Swap Party Campaign - Cover

Swap Party Campaign


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Ruth loved her husband very much, so much in fact, that when he ran for Mayor they both agreed that the best way to get support and votes was to 'put-out' for them... so they do. After all, it is much easier to fuck your way to the top of the great American political ladder, than it is to fight, swear and lie about it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Ruth walked quickly out of her husband's headquarters and down the street toward Dan Michaels' apartment. Her pussy tingled wonderfully at the thought of her husband's cock fucking deep into her cunt. And she quickened her pace toward Dan's.

Then Ruth was aware of someone calling her name. At first she wasn't sure, but then she knew it was so. "Ruth... Ruth!"

A dark car rolled up beside her, and a man leaned over and held the door open for her.

"Get in!" he called. "It's too far to walk from here, Ruth."

It was Dan, of course. He was never one to wait for something he wanted.

Trying not to think about all that, she hurried into the car and closed the door behind her. She must act natural, as if she hadn't just been screwed silly by her darling husband.

"Why, Dan!" she said. "What a wonderful surprise... and you've come just in the nick of time!"

Dan smiled at her in his familiar boyish way. He had been Ruth's lover for a few years, and he knew her very well. He could see now by the flush in her cheeks and her careful walk that she had just been fucked silly by her own husband. He liked it when she was like this; it made her all the more anxious to fuck around with him.

He looked over at her appreciatively, thanking his lucky stars for the day that he met her. He had been the prosecuting lawyer at one of her husband's client's trials. He had watched her come into the courtroom every day to watch her husband argue his case. Her eyes had shone with pride. He felt his cock jerk painfully as he remembered how desirable she had been. Then, later, when he had met her at a friend's party, he had been blown out of his mind by the way she had drawn him into another room where they had fucked wildly. It had been that way ever since. Sometimes they even got together with her husband and his mistress. But when she was hot like she was today, he knew that she liked to play games, lewd little games that sent her cunt spinning out of control.

"Glad to be of service, Mrs. Connors. You know that!" he said softly. The car was moving slowly along, and Ruth smiled at the absurd formality of their conversation.

"I think you turn at the next corner, Dan," she reminded the young lawyer.

"Only too glad to be of service," he repeated, and Ruth wondered for a second just what he was up to. She thought with pleasure of the night they had met at the party. She had lured Dan into the bedroom and taken all her clothes off. Then, she had lain nakedly writhing on the soft shag carpet. Ruth felt the need in her pussy starting up again at the thought of how she had lain on the floor, watching his look of surprise fade away to a lust as large as her own as he had thrown off his clothes and fucked her within an inch of her life!

"Oh, fuck me, Dan," she had cried to him. "Fuck my hot tits off!"

"How are you, Mrs. Connors?" Dan inquired in the same formal tone, and Ruth wrenched herself back to the present, aware now of the reason for Dan's behavior.

"Why, I'm just fine, Dan, and my husband is well too. You're looking quite well yourself. Won any good cases lately?" She did her best to play along without giggling, but she could hear her voice trembling with the strain. She was always this way at first, until she really got interested in the game.

"I have an appointment I cannot be late for!" she declared. "I think you may have made a wrong turn..."

"Oh, Mrs. Connors, I was so hoping you would drop by my apartment. You know, you haven't seen it for almost a week. I've made a few improvements. You might really enjoy seeing them. They are made for you."

So that was it. Ruth tried to think of what she should do. She had learned that it was important to get into the parts he devised for her, even into the most difficult parts she was to play, if either of them were going to get the "kicks" they wanted from the games. She must maintain the act no matter what. So she feigned fright as the car gathered speed, and she turned slightly to see Dan's lips set in a lewd sideways smile, his hair combed loosely in a different way, a new, more debonair way.

Boy, he's really loving this one. Must have had it stored in the back of his mind just waiting for when the time was right. Well, she would play it to the hilt, because that's what he wanted and he'd gone along with her on her fantasies.

"I'd... I'd love to see it, Dan!" she said. "I hope it's nice and warm. I'm kind of cold. It's a bit chilly for summer, don't you think?"

"Oh yes... you'll be hot there!" Dan promised, nodding his head in a strange manner.

The sun reflected off the windshield of the car in front of them. Dan ought to be very satisfied, she thought. He's doing a fabulous job! But what Ruth wanted more than anything, as the car driven by her silent lover sped toward the northwest, was to be in his apartment and find out what was in store for the afternoon.

Dan could feel Ruth's anticipation beside him, and he wanted to let her in on what he had planned, but he knew that she would enjoy it more if she was surprised, so he kept silent.

"Here we are, Mrs. Connors," Dan said, pulling up in front of a small four-story apartment complex. There were similar complexes on either side of it and all up and down the street.

Dan hurried around the front of the car and opened the door for her. Then, taking her gently by the elbow, he escorted her up the concrete steps to the front door of the small building. For a moment he fumbled with his keys, and then they were entering the interior of the complex.

"Here we are!" he said, a tone of excitement entering his voice.

The apartment was quite large inside, and although sparsely furnished, it gave the appearance of being very comfortable. A deep wall-to-wall rug covered the living room floor, and an overstuffed sectional couch took up one side of the wall. Ruth went over and sat down on the couch and waited for her next cue.

"Yes, that's right, Mrs. Connors, make yourself comfortable. Shall I make some coffee?"

"Coffee would be lovely, Dan," Ruth replied, as she leaned back against the sofa and looked around her. Dan disappeared into the kitchen. Through an open door at the end of the living room she could see the large double bed where they had spent many a wild afternoon, and upon its soft furry spread lay what appeared to be some kind of tool. She remembered that Dan had told her he had something special planned, and she wondered if that was it.

Homey sounds of clinking china were coming from the direction of the kitchen.

Hurriedly, Ruth straightened her dress and her hair. She always wanted to look her best; it made fucking better somehow.

Ruth was famous for her clothes and her exquisite good looks. A tall, willowy redhead, there was little that she could wear that did not become her, and her figure, she knew, was the envy of all the women who were acquainted with her. People sensed the deep sensual bond between her and her handsome husband, and it made them one of the most popular couples in the city.

Ruth sat uncomfortably on the sofa. The suspense was getting to her. Already, since the material of her dress was so thin, the round brown tips of her bare nipples beneath were showing. What am I doing here anyway? she asked herself.

"Here we are, Mrs. Connors," Dan said, entering the room with a tray. The piping hot coffee steamed from the pot as he set it down on the low coffee table in front of Ruth, and she could not help looking forward to its warmth.

"As I recall, you take a little sugar and a little bit of milk. Is that correct?" Dan smiled down at her, and Ruth blushed.

"Yes, she replied, lowering her eyes. "Yes, thank you, Dan!"

The hot coffee tasted delicious, and Ruth sat back, just a bit more at ease than before. She tried, however, to keep her arms in front of her, just in case her nipples showed too clearly. There were times when she wished she still wore a brassiere, and this was one of them. She didn't want Dan getting worked up until he was ready.

"Well, Dan," she said, breaking into the long silence that threatened. "What a cozy place you have here. I really like it. Tell me, how do you spend your time, now that you have so much of it?"

"Oh, I keep quite busy." Dan had taken a seat opposite Ruth in a straight-backed chair that he had pulled up to the coffee table. He drank his own coffee with relish, "I work on my little gadgets... and fool around with my tape deck."

"What tape deck?" Ruth asked. Suddenly everything inside her was listening, waiting for what the dark-haired man's answer would be.

"Why, the tape deck I use to record things, of course!" he replied easily, as though she should have known all along. "I see someone cheating on their husband, and I say to myself, 'Dan, you have got to teach that little woman a lesson, '" he added with a twinkle in his dark brown eyes. Ruth was silent but a thrill ran through her at the sudden change the game had taken. Normally it was just the old rape game, but this afternoon, with this blackmail thing thrown in, it added a more lewd flavor to it. It was all she could do to keep her hands from trembling on her cup.

"Oh, yes, I keep busy! I have a very modern tape recorder that I use to record these affairs. It's the best way, I understand. Oh yes, I have a lot of memories already down on tape."

"I... I see..." Ruth stammered.

Dan was thinking about how well this game was going. He could see how much it had excited Ruth already. Her nipples showed dark and erect through the thin dress, and his cock jerked at the memory of his tongue licking hungrily around the dark, berrylike nipples.

He was watching young Ruth Connors carefully now. "Perhaps you'd like to hear some of the tapes?" he inquired.

Outside a siren was screaming, and a fire truck clattered past. Ruth felt that sirens were wailing inside her head and her pussy, that any second the throbbing would go out of control and she would run out and grab any man who would fuck her.

"Yes... yes, I would like that," she said. A part of her knew that the time was near, that it was now that they would really start the game, but another part of her dared to hope that this exquisite suspense would last a bit longer. Dan got up and started into the bedroom, motioning her to follow.

"This is my bedroom back here," he said.

On legs that wobbled and trembled, Ruth followed her lover into the room.

"There's something I'd like to ask your advice about, anyway, Mrs. Connors," Dan said. "Won't you sit down on that chair there?" He pointed to a chair in the corner of the room. The other corner was taken up with an impressive bank of taping equipment stacked up to the ceiling.

Ruth sat down. There was an increasing lust mounting inside her, a thrill that she had to quench or she was going to be sick. I must not get sick now, she told herself. I must remain calm and wait for Dan's cue.

Dan reached into a cabinet and withdrew a reel of tape. He congratulated himself once more for having thought of recording one of their wilder fucking sessions. He fondled it carefully, thinking back to that night. Dan's dormant cock began to pulse to life as he remembered Ruth Connors' silkenly naked body spread lewdly on the bed ready for him to screw. She had pulled him to her.

"Dan, you've got a huge big cock... you've got a big throbbing cock!" She had to have it inside her cunt, no longer satisfied by the dildo she had been ramming deep into the clasping hole of her copper-fringed pussy. Pushing him down on the soft mattress of her bedroom, her mind crazed by the lust that seemed to fill the very air she breathed, Ruth had mounted his huge pussy-stretching prick.

Dan seemed to feel that incredible sensation still; it had been one of their better times. His cock throbbed excitedly as he recalled the tightness and the strength of Ruth's yearning cunt, wrapping itself around his upthrusting prick as she bounced up and down on it. She had had him fuck the dildo deep into the tight nether hold of her ass, and he had done so, overwhelmed with lust at the thought that he had almost cum right then and there without waiting for her. And when her young husband had come into the room he had joined them, and Ruth had been pressed between the two of them, her husband John and himself. They had fucked her together and singly. Dan had found her stretched and throbbing asshole as willing a receptacle for his lustfully hard cock as her cunt. He remembered how much Ruth had liked having the two deeply fucking cocks inside her at once, and it was then that Dan had ejaculated far into Ruth's ass-cushioned asshole in the most powerful cum that he had ever known.

He was glad that he had recorded the session on his small vest-pocket tape-recorder. He had meant to play it back for all of them to enjoy, but in the exhaustion following that mind- blowing cum, he had forgotten about it. Later when he had played it for himself and had almost cum again just from hearing it, he had decided that he would save the tape for later and use it as a surprise in one of their games. He knew Ruth would get a real send-off when she heard it, just like he had.

He slipped the tape cassette into his stereo tape deck, aware that Ruth Connors was watching his every move.

"Would you like to hear this?" he inquired. "I'd like you to tell me what you think I should do about it."

Ruth nodded. She could feel her palms sweating, and the tape began. What could it possibly be, she wondered, what little surprise did he have for her.

"Oooohhhhhhh... honey, fuck me... good. Realllll... gooddddd..."

Ruth almost fell off the chair. That tape had been made months ago, and that was her voice pleading to be screwed. She remembered the time really well--it had been one of the best with Dan, and then her husband had come in and they had fucked her senseless again. And this little devil had recorded the whole damn thing! She could have hugged him right then and there if she hadn't had a role to play. It was his surprise, and she didn't want to spoil it for him. The unmistakable sounds of Ruth's voice lewdly enticing her young lover to fuck her, inviting him to look and feel her nakedness, filled the small bedroom. Then, there followed only the intensely wet sounds and blissful gurglings of wild screwing. Ruth once more heard herself screaming as Dan's deeply fucking cock brought a release to all her built-up tensions. Over and over again she cried out as her cums accumulated and grew stronger and stronger. "Oh, fuck me. Fuck me harder, HARDER!"

Ruth wanted to stand up and rip the clothes off of her body, but she knew she would have to wait, and she glared at Dan's happily listening face, somewhat angry that he was waiting so long.

"That could be anyone... Anyone at all! You must be crazy to think you can make anyone believe..." she screamed convincingly.

"Oh, Mrs. Connors," Dan declared. "I hope you're not upset by this. Actually I did think you might prefer to keep this quiet. It is, after all, so, how shall I put it, intimate!"

Ruth stood and began to blurt out exactly what she thought Dan would want to hear.

"Blackmail!" she cried. "You can't BLACKMAIL me! Why, my husband wouldn't give you a DIME for that!"

Dan was continuing as though he hadn't heard her.

"... and as for this tape being anybody, I'm sure you've heard of voice prints by now. They are relatively new, but are already considered very conclusive when it comes to identifying voices. I'm surprised that you don't know that, Mrs. Connors."

Ruth sat back down as though the breath had been knocked out of her. Was it her imagination, or did Dan seem to be looking at her in a new way? She was sure he was looking at her titties, and she could feel her nipples contracting lustfully at the thought. She kept her legs pressed tightly together as she sat primly on the edge of the chair. It was hard to play the part of an indignant wife when that tape was still playing, with her own voice on it raised like a common harlot's wailing and moaning and obviously enjoying a good fucking.

"Perhaps you'd like to have a drink while you listen to the rest," Dan was suggesting, and Ruth seemed to hear him through a fog.

Unhurriedly, Dan went out to the living room for a few minutes and returned carrying two glasses and a bottle of scotch.

"I hope I didn't hurt your feelings, Mrs. Connors," he said. "Actually, you may have that tape if you like. I have another copy." He held the glass within reach. "Do drink this. I'm sure it will make you feel better!"

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