Family Saga - Cover

Family Saga


Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A family has everything going wrong as far as a family is concerned. The father is NOT the father of the daughter. Mom got pregnant and convinced another man that it was his child and they got married. The man was to inherit a large family business, but he lost everyting and stayed drunk and in-out of jail most of the time. Mom got a job as a waitress and sold herself to help support the kids, pay bills, etc...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Many things were now extremely clear to Gabriel Scott. He settled back in his favorite chair nursing his gin tonic, promising himself that, tonight, he wouldn't get sloppy drunk. Hell! He had waited too damned long! After having read the note his wife, Dottie, had written to her daughter, Charity, revealing the truth of her paternity, Gabe's memory went back to years ago when he and Dottie were married.

How had it happened? He hadn't understood it then. He hadn't understood why or how it was that Dottie had ignored him... then, suddenly, before he knew what was happening, he was married to her. He had had Dottie out on a couple of dates, but he hadn't been able to get a third one with her; meanwhile, he knew, she had been dating some of the Redfern College men. Christ! He hadn't had time to ask himself what was happening. She was just there... and available. He had taken her to a drive-in movie and was pleasantly surprised when she allowed some heavy petting.

... But, on their next date, that same week, she had pleaded not feeling well and didn't want to go skating.

"... Maybe, we could just go for a ride, in your car... Gabe..." she suggested. "If you don't mind... ?"


He had been driving his old Mercury station wagon, the car on which he had, painstakingly, restored the wooden body to its original condition. He was proud of the car and liked to show it off. Naturally, he wanted to show Dottie off, too. He cruised the streets of Redfern, stopping at a drive-in hamburger stand that was a favored hangout for the high school crowd. They ate burgers, fries and drank cokes. Gabe felt just a little proud to be seen with the girl who was, undoubtedly, the most beautiful in their senior class. She was by far the most popular, too, and he didn't question why she chose to go out with him. The fact that she was there with him was enough... and there seemed to be a promise of more intimacy to come. Damn! She's beautiful! I wonder if I've got any chance at all... of getting next to her... ? Christ! I'll bet she's a damned good lay!

It hadn't taken very long to find out. As they drove away from the hamburger stand, Dottie had slid over close to him. "Let's drive up into the mountains, Gabe... where it's nice and quiet... okay?" she asked.

"... And private... ?" he added.

"Real private!" Dottie affirmed.

With a worried look at the fuel gauge, he made a quick estimate of the distance and a mental calculation of the money he possessed. He couldn't do it, he decided, but he could find that privacy. It was not very far away. He laid it on the line to her, honestly, "I don't have enough gas... or money, Dottie... but I know a place where we can park... and have all the privacy we want..."

She snuggled her face into his shoulder and murmured, "Go wherever you want to... we don't have to go to the mountains."

Damn! Her talk of privacy had his mind whirling, already. Was she thinking about what she was saying? Some real privacy could lead to real lovemaking, not just the heavy petting she had allowed him the last time. Christ! I'm getting hot, already... just thinking about the possibility of getting it into her!

Gabe had driven out the Avenue past the turnoff to his own home. The whole area was' planted in citrus, the groves bordering the avenue thickly with only an occasional house standing tall and Victorian amidst the trees. He turned onto a dirt road to the left, stopped at a locked gate, got out of the car, produced a key to the padlock, opened it and drove the car through. As he got back into the car, Dottie asked him, "How come you've got a key... ?"

"We're on the back side of my old man's property," he told her, "and our house is just down this road a ways..."


He became expansive, then. "It's all going to be mine... someday!"

"Do you want to raise oranges... ?"

"Yeah... I guess so," he said, "My granddad planted the trees, my dad inherited the place... and it looks like I'm expected to carry it on. Soon as I graduate I'm supposed to go to work for dad, full time!"

She was impressed. "Not very many boys know exactly what they're going to do!" she observed.

"I guess not..." He was nonchalant. He had parked the Mercury in a little cleared area where agricultural implements were stored. There were barrels of oil, lubricants, fuel and pesticides stacked about. When he turned off the car's lights it was almost pitch black and very few sounds penetrated through the thick foliage of the orange trees.

"Is this private enough?" he asked, reaching out for her.

Dottie had come easily into his arms, her face lifted to him for his kiss. He kissed her tenderly, at first, and as her lips parted he thrust his tongue, hungrily, into her mouth to probe, taste and savor her. Her avid response surprised him.

With a little moan, she had pressed against him, the mounding hemispheres of her breasts crushing up warmly between them. He felt the slight tremor in her body that seemed to signal desire. In the darkness, he pulled back from her, slightly; he could barely see the outlines of her face. Her eyes were closed; her mouth still parted. Christ! She's got hot pants!

His hand reached out to her, found and encompassed a breast, his fingers kneading and massaging as his lips found hers, again. He found himself mumbling, "God... you're beautiful, Dottie!"

For answer, another little moan escaped her lips, and she tentatively snaked her tongue into his mouth, searchingly. He sucked it, gently, for a few moments, then, voraciously, as she became bolder, her tongue, searching and teasing the inside of his mouth.

Below, the hot blood surged, quickeningly, and his tumescent, erect penis throbbed and jerked against the confining fabric of his pants. He shifted, uncomfortably, in the seat of the car, his hand going to his crotch to move his aching cock to a more comfortable position; then that same hand drifted to her warm, smooth thigh, moving up under her skirt to the wisp of nylon panties that encased her loins.

"No... p-please, Gabe... I'm not..." she mumbled up into his mouth, pulling back only slightly, her objection not entirely convincing, as his hand continued to wander, searchingly, over the warm smoothness of thigh and hip.

"I've got to... have you... Dottie! God! I'm so hot... ! I've got to... to fuck you! I love you... so very much!"

She pulled away from him and smoothed down her skirt. "I-I like you, too... Gabe... b-but love... a-and sex... are for marriage... and..." She turned her head away from him.

"Couldn't you learn to love me... ?"

Facing him, again, she said, "Y-Yes... maybe... but we can't... well, you know... we couldn't do it... before we..."

"Before we get married... ?" He finished her unspoken sentence.


"... But... if we were sure... ?"

"How could we ever be sure?" she asked.

"God, Dottie! I've loved you for months... already... ever since you came to school the first day after you moved here!"

His confession of love for her came from a youthful heart, a heart brimming over with sentimentality, but in truth, it was the virile member, aching for carnal knowledge of her that throbbed out its message there below. His was a common confusion, the misunderstanding of the meaning of love, which is the substitution of sex for love.

Gathering her into his arms, again, he kissed her with brutal force, then more tenderly as she melted against him, her breath beginning to come in short panting gasps; while his hands moved on her, she responded to him more and more until, finally, his searching hand, below, slipped between her thighs... and her legs parted, slightly, to allow him access. God! He almost went insane with desire. Now, he knew that she was aroused... ready to be laid! And, he could hardly wait, as he stroked and massaged the moist warmth of her cunt through the thin nylon barrier of her panties.

"Oh, Gabe... n-no... we mustn't..." she gasped, but in his highly aroused state, there was no stopping him, as with a boldness born of desperate need, he reached up for the elastic band at her waist and pulled her panties down over her curvaceous hips and thighs. Again, her voice told him no but her actions said plainly yes. He hadn't had to work very hard to get her panties off; she had helped him and he hadn't been aware of it. "P-Please, Gabe we mustn't... I-I've never..."

"I love you... Dottie! I've got to..."

He was clumsy and inexperienced; she managed to guide his finger to her clitoris, and when she was ready, she helped him to get his erect and pulsing penis into the proper position, after he had, himself, tried... and missed. With proper surprise, she remarked his size and virility.

"Oh, Gabe... i-it's so huge... it'll hurt me! N-No!"

Blinded by passion, proud of his virile cock and sure that he was the first, he had gone into her with a rush of youthful vigor, jackhammering his virgin cock into her like a young, rutting bull, concentrating on his own enjoyment and his great need to cum to the exclusion of all else.

... But, had he been aware, he would have known that he could not possibly have been the first. She was not virgin, although her cunt was tight and firm around his rampaging cock... and she was too knowledgeable, even though she had tried to hide her experience behind a facade of demure maidenliness. He had been too callow... too raw a youth, and he fell into an ages-old trap.

Dottie exploded into orgasm under his pounding cock, screaming out her pleasure to the stygian darkness of the orange grove. "Ohhhhh! Oh, God! Gaaaaaaaaabe! I'mmmmmmmm cuuuummmmmiiinnnggg! AAaaaaggghhh!"

His own ejaculation was not far behind her soaringly rapturous ecstasy. The liquid fire of his sperm shot from him deep up into her belly. Christ! He had never felt anything like that before. It was wonderfully new and strange... and he loved her for it! "Oh, God! I Move you, Dottie!"

Then... it had been two weeks later--there had been other nights of clandestine sex, wild, carefree and careless, in the back of his station wagon parked in the orange grove--when she had told him, "G-Gabe... you keep s-saying you l-love me... a-and I-I love you, too... but now w-we've got to do s-something about it..."

"What do you mean... ?"

"We've got to g-get married... I'm going to h-have a b-baby!" she told him in a rush.

"My God! How do you know... for sure?"

"I'm sure!" she said. "N-nature doesn't lie!"

Within another two weeks, Gabe and Dottie were married. There had been the usual family recriminations, but in the end Dottie had moved into the Scott house where the newlywed couple set up housekeeping.

I was a blind, stupid fool... any son-of-a-bitch could have figured it out! Dottie trapped me... made me think that Charity was my kid!... And, she fooled me... for all these years! Of course, Donnie's mine... there's no doubt about that!

He nursed his drink and waited. She would have to come back, he told himself; Dottie's little bastard daughter would have to come back, because she had taken nothing with her. She had merely left for a few hours... But, when you get back Charity, Baby... I'm going to give it to you... but good!

All his hate, his frustrations and his failures were concentrated in a warped plan for revenge... against his wife's daughter, Charity.

Don Scott and Ray Donahue had skipped out of school. They lounged on a grassy mound on the downtown shopping mall, their conversation centering around possible ways of raising their stake before they split for the streets.

"We could hit a liquor store or a service station..." Don suggested. So far he had avoided telling Ray about the robbery of the salesman; he had no intention of telling him. Hell! He might want a split... because I used his gun!

"It's too risky, Don!" Ray told him. "I don't dig that! They really lay you out on that kind of a charge... if you get caught!"

"You got any better ideas... ?"

"Whatever we do it's got to be safe!"

Ray looked off down the street to where a vaguely familiar figure was seated near a fountain. "Hey, man... isn't that your sister... ?" He pointed.

"Yeah... it sure as hell is!" Donnie's heart skipped a beat. What the hell is she doing downtown?

"Man... is she built! I'll bet she's a real mink... when she's turned on!"

Without thinking, Don reacted to his statement with an affirmative, "Yeah, man... she's something else..."

Ray looked at him in disbelief. "Like... are you saying you've laid her... your own sister... ?"

"I didn't say any such thing!" Don barked.

"Don't try to put me on, man... I heard you, and I saw the way you looked at her!" Ray said. "You must've fucked her!"

"... And, what if I did... ?"

"You trying to save it all for yourself?" Ray leered.

"What are you driving at... ?"

"Christ, man! It's right in front of you! Spread a little bit of her sunshine around... Don!"


"And we've got that bundle of bread!"

"Hell no! That'd be just like..." He caught himself before the words were out of his mouth, as he realized that he was going to say: our mom! He finished the unspoken part weakly, "You know... like making a whore out of her!"

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