The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 13

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

Jackie is still leaning half in and half out the window when Bucky comes back in the bedroom and asks her “Hey, where’d Michelle go?”

Jackie replies “Out the window.”

Bucky is shocked for a couple of seconds and then blurts out “You kicked her out the window? Was she naked? Is she okay? Are you okay?”

Turning around to face Bucky, Jackie has a little grin on her face and says “She’s fine. We just had a little talk and then she left the same way she snuck into your room, through your unlocked window. You really should lock this you know. First I was going to sneak in through it, but she already had. Should I ask how many other girls you’ve snuck in through here?”

Bucky looks at her for a moment and then, unable to suppress a small smile just says “No comment.”

With a small giggle Jackie just slides the window shut, then pulls the shades closed, turns to him, and then says “No matter, I’m the only one here tonight.”

Smiling back at her Bucky says “Yes as a matter of fact you are.” Moving towards her he takes her hands in his and pulls her close and then wraps his arms around her. Naturally her head rests against his shoulder and his rests against the side of her head. He hears her let a small sigh of either release or happiness escape her and then she says “I’ve wanted to be held in your arms for so long, I can’t believe I’m finally here.”

Bucky brushes his lips against her ear with a slight kiss and says “Do you know that our mothers know you’re here?”

Pulling her head back Jackie looks into Bucky’s eyes with a combination of both shock and fear for a moment and then says “What? Huh? Really? How do you know that?”

“My mom. She said to make sure I had you back to Megan’s by 10am when I gave her a kiss good night. I figured you arranged this with your mother.”

Jackie gets a weird look on her face for a moment and then says “That bitch, that’s what she meant when I kissed her good-bye at the picnic.”

Bucky just says “Huh?”

Chuckling a little Jackie replies “My mom pulled me in for a hug and then whispered in my ear ‘go enjoy yourself, see you in the morning, don’t break any beds.’ But I didn’t quite understand what she meant until now. She must have known that I would wind up back here with you and not stayed with Megan. Man moms are freaky bitches.”

Nodding Bucky says “Yeah they are. Mine surprises me almost every day. Somehow she knew almost to the day when I lost my virginity and asked me about it.”


“But mothers are not what we are up here to discuss are they? And I don’t think there is much of a chance to ‘break my bed’, now that I think about it.”

Giggling again Jackie says “We’ll just have to see about that, but now that you mention it, I did notice something weird about it when I pushed Michelle down on it. She didn’t bounce like I expected.”

Giving a small laugh Bucky says “That’s because it’s a waterbed.”

Pulling out of his arms and turning towards the bed Jackie rushes over the few feet to the bed, leans down, and pushes on the top of the bed. She then exclaims “Oh my God it is. Wow, my parents had one of these when they were first married, but I’ve only ever seen pictures of it. I’ve never seen one in real life, they don’t even sell them in stores anymore.” And then without waiting for an invitation or even asking permission, Jackie started trying to crawl onto the bed.

Seeing her trying to crawl onto his waterbed made Bucky smile and almost laugh at her efforts because getting onto and then off of a waterbed is a “learned skill”. The first skill you learn is to “move slow”, the second skill you learn is to make exaggerated movements, and the final skill you learn is to have a wide base, arms and legs preferably shoulder width apart.

Starting off she was doing well, she had placed both hands a few feet in from the edge of the bed and then she pulled her left leg up so she could place her knee down on the edge of the padded bedside. She then pulled her right leg up and placed her knee right onto the waterbed and then moved each of her hands towards the center of the bed. Then disaster struck, just as she went to move her left leg from the padded side she moved just a little too fast and it caused a ripple in the water. This caused a wave to occur which went from one side of the bed to the other and when it came ‘crashing’ back towards her, her left leg was still up in the air and it caused her to overbalance and then topple over onto her side. Start to finish from the time she tried to get onto the bed until she was laying on her side laughing, 6 seconds, less than a bull rider.

Laughing she looked up at Bucky and said “Well that didn’t go as planned did it?”

Bucky just looked down at her and said “Sure it did. I’ve got you lying in my bed, how much more planning did I need.”

Seeing the desire start to come into her eyes Bucky does the only thing he can think of, he drops the towel he had wrapped around his neck. When he had returned to the bedroom he had still drying off slightly and had just wrapped the towel around his neck. He takes closes the gap between himself and the bed and, after years of practice, is able to straddle Jackie with one knee on each side of her hips as he leans down to give her a kiss. It is not a long, deep, passionate kiss, but just a slow kiss that shows promise.

Leaning back from the kiss Bucky looks her in the eyes from just a few inches away and says “I think you’re wearing to many clothes, let me help you with that.”

Jackie simply nods her head and then nibbles her lower lip a little as this is something she has been dreaming about for a while. She knows that it won’t be everything she has dreamed it will be, but if it is even close than she knows she will remember it for a lifetime.

When Jackie had gotten onto his bed she had entered it in the middle facing the outside wall and then when she fell over sideways she had simply lay there laughing. Bucky decides the simplest way to do this will be to start with her shoes and then move up from there. He slides off to his left and as he does turns so that his front is facing her feet. When she had showered at Megan’s she had put on flats and little pink ankle socks so they were easy to slip off, but Bucky made sure to give each foot, toe, and ankle a rub while he was down there.

As he slowly his way up her legs, they naturally parted and he heard her start to give out little sounds, a mixture of moans and gasps. He kept his hands moving constantly touching each part of her legs, knees, thighs, anywhere he could. As he reached the lowest part of her skirt his hands stayed on the outside of the garment and he heard her moans turn slightly to sounds of frustration, but it wasn’t long before his hands were at the waistband of her skirt. Instinctively she starts to raise her hips to help him pull her skirt off, so he slips two fingers from each hand into each side of her skirt waistband and starts to pull downwards towards her feet. The tip of his fingers feel the material of her panties, but he leaves them in place for now, wanting to extend the pleasure, or frustration, for her.

Since her hips flare out beautifully now that she is older and has grown into her body, he feels her skirt ‘stretch’ a little as it expands over her hips, but within a few seconds top of her skirt is starting to show more and more of her hidden treasures and especially her panties, green panties like her skirt. Bucky is still sitting up and looking down at her, but he can start to smell her arousal as her skirt is removed and it is starting to affect him. He has been in a semi state of arousal since they were at his special spot, but it has come and gone but now his dick is getting pretty hard and he’s pretty sure that if he had not spent most of the afternoon fooling around with Chastity that he would have blown his load unassisted by now.

With her skirt down to her knees Bucky takes one hand slides the rest of it off over her feet and then holds one hand down for Jackie and says “I’m gonna need your help for the next piece. It’s either that or I’m gonna have to rip it off your body and I don’t think you’d like that.”

Close to the point of no return herself, Jackie almost says “Do it”, but thinks better of he and then reaches out to take his hand and lets him pull her up into a semi-sitting position. Once there she drapes her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a kiss while his hands grab the bottom of her blouse and start to pull it upwards. The kiss until she feels it come up against their arms and necks and then she tips her head back through the shirt hole, releases one arm at a time slipping them through the blouse, and then resumes kissing Bucky. Bucky is then left holding both a blouse and a mostly naked Jackie in his hands and arms.

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