The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 3

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

When Bucky wakes up in the morning he never heard his father come in the night before, but that is not unusual, Bucky is a heavy sleeper. He wakes up at his usual time of between 6:00-6:15 AM even without an alarm clock, school time habit, and uses the time to get into and out of the bathroom before his parents.

By the time his parents are up and moving it is time to head over for breakfast and so they head over to the restaurant. As usual, his father chooses a table in the middle of the floor, and then they start going up for the breakfast buffet. While at breakfast he runs into both Megan and Jackie and they agree to meet at 9 am in the lobby to see what sort of fun/trouble they can get into. Megan had mentioned wanting to explore the exercise room, but Jackie and Bucky are against it due to their body self-conscience issues so they just respond with “We’ll see”. What Bucky would really like to do is get both Jackie and Megan alone in his room for a couple of hours and see what they are hiding under their clothes, but those are just his 14yo hormones running wild.

About 9 o’clock the 3 of them meet up in the lobby and agree to an assortment of fun things to do for the day. First, they check out the exercise room, which honestly just consists of a couple of NordicTrack machines, a few treadmills, a couple of sets of dumbbells, a set of free weights, and few exercise balls. To say that Megan was underwhelmed with what they had to offer was an understatement. She said they had better equipment at her high school and that that was a stretch as they had crap for equipment.

Bucky and Jackie both laugh at her as she fills out multiple comment cards where she put comments similar to her disbelief of their ‘complete and utter lack of respect for your guests in their desire for the betterment of their health’ and for the ‘unbelievably utterly dismal shape of the Health Club of this purported 3 Star resort in New Hampshire’.

At some point after doing this and that and this and that again, the topic came back around to the Pool and/or Hot-tub. Both Bucky and Jackie were against it for the obvious reasons; Bucky because of his cast and Jackie because she looked like a walking stick, but Megan just had that way about her of wearing you down until you said yes. Finally, the 3 of them were standing in front of Bucky’s mother who was the deciding vote. Bucky’s mom, who appeared to have had either 1 too many mimosa’s with breakfast or had started on the wine coolers way before, just smiled and said “Sure hun, we packed the duct tape so you could take a shower so we’ll just put a bag over your arm and you can just sit in the hot tub. How’s that sound?”

Megan jumped for joy and then grabbed Jackie’s hand and so the 2 of them ran off to get changed. Bucky just stood there for a minute and then said to his mother “Mum, are you sure?”

She just laughed, shook her head, and said “Yeah baby, I’m sure.”

Shaking his head Bucky went off to his room and changed into his bathing suit. When he met the girls back at the pool they were both wearing large T-shirts over their suits and Jackie was doing her best to hold it as tight against her body and as far down towards her feet as she could. It took his mother only a few minutes to wrap his arm in the plastic bag and secure it with duct tape, but once it was secure the 3 of them moved over to the hot tub and proceeded to climb in.

Not hesitating in the least, Jackie walked right down the steps and submerged herself right up to her neck, and still proceeded to hold her T-shirt as tight to her body as she could. Bucky followed her into the hot tub keeping to the left side so that he could keep his left arm out of the water as much as possible and then laid it on the concrete side on a towel he had brought for that purpose. Megan, being last, just as she was about to descend into the hot tub, paused at the top of the steps as with a purpose and with both hands at the hem of her T-shirt grabbed and pulled off her T-shirt as if she was exposing herself fully nude, not in a modest French cut bikini top and bottom. Her cute A-cups on her 4’8” 90-pounds gave her a pretty nice figure.

Jackie took one look at what she was doing and under her breath said “Fucking slut, no wonder why her parents think she’s trying to get laid this weekend.”

Bucky just barely heard what she said, but he heard it well enough that he looked over at her and gave her a look. She looked back at him, blushed a little bit, and just shrugged and said “Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me you wouldn’t do her?”

Bucky looked over at Megan where she was still basically posed at the top of the stairs down into the hot tub as she looked around the pool area and he returned his gaze to Jackie and said “Nope. Too much trouble for my tastes.”

Megan had seen him looking at her, in fact, she had seen lots of guys, and some girls, looking at her, and it had made her feel pretty, wanted even. This was the attention she never got back home. Back home she was the sister ‘of the retard’, ‘of the dummy’, or simply ‘the deaf kid’. When she was home it didn’t matter that she was beautiful, or that she was the best freshman cheerleader on the J.V. squad, or that she got straight A’s, or that she occasionally dated the J.V. quarterback; the only thing that they remembered was that her brother was deaf and they used it to make fun of her. The fact that she hadn’t screwed any of the guys on the team was another major factor also. The problem there was that she was scared to do it. She didn’t want to just have sex with someone just to have sex, what if she banged them and it turned out she did it because of her anger at her brother. In reality, like all girls her age, she just wanted to be wanted.

Once Megan had sufficiently posed and gotten the amount of adulation that she felt was due to her, she came down into the hot tub and crossed over to where Jackie and Bucky were sitting. The tub was a pretty standard hotel tub in that it was 3’ deep in the middle with a bench going around the outside at the mid-height, about 18” high, that you could sit on.

They had settled on the bench directly across from the stairs with Bucky on the left so he could keep his arm laying on a towel laying on the tub edge and keep it out of the water and Megan had settled between him and Jackie. They were just sitting there talking about school, their courses, friends, etc., for about 20-25 minutes and had just been thinking about getting out when Jackie’s brother Brad came into the pool area few of his friends. Approaching Jackie from behind her, probably for just that reason, Brad simply pushes her off of her seat on the bench and sits right down next to Megan.

Brad said “Hey Stick, I thought you said you weren’t comin’ near the pool this weekend at all? Now, what am I gonna tell Ma an’ Pa? I think this makes you a liar?” Then with a smirk, he says “Oh you weren’t sitting here were you?”

As soon as he pushed Jackie out of the way and then plopped down in her spot, it was enough of a surprise that Megan stood up and moved to Bucky’s left side.

Jackie now standing in the middle of the hot tub gives Bill a pissed-off look and says “What the Hell Bill? Why don’t you leave me and my friends alone? And NO, I wasn’t going to come to the pool, but Megan wanted to so here we are. Besides, what’s it matter to you any ways?” Looking over at both of us she continued with “Come on you 2, let’s get out of here.”

Waving his hand at her and giving her a shrug that effectively dismisses her, Bill says “Whatever Stick.”

But as Jackie and Bill move to leave the hot tub, Bill turns his attention towards Megan and you can almost see the lust start to ooze out of his eyes, but along with the lust is a combination of desire to control her every want and need. Bill looks at Megan and with a disgustingly slimy smile and says “Hey beautiful, you look smokin’ in that bikini. Why don’t you dump my sister and this loser here and come join me for something to eat and drink?”

Jackie tries to butt in and say something, but at a glance from both Megan and Bill, she drops her eyes and stays quiet.

Megan smiles sweetly and starts to simply say “No thank you, Bill, I...”

But he cuts her off says with, what he thinks is a charming smile, “Wait before you say no, I’ll get my dad’s car and we can go someplace else, it doesn’t have to be here.”

As soon as Bill had joined them in the hot tub, Bucky had noticed that Megan had been looking at Bill with a strange combination of desire and fear. She finally gives him a large smile, walks over to him, and places a hand on his chest, and says “Okay Bill, but I only have one question about what will happen after our dinner date?”

Bill hasn’t taken his eyes off of Megan since he got into the hot tub, actually, neither none of his 3 friends have, each of which are his age, either 17 or 18 years old. As Megan has to know that if she goes to dinner with him she is going to be expected to go to the “after-party” also.

Bill smiles and says “Oh well, you know, us older teens just get together and have a small party similar to the adults. I’m sure you’ve heard of them. Tonight will just be a few friends; me, you, my friends here, maybe a few others. It will be after dinner. It will be dancing, drinking, cards; you know, just get to know each other.”

“Is there going to be kissing when we dance?”

Smiling Bill says “Maybe some, you’re beautiful. I want to kiss you now, but probably shouldn’t with little kids around?”

“And I can leave anytime I want?” and she proves this by turning and walking out of the hot tub, joining Jackie and Bucky standing on the deck beside the pool.

Following her like a lost puppy Bill climbs out of the hot tub to stand beside the pool with her and says “Well, that will depend on you and how friendly you’re being.”

“What do you mean?”

Again Bill just smiles and says “Just come to the party and you’ll see.”

Megan finally smiles once again and then looks up at Bill, she then walks up really close to him and places her hands on his chest, and even lightly caresses his chest some and then says “Okay, that does sound nice Bill. At least it would if I didn’t know what happened to Jenny Morales last year. Do you remember her coming to your party? Do you remember her begging you to stop after the 3rd time you fucked her doggie-style, but you didn’t stop? You might not because you were too drunk, or at least that was the story you told your dad the next morning. Well, let me tell you this. Every girl at this conference now knows about your parties and you will never, ever, trick another innocent girl into coming to one of your parties again. Now I suggest you and your buddies leave the pool area and stop trolling for jailbait before you get into trouble this year too. Or worse someone tells your father the truth about what really happened last year. Did you know Jenny got pregnant? It was a boy by the way.”

Almost seeing red at how his world has been turned upside down, Bill starts to reach for Megan. Without thinking about it Bucky jumps in front of Bill who is over a foot plus taller than Bucky and does not have a broken arm. Luckily for Bucky when Bill’s right hand comes for Megan’s throat Bucky’s cast is right there on his left arm to block it and it shocks Bill enough that Megan, who was still close enough can push Bill backward into the pool. As Bill starts to fall back into the pool he reacts and grabs the only thing he can, Bucky’s arm-covered cast and then pulls. The effect of this is that both Bill and Bucky go splashing into the pool and the plastic bag that was to protect his arm from water damage is ripped off in the process. Bucky’s cast is soaked as he is dragged to the bottom of the pool.

Of course, all of this happens right in front of the mothers who were sitting in the ‘mom’s corner’ drinking, smoking, and watching the kids, so immediately they are all right up and running over to check on things. One of the moms that happen to come running is Bill and Jackie’s mother who saw the entire thing, and as Bill’s head surface’s she shouts “William Jefferson Davis get your ass out of that pool and back to our room right this instant.” Bill attempts to say something but his mother overrides whatever he was going to try to say with the famous motherly words of “I don’t give a shit, I said now!”

Bucky lifted his left arm above his head and water just pours out of the cast. As both Megan and Jackie see this they both get shocked looks on their faces and say at the same time “Oh shit” and “Oh no”.

Jackie continues with “Is there anything we can do?”

Shaking his head Bucky said “No, I don’t think so. I’m just gonna have to tell my mom about it and hope she doesn’t kick my ass. Hopefully, my dad doesn’t flip over it. He wasn’t happy me breaking my finger in the first place because it meant me missing Basketball tryouts, but having to get a new cast is really gonna piss him off.”

Looking determined Megan said “Let me talk to your mother. I think she’ll understand when I tell her what happened.”

So with his mother who for some reason was not one of the ones who came running.

Amazingly enough, they didn’t have to go very far because just as they were turning around to go look for her, she walked up and said “Do you want to explain how you got your arm all wet?”

Before he even got a chance to say anything both Megan and Jackie started talking over one another saying “It was her brother” “It was my brother”.

Bucky looked over at both girls and they instantly shut up and decided that it would be best if he tried to explain. He looked back at his mother and said “Mom long story short, we were just chilling in the hot tub and Jackie’s brother came down with a couple of other guys and tried to start trouble. He tried to start something with Jackie, it spilled over onto Megan, we tried to walk away but as we got out of the hot tub he followed out onto the pool deck and tried to grab Megan. I reacted to protect her and then she pushed him so he fell into the pool. As he was falling he pulled me in with him. That’s how it got all wet. What you said earlier was right, even with the bag it was a bad idea. We should have never done it, I’m sorry.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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