Blackmailed Into Swapping - Cover

Blackmailed Into Swapping


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After being raped, blackmailed into having sex with other women and other couples, blackmailed into having sex to keep her husband from going to jail, Mavis and her husband decide she is to have sex with a lot of male friends to figure out which man/men were in on the robbery of the store that she worked at. Figuratively speaking, does she get her man/men in the end?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   BDSM   MaleDom   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

In the safety and seclusion of her own home, Mavis stripped and bathed, consumed by thoughts of guilt at having let Willie lay her--and getting drunk and letting the Carrs' boxer diddle her cunny with his slick pecker. Almost ill, she washed out her twat again and again.

Still stark naked, she prowled through the house and tried to deaden her memory with liquor. She knew that if she didn't get thoroughly drunk, she would cry all night. And she still had Sunday to live through before Phil got home Monday.

"I'm a snockered slut," she moaned with self-recrimination. "But Willie would have let me go to jail over somebody else's theft, if I hadn't let him fuck me! And I was too drunk to know what was happening to me when the dog screwed me!" she rationalized.

But Willie had given her a lot of cocking--and she had been needing it for quite a while. And Connie's husband really knew how to fuck, ball a girl! She shuddered. And the boxer was one of the best fucks she had ever had!

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, nooo," she wept softly, surprised that no tears came. "Did I--NO, I didn't enjoy being fucked by Willie and that beast!" But hadn't she?

Her vagina was all soppy and crawly as her mind toyed, suddenly, with the erotic recollection. Was she really a rotten, fuckin' slut? But she was in their grips! If they said "fuck," she would fuck; if they said "suck," she would suck! She would do their perverted bidding.

She was a prisoner of their corrupt whims! There probably, would be no mate-swapping! She was just a tool for their sexual greed!

Mavis awoke about mid-morning Sunday. There was a burning itch in her vagina that communicated itself to her rectal channel. She writhed under the light bed clothing and opened her eyes slowly. A good night's sleep had been good for her; her spirits were brighter and the events of the day before--being screwed by Willie and the dog--weren't nearly as repulsive as they had been the night before.

She slipped from bed and strode naked to the bedroom window. She gripped the cord and whipped the drapes aside, then frowned. It was raining. Her eyes swept across backyards--and saw Connie and Miriam cavorting in the downpour, wearing bikinis. For July, it had to be a warm and unexpected rain. Through the open window, she could smell the warm freshness.

Mavis smiled broadly. Connie and Miriam seemed to be having a crazy time, just running and prancing about in the rain. "Why don't you take off those silly bikinis?" she said aloud. "They don't hide much, anyhow!"

She watched for several minutes, then slipped into a short dressing gown, and went downstairs. She made toast and ate it with a glass of orange juice and a cup of strong, black coffee. As she munched the toast, she reviewed what she had to do--get a thousand dollars from the bank and think of some excuse for Phil. Maybe she could tell her husband that her brother called and begged for a loan that he would pay back as soon as he could. Well, he never would. But her story wouldn't be checked, Phil didn't like her lazy brother.

Her second cup of coffee Mavis laced with a double-shot of whiskey. She felt a little smug; that story would suffice. Oh, Phil might raise hell for a few minutes, but his anger would subside. Better that than have a scandal over stealing money from the store. And she might go to jail and lose Phil!

Yet the unpleasant thoughts didn't submerge her into melancholy. However, one thing did perplex her--it seemed that Miriam and Connie got an abnormal pleasure from the sex antics of others. Yet, Connie seemed cut from a little different cloth than Miriam. Hadn't she lost her composure and eaten Mavis' pussy with absolute, greedy abandon? And hadn't Mavis seen her push her snatch onto Terry's mouth?

Idly, suddenly feverish Mavis wondered what it would be like to tongue out another woman's swat. How would it be to put her lips on Miriam's clean-shaven vulva and kiss it deeply? Then dip the tip of her tongue into the hot, wet, slick petals and suck on the little clit-thorn!

"I've got to stop thinking like this," she muttered, shaking her head, clenching her thighs over her cushiony pillow and grinding the pussy mesh. She poured bourbon into her cup and filled it with coffee.

Mavis was baffled by her carnal thoughts. Even when she-- those few months--had engaged nightly in her promiscuous pursuit of money, she had retained a distinct dignity and pride. It had been a necessity, selling her body to men, but now her mind engaged in all sorts of sex fancies! Her vagina seemed to be a ravenous glutton for hard penis with an appetite that would never be sated.

"Lord, oh, Lord!" she moaned, grinding her smooth thighs together to apply delicious pressure on her thick prissy lips and the prickling clitoris that had turned hot and hard.

Her musing was shattered rudely by the chimes. Someone was at the back door. Flustered, she jumped to her feet and adjusted the robe and its sash to cover any trace of her nakedness. Then she hurried to answer the beckon.

Her eyes widened as she stared out at Connie Quentin and Miriam Carr. They were dripping wet, still wearing their bikinis. "You two look like a couple of drowned cats!" Mavis laughed, holding the door wide.

"Wet pussies, you mean," Miriam grinned, slipping inside and back-swatting Mavis' rear as she passed.

"Sopping wet, hot pussies," Connie amended, quickly kissing Mavis with rain-wet lips and pinching a tittie through her robe. "Got a couple of towels for these two crazy cants?" Miriam asked, patting at the water that was running down her wet body.

Mavis skipped into the utility room and brought back two beach towels she had stored there. She stopped abruptly. Miriam and Connie had stripped off their skimpy bathing suits and stood there naked, without modesty or concern.

"Sometimes I wish I had the nerve to shave off my pussy bush," Connie said, taking a towel from Mavis. "I'll dry you, you hairless bitch and you can do the same for me."

Watching the two towel each other's bodies, paying adoring attention to breasts and crotches and buttocks was more than Mavis could stand. "I'll fix you two a couple of coffee royals," she said, slipping away toward the kitchen.

Mavis was openly fascinated by the two nude women sitting with her at the breakfast nook. The brisk rubbing with rough towels had popped their nipples out, dark and hard and pointed. "Did Willie give you a little last night?" Miriam teased.

"Heck, no!" Connie frowned. "He said he was all zapped out! I wonder who? I have a suspicion some other woman's monkey has been gobbling my hubby's meat-banana!"

Mavis sensed herself blushing, hoped that Connie and Miriam didn't notice. Willie had fucked her! Yet, she felt certain he hadn't told his wife about it, Connie was leering at Miriam. "I think I know whose animal got his meat!"

Miriam giggled appreciatively and looked away as she sipped her coffee and whiskey. And Mavis was relieved; Connie was, undoubtedly, referring to the night before when the Quentins and Carrs had swapped!

"Besides, last night was Saturday--the night Willie has to tabulate receipts of all the stores in the Salt Lake City area and get it into the armored van. I'm sure he gets uptight with all that money in his office and virtually no security."

Mavis watched Miriam nod, "Hank says the store officials are stupid; it would be easy to rob them--Willie."

"And," Connie agreed, "Willie handled a little more than $275,000 last night!"

"With that kind of responsibility, no wonder he had a limp, limber dingus!" Miriam chuckled, reaching to tweak Connie's right nipple.

"Keep your sexy hands to yourself! Don't start something you can't finish!" Connie chirped, recoiling with mock indignity.

They were silent as Mavis freshened the drinks. Then Connie pouted, "Willie says the guys are going to play poker Monday night; he hopes Phil gets home and will join in."

Mavis hoped her dissatisfaction didn't show. She wanted Phil to herself his first night home.

"Who all is going to play?" Miriam broke up Mavis' thoughts.

"He said if they can count on Phil, there will be Willie and Hank and Mickey and that old fart, Ben Clover," Connie counted off on her fingers. "Willie says five players makes a good game."

"And what do we women do while the men are playing cards?" Mavis continued to pout, feeling a cold gnawing deep in her tummy

"Why, you've been to their card parties, honey!" Miriam chided. "We keep their glasses filled, sandwiches in their greedy hands and slap their hands when they sneak a feel and play grab- ass!"

"I think," Connie said slyly, "that our dear Mavis is looking forward to a jounce in the hay and having her pussy poked on Phil's first night home from Cheyenne."

"Awwww, come on, honey!" Miriam hiccupped. "Don't tell us you haven't had enough cums in the past couple of days to take the edge off your pecker yearnings! There were all the things Connie and I did for you--and you did for yourself--and you even--took so much out of old Errol Flynn the boxer that he wasn't even interested in my slot last night when Hank had to work a double shift on Robbery Detail!"

Mavis reddened, then grinned in good humor. "If Phil wants to play poker with the guys, it's okay!"

The silence grew heavy for a few minutes and Mavis sensed apprehension building as she peered at Connie's sly smile and sparkling eyes

"If you should need a little sexing, Mavis-honey, I bet I know where I can get you some," Connie smirked.

Not your damned husband! No one! Mavis rebelled mentally.

"I bet I can get Dell Emerson to crawl your gorgeous frame and give you a lusty fuck!" Connie pursued.

"Good, God, NO!" Mavis flushed.

"Come on!" Miriam interjected. "You really got your jollies from Errol Flynn! He fucked you good and you were still begging for more long, hot cock in your swat!"

"Good Lord!" Mavis quailed, absently filling their cups with bourbon and coffee. "I was half-drunk! I didn't know your dog was going tuxedo it to me!"

"But you didn't resist," Connie chided. "You even bucked and fucked right along with his hunching the cock to you! Well, I bet I can get Dell Emerson to plug your pussy with his young stud prick!"

"Nooooo! "

She almost swooned when Miriam said tersely, "And I'll bet I know something that will convince Mavis to take him oh!"

"Whaaaaant?" Connie giggled.

"My business--if Mavis doesn't consent to cooperate," Miriam winked, gloating. "Right, Mavis-honey?" When Mavis kept silent, Miriam said eagerly, "Get Dell here! You can, can't you? Right now!"

"Oh, God! Please, no!" Mavis pleaded.

"Yes!" Connie bubbled, springing to her feet and running naked into Mavis' living room to the telephone. When she returned, Miriam said thoughtfully, "After Dell bangs Mavis, I might enjoy some of his twang, myself! He's a young, handsome stud!"

"Maybe we'll all get a little sex-servicing!" Connie booted, gulping her coffee royal. "He'll be here in about twenty minutes. Mavis? You got a couple of spare robes or something? We don't want to startle all of the starch out of his pecker by letting him walk in on us naked!"

Mavis glared at Miriam, knowing the threat she implied concerned the short time she had hustled her fanny as a prostitute. "Upstairs, to the right, in the big closet."

She felt helpless. She was going to be fucked by yet another man. And Connie and Mavis were going to watch him pump the prick to her! Her sense of desolation was too great to even consider pending humiliation.

Oh, damn! Her sex orifice was a burning tube! Even her rectal region was searing, tormenting fire. No! No! No! Mavis wallowed in misery. She was going to be fucked again and her body was craving a man--his hard meat!

She was unaware that she was drinking straight bourbon. All her mind could deal with--her conscience--was the reality that soon she would be naked with a man on her, in her, fucking her!

She had never felt more a captive of someone else's will and demands in her life. She was naggingly aware of her knees creeping apart, of cool air on her feverish pussy, of a spasming in her vagina. Her body wanted a man's long, thick, hard cock!

"Ooooooooothhhhh!" she sobbed quietly, baffled that no tears flowed from her eyes.

Dully, numbly, Mavis shuffled to her feet to answer the chimes sounded at the back door. She hesitated a moment, checked her robe, careful it was protecting her modesty. Dumbly, she stared at the tall Dell Emerson. His hair was mussed slightly and she thought absently he had probably done it when he removed his stock apron.

"You need me?" Dell asked, eyes intense. "Mrs. Quentin called and Willie sent me over. What's the matter? What do you want?"

How, Mavis fretted, can I tell you that you are here to fuck me? We are going to fornicate while Connie and Miriam watch because they are going to force us to! Why don't you take your viriled dick and run away? "Come in," Mavis said flatly. "I'll get you a cup of coffee royal--you may as well get a little drunk." She didn't wait for his response, but turned and led the way into the dining room where she got a cup and mixed a coffee royal--half and half. Buster, she thought, gulping her own cold booze, you wanted to have me a day or two ago. Now you will! You're going to fuck me because I don't want Miriam telling on me- --and Connie knows something that will keep you from saying no! Well, buddy-boy Dell, after you diddle my hole, you better not go around telling other people! Just fuck me, drop your rocks, enjoy your screw and keep your damned mouth shut!

"I'd better not drink," Dell hedged. "After I do whatever it is you need, I have to get back to the store."

"Yes, Dell, drink up!" Connie crooned as she and Miriam returned from upstairs.

Mavis noticed that the two beautiful women were deliberately careless about flashing their legs for Dell's eyes and their ripe mounds were daringly obvious.

"Mavis, you'll do it," Miriam said tersely, eyes glinting a little cruelly. "Dell's here--and you'll let him! "

She didn't say anything, felt helpless and cornered.

"What?" Dell asked.

Mavis watched Connie push Dell into a chair and lean toward him. Mavis knew that Dell couldn't help but see down the front of the robe that Connie wore. His eyes seemed to pop a little bit and Mavis knew he was able to ogle her luscious bosom. For a second, she thought he was going to snake a hand inside and grab a plump, firm tittie.

"Whhhhaaaaatttt? Oh, no!" Dell protested, voice swimming with amazement, disbelief.

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