The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 14

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

His dick having flagged a bit during their talk, Jackie started to jack it again and then started to lick and suck it a few times to bring it back to full hardness. When she was happy with the results she looked at Bucky and, moving slowly, rolled over onto his chest. From there she put her hands on his chest and pulled her knees up beside his hips and slowly lifted her hips and then looked back between her legs. Seeing his cock standing up she grabbed it and swiped it through her entrance a few times to get his cock head wet and then settled it into place as she rotated her hips backwards and started sitting down. With a slight gasp of pain followed by a larger gasp of pleasure, she returned her hand to his chest and continued her downward journey until they were completely joined hip to hip.

Once there she let out a final gasp and said “Wow, now that makes me feel full. I don’t think I’ve felt this full in my cunt since I was at a friend’s house who’s older married sister had gotten a gag gift during her bachelorette party. It was a huge dildo and she and I were daring each other to see who could get the most into each other. She then she told me this joke that made me laugh and when I laughed my pussy loosened just a little bit and she shoved it in as far as it would go, but I think even that was smaller than you.” Bucky got a little excited at her story and his cock twitched as she was telling it and she felt it. Having felt his cock move Jackie looked into Bucky’s eyes and said “Oh did my story excite you? Do you like stories of high school girls playing around with each other? Well let me tell you another one.”

Just as she started to tell her story she started to move her hips ever so slowly up and down, by natural reaction Bucky hands had found their way to her hips and hers were still on his chest for balance. She started her story by saying “So there was this girl on my softball team who wasn’t very good but she had a lot of potential, at least that’s what the coach said, I couldn’t see it, but the coach wanted me to give her some personal attention since she would be taking over for me as catcher when I graduated. This was last fall, when I was a senior and she was a sophomore, and we had won the state championship the year before so I was expecting to win again my senior year and was hoping to spend time in the fall either relaxing, screwing my boyfriend, or working out on my own, not helping some looser.

“Anyways the first few times we met after school in the gym and I tried to get her to understand all the nuances of playing catcher at the high school level. She had played in the lower levels, just not the position in high school. Like me she was also an outfielder and a semi-ok batter, but coach really wanted her to take over for me as catcher when I left. The problem was, as I saw it, she just crouched down wrong, and then whenever I tried to help her she shivered or backed into me. I just couldn’t understand it.

“Finally I did what you had suggested to me and took her to the batting cages where I was working parttime. I put her in a cage and told her that she was going to stay there until she caught 25 balls in a row without dropping any. It took her about 2 hours but she finally did it. We started going there twice a week for the next month and while doing that we worked on other drills. All of this was fine until the day that changed everything.”

While Jackie had been telling her story she had been slowly riding at a constant up and down pace on Bucky dick. He was amazed at both her control and the strength in her legs. All of those years behind the plate and years working out had given her some serious leg muscles.

Continuing her story she says “So one day we were at the batting cages where I worked and it had been overcast most of the day, but the rain was supposed to hold off. I had just finished my shift in the office and was on my way out to join Kelly, my friend, in the batting cages when the skies opened up. We had gotten one of those freak Late fall rainstorms that Connecticut is known for, and it was coming down in buckets. I hurried over to the cages, helped Kelly grab everything, and then we ran to my car, but the damage was done, she was soaked to the bone. She was still in all of her gear and needed to get out of her clothes asap and seeing as how it was November she could catch a cold really easily. I knew that she lived right around the corner from there so I started the car, cranked the heat to high, put it into gear, and tried to get there as soon as I could.

“By the time I got to her house her teeth were chattering and her lips were starting to turn blue, I knew she needed to get warm quickly. I pulled her out of the car and we ran through the rain, which was still coming down in buckets, and towards her front door. Once we reached it we found that it was locked I looked at her and said ‘Key?’ Shivering she said ‘Floowerr ... pott’. I found the right flower pot, grabbed the key, unlocked the door, and got us inside. Expecting to find an alarm panel I was surprised that there wasn’t one and when I asked she just smiled and said that it was upstairs and only used at night. Nodding I knew that her house had 2 full baths, one on the main floor and one on the upper floor. I hurried her through to the one on the main floor and proceeded to strip her out of all of her catchers gear and then the first layer of her workout clothes.

“Reaching her inner layer of workout clothes, which were so soaked they were sticking to her body, removing them was like pealing a grape. Sadly Kelly was of little help at this point as she was shivering so badly she was like a leaf in the wind and her lips and fingertips were almost all blue. I knew she was close to hypothermia if not already there. Finally getting her last piece of clothing off, her panties, I pushed her towards the shower and, remembering my Girl Scouts training, knowing that hot water would shock the system worse than anything, I turned it to warm and pushed her under the stream. Then I saw the next problem, she couldn’t stand under the water, she was either too weak or to cold.

“I stripped of my clothes quickly and joined her in the shower and then holding her there under the stream for a few minutes was enough for her to start coming around enough to look up at me and say ‘Hi’ and she was able to do it without stuttering. I then reached over and turned the temp up a little higher and soon her lips and fingertips lost their blueish coloring and then she stopped shivering, but she never stopped hugging me.

“After being in the shower for about 20 minutes, Kelly seemed to be doing much better and finally released me. I shut the water off and got out of the shower and reached for a towel to wrap around myself only to find that Kelly was out of the shower and had one in her hands waiting to wipe me down. I let her do so and so she started at my feet working her way up one leg to my crotch, then started on my other leg doing the same thing, she then stood and wiped down one arm and the next, she had me turn around and she wiped down my back to the top of my bum, and then she kneeled and, gently pressing on my left knee got me to spread my legs just enough, she wiped dry my bum cheeks and crack. She then tapped on my hip to get me to turn around and then she stood again and started drying my front starting at my face by wiping my brow, cheeks, nose, chin, and lips. She then wiped my neck, shoulders, breasts, belly, and upper pubic area.

“Finally she kneeled and tapping on my knees again she got me to spread my legs and proceeded to dry my entire pubic area. I can tell you it was very erotic and while I had never been particularly attracted or interested in girls before, I was quite horny and I’m sure she could smell it.” Jackie then looked Bucky in the face and with a grin then ‘upped the ante’ by changing the pace she had been fucking him. Where it had been slow before, it was now more of a medium pace. And then she continued on with her story.

“I was looking down into her face and I’m not sure what she could see on mine, but knowing that she could smell my arousal from so close, I saw a change come over Kelly’s face, one I had seen before on boy’s faces, but never on a girl’s, at least directed towards me. It was a look of desire, a look of need, or maybe a look of want. She then did something I’ll remember and treasure forever, she bent her head in and gave me a kiss right on my pussy mound. She then looked up at me like she was unsure what I was going to say or do. I was unsure what I was going to say or do for a moment until I simply spread my legs a little further. She took this as permission and then leaned in and kissed me again, but this time her tongue snuck out and gave me a little lick. When she looked back up at me again I took any further decision away from her by spreading my legs further apart and then reaching down with my right hand and pushing her head between my legs.

“For the next few minutes she licked, kissed, sucked, and nuzzled my cunny like there was no tomorrow. I heard her moaning and groaning and even sighing to herself in pleasure. My eyes had pretty much closed as I was quickly reaching a crest of my own when all of a sudden she pulled back and started squeaking and squealing and then said ‘yes, yes, oh god yes.’ I looked down at her and said ‘No, not yet’ and then grabbed her head and pushed her face back between my legs and she went back to licking me, she even added a few fingers. And then I was there with her.

“In the throes of my orgasm my legs buckled slightly and I became too sensitive so I pushed her away and then grabbed the bathroom counter. I was breathing very quickly and my legs were unsteady, I needed to sit down. Unsure how I would react to what had just happened now that it was all over, she was looking up at me with a fearful look on her face but I just said to her ‘Your bedroom now.’ And then I started walking that way.

“Having been to her house before I knew that her room was on the second floor and down the hall on the right so when I reached her bedroom I walked right to her bed and scooted into the middle and laid on my back with my legs spread. When she reached the doorway she saw me laying there she looked at me a little fearfully and I think she was wondering what I was going to say to her. I simply said ‘normally after someone eats me out they fuck me, now get to work.’ She instantly broke into a wicked grin and walked over to her dresser and pulled out this contraption that I had never seen or heard of before. As she was putting it on my curiosity got the better of me and I had to ask and said ‘what’s that?’ she looked over at me and said ‘you’ll see’. And then reached back into the drawer and pulled out something that I was well familiar with, a nice thick dildo. I smiled at her and said ‘I do know what that is, so why don’t you get over here with that and use that on me.’ She grinned and then joined me on the bed.”

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