Blackmailed Into Swapping - Cover

Blackmailed Into Swapping


Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - After being raped, blackmailed into having sex with other women and other couples, blackmailed into having sex to keep her husband from going to jail, Mavis and her husband decide she is to have sex with a lot of male friends to figure out which man/men were in on the robbery of the store that she worked at. Figuratively speaking, does she get her man/men in the end?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Rape   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Cheating   BDSM   MaleDom   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

After Mickey departed, pleased with his sexual conquest, Mavis prowled impatiently through the house. That smug, self- satisfied expression would be erased from his face in a hurry, she thought, after she told Phil that she had found the robber-rapist.

Finally, about dark, she settled down in the living room, sipping a tall scotch and water and watching television. She hadn't liked the brutal screwing he had given her during the robbery, but she acknowledged that when there was no one else around, there was no possible peril, Mickey Lewis could really fuck a girl and give her a whole bagful of jollies.

Well, Mickey had betrayed himself, having to have another piece of tail. The wart on his dingus had given him away. She had had her cock and cunny fun--and Mick was going to get what was coming to him. Mavis wished she could talk to Phil, but she didn't know how she could reach him. But, hadn't he said he would call? She frowned; he had said after he got squared away. When would that be? Tomorrow? She would just have to wait. Who, she mused, was involved in the robbery with Mickey? She just couldn't believe Hank or Willie--certainly not her husband, Phil--were in cahoots with Mick.

She had a hunch that Terry could shed a lot of light on the crime that had Phil under such deep suspicion. She was almost tempted to call the little sexpot and have her come over, but she doubted that Mickey would allow it.

She would just have to wait.

Mavis was so anxious to have the whole affair settled, she felt that every nerve in her body was sparking. Intuitively, she sensed that when it was all over, she no longer would be a sex captive of hers and Phil's acquaintances. That would be a good feeling! Maybe she would confess to her husband that she had been a prostitute for a while; she didn't know how he would react, but if that terrible secret were wiped out from her mind, she would feel relief and a peaceful sensation of liberation. Somehow, she felt her husband would forgive her that sordid chapter in her life.

The telephone rang sharply and Mavis almost screamed. It took nearly a minute for her to compose herself and lift the receiver. "Heeeelllloooo?" she said, voice just above a whisper.

"This is Phil, baby. I'm at a place called Battle Mountain, Nevada. I'll stay the night and head home in the morning. I got to Winnemucca and the Nevada state police stopped me; my boss asked their help in stopping me and telling me to telephone him. The Nevada case has been solved and I'm turning around, coming home. I'll be there before dark tomorrow."

Mavis was so intensely happy she couldn't reply for several seconds. Then she blurted, "Honey, I know who the robber-rapist is!"

"Gggrrrreeeeeaaaatttt!" Phil exclaimed. "Tell me."

Quickly, Mavis told him about her seduction by Mickey Lewis, finding the wart on his dong. "And I have a feeling that Terry bought this fancy T-Bird with some of the robbery money."

She told Phil about Mickey's ordering Terry to take the car to Ely, Nevada, store it for her brother. "It isn't a Nevada car, honey," she said, "it has Utah license plates."

"If I had the plate numbers," Phil said, "I would have the ownership traced through the Utah vehicle bureau."

"I don't have or know them, honey," Mavis frowned. Then a bold thought crackled into her mind. "Phil, what if I could persuade Terry to let me go with her to Ely? You could meet us there--give us a ride home so we wouldn't have to take the bus? While we are in Nevada, maybe you could get all of the truth out of her?"

After a short pause, Phil replied, "Okay. Sounds good. How will I find you in Ely?"

"If I can get Terry to take me along--I don't think she'll be against the idea--I'll be sure we register at a good motel. You just start calling motels until you find your oversexed wife!"

"Great, honey! I'll see you tomorrow night?"

After Phil hung up, Mavis looked up the Lewis' number and dialed. She didn't have to sell Terry on the plan; she jumped at it.

"I was just dreading that drive," Terry said happily.

"And I feel the need to get away from Salt Lake and the house for a while," Mavis bubbled. "And it is so convenient for us-- with Phil coming home. He said he won't mind a bit, the extra miles he will have to drive to pick us up."

They were on their way by six the next morning and arrived at their Nevada destination in plenty of time to find a motel and look around town, if they wished. Mavis' smug satisfaction received a big boost on the road. While taking a turn at the wheel, letting Terry nap, she found the registration on the sun visor. It was Terry's Carl

As they cruised through town, Mavis spotted Phil's Buick parked on a side street, around the corner from a hotel. Apparently, he arrived before they had. "Let's find a motel and get settled," Terry said. "You can grab a little rest while I find a place to store my--the car. What time do you expect Phil?"

Mavis shrugged. "He'll call motels until he locates us."

As soon as they were in a motel, Mavis stripped down to bra and panties and collapsed on one of the two double beds. Terry's eyes turned sex-greedy as she stared at Mavis and winked.

"If we thought your hubby would be getting in late," Terry said, "we could prowl the town and pick us up a couple of well- hung studs for some hot yum-yum fun!"

Mavis smiled back. "I don't think I want Phil to catch me-- or us--with a couple of stallions wearing our saddles."

"Probably right," Terry nodded, taking three bottles of liquor from one of her suitcases and setting them on a dresser.

Mavis watched her find a couple of glasses, strip off the cellophane and mix a couple of drinks of whiskey and water. "Anyway," Terry said, "I brought my double-dong along and we can have a romp with it."

Mavis cramped her naked thighs together against the pleasurable clutching the thought of the dildo aroused in her loins. "If you need a little sexing," Mavis said softly, "maybe I'll let Phil give you a little fucking when he arrives. He has a very masterful prong and really knows how to make a girl's twatty smoke."

"Wheeeeee!" Terry breathed, whirling about the room. "I don't know how I'd react, getting diddled while the man's wife watched."

"Nothing like finding out," Mavis laughed as Terry pranced out the door. "Don't pick up a stud; come straight back!"

"Right on!" Terry called as she slammed the door.

Phil called about ten minutes after Terry left the motel. "I saw Terry drive by the hotel where I'm camped out," Phil said.

"I saw your car when we drove through town," Mavis said. "She wants a little fucking!" she laughed.

"And I'm a stud-service candidate?" he said.

"I figure you might be able to put the screws on her--I mean screw the truth out of her," Mavis bantered.

"Where will you be while I'm giving her the third degree and jacking my handle into her canny?"

"Right here, honey, witnessing every word, guiding your prick and holding your wonderful balls up out of the hot sand."

"Hot sand? What the hell are you talking about?"

"You don't want your balls getting scorched in hot desert sand, do you? I'll hold them for you while you fuck the robbery truth out of little Terry."

"If you insist on being present while I fuck the little wench, just let my balls dangle," Phil said with mock solemnity. "Get her a little tight, if you can."

"I have a feeling that won't be any trouble," Mavis replied. "I just hope she doesn't pick up some clown to give her a breeding before you have a chance to get at her greedy snatch."

"Well, I'm going to park on a side street and stake out your motel from across and down the block. I'll wander in about an hour after she gets back."

When Terry returned, it was obvious she had sampled the liquid wares of at least one of Ely's clubs. She was half-loaded, happy--and her sex appetite was at an end-of-Lent intensity. Mavis fairly grinned appreciatively as she watched the sexy doll strip out of her clothes and parade about the room, showing off her saucy breasts, curvy fanny, flat tummy and scratching the coarse floss that adorned the inviting mound that crowned her pussy.

As they sipped whiskey and water, Terry wheedled, "Let's get out the double-dong and fuck each other, Mavis?"

"Not right now," Mavis demurred. "Phil called from up the road and will be here pretty soon."

"How soon?" Terry pressed. And Mavis studied the narrowing of her nostrils, the fire in her eyes and the way she fanned her silky thighs in and out, pressing them against her sex trove.

"Oh pretty soon," Mavis evaded. "Maybe you should put on something."

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