Door-To-Door Salesman - Cover

Door-To-Door Salesman


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Is it true what they say about door-to-door and traveling salesmen? Doug decides to give up the mistress he goes to while he is out traveling as a salesman. Going home to his prude, frigid wife, he discovers that she has been changed to a wanton, seductive, wild nymph by another traveling salesman. Here everyone confesses their sins and pleasures and they live happily-sexually-satisfied thereafter, or do they?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Novel-Pocketbook  

Doug knew he was driving recklessly, but still he didn't slow down. He was beginning to be sorry that he had ever met Selma, and the one drink they had had together was a disaster. He knew that most of the fault was his. Somehow, he just couldn't bring himself to unwind. Nothing but platitudes came into his head, and things weren't helped by the fact that Selma herself was relaxed and carefree. Instead of helping to loosen him up, it only made him more uptight. It was because he was guilty, he knew. He couldn't help wondering what Betty would think if she knew he had taken a gorgeous young blonde out for a drink after work. Worse still, what would she say if she knew that the lovely teenager was really interested in him? Because, the fact was, in spite of his being tongue-tied, Selma didn't bother to hide the fact that she found him attractive. He'd have to be a fool not to notice, and the knowledge filled him with mixed feelings.

Even though she was quiet and motionless now in the passenger seat beside him, Doug was acutely aware of her presence. The thought that a beautiful young girl like Selma was interested in him, or even found him attractive, gave him a secret thrill of pleasure, but he also found himself filled with foreboding. Just why, he couldn't say. He knew that he found her attractive--in fact, she was one of the loveliest girls he'd ever seen--and in the end, he had to admit to himself that he was afraid. Afraid of what might happen, afraid of his own feelings and desires, and afraid of what Betty would think if she ever found out.

Not that there's any likelihood of anything happening, he thought bitterly, glancing out of the corner of his eye at the striking profile of the young blonde teenager. She can't wait to get home; otherwise she'd have accepted another drink...

Doug was completely sunk in his depressed thoughts, and he didn't notice the sudden choking sounds that were coming from the engine. The first thing he realized was that the car was slowly grinding to a halt.

"What the hell..." he swore as it came to a complete standstill.

"Maybe you're out of gas?" Selma suggested helpfully.

But Doug knew he wasn't and a quick glance at the gas gauge confirmed that it was half full. Desperately, he tried the starter again, but the sputtering sound was ominous.

"What a place to break down!" he muttered as he looked out on the dark, lonely road. "We must be miles away from anywhere!"

"I think... I think the nearest gas station is about two miles away," Selma said in a small voice. "I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault," Doug assured her. "If it didn't happen here, it'd happen somewhere else!"

"If you hadn't decided to drive me home..." Selma said again, her voice catching.

"Don't worry about that, Selma. Is there a phone near here?"

Selma shook her head. "No, the nearest one is at the gas station!"

"Well, it looks as if I'll have to walk there and get a guy to come back with me!" Doug said, feeling irritated.

This is what happens when a guy tries to date a girl on the sly, he told himself angrily. Out loud, he called to Selma. "You should be all right here. Just get in the back seat and lock the doors. I won't be long!"

Before he could hear her reply, he got out of the car and then decided to have a quick look under the hood. Luckily, he had a flashlight with him, and he peered into the mysterious darkness of the engine. Almost a novice at mechanics, he couldn't make anything of the motor, and slammed down the top again.

You've got a nice long walk for your trouble now, old buddy, he told himself and turned in the direction Selma had told him. But he was suddenly arrested by a heartfelt cry.

"Doug! Doug! Don't leave me!"

What the hell's the matter now? he thought angrily as he turned back towards the car.

"Selma! What's wrong?" he asked, opening the back door and looking in.

"Don't leave me here alone! I'm afraid!" she whispered, and her voice sounded as if she had been crying.

"But nothing will happen to you and I won't be long!" he assured her.

"Let me come with you!" she begged, her voice soft and pleading.

"But if you come, you'll only slow us down. I intend to run most of the way!"

"B-But I can't stay here! I'm... I'm scared to death!" her cry ended on a sob and Doug eased himself into the back seat beside her. He just couldn't go off and leave her alone, crying and frightened.

"Now Selma, don't cry. There's nothing to be frightened of. I'll be back soon and then I'll take you home." he soothed, placing his arm reassuringly around her shoulder. Within moments, she was clinging to him and he could feel her slender frame shaking as she pleaded with him.

"We can stay here in the car until someone comes! There's bound to be people passing by, on their way back from the shopping center at Forest Circle!"

"This road looks as deserted as hell to me! We haven't seen an automobile on it yet!" Doug said severely, wondering how he was going to extricate himself from the mess he was in. It was obvious he couldn't leave Selma by herself in the car, but on the other hand, if she went with him, it might be hours before they got on the road again. Her body felt so small and vulnerable in the crook of his arm and he knew that she was really terrified at the prospect of being left alone. Maybe the best thing would be to bring her along, regardless of how long it would take.

After all, he couldn't sit here all night trying to persuade her.

"Okay, Selma," he began, but he was suddenly cut off as she moved still closer to him and in a moment, her lips were grazing along his jawline, trailing hot, moist kisses in an excruciating path to the fullness of his lips. She was kissing him!

For a long moment, he was immobilized with surprise, but then as the ripe warmth of her lips pressed hungrily against his, he found himself responding eagerly, grinding his mouth down against hers, his arms tightening around her in a powerful embrace.

A surge of pleasure thrilled through him as he felt the soft pliancy of her body, and then her tongue darted into his mouth. It slipped past his teeth and began to fence and twist around his own still dormant organ, whipping up a froth of saliva as it swirled around in his mouth. His head felt light and dizzy and his lips felt as if they were glued to Selma's softly yielding mouth. Instinctively, he lowered his hand and circled tightly the palpitating mound of her breast beneath her light blouse. He could feel the hardening arousal of her nipple as it leaped gladly under the caressing pressure of his hand, and, gaining in courage, he lowered his searching fingers still lower. He drew in his breath sharply when they came into contact with the gently quivering flesh of her thigh, soft and tender under the shiny encasement of her stockings.

"Oh Doug..." she whispered softly, her voice warm and exciting.

But her words brought him to his senses. He wanted to go on like this, kissing and stroking her, but he couldn't. He might go too far...

"Look, Selma, we'd better..." he began lamely.

"We'd better what?" she teased, and he could only just make out her face in the dim light of the back seat. They were like two people marooned on a strange island, insulated from the rest of the world in the back seat. The knowledge of their solitude frightened him, and at the same time excited him. Doug could hear her breathing, shallow and rapid, and the almost tentative touch of her fingertips on his thigh.

"Selma, we can't... the car..." he choked, not knowing what to say. But then, her long fingers crawled excitingly upward and suddenly came into searing contact with the throbbing flesh of his pounding cock.

"Oh God, Selma..." he rasped, hardly able to bear it as his rapidly palpitating cock began to grow with lustful intensity, swelling under the gently caressing strokes of her hand. Already it was straining against the material of his pants, and his hands had tightened like vises around the girl's trembling shoulders. He thought he'd go mad from the excruciating pressure when he heard the unmistakable whir of the zipper of his fly and then, his liberated penis leaped joyfully upward, a hard, pulsating rod of flesh. Almost immediately, Selma's fingers tightened around it, exerting exquisite pressure on the tingling surface. She ran her sensitive fingertips up and down the pulsing length of it, making Doug grit his teeth with overwhelming passion.

"Mmmmm... it feels nice and hard already..." Selma crooned, still stroking and caressing the lust-maddened shaft unbearably.

"Selma... what do you think you're doing?" he gasped suddenly, desperately trying to force himself back to reality.

"What am I doing?" the lovely blonde murmured. "Why, I'm stroking and fondling your lovely big prick, to make it even bigger and harder..."

The lewd words sent a fiery arrow of arousal shafting through him and with a moan, he crushed his lips down on her unsuspecting mouth, bruising against her lips with unsated hunger. This time, his tongue nudged hungrily against her teeth, forced its way up into the warm moistness of her mouth. His hands fumbled at the buttons of her blouse, almost ripping them away in his haste. Eagerly, they sought the warm quivering flesh of her palpitating breasts, dipping inside her brassiere and brushing against the burning buds of her turgid nipples. Selma mewled as he kneaded the sensitive flesh, her entire body squirming and tingling from his touch. Relentlessly, his hands chased downward and began to unzip her skirt, and Selma raised her thighs to allow him to slide it down over her shapely hips. He could see the whiteness of her panties gleaming in the half-light and then, with a savage, incoherent moan, he began to tug at the flimsy material. His eyes strained as he caught a glimpse of the golden triangle at the top of her voluptuously curved thighs, and then, more hurriedly, he began to ease the dainty panties down over her long, slender legs, pulling away her stockings as he did so. At last she was naked beside him in the back seat, and Doug was overwhelmingly aware of the exciting closeness of her, of the mesmerizing lure of her warm, yielding body.

Just then, a car loomed up before them, its headlights almost blinding them both.

"Oh God, who is it?" Selma gasped, but Doug hardly heard her. In the strong light, he could see the full splendor of her completely naked body, and his eyes were bulging in his head as he stared at the alabaster whiteness of her upswept breasts, surmounted by the roseate tips of her burgeoning nipples. Swiftly, his excited gaze dropped to the smooth sweep of her hips and fastened on the glossy flaxen triangle of pubic curls between her cream-like thighs. But, moments later, the car had swept by them and their own automobile was plunged into darkness.

He realized that Selma was shivering beside him.

"I got a fright," she whispered, "for a moment, I thought..."

Doug gathered her in his arms and pulled her to him. He had hardly noticed the other auto, in his passionate arousal, had not even thought of stopping it and asking for a ride to the gas station. All he could think of was Selma. Once more he began to paint a burning path of passionate kisses along the curve of her swan-like neck, down to the full ripeness of her firmly rounded breasts. He enclosed each dark, throbbing nipple in his mouth, titillating the little buds with his tongue, nibbling at the excited puckering of her dark-red areolas. His knee edged between the silkiness of her slightly parted legs, forcing them even further apart, and Doug thought he could just barely see an enticing gleam of her moist pink cuntal-slit glimmering beneath the curling wisps of pussy tendrils.

His burgeoning penis was hard and intensely alive, every nerve ending taut and excited and he moaned aloud with new pleasure when he felt her fingers once more close around it.

"Oh Christ, Selma," he suddenly blurted, "I want to fuck you... I want to fuck you good and hard..." Her fingers tightened around the rigid shaft of his tormented cock and then she began to draw it towards the tantalizing fulcrum of her body. He could feel the velvety wetness of her softly quivering outer lips as the hard rubbery head of his jerking shaft nudged against them, and he had to force himself to hold back.

"Ooooohhhh yes... yesss... fuck me now, lover..." Selma moaned suddenly, her voice harsh with desire. Doug couldn't stand it a moment longer. He had had all he could take and the pent-up force of his passion rushed out with a single overpowering drive, as he rammed brutally forward. With a flesh-splitting thrust, he parted the futilely resisting outer lips and crammed the hard pounding length of his lust-bloated rod halfway up into the tight, unprepared depths of her cuntal sheath.

"AAAARRRRGGGGGHHH... OH GOD YOU'RE KILLING ME!" Selma wailed piteously, desperately thrashing her hips in a frantic effort to elude the cruel impalement.

But Doug, goaded on by almost maniac lust, ignored her cry. Heedlessly, he continued to surge forward, forcing his giant shaft to the hilt in her defenseless little belly. He held it there almost interminably, and then, with excruciating slowness, began to flex it in the pulsing darkness of her tight, dry vaginal channel.

"OOOOOOHHHHH... uuugggghhhnnn..." Selma moaned as she felt the steel-hard pole nudging against the sensitive tip of her cervix. She had never felt so full in her life. She felt as if the giant shaft were cleaving her in two, swelling with every passing second and she was almost afraid that it would explode inside her sorely palpitating depths. She felt vaguely uncomfortable from her awkward, half-lying position on the back seat of Doug's car, her legs parted lewdly, her naked back pressed against the cool leather upholstery.

Doug finally began to withdraw, pulling out his long throbbing cock in one swift stroke and then surging forward again.

"Aaaarrrrhh... hhhmmmmhhh..." Selma gasped as he plunged forcefully up between her widespread legs again, sinking his lust-inflated cock once more to the very base in her defenselessly naked belly. This time, the tender resilient inner membrane began to secrete excitedly, lubricating the long, lunging penis, allowing it to slip easily in and out of her openly spread cunt.

"Mmmmmm..." she moaned again suddenly, as tiny pinpricks of pleasure began to form deep somewhere in her loins, and a long shiver of ecstatic joy chilled her backbone. Her voluptuously silken thighs spread even farther apart of their own violation, her toes curling around Doug's lower back. Her arms reached up and she clasped him eagerly around the neck, spiraling her pelvis upwards to receive his rhythmic downthrusts.

Doug was in a world of his own. He had never experienced anything like this in his life before, and the knowledge that he was fucking a near-stranger in the back seat of his car, on a lonely country road, gave him an illicit feeling of pleasure that was excitingly mingled with power. He was exhilarated by the thought of what he was doing, and the wanton act liberated him in a way that he had almost forgotten. Selma was so yielding, so provocative, and just as aroused as he was! He had almost forgotten that a woman could be like that. He had almost forgotten the pleasure of fucking a real woman, a fully responsive female who returned thrust for thrust. Selma made him feel like a real man, completely sure of his masculinity--a feeling he had never had with Betty!

Betty. For a moment, he expected his conscience to overwhelm him with recriminations. He half-anticipated that the reminder of his wife would somehow make him feel different--would engender feelings of guilt and remorse--but it didn't! He felt nothing but the almost overpowering pleasure that he was getting from fucking this little blonde pick-up. The eager acceptance of her helplessly aroused little pussy instilled him with sensual vigor and made the wisps of passion which were curling around inside him burst into furious clouds of red-hot pleasure. He wished he could see Selma's face clearly, but from what he could see, he knew that her head was thrown back, her mouth half-open, spewing out incoherent words that were the expression of her complete arousal. He could feel the hardness of her turgid little nipples against his chest, could feel the increasing urgency of the spasms which were convulsing her body.

"Oh God yesss... that's it... fuck me harder... harder..." she pleaded, her voice indistinct and hoarse with lust. Her wet, naked body was writhing uncontrollably on the seat, and the clinging walls of her inner sheath were milking convulsively on his plunging cock, tightening like a vise-grip around the sensitive flesh as he plummeted deep into her warmly welcoming depths. Their two bodies were fused together as one, joined where his long rangy cock buried itself in the widely stretched passage of her openly throbbing vagina. They flailed and thrashed against each other, the car being filled with the lewd, wet, slapping sounds of their love-making. Doug felt as if he was being driven on by some inner, unknown force that was making him strive almost inhumanly for completion with the tortured, lust-wracked girl beneath him. He thought he'd go mad if he didn't climax soon. His whole body felt on fire, every nerve-ending taut and frazzled by the effort to reach the pinnacle of pleasure.

And then, a few moments later...

"Oh! Oh! Oh! My God, I'm there! I'm... I'm... aaaahhh... I'M CUMMING!"

Selma's choked cry rang out just as her body stiffened almost unbearably, and then she was crashing down on the seat, pounding her passion-demented cunt up against Doug's furiously driving cock.

She was mewling and groaning uncontrollably, her entire body caught up in the throes of an incredible orgasm. Doug could feel the passionate vibrations resounding throughout the length of her feverishly flailing body, and her frantic spasms triggered his own release.

All at once, the tremendous pressure which had been building up in his balls seemed to explode. His head began to spin and his body seemed to pass out of his control, as a series of convulsive shudders gripped it and made him fuck brutally between the moaning girl's wantonly splayed legs.

"AAAAAHHHHH... I'm cumming too!" he moaned savagely, as his tortured scrotum at last released the first hot spurt of his seething male sperm. It rushed blindly from the dark, hot cavern of his balls and poured out of the pulsating tube of his wildly stabbing cock, to gush wetly into the hungrily receptive depths of Selma's eagerly clasping cunt. It continued to flow in a hot, boiling jet of white fluid, seeping into the steaming creases and crevices of Selma's voraciously clutching vagina.

When, at last, the cumming was over, and he could sense, rather than see, that Selma was satiated, he collapsed over her moistly quivering form, covering her with his own trembling body. He was filled with an exultant sense of well-being, and his mind was wiped clean of all peripheral problems. He didn't care about the fact that the car wouldn't start, that he had just been unfaithful to his wife by fucking a young teenager. He'd worry about those things later. Right now, he didn't care about anything but the fact that he was satiated and fulfilled beyond his wildest dreams. And at the moment, nothing mattered but that...

Betty was trying to decide whether or not to call the police, when she heard the car in the driveway. Oh thank God was her initial reaction. It was almost three a.m. and she hadn't heard a word from Doug all day. At first, she thought that he was just working overtime, or maybe stopped off somewhere for a drink. But as the hours ticked by and midnight came and went, she really began to get worried. Maybe he met with an accident was the recurring thought in her head and more than once, she had her hand on the receiver to dial the police. But now, thank goodness, he was home, and presumably all right. Her feeling of relief passed quickly and she was left with a vague feeling of annoyance. Why in hell hadn't he called her?

"Oh, you're still up," Doug commented as he let himself in the back door.

Betty felt the blood rising to her head and bit back a sharp retort. Maybe he has a good reason, and he'll tell me in a moment. "Would you like anything, some coffee, or maybe a sandwich?" she asked, trying to keep her voice careful and even.

"No, just get me a drink, will you?" Doug replied without looking at her.

Something in his manner and the way he had snapped out his answer irritated Betty, and she couldn't help hissing back:

"What kept you till this hour? I've nearly gone out of my mind with worry!"

"Just get me that drink, okay?" Doug said coldly, peeling off his jacket. Betty, seething with burning anger, mixed him a Scotch and soda and silently handed it to him. She didn't know what to say next. She didn't want to anger him, but on the other hand, she felt she was entitled to some explanation. She watched as Doug took a deep swallow of the drink, and wondered what could have delayed him.

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