewdly between his wife's rounded lips. Her eyes were half-closed and there was a look of unadulterated pleasure on her face as she continued to move her shapely lips up and down the length of the pulsating hardness rammed between them. Her hand was cradling the heavy, sperm- bloated testicles with a loving gesture, while her other hand was embedded firmly in the nest of dark pubic curls at the base. She was kneading with a rhythmic squeezing on the squirming scrotum, completely engrossed in her obscene task.

Doug's head swam with his incredulous emotions. Nothing had prepared him for the shock of seeing his wife like this. The actual fact of her infidelity still hardly registered with his numbed brain and he was almost sure that at any moment he would wake up and find gratefully that it was all just a bad dream.

Who was this man whose cock she was sucking; And who was this other woman who was displaying her vagina so openly to be kissed by the man? Doug continued to stare at the nightmare scene. He wanted to run over there and tear them apart, stop this disgusting act that was going on in his own living room.

But he couldn't! He was rooted to the spot, immobilized by mingled disgust and incredulity. He was mesmerized by the rhythmic suckings that were transpiring a few feet away from his amazed eyes, and his ears were filled with the lewd, wet, slavering sounds. The three naked bodies were intertwined completely and seemed to undulate with a single, overwhelming tremor. Words of rage and horror choked in his throat as he stood there, staring, powerless to do anything else.

"Ooooohhhhh... I'm going to cum!"

The dark-haired woman called out suddenly and Doug stared as her entire body stiffened, and her back arched up off the floor. Her head was thrown back and her hands were like claws digging convulsively into the man's tossed hair. And then, she was shook with a hundred tiny spasms and Doug thought he could see every nerve ending quivering. Loud passionate moans rent the air as she ground her buttocks down on the floor and forced the desire- demented plane of her fiery pussy against the frantically licking tongue that was gallantly burrowing into the viscous tunnel of her cunt.

Doug thought, not without sympathy, that the stranger would surely suffocate from the tight grip her thighs held on his face, and his nose and mouth seemed to be completely covered by the streaming, pink flesh. At last, the desperate pounding grew less and Doug saw her release the man's head, and she finally lay back, obviously completely satiated and exhausted on the floor. The man's face was moist and flushed, but Doug saw something else there, too. Hi visage was masked with passion, and it was obvious that he was almost ready to climax as well. Then the enormity of what was about to happen assailed Doug. He was going to cum in his wife's mouth! His hands doubled into fists and an angry red blush crimsoned his face. But just as he was about to rush over and stop this revolting travesty, the man's voice halted him.

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