Family Saga - Cover

Family Saga


Chapter 12

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A family has everything going wrong as far as a family is concerned. The father is NOT the father of the daughter. Mom got pregnant and convinced another man that it was his child and they got married. The man was to inherit a large family business, but he lost everyting and stayed drunk and in-out of jail most of the time. Mom got a job as a waitress and sold herself to help support the kids, pay bills, etc...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Rape   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Novel-Pocketbook   Violence  

Through a drug-induced haze of unreality, Charity felt herself being led to Gabe's old car, her legs obeying, automatically, but her mind was still, dimly, uncertainly, aware that what was happening to her was bizarre. She was, for all practical purposes, a prisoner, being led off. to a cell from which there was no escape. The thought swept through her that she was as much of a captive as Donnie... and the ironic part was she had been reduced to this position by well-meaning people, the nurses and the doctor who had administered the potent sedative to her.

She balked at getting into the car, momentarily, but Gabe's strong hands forced her into the seat. "We're going home, sweetheart," he said, for the benefit of the nurse who accompanied them to the car. "Don't you understand... ? We're going home, now... so you can get some rest!" He was all the concerned father, completely solicitous of her well-being.

"N-No... no..." she mumbled, "d-don't want t-to go h-home!"

"Everything will be all right... soon's you're tucked into your own bed..." It was the nurse smiling down at her with professional assurance.

Oh, NO! Her mind screamed it. You don't u-understand! You d-don't know... you couldn't kn-know... what you're sending me h- home to... !

The ride back to Redfern was a nightmare for her; she knew the streets they traveled, and she was conscious of where she was each moment. Each block of every mile was taking her closer. She had to do something. Her first attempt to escape from Gabe had been thwarted... but if she jumped out of the car when he paused at a traffic light, she could make it... perhaps she could run into a building and hide. That's it... I could hide in a ladies room... or somewhere... Oh, God... give me what I need t-to do it... now!

Watching for an opportunity, as they moved with the traffic along the streets, Charity began thinking ahead of their route, trying to remember certain locations. Finally, Gabe stopped at a four-way-stop intersection. There was a large furniture store, a small market and two service stations. If she could make it to the furniture store, she would be safe. Gabe wouldn't dare make a public uproar. There would be a telephone; she could call the police!

Her hand went out to the handle of the car's door, as Gabe braked to a stop. She pulled up, hard. The door swung open, and she began to scramble out of her seat.

Gabe saw her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her, bodily, back into the car, slammed the door and locked it. Then, shifting gears and popping the clutch, he punished the old car into a jackrabbit start, his strong fingers still holding her tight.

"God damn it! Don't try any more stupid stunts like that!" he roared.

She whimpered, "P-Please... L-let me g-go... ?"

"Not on your life! I've waited too damned long for this chance!" he grated.

"Wh-What do you m-mean... ?"

"I'm going to lay you, Baby Doll!" he chortled. "I've wanted to fuck you ever since you started growing those pretty little tits of yours!"

"N-NOOoo! You c-can't! Y-You're my..."

"Father... ?" he finished. "Like hell! You know... and I know, now... you and I are not related! Some other bastard knocked up your mother... then she made me believe I'd done it... and tricked me into marrying her. Dottie's letter was..."

"Y-You stole m-my letter... !" she accused.

"All right... I stole it... but it was nice to know the truth!"

"Mom d-did what she th-thought was r-right..." she countered.

"She lied!" His eyes were furious. "... And, she's a no-good whore! She was a whore when I married her!"

"No... no... NO!" she sobbed.

"... And, so are you!" he flung at her.

"OOOOoooh, God! N-No! Th-That's not t-true!"

He looked at her, his contempt plain on his face. "You wouldn't try to deny Don's been laying you... and yesterday, both Don and Ray Donahue fucked you... at the same time?"

Charity's jaw dropped open with consternation. Shame and humiliation flooded through her. He kn-knows! Oh. God... he knows! How? Who t-told... ?... N-Not Donnie! Ray! I-It must have b-been Ray... !

What could she say? There was absolutely nothing she could do; it was a fact she couldn't deny. The ugly truth had caught up with her, and her only recourse was to womanly tears. They flowed, copiously, coursing down her shame-inflamed cheeks, unchecked, unnoticed.

Gabe persisted. "Well... do you deny it?"

For answer, she shook her head in negative muteness, admitting to him the depth of her degradation.

"Little bitch!" he barked. "You no-good little bitch!"

"N-No..." she managed through her tears.

"Committing incest with your brother... orgies... taking on two at a time! Christ! How many others have you laid?"

"N-None..." she mumbled. "Ray m-made m-me do it!"

"Rape... ?"

"No... he th-threatened t-to tell on m-me... a-and Don!"

Gabe's laugh was short, mirthless. "Christ! That's good. No girl can be fucked... unless she wants to be!"

"H-He gave m-me something t-to drink..."

"That was your mistake... for drinking it!"

"B-But it was..."

He plunged ahead, not listening to her. "... And, I suppose you'll tell me Don forced you, too... ?"

"H-He g-gave me some... marijuana to s-smoke... and..."

"Christ!" he exploded. "The whole bit... drugs... drinking... sex! Is there anything else you haven't tried?"

"... But, y-you don't u-understand..."

"I understand plenty! You're no damned good... just like your mother!"

He turned off the avenue into their shabby street. It was her last chance, she decided. As soon as the c-car stops... I-I'll j- jump out and start running... a-and screaming...

As he guided the car into the driveway, he must have been reading her mind, because Gabe reached over and took her wrist, again, in his strong fingers. "Just in case you have any ideas about running out on me, again!" he grunted.

The car was stopped, now, and he went on, "You and I are going to walk into the house... just like a loving father and his daughter... and I don't want to hear one peep out of you... or I'll clobber you!" He waved a threatening flat in her face. "Understand... ?"

Her frightened eyes stared at him, unbelievingly. "You w- wouldn't... !" she said, dully.

"You want to try me... and see... ?"

"N-No..." Charity murmured. She felt the pressure on her wrist increase, painfully, and she saw the mean determination on his face.

"All right... come along, then!" He almost pulled her from the car, dragging her across the seat to exit from the driver's side of the car.

Keeping a tight hold on her, he walked her up the steps to the porch, opened the front door and shoved her, quickly, inside. He locked the door from the inside, pocketing the key.

"Now..." he gloated. "You're safe at home with your ever- loving father!"

Charity turned and plunged toward the door of her own room, fleeing like a frightened gazelle. Gabe caught her in five steps and pinned her to him, holding her from behind.

"No you don't! We're going into my bedroom... and you know what's going to happen, bitch... I'm going to fuck you silly!" He panted with the exertion of catching and holding her. She struggled, futilely, in his bear-hug grasp.

"N-No... Oh, p-please... no!" she pleaded. "L-Let m-me go... p-please... ?!"

"Not a chance, Charity Baby... I've waited too God damned long for this!"

He walked backward, half-dragging her into his bedroom, the room he and her mom had shared... the room where she had watched while that stranger had debauched her mother.

"NOOOooo!" she screamed.

Gabe flung his young stepdaughter to the bed, his own slightly flabby body following, pinning her there as one of his hands covered her mouth. His voice was gritty, "Let out another yell like that and I'll knock your damned head off, bitch. You're going to get fucked... and there's nothing you can do about it!"

Then, shifting his hand downward to hold her jaw, he dropped his mouth to hers, capturing her lips, covering them, completely, engulfing them, moistly, as his mobile tongue darted out to force itself between her lips and against her teeth. She resisted his kiss, attempting to turn her head aside, but his grip on her jaw prevented it, his fingers pressing with cruel force into the muscles of her jaw, at the hinge point, forcing her mouth to open to him. His tongue lashed inside to taste and savor the delicious freshness of her youth.

Frantically, she resisted him, trying to worm her body free of his weight on her, disgust and revulsion sweeping through her at the vile physical contact with this man she had considered her father... until just three days ago, but he held her down, as his other hand began to move, searchingly, over her curvaceous form, smoothing and kneading her hips while his pelvis prodded into her loins. She could feel, clearly, the bulging hugeness of his erect cock, inside his pants as it pressed against her, hard, into the triangle of her unwanting genital mound. There was no doubt at all, in her mind, that he truly intended to carry out his threat.

With all her strength, she pulled her face aside, breaking the kiss and escaping his voraciously devouring lips and struggled to free herself from his body pinning her to the mattress. She grated out at him, flaringly, "Damn you, Gabe! L-Let me go! I-I'll never l-let you d-do it to m-me!"

CRACK! His open-handed slap rocked her already drug-dimmed head.

"You keep asking for it, don't you?" he grunted.

Charity moaned, a hand going to the side of her face where the ugly imprint of his hand showed, clearly.

He went on, then. "I don't want to hurt you... so you might as well make up your mind to it! Either we do it my way... or by God... I-I'll tie you up... and beat you half to death, if I have to!... And, you'll still get fucked!"

She saw the evil determination in his eyes. He meant it! His lust for her could lead him to do... anything. She could be injured, seriously. He was acting and talking like a madman. What can I do... t-to stop him?

"P-Please... don't h-hurt m-me... anymore..." she said, pitifully. Her decision had been made for her. His slap, the threat, the drug still working. in her blood... all combined to weigh down on her, to defeat her. There was nothing she could do... unless she wanted to risk being mutilated!

Once again, Gabe captured her mouth, his tongue spearing into hers, probing avidly, and he rolled from her, slightly, his hand going to a full, round and firm, young breast, his fingers digging into her soft flesh through her clothing.

How can I stand it... ? He's still like my father... even if I know he isn't! Living with him for so long... calling him dad... and now... now, everything's changed! It's all so mixed up... a-and so a-awful!... A-And, it's wr-wrong... so wrong!

She struggled, again, momentarily, to escape him, trying to avoid his pillaging tongue, to shake his questing, rapacious hands from her body. It was futile. He held her in a viselike grip. Perhaps, if she gave in... allowed him to... have his way, it would be over all the sooner... and she could wait for an opportunity to slip out of the house and make good her escape, once and for all. She could just lie there, not responding and let him use her as a receptacle for his lust. After all... I don't h-have to L-like it! He's practically raping m-me... anyway... f- forcing m-me... just like R-Ray d-did!

She groaned aloud. There didn't seem to be any other way out. She was trapped... and all alone. Donnie was not there to take care of her. Then, she slumped back, relaxing onto the mattress, all of her will to fight him off gone from her. It was a groan of submissive resignation.

Gabe heard and misinterpreted her groan of defeat, from the very depths of her tortured young soul, as one of sexual arousal. It signaled his victory. He was hers, already.

"Don't worry, Baby Doll... I'm going to take care of you... good, but I'm going to take a little time for some fun, ahead of that... you might as well relax and enjoy it... because you'll be begging to be fucked before I'm through with you!" he bragged.

He began kissing her neck, his tongue flicking out to lave her soft skin, moistly; now, it was flicking investigatively, into her ear, its warm moistness as the tip ran around the outer edges of her tiny earlobe giving her uncontrollable shivers of unwanted delight.

"You're a beautiful little thing, Charity!" he hissed into her ear. "I've always thought so... now I'll find out how hot a piece of tail you really are!"

She lay stretched, at full length, under him, her softly curving thighs clenched tightly together, dreading the moment when he would want to touch her... down there... in that private, secret place, between her legs. She didn't want it to happen... yet she knew that it would. Each time, it had been that way: First with Don... then Don and Ray, together... and now... it was Gabe, her stepfather. She dreaded it, feared it with every fiber of her being, for somehow, she knew it would be the beginning of the end for her. She had always lost!

Leaning up on an elbow, his hand roamed, freely, down across her flat belly, on down the outside of a tapered thigh to the hem of her miniskirt, then up, again, back along the same route on the smooth, warm flesh to the triangle at the juncture of her trembling thighs, pulling the dress up, as his hand crept between to touch the wisp of nylon panties that covered her, and exposing her completely to his lust-filled gaze. His fingers probed the soft nylon that encased her loins and went smoothly in under the leg band to touch her soft, silky pubic hair, caressingly; then, he deftly used a finger, pushing it into the crease at the top of her quivering vaginal furrow, sliding it in to find the tiny bud of her clitoris.

He grinned at her salaciously as he rubbed across it, feeling it come up hard and firm under the pad of his sensitive finger. He knew it would send flashing sensations through her, for no woman, once she had been brought to full arousal, would be able to resist such teasing manipulation of her naked pussy.

Charity tried to cringe away from his questing finger. Her hips pushed down into the mattress, and she attempted to roll away from him. It was useless; she felt his strong hands, now, pulling and tugging at the thin material of his sheer, white panties, the only barrier protecting her sensitive cuntal opening from his rummaging hand.

"Oh, p-please... don't d-do that..." she moaned.

"It's a little late for that isn't it, baby you're already getting hot! Christ! That little clit of yours is hard as a rock!"

Then, twisting his hand into the leg band of her wispy panties, he gave a quick, hard yank, tearing them away from her, the thin material ripping away, leaving her tender, young loins tremblingly naked and completely defenseless before him.

Instinctively, she clamped her legs tight together, and a hand went down to cover her naked shame. "Nooo! No! Please... N-No!"

"Open those legs... bitch!" he growled. "... Or, do you want another one across the mouth?!"

"I-I c-can't! I-I just can't L-let you d-do it!" she wailed.

"You can't let me... but you sure as hell let others fuck you... didn't you?" he needled.

"Y-You don't really kn-know how it was. I-It was different..." She tried to defend her actions with Don and Ray.

"... And, that makes you nothing but a little whore... so open them up! I might even consider paying you... just like Marcy..."

She was dumbstruck. P-Pay me... ? Marcy? Marcy Lunceford? He p-pays her t-to d-do it? She's a... a whore?... And, he keeps telling m-me I'm one... t-too! Why?

It was useless. She couldn't unravel it... but one thought stuck in her mind: Gabe and Marcy Lunceford, together, in bed, or in a car just didn't seem possible.

She was beaten down by his intimidating words, and as defeat, disgust and fear mingled in her, she relaxed the muscles of her thighs, slightly, allowing the white, curvingly tapered columns to part, revealing the dividing coral slit, glisteningly moist there, an auburn ring of sparse young pubic hair lining the soft femaleness of her. Peeping through, the tiny petals pouted out like a small but lower tongue, while above, the miniature phallus, her clitoral bud, throbbed pulsingly. Her whole body quivered with fear... and anticipation.

Then, in spite of her revulsion, it began for her, just as it had before with her brother and his friend.

She didn't want it to happen... but she felt his lewd finger moving on her, tracing the thin, pink furrow of her naked and defenseless young cunt, and she shivered with another feeling of revulsion; then, there was a moment of strange, tortured agony, of salacious agitation, that seared her loins with unexplainable and delicious, ecstatic need.

He insinuated the finger deeper and let it slide into the moist warmth of her trembling vaginal passage where he rotated it around in tiny teasing circles just inside the desire-slickened walls of her cuntal mouth, eliciting a long, low moan from her agonized lips.

Something was happening to her, in her helplessness; that spreading warmth in her loins, the tingling awareness, the prurient sensations that arced in her, seeming to center where his finger probed into the soft flesh of her cunt, signaled sexual arousal... and pleasure she had forbidden for herself.

His finger... Oh, God, it's driving me crazy!

Charity moaned aloud in an agony of conflicting emotions. Her nerve endings were shimmeringly alive to the electric sensations that surged in her loins... but she didn't want to respond to this father-figure... indeed, to the man she still, unconsciously, -thought of as father. If it had to happen--as he said it must-- she didn't want to be a party to it. Why, oh, why didn't he just put his thing in her... make his vile motions of sex and be done with it? Why did he have to keep torturing her, making her want it... need it? It all seemed so wrong... so very wrong!

Tremblingly, she squirmed her buttocks down into the soft mattress, seeking to escape the tantalizingly worming finger, her deep throated moan changing to a helpless, mewling whimper of building pleasure as he continued to taunt her taut, young pussy lips, thrusting his finger deep into her several times; then, parting the softly curling pubic hair, he made a sudden electrifying contact with the tiny, pulsing head of her firmly erect clitoris.

She could feel the moistness all around the sensitive opening, the exudation caused by his manipulating, tantalizing finger. It was unwanted and forbidden sexual excitation that now filled her whole being, and she clenched her teeth to hold back another moan of pleasure. She wouldn't allow herself to give in to the salacious feelings building within her defenseless, trembling loins.

This was impossible! She couldn't let it go on! Forcefully, she pushed up against his heavy chest, writhing and kicking, under him, in an attempt to free herself from his grip.

"P-Please, d-daddy... stop d-doing all these th-things to m- me... !"

Gabe roared with spontaneous laughter. "Daddy... ? Daddy, hell! I'm not your father... and you know it! You were a little bastard... remember?"

Charity couldn't help it. It was definitely a slip of the tongue that caused her to call him daddy, but his cutting words were too much for her.

"... B-But I-I never knew h-him... you're the only f-father I kn-know..." she sobbed. It seemed almost an unconscious attempt to appeal to whatever sense of decency remained in him.

"Shut up, bitch! You're still a bastard... and a little whore, to boot!" he growled at her.

Suddenly, she heaved her body up against him and tried to roll to her side, away from him. His constant bombardment of her with vile names, names that degraded and humiliated, was more than she could stand. She had to act... now, to put a stop to it!

The sudden force of her action caught Gabe by surprise, but he was quick. He caught her by the shoulders and wrestled her back, again, his weight fully on top of her, pinning her to the soft mattress beneath him, again.

"You little bitch... still got some fight left, eh?!" he grated, forcing his muscular leg between her thighs, parting them, forcefully, while his middle finger wormed into her, again, to plunder the moist readiness of her gently quivering vagina.

"... But you can't get away," he went on, boastfully, "because I won't let you go... until I've fucked you till you can't walk!... And, if you try to call it rape... it'll never hold water! You're legal age... and before I'm through you'll be begging me to fuck you, like I said... so relax... and enjoy it!"

"N-No... never!" she gasped through clenched teeth. "Y- You'll never m-make m-me want t-to..."

"We'll see about that!" He was supremely confident.

Then, as his weight bore down on her, Charity stopped struggling and relaxed back into the bed, the completely insane horror of her helpless, completely defenseless situation sinking into her frantic brain. There was nothing she could do!

No matter what she did or said, she was going to be used by him. She was trapped like a wild animal. All she could do, now, was lie there and allow him to take any liberty his depraved mind dictated... let his hands roam at will over her helpless, young body, fondling, kissing, licking... and sucking at her tender flesh; then, when he was ready... he would use his monstrous cock to violate her warm, moist, unwanting vaginal passage, pounding into her without mercy and squirting his lewd sperm deep into her tortured loins.

Tears of humiliation flowed down her cheeks, unchecked. The revulsion she felt for her own response to his lewdly taunting finger caught in her throat, as she became aware that the tantalizingly cruel tracing of his fingers in the soft, sensate flesh of her open genitals elicited uncontrollable sensations in the aroused wetness of her cuntal channel. His leg wedging her thighs apart made it impossible for her to avoid the plundering contact.

His raspy voice was loud and close to her ear, his breath hot against her. "Feels good doesn't it?" he taunted.

She twisted her head aside and her words stopped short in her throat; she couldn't speak, as the sensual shock of his maddening fingers massaging her throbbing clitoris and the now slightly throbbing mouth of her pussy caused her to writhe her firm rounded young buttocks down into the mattress to escape the frantic, nerve- shocking sensations that slashed at her soft, vibrant cunt.

"Oh!... Oh, OOoohh, God!" she whimpered, involuntarily, as he continued, unceasingly, to stimulate the erect, pulsing little bud between her thighs.

Gabe moved his paunchy body to kneel up over her, his strong hands holding her shoulders, immobile, to the mattress, then he lowered his head to kiss her moist, tightly clenched lips, his tongue forcing them apart and sliding deep into her mouth, as at the same time, he slipped a finger into her vaginal opening to massage her soft, nakedly defenseless cunt once more.

After a few moments he told her, "I'm going to strip you bare- assed naked, now... and you're going to cooperate!"

Dully, Charity knew that she would. At this point, there was nothing more she could do to help herself... or better her situation.

She felt herself being raised up to a sitting position, felt him fumble as he unbuttoned her blouse, heard the zipper of her skirt whisper open, and she closed her eyes, not wanting to think about what her own mother's husband was doing to her. Then, she was helping him, shrugging her shoulders as her blouse came off, raising her hips for him to remove her skirt and the remains of her soft wispy panties. Now, his busy hands were behind her, unhooking her bra, removing it, and the cool air of the room washed over the warm flesh of her full, firm and youthful breasts, the erect, distended nipples pointing, spikily, into the palms of his avid, grasping hands as he reached out to encompass them.

She gasped as his talonlike fingers enclosed the warm, vibrant flesh, his lustful hands kneading and massaging, hotly, until he began to roll the sensitive, pink nipples between thumb and forefinger which brought breathy mewls of pleasure-pain from her passion-distorted mouth.

Then, his hot, wet mouth was on her, taking one of the hardened, berrylike buds--the areola as well--into his oral cavity, his lips sucking and nibbling, his tongue licking, maddeningly. Transferring his attention to the other breast, he paid it similar homage, his long, mobile tongue trailing, finally, through the clefted, narrow valley between them. She tightened her stomach muscles, involuntarily, tensing against him, as his body slithered down and down, his tongue trailing, moistly, across the flat plane of her belly to dip, probingly, into the shallow well of her navel, teasingly, while his hands reaching out above him kept up their constant kneading of her tremulant breasts.

His hands began to shift, and she could feel them as they left her full-mounded breasts to slide, sinuously, along her rib cage to her waist, slipping on down, over the full rounded curve of her hips and the outside of her tapering thighs to her knees. Then, back up, they crept, along the inner surfaces of her warm, velvety thighs, moving stealthily, spreading her legs as they went, exposing her naked, defenseless loins, completely to his gloating gaze.

She heard his breath, raspy raw in his throat, as his hand, again worked itself into the moist open furrow, plundering her tight, nearly virginal cuntal lips. Charity kept her eyes closed tight as she felt him kneel up on the bed above her nakedness... and she could hear, clearly, the whisper of his zipper, the rustle of male clothing as it was shed. She knew he was undressing himself, and she dared not look.

Gabe saw her tightly closed eyes and chortled down at her, "You might as well look, Baby Doll... you'll have to... sooner or later!"

There was truth in what he said. She was involved. She was responding to him... whether she wanted to or not. The beginnings of a soaring ecstasy was building like an out-of-control forest fire in her belly.

Reluctantly, she unclenched her tightly closed eyes. She couldn't help seeing it; her eyes were drawn like a magnet to his hairy loins, below the slight paunch of his belly.

She saw his naked form, kneeling now between her widespread legs, his face distorted with lust. Her eyes swept down to see the erect penis that stood out below in obscene nakedness. Involuntarily, her eyes widened in surprise, disbelieving what she saw there. Her stepfather's hardened penis speared out into the air before him, thick and massive, and while he grinned at her lewdly, she saw his hand move to grasp it, caressingly, the huge, oversized cock throbbing in his hand.

Through horrified eyes she watched as he stroked, gently, back and forth, his hand moving the full length of it, the foreskin slipping easily over the shiny, red, blood-engorged head with each stroke. It jerked and throbbed, obscenely, in his manipulative hand. She couldn't help but stare at it!

"Pretty nice isn't it?" he teased.

"I-It's b-big!" she choked. "I-It's too b-big!"

In her imagination she saw it sliding, ponderously, into her, splitting her belly wide open. "Oh, God..."

"Those damned young kids couldn't match this!" he stated.

Dumbly. Charity continued to stare at him in miserable humiliation, the degradation of knowing what was coming, the sight of his obscenely naked penis, her own completely nude body spread out on the bed before him, helpless, defenseless, filled her with unfathomable feelings of shame... and she was utterly alone as she faced the sexual onslaught of this lust crazed man.

Even as she stared, it was this same feeling of helplessness that stirred further tinglings of unwanted desire. They came surging, somehow, from her, playing like summer lightning in her loins, discharging feelings of wanton depravity along her sensate nerve endings; nevertheless, there was a new horror in her. It was not her imagination working, now. She knew it for a fact. As she watched him on his knees, above her, obscenely, stroking himself to fully erect hardness, her eyes fixed upon his lust-filled cock in his hand, she knew, without a doubt, that it really was too big. She looked at it, now, with terror and fear. It would rip her apart! How can I ever take that... h-huge thing... inside m-me... ?

"You'll really know you've been fucked... when I get this into that tight little cunt of yours!" he told her, his lewd smile of anticipation revulsing her.

Tears brimmed her eyes, again, as she realized there was nothing she could do to prevent him from ravishing her. She hardly noticed his filthy language, now; he kept using the words over and over. Her mind was too busy assessing the complete hopelessness of her position, for there was the terrible realization that there was no escape from the sexual plunder of her helpless, young body... a ravishment that was going to be carried out, no matter what she said or did. There was nowhere to turn... no one to turn to, now that Donnie could not be there with her. She was completely at his mercy.

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