The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 7

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

They reached the train tracks about 5 minutes later as the boulder they had seen was much larger than they had originally thought, it was easily 20 feet across and sat between the train tracks and the small lake across from the train tracks. Someone had even created a sitting area by putting in a few benches facing out over the lake. It actually looked quite beautiful.

While the benches were small and there were a few of them, being teenagers they all smushed onto a single bench and laughed about it. Considering that the benches were probably designed to hold 2 adults it held 4 small/skinny teenagers, who didn’t mind squeezing in together, pretty well.

With a few laughs at the situation they all relaxed and just talked about life in general for the next hour or so until, as with all conversations regarding teenagers, it eventually came around to sex and either sexual experience or who they wanted to have sex with. Being the only boy Bucky was pressured to talk about his experience first but was reluctant and said not until one of the others went first. Megan was one of the first to say “Okay, I agree.” But then she didn’t talk.

Finally, Jackie started blushing and spoke up and said: “Fine you want to know about my experience, or really my lack of, fine it’s you.”

The other 3 looked at her in shock at first and then Megan said “What do you mean Jackie? Do you mean by Bucky? Those little kisses?”

With her blush getting deeper Jackie’s voice dropped and said “I wasn’t just talking about Bucky Meg’s. I meant you too.”

Megan’s face became shocked as her lips formed and “O” in surprise and she covered her mouth with her hand and then she squeaked out “Do you mean this past summer when you came to visit?”

Jackie just nodded her head slightly.

Bucky looked over at Hannah and shrugged and at this point Hannah smiled and said “Sounds like you too had the same sort of fun me and my best friend in Boston did before I moved to D.C. 2 years ago. We figured trying to learn to kiss from boys would get us into trouble so we better learn from each other.”

Both Megan and Jackie looked at Hannah with shock on their faces and said at the same time “You too?”

Hannah just smiled and said “Boys are assholes. I had been on a few dates with this one boy and he had been good until the last one. That time he tried to kiss me and when I leaned my head away he tried to cop a feel of my tits. I slapped his hand away and told him ‘No’. We continued on with the date and he was good for a while then he tried again. That time I slapped his face and walked away from the date and called my dad to pick me up. The next day he had spread all over school that he had felt me all over up and down. My brother kicked his ass.”

When hearing her story they were pissed at first that this guy would do such a thing, but then amused that her brother kicked his ass. Megan asked, “Did your brother get into trouble?”

Only from my dad who said, “You should have let Hannah do it.”

They all laughed at that.

Jackie then turned to Hannah and said “So. Is your friend the only one you have experience with, other than that little asshole?”

Hannah smiled a little and with a small side-glance towards Bucky said “No. I have kissed, touched, and been touched by a few boys. But still, have my cherry. I do have a boy in mind, but I don’t think he is all that interested in me that way.”

Bucky smiled and said “Before you ask, yes I’ve kissed other girls, not boys, yes I’m still a virgin, yes I have seen a live naked girl, yes I’ve touched and been touched by a girl, and have explored oral, but not to, let’s say, completion. And that’s all I’ll say.”

The shock on the other girls’ faces was plain to see to say the least. Megan was the first to find her voice and seemed to blurt out the first thing that came to her mind “What the fuck? Who are you? Some stud that we don’t know about?”

This got the other 2 girls laughing and a grin from Bucky who simply said “No. I have a good friend whose sister is a freak, no other way to say it. She would walk around her house naked, play with herself, and stuff like that. When I was in eighth grade I went to see another friend and accidentally walked in on an orgy being held by some high schoolers. As I was still in middle school I had no idea this stuff happened except in pornos, it was an eyeopener, to say the least. My friend, Bridgette who was also in 8th grade with me, but looked like she could be in 10th, was dating the guy who had organized the orgy and then got upset because her boyfriend, a high schooler, didn’t show up. She was quite horny so decided to let me see and play with her boobs and we played with each other a little bit as long as I never spoke of it to anyone. Then just this past fall we had this girl manager on our soccer team who, as she put it, liked to break in freshmen. She’s a sophomore and every once in a while would pull one of us into the girls’ locker room, strip, and then lay down on a bench and say ‘play with me’. One time she pulled 4 of us into the locker room, stripped, laid down on the bench, and said ‘turn off the lights and do whatever you want, I’m all yours.’ I’m sure at least one of the guys fucked her, but I didn’t.”

The looks on the girl’s faces had changed from shock to a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. Hannah seemed to be a little embarrassed to have heard all of the details, Jackie’s showed a mixture of shock plus a little bit of wonder, but Megan’s had become one of arousal.

Everyone sat there with their own thoughts for a few minutes until Jackie cleared her throat and said “Well, okay then, Hannah, what classes are you taking in school again? You said you were still in 8th grade right? But you’re already taking French? That must be pretty cool.”

After also clearing her throat Hannah says “Yeah, I’m still in 8th grade even though I should be a freshman but because my birthday was later in the year my parents held me back a year to let me develop more. So that’s why I’m still in 8th. And yeah the school I’m going to has a program that lets us start foreign languages a year early if we want. As I plan on trying to take some AP classes I figured I would try and get French out of the way as soon as I could.”

Megan piped up with “Yeah, I wish my school would let us do that but they don’t have that option. For us to take AP classes we have to give up our study halls or an elective or something like that. I think I have things worked out with my counselor and so that its planned I can start replacing study halls next semester which means I can take all of the AP classes I want when I’m a Junior and Senior.”

Bucky nodded his head and said “Yeah, that’s my plan also. My school allows us to either leave school early if we don’t have classes, but with all the AP classes I intend to take I’ll be there throughout no matter what, at least that’s the plan.”

The four of them continue talking about school and classes, friends, and other things off and on for a while until for some unspoken reason, they all become quiet. They have been quiet for about 15-20 minutes just looking around and enjoying the moon and stars when Bucky looks over and sees Jackie failing to suppress a yawn. She is quickly followed by Megan. That yawn spreads to Hannah and Bucky and they joke about it. Checking his watch Bucky sees that it is almost 1 AM and mentions to the others that they should probably head back to the hotel and get some sleep. He’s sure that his parents are probably worried to some degree about where he is.

The girls look at each other and after some silent communication agree that it is a good idea but Megan then says “But how about we come back outside here in the morning to see the sunrise?”

Jackie chuckles and says “You seriously? Do you think you can get up princess? I have always known you to love your beauty sleep.”

Megan looks back at her with a scowl and says “Fuck you to very much too, princess, I’m not that bad.”

Jackie doesn’t say anything but just sits there looking at her for a moment with an eyebrow raised.

Finally giving in Megan says “Okay, fine, sure, yeah. So I like to sleep in, but I can get up when I want to. And in this case, I want to.” Still not saying anything Jackie is just looking at her. Sighing Megan says, “Well, I promise to try and get up in the morning okay, but don’t be mad at me if it doesn’t work.”

Jackie blows her a little kiss and Megan just flips her off.

While their exchange was going on Bucky and Hannah were just smiling at the 2 old friends as they understood their playful banter and understood it was how they normally communicated with each other.

Hannah piped up at that point and said “Well, let’s head back so we can stop at the front desk and verify when sunrise is and what time we can agree to meet.”

The others simply said “Okay” “Sure” “Fine with me.”

On the walk back to the hotel Jackie and Megan had decided to walk ahead of Hannah and Bucky and had their arms linked and their heads were inches apart while they whispered to each other. Normally this would look like an everyday thing with girls, but the height difference between the 2 girls, almost 6-8 inches, made it look quite awkward. As Bucky and Hannah walked behind them Bucky took Hannah’s hand in his and leaned close to her ear and said “Wanna bet that they stumble or trip before they go 20-30 feet.”

Hannah laughed and then thwacked him with her free hand and said “You’re terrible, of course not. Something tells me that they are used to talking like that. But sure, I’ll bet you a hug. You still owe me a few.”

Bucky smiled and said “Deal sis, deal. I’ll always give you a hug. No matter what, why, when, or where. All you have to do is ask.”

Hannah reached over and pulled his arm close to her body in a sorta side hug and said “That will have to do for now, but I want a better one when we get to the hotel.”

Bucky nodded and said, “You got it.”

They chatted about nothing particular as they walked back to the hotel and walked into the lobby foyer about 15 minutes later. As soon as they crossed the threshold Bucky said “Hold up here guys, I’ll go ask about sunrise” so as the girls nodded he walked off to the hotel’s front desk and waited until the single night attendant was free. After the attendant had assisted the current customer, Bucky walked up, smiled, like he had been taught by his parents, and said “Hello sir, my friends and I were thinking of checking out the sunrise in the morning and were wondering if you knew what time that was in the morning. Do you have that information?”

The attendant smiled and said “As a matter of fact, they just delivered tomorrow’s newspapers. The sunrise and sunset times should be right on the front page. Let me grab one and we can check it together.”

“Great sir. Thank you.”

The attendant walked away from the desk towards the backroom for a moment and then returned with a local paper and flipping it to the bottom of the front page said “Yep, here it is. It says sunrise should be 6:45 A.M, but remember up here in the mountains it can take a little longer to see the sun itself.”

“Awesome. Thank you for the information, sir. Have a great night.”

“You to young man.”

And with a smile, Bucky returned to his friends to pass on the information.

As he approached the girls he could see that exhaustion was starting to set in for at least Hannah who had been traveling a lot today as she was once again trying to stifle another yawn. Both Jackie and Megan were also trying to hold yawns at bay and were mostly succeeding, but Bucky could see it was a slowly losing battle.

Reaching them he said, “So, sunrise is at 6:45 which means it will start to get light enough to see around 6:15 or 6:20, but the front desk guy said that up here in the mountains we might not see the sun until a little later.”

Jackie frowned and said, “How much later?”

Bucky shrugged and said “I’m not sure, it could be 5 or 10 minutes. I’m fine with meeting here at 6:15 to walk over there so we can get there at 6:30 and just waiting to see what happens. But it’s up to you girls and whatever you want to do.”

The girls looked between themselves and again had a silent communication and with a few shrugs, tilted heads, eyebrow twitches, and lip curls seemed to come to a decision and then as one they all said “Okay.”

Bucky expected at least one of them to say something more than that one word, but when neither of them did for more than a few minutes he looked at Hannah and said “Okay what?”

Hannah looked at him puzzled and then said “Okay what-what?”

Bucky looked at Hannah and said “You just said ‘Okay’. I am asking you ‘Okay to what?’ because I need more information than just Okay.”

Still looking at him weirdly Hannah doesn’t seem to understand what he is asking. Finally, Jackie laughs and says “Oh my god. He didn’t follow our conversation” she thwaps both Hannah and Megan on the arms and then says “He doesn’t understand girl code, we keep forgetting he’s a guy.”

At this Megan starts to chuckle also and then says “Sorry for laughing Bucky, but basically, we agreed with your plan.”

Bucky then looks at all 3 of them, in turn, to see them nodding their head and says “Well, okay then. We’ll meet here in the lobby at 6:15 and walk over to the benches we were just at and watch the sunrise. After that breakfast?”

Megan hums and says “Ohhhh ... breakfast. I could definitely go for some food about now.”

Jackie laughs at her and says “Come on you 8th wonder of the world, we’ll go to my room. I got some snacks in there.”

Hannah says “We won’t bother your parents?”

Jackie shakes her head and says “Nah, they got me and my brother the adjoining room because my father likes to entertain so much. And chances are my brother won’t be there anyways. He’s probably hooked up with the Thompson twins again and, if I know those 3, they probably got a hooker or something.”

It’s just a few minutes later that we are approaching Jackie’s room and as expected her parents’ room door is propped open and we can hear that yes, in fact, her father is entertaining some of his coworkers and guests. Just as they are about to walk by the door opens and it is Jackie’s dad that steps out. Seeing us he says “Well Holy Shit, Jackie, my BabyGirl Dumbass. Where the fuck’of ya been all night? Ya been having a gangbang?”

Not even batting an eye at the vulgarness coming out of her father’s mouth Jackie just responds “No dad, just been hanging out with my friends. Just gonna pop into my room to get Megan a snack before walking her down to her room and then I’ll be back to go to sleep. You gonna have people over for much longer?”

“Maybe only a little longer. Some of these motherfuckers are complaining about getting tired so they might start to wimp out soon. That and your mom is getting glazed eyes so I might have to put the old salami to her soon, you know, really start banging the wall, see if we can break another hotel bed. You know, like we did that time in Portland.” To which her father starts laughing hilariously.

Sighing Jackie says “Yeah, that wasn’t really that funny from my point of view dad because it was my bed you broke and you did it in when I was down in the pool. I came back to find the bed broke and had to sleep on the floor that night. At least now when you drag me on these trips you get me my own room.”

Laughing her father said “Yeah, good times.” Jackie’s dad turns to go back into the room and then turns back, hands a note to Megan, and says “Oh, yeah Megan, your dad wanted me to give this to you. We figured you would wind up here before you headed back to your room before the night was over. Let me know if I can help with anything.” He then turned to Jackie and pulled her in for a hug and said “Good night sweetie, love you. And yeah, Brad is gone for the night, you’ll have the room to yourself.” After that he went into the room and it closed behind him only kept only by the security bolt.

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