The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 15

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 15 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

Laughing at her antics somewhat Bucky jokingly says “Maybe you’d rather get it from someplace a little closer to the source?”

Propping her head on left arm she looks down at him lying on his back for a moment and then says “Don’t mind if I do.” And then proceeds to give him a kiss on the mouth and then she starts kissing her way down his body towards his groin. When she reaches his groin she takes his dick in her right hand and, holding it like a popsicle, starts to lick up and down the shaft but staying well away from the head. Finally appearing to have cleaned his entire dick of their juices, except for his cockhead, she then uses her tongue to clean up all around the base of his dick and even his balls. Once she has completed this she looks up at him and sees an almost pained expression on his face, one that is begging her to give some attention to the tip of his dick, his cockhead, and his purple helmet. Seeing the look on her face she finally relents and gives it a lick, albeit a small lick, and only with the tip of her tongue. She then grins and says “Should I lick it some more?”

Squinting his eyes at her in semi-seriousness and frustration, Bucky reaches down and grabs her legs and pulls them towards him. She gives a little yelp as she is twisted around and soon finds herself with her legs straddling his head, one knee on either side of his head. Bucky is now looking upwards at her wonderfully beautiful cunny and can’t help himself but to dive in and start licking. He starts at the bottom, which happens to be where her hooded clit is, and licks straight up to her asshole in a single complete lick. He repeats this two, three, four, five, six times. One the seventh time Jackie lets out a moan and then practically dives onto his cock swallowing as much as she can while Bucky then starts to concentrate on separating on folds so that he can get at her clit which is buried at the moment.

Sensing his predicament Jackie lifts and scoots her hips and legs slightly to give him better access to the front of her pussy which happens to put his nose right into her cunt folds, a place that it is happy to be. As Bucky flattens his tongue and rubs it along her clit to give it the most stimulation that he can, his nose is pushing into and out of her pussy like a little dick, and is also occasionally rubbing against her asshole.

Jackie had not been idle while he had been acquainting himself with her pussy, she had been sucking and licking his cock and getting him as hard as could be. She had also been using either or both hands to rub and jack his dick also and surprisingly giving the fact he had cum so recently he was starting to feel those feelings again, but he was also starting to see the same signs from Jackie, her pussy was starting to leak more and more and he was seeing it starting to clench again. Deciding to just relax and go with it, when his hips started to move of their own accord in reaction to her combination blow and hand job, he just let them go, but he also decided to see how Jackie would react to a little anal play.

He pulled one of his hands back and after scooping up a little of her juices on his index finger, he pressed that finger against her anal ring. Out of the many reactions he could have expected, the one he got was not what he was expecting. She pushed back against his finger, and hard. He had little choice but to hold it steady and let it be swallowed up by her anal opening and watch it disappear. She then moved her hips forward a few inches and then back until she was actively fucking his finger. She then stopped sucking his dick for a moment and said “More, more fingers.” Bucky quickly pulled out his finger and grabbed some more juices from her pussy and wiped it around her anal ring and then slowly inserted first 2, then 3, and finally 4 fingers into her ass. At which point he was laying under her licking and sucking on her clit as she was actively ass-fucking herself onto 4 of his fingers.

Bucky was amazed at what he was seeing. While he was no stranger to anal sex with a girl, he had never been with one who was so into having a guy putting his fingers into her ass. Jackie seemed to be really enjoying it and was starting to move her hips and ass faster and faster, so fast in fact that Bucky’s tongue was starting to loose contact with her pussy. Jackie then pulled her head up so that only his dick’s head was in her mouth and started swirling her tongue around it, with occasional licks and sucks. She was still jacking his cock at a furious pace and then, just as Bucky felt his balls start to tingle he took his left hand and rubbed her head to give her a little warning, and she then wrapped her lips completely around his cock head just as he exploded in her mouth. Just as the first spurt hit the back of her throat two things happened at the same time, she started swallowing immediately and she came which forced another flood of juices out of her pussy right into Bucky’s waiting mouth.

It took her a good 4 or 5 swallows to clear her mouth of everything that Bucky gave her, but once she was sure there was nothing else coming, she went down on him one more time and licked him as clean as she could. Coming back up and off of his cock, she leaned upwards to look down between her legs at him and said “Yes, it was much tastier from the source.”

Laughing at her Bucky slowly removes his fingers from her asshole one at a time and then, giving her pussy one last lick, says “I agree.”

Once his fingers are free and his head is out of the way, Jackie rolls off of him to the right and lays there looking up at him for a moment and then says “Ugh, I’m sticky.”

Giving her a little smile Bucky says “We can fix that one of two ways. Number 1 is a real shower and number 2 is a what my father calls ‘a whore’s bath’ using wet wipes. Which do you prefer?”

Giving him a shocked look Jackie says “Did you just call me a ‘whore’?”

“Hey if the cock fits.”

Chuckling she says “Well, in this case it did.”

“Then I guess I did.”

Smiling and shaking her head Jackie says “Either is fine. I’m sure you may have noticed but I, um, tend to leak a little bit when I’m over excited.”

Grinning back at her Bucky said “Oh trust me, I noticed and I liked it just fine.”

Flipping around on the bed so that she was face to face with Bucky Jackie laid with her head propped on her hands on his chest. She looked into his eyes for a few seconds and then said “I’m so glad I came back here with you instead of just screwing you in your car or that field like Megan wanted to. She just wanted us to have a threesome someplace, but I wanted some alone time with you. It took a lot of convincing for me to get her to go along with it.” Then Jackie leaned up some and kissed Bucky on the nose and said “Come on, let’s go take a quick shower and then come back to bed. I’m kinda getting tired and it sounds like the party is starting to wind down.”

Bucky looks over at his bedside clock and sees that it is almost 1 AM. He and Jackie had gotten home just after 10 PM and by the time she had gotten rid of Michelle and he had gotten out of his first shower it was almost 11. That meant they had been fooling around for almost 2 hours, wow time flies when your fucking one of your dream girls.

Nodding his head at her he leans forward to return her nose kiss and says “Sure, sounds good. Let me put on a pair of shorts and check the hallway to make sure it’s clear before you run across. My parents don’t always sleep with their door closed.” And then Bucky rolled out of the bed, stood up, grabbed his shorts from where they had fallen on the floor, and walked over to the door. Opening the door he saw that most of the lights were still on downstairs and that there was in fact still sounds coming from downstairs. Checking his parents room he saw that both of his parents were missing so they must have still been entertaining people. Bucky walked back to his room to find that Jackie was out his bed and was wrapped in the towel he used earlier and was standing just behind the door waiting for him. As soon as he opened the door she scooted across into the bathroom.

Once both of them were in the bathroom, Bucky shut the door behind him. And this was something that he rarely did if he was home alone because the bathroom was on the smaller side. Of course it was large enough for a two and a half bedroom house, in that it had a full shower, toilet, and sink, but it was small in the sense that when you were sitting on the toilet your knees were almost touching the tub, and the tub took up one entire wall. So when there were 2 people in the bathroom, at any time, but especially if the door was closed, it could get claustrophobic pretty quickly. So once they were both in the bathroom, Bucky had Jackie switch places with him so that her back was against the door so that he could get to the shower controls. It only took him a few moments to get the water running on the hotter side of warm, and to pull the curtain back and to motion her in. With a smile and a kiss on the cheek she stepped past him into the tub and shower combo, he quickly followed.

Knowing that it would have to be a quick shower with limited amount of ‘messing around’ so that neither of his parents came up wondering what he was doing showering so late, especially after he had already taken a shower earlier, Bucky quickly grabbed his bar of soap, wet it down, and started to lather up his hands. He then started to rub the lather into Jackie’s back and shoulders and was amazed at how well defined they were. He had expected it given how she had described her softball workout routine, but still he was surprised at the definition beneath her skin. He continued washing down her back until he reached the top of her butt and then skipped over her butt dropping down to her ankles and feet. Giving each foot, ankle, and lower leg a quick wash he continued up the back of her legs until he reached the junction of her thighs and again skipped it all to stand up and to have her turn around. Relathering his hands he said “Close your eyes” and then starting with her face washed her brow, cheeks, nose, chin, lips, and neck before finally scooting in to pop a kiss on her pursed lips.

He then continued down the front of her body washing her upper chest and upper arms, then skipped down to wash her hands and lower arms, he skipped over to wash her stomach, mid-region, and upper pubic area before once again skipping down to her feet and washing upwards again from there. He could tell that she was getting frustrated by the fact that he had skipped all of her intimate areas, but he had done that on purpose because he wanted to do them all at once, one after the other in a sensuous way building up the experience. Once he was standing in front of her again he turned her towards the stream of water and cleaned all of the soap off of her and then with her facing him he proceeded to wrap his hands around her and to wash her butt. This of course caused her to step closer to her which of course caused her to feel his erection which caused her to, first gasp, and then reach out with her hand for it. As Bucky’s soapy hands rubbed over her ass, around her ass, through her ass crack, and even tickled her asshole to clean it, Jackie couldn’t help but slowly rub her hand back and forth along his cock, it was just natural.

Once Bucky was done washing her bum he gave her a kiss on the mouth that Jackie tried to extend by wrapping her free arm around his neck and pulling him closer. Bucky let it go on longer than he wanted, but eventually pulled away and said “Turn around.”

Reluctantly Jackie turned around towards her left so that she would not have to release her grip on his cock with her right hand. As soon as she was facing away from him, Bucky moved up close to her and this is where their similar heights were a great advantage as with just a little bend to his knees Bucky was able to slide his dick right between her ass cheeks and right up next to her pussy. Once she felt him almost slotted into her she let out a sigh and started to rock back and forth with her hips.

Once slotted Bucky took his lathered hands and wrapped them around her and cupped her tits, one in each hand. He made sure to massage, and rub, and tweak, and flick, and squeeze, and to massage some more, just to make sure they were clean. When he was done her nipples that had been about the size of pencil erasers were now the size of pencil top erasers, almost double what they had been, and she was now actively humping back on Bucky’s cock. Moving his hands downwards he rewashed her belly and upper pubic area and then dove right between the folds of her mound to make sure she was extra clean there. He shouldn’t have worried because between the water flowing out of the shower head and the juices flowing out of her pussy, he was sure she was clean enough to eat.

Jackie felt his hands questing in and around her pussy, trying to make sure she was clean of course, and she of course felt his dick hard as a rock between her legs so she did what was only natural for her. She simply leaned forward a little, placed her hands on the shower wall, tipped her hips just a little bit, and in he slid. Bucky slotted home in her pussy like he belonged there and should never leave. Jackie gave out a little sigh and then said “Only give me a few pumps because I want you to do something else for me since we’re in here.”

Knowing that she couldn’t see his face Bucky said “Okay, sure.”

Bucky took both of his hands and placed them on her hips and after adjusting his stance to make sure he wouldn’t slip, he slipped his cock out some and then pushed it back into her pussy. As she had requested he only repeated this a few times, which was probably a good thing because in this position she was both tight and loose at the same time, especially given how she was able to control her cunt muscles. After his last thrust he was about to pullout but Jackie felt this and said “No, stay in me, just wait a second.” And then he saw her reach behind her with her right hand and rub something on, around, and even in her asshole. Once she was done with that she put her hand back on the wall and said “Now fuck my ass.”

Bucky was at a loss for a second or two and said “What?”

Turning her head to look at him she said again “Fuck my Ass!”

Giving her a grin Bucky said “Okay Jax you got it.” And he slowly pulled his dick out of her pussy and then lined his dick head up at her cute, pretty, brown star and started pushing. Just as her hole started to pucker and started opening and he was just about to slide in he heard her say “Oh, oh, God that feels, Oh, Oh, Uh, Uh” and then her hole opened and he slipped in a few inches, he pulled back and then slid in a few more, after one more try he was all the way in, all 7 inches of him was buried in her asshole. He heard her sigh and say “Oh yes. All 3 holes. He’s been in all 3 holes.”

She then pushed back against him so he started pushing against her. Soon they had a nice rhythm going, she would push off from the wall and he would pull her towards him with her hips. He then saw her right hand come down off the wall and disappear between her legs and then he felt her asshole start to clench and her movements start to become erratic. He started to feel a tingle in his balls and knew he was going to shoot soon which caused him to start to pull her against him faster and faster. She responded by pushing back faster and faster. When this started happening their strokes started getting shorter and shorter, soon his dick was only moving an inch at a time until finally she did her “squeak and freeze” thing and his balls unleashed in her bowels.

Panting and barely able to stand himself, Bucky pulls her upright and his arms immediately go around her, one around her breasts and one cupping her pussy where her juices are flowing freely. For her part as soon as Bucky pulled her upright Jackie threw one arm around Bucky’s neck to pull his face around for a kiss and her other arm went down to her pussy to join Bucky’s in feeling her juices flowing out of her. Breaking the kiss Jackie says “You’re still in me and semi-hard, I like that.”

Giving her another kiss Bucky says “Something tells me I would never not be hard around you for long.”

Kissing him again Jackie says “I like hearing that.”

Holding her like he is Bucky is able to slide his hips back and forth a few times and while he is softening, she can still feel him inside of her. It is just a few moments later when he slips out of her and he hears her sigh. With a final kiss she turns towards him and then kneels down onto the floor of the tub. She is eyelevel with his cock and tipping her head up to look him in the eye she grabs it with her hand and purposely takes it into her mouth to clean it. At the same time she reaches over to grab the bar of soap that he had been using to wash her with and proceeds to wash him also, but the soap never touches his cock, the only thing that cleans his cock is her mouth. Standing she continues to wash him and she has him turn around and she washes his back all over. Once she is done she reaches over and turns off the water, pulls back the curtain, and steps out.

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