Swap Party Campaign - Cover

Swap Party Campaign


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Ruth loved her husband very much, so much in fact, that when he ran for Mayor they both agreed that the best way to get support and votes was to 'put-out' for them... so they do. After all, it is much easier to fuck your way to the top of the great American political ladder, than it is to fight, swear and lie about it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

The taxi driver smiled broadly. He had recognized John Conners's wife even though she was wearing her darkest glasses and had pushed her gleaming auburn hair back under a cap. Realizing that the lovely young candidate's wife was in no mood for conversation, he refrained from speaking to her. He was content enough to have such a celebrity in his taxi, although he did wonder why she had not taken a limousine and why she was going to such a middle-class neighborhood. From what he had read about the Connorses, they hung out with the high society in Pleasureville.

He watched the beautiful young woman as she walked away from him down the sidewalk. He tried to memorize everything about her so that he could tell his wife and kids when he got home. He had seen the future mayor's wife.

The front door of Dan's apartment building was just slightly ajar, and Ruth stood there for what seemed an eternity before she entered. It had been a marvelous weekend the four of them had had together, but now it was Monday again and time for her rendezvous with Dan. She hoped he was going to continue the game they had started last week. She had really enjoyed that one.

She entered the building and knocked at Dan's door with an anticipation that made her even more anxious to find out what was going to happen. She knocked again louder, as if to calm the suspense.

Dan came to the door, opening it and looking at her with a deceptively mild-mannered smile. Ruth entered as Dan Michaels ushered her inside. She stood uncertainly by the door with her arms hanging loosely at her sides. She wasn't quite sure what Dan had planned and she wanted him to be the first to act. He hadn't said a word to her as yet and so she continued to stand there by the door, waiting.

"Please sit down, Mrs. Connors," he said. "Won't you have something. It's almost tea time..."

"No... I only came for the tapes," she said almost with relish that he was continuing the same game. "You promised..."

"Oh, yes... the tapes... But Mrs. Connors, I'm disappointed. I was sure you would want to hear the rest of them."

Ruth almost smiled at the enjoyment plastered all over Dan's face. He was really proud of himself for this one, and she was proud of him too. It was understood between them that if anything happened on the weekend between the two of them, that they would forget about it during their weekly visit--it was better, fuck- wise.

Dan helped her out of her coat.

"Now, if you'll sit down... I'm sure you'd like a little drink at least!" He was already on his way to the kitchen, where Ruth knew he kept the liquor. She did not protest. She would enjoy a drink now to help her get in the mood for things. She sat down on the sofa and tried to keep calm.

When Dan returned with the liquor bottle, Ruth felt very light-headed as she said, "I am prepared to do anything you want to get the tapes and your word that you will not show them to my husband!"

Dan stopped in the middle of the room and appeared startled. Then his face broke into a smile in which only the traces of his real thoughts could be seen. He was really getting into the part. He moved forward again, his tall form slight but muscular. He offered Ruth the glass of liquor and set the small serving tray down.

"In that case," he said, "we should adjourn immediately to the bedroom!"

"The bedroom?" Ruth inquired. "You mean in there... ?" She pointed toward the bedroom where the tape recorder was and where they had had such fun last Monday.


Ruth hesitantly followed Dan Michaels who walked eagerly ahead of her. When Dan turned to make sure she was following, he smiled approvingly and said, "I'm glad you're bringing your drink... we may be some time in here!"

A tingle went through Ruth's cunt. She was thinking all sorts of wild thoughts. If all he wanted to do was fuck her, that would be fine. But that's what they always did, and she was kind of hoping for something a little different, something she had never done before.

Dan pushed her forward into the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

"Don't be afraid. Nothing I do will hurt you."

Ruth stumbled backward away from him.

"I'm so glad you decided to listen to the tapes with me," Dan continued. "A young woman of your intelligence, of your background, will enjoy the sounds of high class passion. Surely my little needs will be very easy for you to meet."

"What are you talking about!" Ruth screamed, looking frantically around her and trying to make the sex game seem as realistic as possible.

"I'm talking about you and me, Mrs. Connors. We hit it off rather well last week. In memory of that time, I have a little program planned. I've been planning it all week long, and I know you won't want to disappoint me by not participating."

"The tapes, you'll give them back to me. You'll promise?"

Once again Ruth tried to get into the mood of the game and say what she felt Dan wanted her to say. She would ruin it for both of them if she didn't.

"Oh, of course! All yours!" Dan flicked a button on the side of the wall, and suddenly the room was filled by the sounds of the tapes. Ruth's own voice entreated Dan to fuck her harder and harder. Sounds of her lover's cock fucking into her own fur- rimmed pussy were magnified a thousand times in the small room. She put her hands over her ears and turned away from Dan, but it did not stop the sound.

She was about to turn back toward Dan and tell him just how disgusting she thought the tapes were, when she felt his arms entwining around her waist. She pretended to fight and scream, but he carried her kicking all the way over to the bed, where he threw her down on the mattress.

"Would you like to undress or shall I do it for you?" Dan asked politely. "Don't worry. I will give you a chance to hear all of the tapes before you leave."

Ruth looked at the man in front of her. She could see by the look in his eyes that he was really enjoying himself, and she vowed she would try to keep up the fantasy for him

"No!" she cried, defiantly. "I'll do it myself!"

She began to disrobe hurriedly, taking off her cap first and letting her gleaming auburn hair cascade to her shoulders. Her dress came off with a sharp down-pull on the back zipper. She pulled her slip up over her head and stood before Dan Michaels in her panties and the pale pink bra that she had decided to wear that day.

"Oh, lovely, lovely!" Dan said, applauding her soundlessly. The lewd tape continued to spew its obscene sounds throughout the room, and Ruth trembled with arousal.

"You don't mind if I do the rest, do you? I would rather like that, I think."

Dan moved toward her and she struggled with herself to remain level-headed. She shut her eyes tightly, and she felt his hands gently pushing against her inner thighs, his fleshy palms slowly pulling her knees apart and sliding hotly up the inner softness of her thighs. She jerked involuntarily as they skittered across the sensitive tanned surface of her nakedly exposed flesh to her pink silk panties. Dan's breath was coming in heavy puffs as his fingers made light contact with the thin silken crotch band up between her full soft, thighs.

She groaned helplessly as his fingers rummaged on the outside of the flimsy panties, pushing the softness of the thin material into the hotly quivering slit of her cunt. She shrank away indignantly, but he continued to play teasingly, his fingers pulling gently at the soft coppery pussy hairs that protruded from the tight elastic leg bands.

His middle finger slipped suddenly under the narrow elastic leg band and flicked lewdly at the wet, red opening of her pussy, bringing a groan from Ruth. She could feel his eyes feasting hungrily on her pinkly glistening cunt flesh up between her legs.

"I'll just take them off, now!" Dan declared, and she shut her eyes again, in an agony of arousal, feeling the smooth silk drawing slowly over her voluptuously curved hips and thighs and exposing the whole of her soft, copper-haired pussy.

"Just as beautiful as I remembered!" Dan sighed, pulling the flimsy silken panties all the way off and staring longingly at the red, hair-covered vee of Ruth's trembling cunt.

Dan stood back, and then he knelt on the mattress near to where Ruth lay, still clad in her pale pink bra. Dan reached behind her and easily unfastened the clasp of the pink bra, releasing her huge, whitely billowing tits to his hungering eyes. His fingers ran lightly over their pulsing brown tips, and he chuckled to himself as she pulled away.

"Please, let me alone... let me alone! I'll do anything you want but this, please, anything!"

"Oh please, Mrs. Connors," Dan said in a mocking, polite tone. "Don't worry, no harm will come to you. Just relax. If I'm not mistaken, you'll enjoy this."

Ruth suddenly knew that Dan had outdone himself this time and had found something that would really please her.

"My drink," the harassed redhead yelled desperately. "Give me another drink!"

"As you like, Mrs. Connors." Dan turned and left the room, and while he was gone Ruth listened to the lewd sounds of her and Dan fucking. When had he recorded that? She couldn't remember, but it didn't matter because soon Dan would come back and they would have some fun, fun, fun!

For a moment, just before Dan returned, it passed through Ruth's mind to wonder why she needed to play these games with Dan. She'd always liked to act her fantasies out ever since she had been a little girl, and her acting with Dan sent her spiraling toward unreachable heights. She needed the kicks their games gave her, very simply.

When Dan returned with the bottle of liquor, he poured some into the glass she'd left by the stereo and took it to her. Thirstily, she drank it down as he held it to her parched lips.

"MORE!" she said, and he filled it and again held it to her lips while she drank. She felt the dizzying effects of the strong liquor spreading throughout her system, making her pussy hot and ready for the novel experience she knew was coming.

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