Family Saga - Cover

Family Saga


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A family has everything going wrong as far as a family is concerned. The father is NOT the father of the daughter. Mom got pregnant and convinced another man that it was his child and they got married. The man was to inherit a large family business, but he lost everyting and stayed drunk and in-out of jail most of the time. Mom got a job as a waitress and sold herself to help support the kids, pay bills, etc...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Dottie Scott was in a blue funk! After the stranger had left the house, and she had found her connecting bathroom door slightly ajar, the fear overcoming her that her own young daughter had possibly seen and heard what had happened on the bed, she came apart at the seams, emotionally.

She still had her husband's German made pistol in her hand. Looking at it, dumbly, she wondered whether or not she would have had the courage to pull the trigger and shoot the stocky salesman who had imposed himself so lewdly upon her... perpetrating that obscene act, using her mouth as he did. Ugh! She was revulsed, again, by the mere thought of how basely she had been used. True. She had sucked a man's penis before... but this?! It was too much even for her own worldly attitude. Christ! There are limits!

Placing the gun on the dresser, perhaps thinking that she would need it, if that character showed up, again, she stumbled to her bed, threw herself face-down upon it and let her pent-up emotions go. She needed to have a good cry... after all she had been through, and woman-like, her scalding tears helped to cleanse the psychic wounds. Physically, she had not been hurt, in any way, except that her jaw seemed to be a little tired and sore.

For several minutes, her shame and humiliation was allowed to run its gamut in her. Afterward, she began to feel better and decided to take a bath. She needed to feel clean, all over.

After her long, soaking bath, she stood before the mirror toweling herself off. Catching her reflection, there, she experienced a nauseous feeling of revulsion for her own beautiful body. God! It was that very beauty that had been her downfall, her burden... almost, it seemed, her own destruction, but she could not crawl out of this skin, of course; it was the body she had to live in... and with, until the day she died.

She reflected on her past life. Her real problems had begun the year her folks had moved from Michigan to California, settling in Redfern. It had been her Senior year of high school, and she had become, almost immediately, the most popular girl in her class. She had dated several boys, but she fell in love, hopelessly, with a handsome young man who was a sophomore at Redfern College.

It had been her beautiful face and figure that had attracted him. She was flattered by the attentions of an older man, a college man. Sex had followed, naturally, it seemed... and also, quite naturally, pregnancy.

But, when she knew for sure, nature having taken its inexorable course, a period missed, she received the news that he had been killed by Chinese Communist troops in the bitter fighting around Chosin Reservoir in North Korea. He had enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps, but before he was airlifted off to the war he had left her a living memory.

Gabriel Scott, one of the boys in her Senior Class, she had dated, agreed to marry her... after she had seduced him, and then told him the child she was carrying was his.

If Scotty had ever suspected that Charity was not his own daughter, she did not know of it. He had said nothing, and she was sure that he accepted her explanation of premature birth when her beautiful auburn-haired daughter was born only seven and a half months after their hasty marriage. The secret of Charity's paternity was locked in her heart. She had vowed never to reveal to any one the name of the man who had fathered her love-child. She had kept that vow, made to herself, more than eighteen years ago.

She had to smile, ruefully, to herself, as she realized that her Life's Review sounded like an unlikely plot from a confession type magazine. But... damn it... that's the way it is! That's why I'm so concerned about Charity... she's a real young woman now... cursed with beauty, too... and she could go off the deep end over some boy... and repeat the same story! I shouldn't worry, I guess... or suspect her of doing something she shouldn't! If there was only some way... I-I could help her... tell her of the pitfalls without letting her know that I've already been down the road and got my lumps... fallen into all the traps! Oh, God! I want her to have a good life!

Donnie, her second child, had, of course, been fathered by Gabe, and she remembered how proud he was when their second born had been a boy. Just like most men!

She had never fully understood, though, how it was that her husband had lost their citrus acreage and the house. Certain aspects of business escaped her.

The one thing that had been very clear to her was that after they had moved into town, into the present ramshackle rented house, Scotty had not been able to keep a job for more than a few months. His drinking became chronic, and with his seeming deterioration, his inability to support them, she saw that it was up to her to be the provider.

Work in cocktail lounges had led her to part-time prostitution. Remembering, now, she would have gladly applied to the Welfare Department for assistance... rather than follow the course she had followed, but a false sense of pride kept her from asking for help; instead, she had fallen for the story of easy money that had been told her by another waitress with whom she worked. Yes... it was true. She did pick up some extra money that way... money that provided a few of the things the family really needed plus some extras.

... But I was able to keep the family going... and still, somehow, raise two fine children. Gabe and I don't have much left of our love... and our marriage... and now that he's probably found out what I've been doing, he'll probably leave me... want a divorce... maybe even want to take the children away from me! Dear God! I'd die if they found out... and I lost them, too!

Her morbid thoughts grew and multiplied. They seemed to be suffocating her, making it impossible for her to think clearly, and she could see no solutions, no compromises to work out. Damn! Everything's in such a mess! There's just no way out! I don't know what I can say to Gabe in the morning... when I bail him out of jail... and Charity? God... how I wish I knew... whether she heard or saw what that vile man did... what I allowed him to do to me!... But, oh God! There is some truth to what he said... a-a wh-whore's paid to do those things... however lewd or obscene they are! But, it's still hard for me to think of myself that way!

The thought about Charity prompted her to open the connecting door from the bathroom to her daughter's bedroom to take a quick peek at her loveliness as she slept. Pushing the door open a crack, she peered through. Charity was not in her bed!

Oh, God! She's not there! Where could she be? Where would she go? Could she have slipped out... t-to... to meet a boy... and.

A vision... a memory of what she, herself, had done, so many years before, flashed across her mind. She was stunned. Was it possible? Charity... her own lovely daughter... lying with a boy, somewhere... making love... copulating, a male cock in her virginal young cunt, because she believed in the same romantic notions of undying love... and all the other crap that went along with it? Dear God! Don't! Oh, don't let it be that way for her!

Quickly, she wrapped her towel about her naked body and padded into her daughter's room. The other door, leading into the dining room was open, slightly, and she went through it into the dining room. Then, on impulse, she glided on through the darkened kitchen to the back door that gave on to the back porch and Donnie's bedroom. She had heard him arrive on his motorcycle, but something in her made her want to check on him, make certain that he was safely in his bed.

A dim crack of light shone through, at the bottom of his door making a small beacon to guide her footsteps. She stopped, ready to turn back, convinced that he was, indeed in his room, but a sound behind the closed door arrested her attention. It was the voice of a girl... a girl experiencing the passion of sex. It was Charity's voice. Oh, no... God! No! NO! NOOOOOOOOOO! She screamed in silence to herself at the possibility of the monstrous thing that could be happening in her own son's bedroom. Donnie... and Ch-Charity... Together? In bed? Oh, God, no!

Dottie was stricken, rooted to the spot, and almost as if to prove her wrong, she heard her daughter's voice, clearly, "DON... OH, DON... IT'S STARTING TO FEEL... SO G-GOOD! I-I DON'T WANT YOU TO STOP!"

A flashing mind-picture of the forbidden sex act taking place in Donnie's room further stunned her. All she could think of, at that moment, was that they had to be stopped... if it were not too late!

She raised both fists to knock on the door, her mouth opening to shout out her objections, but she stopped short. Her impetuous action, her searing words were halted, as yet another lightning thought came to her, the memory of her own depraved actions of but a little while before, an act that could have been heard and seen by her daughter, burned into her, reminding her that she, of all people, had no earthly right to condemn... to sit in judgment or hang a label. Slowly, her arms dropped down to her sides and she stood there in abject shame, while inside, she heard the rustle of the bed as her son and daughter writhed upon it in uncontrollable sexual ecstasy.

Tears formed in her eyes and ran in unnoticed rivulets down her cheeks. Donnie's voice, now:


Dear God! This isn't the first time for Donnie! He's so young! It doesn't seem possible that he could have had sex relations already!


Charity's voice was so full of rapturous passion, a passion that Dottie, herself, knew well... and she couldn't bear to hear any more. She fled. Blinded by her tears and hampered by the darkness, she made her stumbling way back to her own bedroom and sat down, heavily, on the edge of her bed.

Suddenly, she felt old... drained. All of the cares of the world, of mankind, it seemed, rested square on her shoulders. She didn't know how she could bear that heavy burden. The one overriding thought in her mind was that she had failed... failed as a wife, a mother... perhaps even, as a human being. It was too complicated to sort out aH of the reasons why she felt that way. Life itself was too much. She couldn't cope with it. Life had defeated her!

Disconsolately, she looked around the shabby room with its faded, peeling wallpaper and flaking paint, contrasting it, in her mind, with the home she and Gabe had lived in, when they were first married and, by extension, comparing it, again, to her parents' home. There was, of course, no comparison, and she hated what she saw; hated it with a passion, for the tumble-down old house only served to re-enforce her own feelings of spiritual and moral decay, not to mention those of her husband... and now... of her children.

Her eyes came to rest on Gabe's pistol that she had placed on the dresser, for protection, in the event the salesman came back, again. Suddenly, she saw the gun in a different light. She saw it as a solution! That was it! Of course, it would be so easy!

Falteringly, she reached out and picked up the weapon. She ran her hand over its cold, blue length. Strange! she thought, It's like a cock... a man's hard cock... loaded with death... instead of life! All these years... it's been my death, anyway... a slow death, impaled on a man's cock... taking its way with me... and leaving me with shame... humiliation and degradation... a-and a b-bastard child... a psychic cripple for a husband!... And, now my own two children engaging in incest... while I-I'm nothing but a wh-whore! Christ! What a mess! It would be so easy! All I have to do is pull the trigger... and all my troubles will be over!

She lifted the gun in her hand. Dear God... forgive me! It's too hard... to keep on living!

In Don's bedroom, brother and sister were oblivious of the fact that their mother stood just outside the closed and locked door. Knowledge of it probably would have made little difference. They were both too involved, too aroused... too near the peak of sensual enjoyment. They were where it was at and enjoying every moment of the exquisite experience.

Suddenly, Donnie's hands slipped up over his sister's belly to find the full, firm flesh of her hard-nippled breasts, cupping, squeezing and massaging them with strong-fingered, almost brutal caresses, while below, his mouth and tongue continued their labors in the widespread slit down between her legs, his wet obscene sucking sounds filling the room; meanwhile, she was aware that his eyes were looking at her face up over her pubic mound, through the soft, sparse hairs curling softly there, and they were smiling eyes that watched her... eyes that waited for her to cum. Somehow, she knew. He was going to lick her into complete submission, perhaps even to orgasm before she would have his lust-hardened young cock fucking into her hungry cunt.

Watching, he knew that it would not be long before she climaxed. He only hoped that he, himself, could wait... wait for just a little while longer. Christ! My balls ache! But, I want this to be good for her! I'm going to lick and suck her cunt until she cums... then, I'll fuck her... fuck her with everything I've got! Just a little while more and I'll get to my part of the real fun!

His eyes remained fixed on Charity's lovely, contorting face as he unceasingly continued his frenzied tongue-mouth tantalizing thrusts into her moist cuntal depths.

Changing pace, now, he suddenly shifted his mouth upward, his lips probing and exploring, until he found the erect, pulsing bud of her clitoris. He heard her sharp whine of agonized pleasure as he took the tiny, throbbing erectile shaft between his teeth, and holding it tightly but gently, ran his tongue around and around it in ever decreasing circles, until, finally, he opened his hungry lips wide and slid his tongue downward, back down the smooth, moist furrow to the throbbing heat of her tiny, bearded little cuntal mouth. Her head flailed from side to side, uncontrollably, as he relentlessly fucked into her orally, sliding his long, agile tongue in and out of her now dilated and clasping pussy without mercy, in an effort to bring her to an exploding climax. Christ! Why doesn't she cum? She's hanging right there on the brink!

Charity was trying to speak. She fought to gain control of her throat muscles. Swallowing several times and wetting her lips, she was finally able to say, "D-Don... Oh, Don... Please... ? Why don't y-you put your th-thing in m-me and d-do it?"

Taking his mouth away, temporarily, he grunted, "Not yet, Char, Baby... I'm going to tongue you to your first one!"

He returned, quickly, to her steaming loins to listen to the whimpering, mewling sounds that she was emitting, constantly, while he swirled and flicked his tongue around and around, churn-like, in the velvety smooth insides of the soft, hair-lined lips that pulsed and throbbed there before his eyes. Then, he pulled her legs up, sliding his arms under them so that his shoulders and arms were wedged tight up beneath her thighs, pushing them up even farther until they draped over his shoulders. Now, his hands went beneath her smooth, white, quivering buttocks and pulled them up harder toward his face with brutal force.

His sister's cries of involuntary rapture filled the small bedroom, and her buttocks in his grasping hands jerked and convulsed beneath the plunging tongue, sending erotic high-voltage jolts of sexual sensation surging through her young, untried body.

Then, suddenly, she felt him flick his tongue away from and out of her vagina, downward toward the tiny, puckered secret orifice of her anus. She gasped aloud. "Oooooh God!" She could have screamed, but the ecstatic, supremely erotic and salacious sensation only caused her to continue moaning, incoherently, as the surprising and searing contact of his wet tongue with the forbidden, sensitive opening was made.

"Oh, God! Don... ! I-I can't stand it! S-Stop!"

She closed her eyes. God! I'll go insane... I-It's too much! Oh, God... why doesn't he just f-fuck m-me... ?

And, even as she spoke, she rolled her hips against his hands and tried to screw her sensate rectum back onto his stiff, probing tongue.

Don grinned up at her, then and laughed, croakingly, "Did you flip for that, Char... ?"

Dropping his head, again, he thrust against the snugly tight little hole, gooseflesh raising on her thighs, quaking belly and heaving breasts.

In her deep Passion, she could only moan, "Oh, God... Oh, God... Oh, God..." As she groaned, her loins continued to jerk and writhe up to his questing tongue in uncontrollable undulations at the delicious, unwanted yet wantedããeven neededããsensations slashing through her.

"Oh, God... Oh, God... Don... Don..." she whimpered, raising her head to gape down at his impish eyes that peeped up over the auburn haired mound at the Vee of her loins. "P-Please... Oh, please... do-do it... to me..." She was begging, now, the realization of it seeming strange to her, aware that she had no control over her body, overwhelming her with its impact. She had the feeling that there was nothing in the world but the sensual needs of her cunt; indeed it was only her vagina that mattered. He had licked and sucked at her, her body quivering, uncontrollably, beneath the overpowering assault on the raw nerve ends of her throbbing pussy, bringing her to the penultimate pinnacle of her climax, where she hung in agonized, aching need to go on to the final stage. She clenched her teeth and fists in determination as the waves of wanton pleasure passed through her in furious spasms of sensuality. Suddenly, however, it came to her that she was too anxious, trying too hard. Perhaps she should relax and let it come to her. That was it!

She made the decision spontaneously. She relaxed her tense, quivering muscles, unclenched her fists, surrendering unconditionally to the intense, internal ecstasy that she had never known before, deciding to let her brother alone transport her to that final, dizzying height she sought. Her soft, voluptuous body had cried out too long for fulfillment; she had to end the agony by relaxing and just letting it come. Oh, God! She had to cum... quick!

Still in a narcotic fog, she cried, "OOOOOooo... Goddddd! Darling... Don... ! Love me! Oh, God! Love meeeee!" She pleaded with him, shamelessly, her aroused body quivering and undulating beneath his long hot tongue, as now, he shifted to tantalize her clitoris, again, slipping his wet lingual member up and down the pulsating shaft of it several times, before finally plunging it into the hot, liquid depths of her voracious cunt. Her hands found his hair again, and with force she pressed his face into her seething crotch, raising her hips to him, rhythmically. She began to pant desperately, her breath coming in short gasps, her whole body spasming, as she sunk crazily into the final throes of orgasm!

She recognized it when it came to her. Wave after wave of ecstatic rapture surged through her convulsing body, and she was there. She was cumming!

Unreal, in the confines of the small bedroom, her voice came in a wail of sensuous, carnal, almost feral sound, the noise of carnal desire of pure, animal sex. "OOOOoooooooh! IIIII'mmm Cuuuuuuummmmmiiiinnnnggg! AAAAAAaaaaauuuuggghhhhhhhhhhh!"

Don could barely contain his broad smile of elation, as he continued to work his long, curling tongue deep into the seething, clasping passage of her vagina while she made one, final violent thrust of her hips, pushing her swirling young pussy up tight to his mouth, as the height of her climax struck her, the soft, silken curls of her pulsing cunt lips closing in on him, titillating his cheeks and teasing at the tip of his nose.

Then, as her subsequent and subsiding waves of passion swept over her, she slumped back onto the mattress, her body relaxing, going all limp, the euphoric aftermath of her climax claiming her. Her eyes were closed. She was in a near faint.

Now! Don was gloating. Now... it's my turn! Damn, she's really turned on... maybe she'll be able to cum, again while I'm fucking her!

Her body relaxed by gentle stages, until she reached a plateau of partial fulfillment where she was still aroused. She didn't know that from this state, she could be brought, again to the pinnacle of orgasm... and again, and again, if her body wanted it. For now, she thought that she had experienced the ultimate. Little did she know that soon again she would soar to unbelievable heights of another orgiastic climax.

She felt her brother move away from her still throbbing loins, and she opened her eyes to look up into his face. He had shifted his position to kneel between her limply spread legs. His pulsating cock speared out from his loins, massively, its throbbing length almost touching her sensitive love-flesh.

"Now, I'm going to fuck you, Char! Fuck you silly with this!" he grinned lewdly, reaching down to grasp the hardened rod of his prick and skinning back the foreskin to reveal the fiery bulbous head of it to her gaze.

Charity couldn't move. It was almost as though she were petrified, her thighs raised and spread wide open to him, her passion-swollen breasts heaving, her breath still coming in short panting gasps and her belly quivered, cringingly, as her eyes locked upon her brother's long, hard cock that lanced out from his crotch like some dangerous medieval weapon.

"Oh, God... Don... your thing scares me! I-It won't fit in me... after all! It's just too b-big!" she whimpered.

"Christ, Sis!" he exploded. "I stretched you out... don't you remember? It'll fit... don't worry... And, damn it... you've got to start using the right words! This is a cock!"

He crawled up over her, holding himself aloft on strong arms and pinioning her shoulders to the mattress. "So start saying it! Tell me you want me to fuck you... with my cock!" he grunted, lowering his head to suck a distended nipple, taking it into his mouth and sinking his teeth into it, causing her to writhe in pain, her hips beneath him rising to meet the hardness of him. Simultaneously, there was a definite erotic twinge in the fluttering agony of his biting teeth and a spasm of sensuous delight in their grinding loins, below.

"Say it, damn it!" he breathed heavily down at her writhing nakedness.

"P-Please... Don... do I-I have to... ?"

"Yes... God damn it... I want to hear you say it!" he ground out at her. "It turns me on... and gives me an extra charge! Oh, God... am I going to give it to you! When you get my cock in that cute little cunt of yours... you're going to be begging me to fuck you... fuck you until you can't walk! So start saying it... now!"

Charity lay beneath him as if she were paralyzed, her eyes staring in disbelief at her brother's oddly twisted mouth as it spewed out the obscene words. She couldn't understand the change that had come over him... couldn't understand why he was now insisting that she use the same vile words.

"I-I c-can't bring myself t-to say them... Don..."

"Christ! You've heard them... and I'll bet you've thought them... so get on with it!"

Dear God! He's right! I have thought those words... and maybe there isn't much difference!... And, I suppose since they do something... something erotic for him... I-I shouldn't deny him... after all he's done for me! So, whatever's fair... I guess! After all, they're only words!

Licking her lips, she tried hesitantly, "Don... I-I want you... I w-want you t-to f-fuck m-me... with your c-cock! Put it in m-my cunt... and fuck me... s-silly with it... !"

He grinned lopsidedly down at her, lewd delight registering in his eyes, "You're doing great!" he grunted. "Now... reach down and take my prick in your hand and put it in that tight, little cunt of yours!"

"Oh, God... Don... I-I can't d-do that too... !" she moaned.

"You damned well better... or you won't get it!" he taunted. "You want it... don't you... ? And, if you do, you'll have to put it in! Anyway... you've already handled another guy's cock... so that'll be no problem..."

Even as he spoke, her hand had moved down, tremblingly, toward his hardened rod and poised only an inch from it, unable to force herself to that final movement. Her head began to shake back and forth, negatively, and tears started into her eyes. Oh, God! Why was her darling brother forcing her to this?

"Do it, Char!" Don snarled. "Put your hand around my cock and guide it in!"

"Oh, my God..." she groaned, once more, as she hastened to obey him, her small hand encircling his thick, throbbing rod of male-flesh. Somehow, she was ready, now. She had leaped up from the quiescent plateau of her arousal to full-blown sensuous sexuality in the space of but a few moments, and the sex words, cock, cunt, fuck, dinning in her ears, her forced use of them, added to the eroticism, building the searing flame of her passion even higher.

Then, as she held her brother's rock-hard, more-than-ready penis in her tiny hand, she truly perceived, for the first time, the enormity of it. A sudden expression of fear flashed across her face. Oh, God, No! It's t-too big? I-It'll tear me in two... rip me! It's a monster!

"Hurry up... damn it! Put it in! I'm just about ready to cream all over your cunt, now!" It was an order. His voice was steel-hard.

He lowered his hips, while Charity spread her smooth, white young thighs even wider and guided his thick, heavy prick down toward the tiny, moist opening of her vagina, using its bulbous head to part the cringing fleshy lips of her cunt, her mind reeling with both fear and anticipation. It would be the first time in her life that a boy's penis had touched her there. Momentarily, she remembered that the particular boy whose cock would make its first stiffened entry into her virginal cunt was that of her own brother. Oh, God! Dear God! It was really incest!

But, her hesitant thoughts came a moment too late!

She gasped aloud and flailed her head, a shudder passing through her body, deliciously, at the first, hot, electrifying contact with the soft, rubbery head, moistened by its own lubricants, against the dewy, sensitive flesh of her cunt mouth, and she dared not breathe, even, as she lay frozen, immobile beneath him, a mixture of fear and anticipation flowing chillingly in her veins. Then, he flicked his hips forward, slightly, eliciting a sharp, little pain from the stretching pressure of his hardened lance of flesh at the snugly tight entrance to her cuntal passage. Oh, God... please don't let it hurt me anymore!

"OOOOooooOOOh!" she cried. He had pushed into her a fraction of an inch more, forcing it with inexorable pressure ever deeper.

"AAAAaaauuughhh!" she choked as the ponderous crest pushed into her a little stretch more, wedging itself into the tight, elastic opening, brutally stretching the as yet untried flesh of her pussy until Charity was sure that she must be tearing from the almost unbearable, outward pressing strain of his slow entrance into her.

"Stop... Don! Oh, God... you're splitting me! It hurts too much! P-Please... stop?!" she wailed. Then, as she looked up pleadingly into her brother's face, she knew that he would not, indeed, could not stop. His face was contorted with lust, a driving need in him, lashing him to sexual fury. The thought crossed her mind that his face looked almost savage... sadistic.

"Crap!" he spat. "It'll be all right! A cunt'll stretch as much as it needs to... take any size cock!"

She gaped up at him, her tormented eyes begging him for relief, but there was now no mercy in him. He shoved, again, harder, and it popped just inside the warm elastic mouth of her cunt, the smooth, rubbery head, buried throbbingly now in her forever-stretched cunt. She was sure, now, as she pleaded with him, that he was thoroughly enjoying her suffering, while he cruelly continued his agonizing impalement of her virginal vagina.

"OOhhhh! Dear God... My God!" she groaned, as he pressed his hard tube of hardened maleness into her inch by inch, torturing her with the inexorable slowness of his entry, until suddenly, she was aware that his facial expression had changed. It was a grotesque mask of pure animal lust. It was almost as though he had reached the limits of his waiting game, his body demanding its due, needing fulfillment and release of the terrible built-up pressure in his balls. With a glance down at her widespread and roundly stretched pussy lips where his thick hard cock strained into the tight mouth of her cuntal passage, he thrust, hard and cruel, sending his long, iron shod cock racing up into her cringing vaginal vault with the energy of a rutting elephant. A heavy, guttural grunt of feral, animal-like satisfaction issued from his throat, "AAuugh!"

"OOOOOhhhHHH!" she screamed as her brother's massive, lust- inflated cock-head pressed the tight, momentarily resisting walls of her moist vagina in wavelets of warm virginal flesh before it, the full length and breadth of his rod racing up into her belly, the rubbery head flicking the neck of her cervix in its headlong course, until finally, it stopped as it nudged hard against the back wall of her defensively clenching passage. She felt his heavy, sperm-laden balls smack up hard against the upturned cheeks of her smoothly sculpted buttocks. His great cock was buried to the hilt in her cringing cunt... and suddenly Charity Scott was no longer a virgin. She would never be the same, again!

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