Family Saga - Cover

Family Saga


Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A family has everything going wrong as far as a family is concerned. The father is NOT the father of the daughter. Mom got pregnant and convinced another man that it was his child and they got married. The man was to inherit a large family business, but he lost everyting and stayed drunk and in-out of jail most of the time. Mom got a job as a waitress and sold herself to help support the kids, pay bills, etc...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Jack Belleson came charging into the Police Building in downtown Redfern. He was bellowing angry words as he approached the night desk.

"What kind of a God damned town you got here? Nobody's safe here! I was just robbed! The son-of-a-bitch got $79.00!"

The desk-sergeant looked up at him, levelly, and asked, "Do you want to make a report, Sir?"

"You're damned right! And, then I want you to do something about it!"

"I realize you're disturbed, Sir... and I'd appreciate it if you'd calm down and give me the details..."

His pen was poised ready to write.

"Calm down? Why for Christ's sake... my life was threatened... and you say calm down!"

"Yes, sir... otherwise, I can't make heads or tails out of what you're saying!" The sergeant's voice was steely. "Your name, Sir?"

"Jack Belleson..."

"Your age...

"What the hell's my age got to... ?"

"Your age... Sir?"



"Salesman... When do I get to tell you what hap..."

"What time did this happen?"

"A little after one..."

"Can you describe the person... or persons?"

"A kid... on a motorcycle... I couldn't see his face..."

"How old would you say?"

"Sixteen... seventeen..."

"The make of the motorcycle?"

"I didn't notice... but come to think of it... it was covered up!" the salesman said.

"Did you notice the license tag?"



"A pistol... sort of short, snub-nosed..."

The questioning went on, until the sergeant was satisfied that he had a complete report. "We don't have too much to go on... there're probably two or three hundred kids ride motor bikes in the area... but we'll start checking out some things on these."

"You're not going to put out a bulletin on it call your cruisers on the radio?"

"What... and stop every kid riding a motorcycle, tonight?"

"Sure... round them up?"

The sergeant looked at him in disbelief, shook his head and said, "Mister... we can't work like that... in this country!"

"What do you mean... ?" The salesman didn't understand.

"This is Redfern, California... U.S.A."

"Then, you're not going to do anything... ?"

"I didn't say that! I said that we're not going to go out and bring in every teen-age kid who happens to be riding a motorcycle!"

"I know you said that, but..."

"Because... Mister Belleson... It's only a coincidence that the boy who robbed you... was also riding a motorcycle! We'll be checking out on it, tomorrow!" The sergeant turned away to attend to a trivial matter on his desk.

"Is that all... ?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Christ... I'm in your town a few hours and three violent things happen to me! I still want to know... what kind of a crazy town this is?"

"Do you have something else to report?"

"Oh, well... that other thing's been taken care of..." the salesman backtracked. "Some fellow name of Scott punched me in the jaw!"

"Have you preferred charges?"

"Well... I was supposed to come down here to do that tomorrow... I mean this morning... but I'm not so sure I want to spend another minute in the fucking town.!"

"Then... you want to drop charges against Mr. Scott?"

"Hell no! I want him kept locked up!"

"We can't do that without formal charges?"

"I'll be a son-of-a-bitch... what can you do?"

"Prosecute him... when proper charges have been made against him!"

"Then, if I leave... nothing happens to him?"

The desk-sergeant surveyed the salesman with disdain. "That's right! Gabby'll just get dried out, again..."


"Mr. Scott... he's been with us, before. "Christ! There must be some kind of collusion... you pigs protecting young hoodlums... and town drunks that assault people..."

"Mr. Belleson! You're getting abusive! I'd suggest that you stop, now! Otherwise, I could arrange for you to share a cell with Mr. Scott!"

The salesman looked at the sergeant in disbelief and backed away toward the door. "Shit! I-I don't understand it... I come in here to report a r-robbery... and I get threatened with arrest! Christ! I wouldn't stay in the town for another minute!" He turned to flee. "I take it you're dropping the charges against Gabby?"

"Do what you want with him! I'm leaving... and I'll make damned sure never to come back!" He leaped for the door and made his way hastily through it, flinging back over his shoulder, "Fuck you! Fuck this whole Goddamned town!"

"Up yours!" the desk sergeant muttered, smiling to himself, as he watched the confused retreat of the salesman. "... And, please don't come back!"

The gun she held in her hand, suddenly became a symbol of pain, and Dottie Scott knew, on the instant, that she could never go through with it. God! I might just wound myself... botch up the job! She shuddered, arose, quickly, and put the gun back into its accustomed place.

What was she to do, then, with her life? She had passed by the morbid moment in which she had contemplated suicide. If she could not die... she must live, but living in this house, with her family, would be out of the question. It would be better if left... just drive away from it all!

Her solution was a cop-out; of course, taking her own life was but a manifestation of the same thing. Running away from her present life, was the only idea that pervaded her mind. She must get away... At least... if I'm gone... Charity and Donnie won't find out about me... And the life I've been leading!

Then, there was the incestuous sex act she had overheard. She had already decided that she could do nothing about it. No! There was one thing she could do; she owed it to Charity for her own protection, but not, she knew, for peace of mind... for either her or her daughter.

Her mind was made up, the sooner she left the better. With resolute steadfastness of purpose, dry-eyed, now, she began to dress. Afterward, she packed, selecting the best garments from her wardrobe and limiting herself to taking only two suitcases and her cosmetic case.

She took her small cache of money from her dresser drawer, counted it, counted it, again, to make sure. Twenty dollars was missing. Was the money lost... or stolen? A burglar would have taken all of it, and she was sure there was no way for it to become lost. Gabe? Possibly. Charity? A definite no, she decided. Donnie? The most likely! She knew instantly that it was unfair. She really had no way of knowing, and she dismissed it from her mind. Why should she try to find out which of her family was the thief? Taking the twenty dollar bill the salesman had left on the top of the dresser into her hand, she contemplated whether or not she really wanted it. Somehow, that particular bill was a symbol of evil, but was it any more evil than the other $240.00 she had just stuffed into her purse? It had all been earned in the same way! Oh, well... I might need it! Who knows which thorn hurts worst... when you fall into a clump of cactus?

One, final item remained for her to do. She forced herself to it, removing a piece of her ultra-feminine stationery from its box and taking pen in hand to write a letter... a letter of farewell to her daughter, Charity.

The letter finished, over which she had agonized for more than a half hour, she read it and decided that she would change nothing in it... for nothing could be changed. The letterããand her life, as she had lived itããwould have to stand. She had told her daughter the brutal truth about herself!

I'll leave it on her pillow... where she'll be sure to find it!

The first streaks of grey dawn filtered into Charity's room as Dottie tiptoed in, not really expecting to find her lovely daughter there, but she was pleasantly surprised. Charity was asleep, beautiful as before, her lovely face serene, seemingly unchanged; however, as she gazed on the innocent face of her daughter, Dottie knew that the girl had just leaped into full-blown womanhood... in her own brother's bed!

Dear God forgive me...

She leaned over and brushed her lips in a light kiss across her daughter's slightly opened mouth. Placing the envelope on the pillow near the cascading auburn tresses, she left the room, hastily, picked up her suitcases and left by the front door.

As she turned the key in the ignition, there was a sudden catch in her throat. She had promised herself that she would not cry. God! I've shed enough tears! There're no more left! Steeling herself, she started the engine and drove away. She had no idea where she was going, but automatically, she turned eastward, Into the rising sun, a dim thought in her mind that she would head toward Michigan, the state where she had been born and where she had spent her early childhood and adolescence.

Quickly, Charity stuffed her mother's letter under her pillow. No one must ever know of its existence! She would hide it... or destroy it, later. Jumping from her bed she ran into her parents' bedroom. She had to be sure! The room was in disarray, the closet almost empty and drawers left open. It was true! Her mother had really left!

Almost frantically, she dashed to the front door, flung it open and ran out onto the porch. Her mother's car was gone. The street was silent and empty. Then, her tears came. "Mom... oh, mom!" she cried, turning back to shuffle into the living room.

Donnie heard her cry of anguish, arose, slipped into his jeans and raced for the living room. He found his sister crumpled into the cushions of the couch.

"What's with, Char... ? What's happening?"

"Mom... sh-she's left us... !" she sobbed.

He was incredulous. "How do you know?"

"H-Her clothes a-are g-gone... and I-I heard her drive away... !"

"I'll be damned! She copped out first!" he mused.

He sat down beside her leaned down, put his arm around her and tried to console her. "Don't flip... Sis... it's not..." he began.

"Don't touch m-me... damn it!" she snapped. "Don't ever t- touch m-me... a-again!" Her voice was venomous.

"Christ... Char... I was only..."

"Get away from m-me... !"

"Whatever you say... Sis..."

He left her there and walked back to his own room.

Don Scott was really not disturbed very much. The fact of his mother's flight was, in his mind, ironic. She had just beat him to the punch. Shit! This family has been falling apart for a hell of a long time! But, Char and I... we could get along all right. She's practically all I've got, now... all the family I've got!

In his room, again, he dressed and came back out to the kitchen to forage for breakfast. He couldn't sleep any more now, even if he wanted to do so. His mind was busy with his own plans. The certainty of his thoughts centered around the fact that he, too, would have to leave soon... very soon! He doubted that he could live in the same house with Charity without trying to make her, again... and again. And, she's got an attack of conscience... telling me never to touch her, again. Well... that's not too much of a surprise. The idea of getting fucked by your brother is... pretty far out... for her... I guess. One thing... the next guy that gets into her is going to get a lighted firecracker! He'll know he's been somewhere when he crawls off of her!

He decided that he'd have to see Ray Donahue, and to do that he'd have to go to school, of course, he didn't have to stay there. He and Ray could split, go truant... maybe Ray could come up with some ideas for raising more bread. It was necessary he have some stake before he took off; a person couldn't go on the street with nothing in his jeans. He figured, roughly, that he should have a couple hundred dollars in addition to what he had taken from the salesman. It was Ray, he was sure, who could come up with some surefire possibilities.

His thoughts, again, went back to Charity, and the memory of her beautiful young body, as it writhed in uncontrolled passion under him, made his blood begin to run hot in his veins and his penis to come up hard and erect. Damn! I've got to figure a way to get her in the sack, again! She's the hottest little cunt I've ever seen or even heard about! Of course, it could've been the pot that turned her on so hard... but, Christ... I think she's just naturally hot... like mom probably is! The grass! Man! That's it! I could get her to turn on with that... almost any time! I think she sort of flipped for it... and I'd bet she's not a one- time girl for that!

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