The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 12

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

As Megan continues sliding out of the car backwards across the bench seat, Bucky sees the battle of wills going on in her face as she both knows she has to leave the car and doesn’t want to leave the car. Finally she knows the battle is lost as her butt comes to the edge of the seat and she gives one final sigh and then with a frown and a blown kiss in Bucky’s direction turns towards the door to stand up. Bucky is watching in her direction expecting to see the door close, but he was also expecting to see Jackie to come back and to say good-night at least. She had run off so quickly once they arrived on campus. The only excuse was an emergency of some kind, maybe a bathroom emergency? But he didn’t see Jackie at all and the passenger door wasn’t closing, Megan was still standing there but was facing the other way.

Just as Bucky was about to say something he hears her mutter “About damn time.” Unsure what she means he is about to say something when he sees her step out of the way and then Jackie is literally sliding through the open door onto his bench seat and over to as close to him as possible and giving him a kiss. She then looks him in the eye and says “Home, James” and then she chuckles and says “And yes I meant to say that on purpose.”

Bucky is looks at her in shock couple of seconds and finally blurts out “Huh? What do you mean ‘Home, James’. Do you mean you’re coming home with me to my house? Do you know who’s at my house? My parents are at my house. How do you expect to stay over at my house?”

Jackie just looks at Bucky for a moment and then says “Trust me, just take me to your house.”

Leaning down through the open door Megan smiles and says “Good night you two. Have fun.”

Jackie looks back at Megan and blowing her a kiss says “Love you Meg’s. See you between 6 and 7 okay?”

Megan waves, shuts the door, and starts walking towards the dorms.

Still in shock somewhat, but deciding not to argue anymore, Bucky starts the car, puts it into gear, and start drives the few miles to his house. The interesting thing was that the Brunswick Naval Air Station Military Housing was located just a few miles from both Brunswick High School and Bowdoin College, maybe there had been a major deal on public land years and years ago and the government bought it all up at the same time. Who knows? Probably some accountant somewhere, but probably not.

Directions to Bucky’s house were pretty easy; pull into the housing complex, take the first right, take the next right, and then 5 houses down on the left. Park in front on the even numbered side of the street, not the odd. Bucky was all set to park in front of his house like normal, right up until be pulled onto his street. The problem was that there was no place to park in front of the house, the entire street seemed to be filled with vehicles. Bucky drove passed his house and went down to the next intersection and pulled a U-turn and came back around and saw that his father had parked on the grass beside the garage leaving him space in front of his van. Being careful to avoid the cars parked to close to the driveway on either side, Bucky pulled between them an parked, making sure that the rear of his car was not in the sidewalk at all.

Bucky looked over at Jackie and said “I think they’re having a party, that’s a lot of people to sneak you by. Are you sure you want to do this?”

With a huge grin on her face Jackie said “Bucky, look at how your dad is parked. It’s perfect.”

Bucky looked at his father’s van and then got a huge smile on his face. He looked over at Jackie and said “Fuck that, we’ll use the front door.”

Shocked she looked at Bucky and said “What? Huh? What?”

Bucky just pointed at the front door and said “See how the front door opens inwards towards the living room? You walk in right behind me and then scoot right up the stairs to my bedroom and no one will know you’re up there.”

Starting to laugh she says “Hell yeah, I love it. Why’s the door closed anyways? It’s a beautiful July night? Wouldn’t they want it open for the cool weather?”

“Nah, knowing my parents they have it closed because of the noise. This way it keeps the neighbors from complaining. Besides, most of the people are probably out in the garage where it’s cooler anyways.”

“Which is why your mom’s car isn’t in there.”


Grabbing her bag from between her feet Jackie leans over and gives Bucky a kiss and then says “Let’s do this.”

They both open the doors at the same time and then meet at the front of the car and walk up towards the house, her slightly behind him on the left. As they reach the front door Bucky opens the screen door and using his left hand he takes her right hand to guide her slightly behind him to his left and then opens the front door as he normally does. Once he starts to step through the door he guides her through the door behind him and pushes her towards and up the stairs. The front door opens beyond the living room area just as she clears the first step so there should be no one who could see her even if they were looking. As it was his mother was staring directly at the door as it opened and yelled “BUCKY!!!!” as the door opened through into the living room. Knowing that he would have to acknowledge her he said from the doorway “Hi Mom.”

Bucky could see that there were 6-8 people sitting at the dining room table playing poker, which was bad for anyone not his mother because she was a shark when she played. Men and women alike had been known to leave the table crying when she was done with them. His mother looked up from the table and said “Bucky, do me a favor and get the cat. He’s not come in yet for the night and it’s gett’n late.”

Hearing this Sgt. Davis speaks up with “Oh is this the ‘amous ‘otally white blonde pussy I’ve heard all ‘bout. I love me some blonde ‘ussy. It wouldn’t be shaved ould’it? ‘ow about dirty? I like me some ‘irty blond ‘aved ‘ussy.”

Hearing this Bucky gets a weird look on his face, at least until Mrs. Davis, Sgt. Davis’ wife and Jackie’s mother, says “Don’t mind him Bucky, he’s more than a little drunk.”

But of course hearing this from Sgt. Davis wasn’t what put the weird look on Bucky’s face, it was what his daughter, Jackie, had been whispering in his ear every time he asked a question or made a comment. When his mother mentioned ‘the cat’ she was talking about his cat Humphrey who was completely white in color, not blonde and when Sgt. Davis made his comment about “love me some blonde ‘ussy” Jackie said “Do you like Blonde pussy? Should we call Megan to come over after all because mine is Dark Brown, almost Black even. I know hers is blonde though.”

Then when he then asked “wouldn’t be shaved ould’it” Jackie whispered in Bucky’s ear “mine’s not shaved either, well not totally. I have a nice little tuft of hair just above my ... well you’ll have to see won’t you. Some call it a landing strip, some call it a ‘Hitler’, but you’ll see it soon enough.” And when he finally asked “‘ow about dirty” Jackie couldn’t resist saying “Well it was nice and dirty this afternoon when we were playing ball in the park, but I cleaned up really good for you, inside and out. But then when we were at dinner and laying out under the stars I think it got all wet and dirty again. Maybe you’ll have to clean it all nice and good with your tongue. Would you like to lick it clean for me.”

Hearing all of these offers from Jackie had a desired result and caused a certain body part of Bucky’s to start to expand. He glanced over at Jackie to see her trying to contain her mirth at the situation but she was slowly losing the battle. He finally leaned in towards her and whispered back saying “My room is upstairs directly across from the bathroom. Go, I’ll be up as soon as I get the cat and then I will be coming to verify the claims you made about pussy.”

Unable to contain her laughter any longer she started to laugh quietly to herself as she walked up the stairs to his room. Meanwhile Bucky turned around and walked back outside and off the steps to the sidewalk and performed his nightly ritual to get Humphrey to come home. How the cat ever learned this or trained him to do this, he would never know, but it worked. He clapped three times and then snapped his fingers three times. He then waited about 15 seconds and then repeated it. Bucky stood there for about a minute longer and then he saw Humphrey come scooting across the street. Why the ritual worked, he didn’t know, but it did. 3 claps, 3 finger snaps, wait 15 second or so, and repeat, then about a minute so appears the cat. His mother said it was better than a dog whistle.

After he and the cat walk into the house, shutting the door behind him, he walks over to the dining room table and gives his mother a kiss goodnight. Seeing the stack of chips and coins in front of her, and the lack of such everyone else at the table has, she was have a great night, not that Bucky expected anything less. As she leans up to give him a kiss back she whispers into his ear “Just so you know, Jackie’s mom and I know she’s staying over. Be careful, be good, and make sure she’s back at Megan’s before 10am. Love ya.”

Looking at his mother with a shocked look on his face Bucky is about to say something, but his mother just shoos him away from the table saying “Thanks for letting the cat in, now let me kick these boys asses some more.”

Shaking his head he walks back towards the front of the house and up the stairs to his bedroom. Taking a quick left at the top of the stairs he stops quick at the entrance to his room because Jackie is blocking the doorway. She obviously had opened the door and then just stopped, shocked by what she saw laying on the bed. Bucky was also shocked by what he saw laying on the bed, it was Michelle in all her naked glory. Now to describe Michelle in 10 words or less would not do her justice, but in an attempt to do so she was simply stunning. Other than that time a few months ago when she kept ‘accidently’ exposing a breast to Bucky he had not seen her in anything other than jeans and a t-shirt in over a year, and in that years’ time she had developed into quite the stunning young woman.

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