The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 9

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

She was in his arms. Oh my God, Jackie was in his arms and he was taller than her. Not by much, but he was.

The spell was broken moments later when her father, Sgt. Davis, said “For Christ’s sake I know you’re not a virgin, but for the love of God, or at least the little children present, try not to fuck him around the food.”

Jackie’s head whipped around to look at her father and said “For your information dad, if I wanted to Fuck him right here on the potato salad I would, and you would be lucky to eat it afterward, but remember, mom raised me to be better than that. I’ll at least wait until we’re in the bathroom before I blow him.”

And with that, she grabbed Bucky’s hand and walked him away from the grills.

Bucky was looking back at his father and was trying to say something but his father was looking at a shell shocked Sgt. Davis who, for once, seemed to have nothing to say, vulgar or otherwise. When Bucky’s father finally looked back towards him Bucky tried to say something but his father simply made a shooing motion and then mouthed “Later.”

Bucky only let Jackie drag him about 25 feet from the grilling area before he pulled her to a stop next to a set of benches and then recommended that they sit down to chat for a few and catch up. He could tell that she was quite upset either about what her father had said or about something else, but he wasn’t sure what it was and wanted to figure it out.

After letting her fume for a few minutes Bucky said “Can I ask you a question?”

Jackie’s head whipped around and looked at him, still with fire in her eyes, and said “What?”

Smiling Bucky asked, “Why does he still call you Dumbass?”

Whether she was expecting him to ask her something else or not expecting a question at all, the question itself was off the wall enough that it caused her to laugh and relax. It took her a few minutes but she finally smiled and then leaned back against the bench, smiled, and said “Thanks I needed that. He’s been a real asshole lately. I think he can’t handle that I’m going to be going off to school in a few weeks and it scares him.”

Nodding his head Bucky replied “Yeah, I can understand that. My parents are acting the same. I’ve been in the Reserves for 2 years now and they’re having a harder problem with me going to school in 2 months than when I went to Boot or AIT. Which I don’t get at all. I mean, I went to basic in New Jersey 5 hours away when I was 17 for almost 3 months and they had zero problems with that. Now that I’m 19 they’re basically having separation anxiety when I’m going off to college which is only 90 minutes away? It’s not like I won’t be home on the weekends?

“What’re your parent’s problems with you going to school? Is it too far away? That you’re their baby girl? Afraid that someone will hurt you? What?”

Laughing and shaking her head Jackie says “No, their problem is that I don’t want to live at home.”

Looking at her with a semi-blank expression on his face Bucky says “Huh?”

With a smile, Jackie says “Exactly. They want me to live at home and I don’t want to. I got an athletic scholarship, full ride, but we live close enough that I can commute to school. Mom and dad want me to live at home and I don’t want to.”

After hearing this Bucky looks at Jackie for almost a full minute before busting out laughing and then saying “Oh My God ... this goes totally against what your father just said to me earlier. He told me that quote ‘wanted his kids to have the full college experience’ unquote. You know, drinking, partying, sex, all of it. That was when he was trying to convince me to go to school this fall. And now you’re telling me that he’s trying to tell you to stay home. Hah, this is funny as shit.”

Jackie just nods her head and says “Now you see what I’ve been dealing with.”

With a smile, he says “Oh well, parents suck.” Jackie looks at him shocked for a moment and then just shakes her with a smile, laughs, and says “Yeah, totally.”

Smiling Bucky asks “So, what sport did you get a scholarship in? Was it basketball like you had hoped?”

Smiling herself Jackie says “Nope. I took your advice and switched sports, which pissed off my father to no end let me tell you, but also like you said they wouldn’t let me play baseball so I played softball.”

“That’s great Jackie, what position?”


“Well, if I remember from what I told you about what my brother did ... pitcher and catcher?”

“Close or at least one of them is right. Catcher and outfielder. I never had the control to be a pitcher.”

“But still that’s awesome Jackie, I’m so happy for you.”

“Remember what you said about your brother going to batting cages a lot? So, yeah I did that a lot also, so much that I actually got a job at the driving range/batting cage place. I worked the front desk for a few hours every day after school and as part of my pay, they let me spend an hour in the cages. It really helped me with my form and endurance.”

Grinning Bucky looked at her and said “I bet that means you have a great ass now, I know you were worried about that when you were 13. All those squats probably tightened up your gluts like you wouldn’t believe.”

With a shocked look on her face and a ‘swat’ to his arm, Jackie said “You just wait buster and you might be surprised at how firm my gluts are. I’ve been told they can crack ‘nuts’ if I squeeze at the wrong time.”

Hearing his name Bucky looks over towards the grills to see his father waving towards him. He sees his father holding up a plate of chicken and steak and then making a ‘hand to mouth motion’ as if one was to eat from the plate. Bucky assumes that his father means that it is time to eat. He looks over at Jackie and says “Are you hungry? I think my father is trying to tell us to ‘get it while it’s hot’. Or maybe he’s trying to tell me to put my hand in my mouth ... sometimes I have no clue what he means.”

Jackie smiles and says “Yeah, I saw what he was doing also and my father does the same thing. I’m pretty sure it’s a military thing, but only something you learn once you get your Sergeant stripes.”

Laughing Bucky says “If that’s so I’ll let you know if and when I get those stripes.”

About half an hour after lunch is over the picnic games start. Most of them are geared towards the younger kids, but for some of the older kids, the adults arrange a slow-pitch softball game. By some coincidence or chance, Jackie and Bucky wind up on the same team. When Bucky had re-met Jackie earlier he didn’t really pay that much attention to what she had been wearing beyond the fact it was the standard summertime teenage girl attire. As they started to play the softball game it was hard to miss what she was and was NOT wearing, especially since Jackie was the catcher and Bucky was the pitcher.

In the 5 years since Bucky had previously Jackie, she had not grown an inch taller from her previous 5’11” height, but she had filled out in all the other places she used to complain about. She was still very tall but was now athletic and lean, but there was also little doubt that she was a woman because she was sporting beautiful 36C breasts, where when she was younger she had only nipples. Her nice lowcut top showed off her breasts very well since every time she leaned over “just a little” into her crouch he could see that she had removed the bra he knew that she had been wearing when they had been sitting on the bench previously. Just like he also knew that at some point she had removed her panties because on more than a few occasions when she was down in the classic ‘catchers crouch’ and asked him to “bring the heat”, she would “adjust her stance” just a little and would show that she was as ‘bare as a new born’ because her cute little flare mini skirt would separate just enough to ‘say hi’.

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