The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 11

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

As Bucky was driving through Topsham he radio switched from playing a song to ads and so he flipped to a different station. As he did he noticed the time was just before 7:30 and knew he was going to be late meeting the girls. Wishing he had grabbed a phone number from Megan so he could pull over and call her, he just shrugged and continued on. As he pulled up in front of the dorm just after 7:45 he saw both girls standing there with someone else talking. As they saw his car they hugged the other girl, waved, and came skipping over to get in with him. Not surprisingly they both squeezed into the front on the bench seat.

Megan gave him a side hug and a kiss on the cheek and said “That’s from both of us and how was your afternoon. Did you have fun with your coworker?”

Smiling Bucky said “Yeah, it was good. What did you 2 do? I see that you’ve both changed.” They were both wearing almost identical outfits, minus the obvious height and size differences. They were both wearing some weird new retro-style thing called peasant blouses, and had on a loose mid-thigh length skirt to go with it. Both shirts were white, or off-white, what did Bucky know about colors and fashion really, but he could tell that Megan’s skirt was black and Jackie’s was green. They both looked quite cute in their outfits and the best part was as he was able to see that Megan had pink panties on as she was scooting across the bench seat because her skirt rode up a little.

Laughing Jackie leaned forward and said “Yeah I had dirt and dust all over my nether regions from playing ball earlier, I really needed a shower. And Megan had cheer practice when we got back so she was sweaty also so she took one also. Want me to describe them for you? We used the same one ... I can speak slowly if you want.”

Halfway through her describing what they had been up to Bucky’s mouth had dropped open thinking of the possibilities of what might have occurred either in or during that shower, but they were dashed seconds later when Megan started laughing herself and then said “Oh my God, look at his mind spinning. Do you know what he thinking might have happened?” Still laughing she snaps her fingers in front of Bucky’s face and then says “Earth to Bucky, Earth to Bucky.”

Snapping out of his mini daydream Bucky smiles and says “Yeah Megan, what?”

“You’re such a boy.” And then shaking her head she continues with “Just so you know we each showered about an hour apart from each other. She showered when we got back to the room, then we went to my practice and then I showered. We didn’t shower together Bucky, I don’t ‘go’ that way. Silly boy.”

Feeling like someone had just taken away his favorite toy Bucky’s shoulders drooped slightly and he let out a small ‘sigh’ saying “Aww, but that woulda been so cool.”

Both girls laugh at him but then Megan puts her hand on his leg and leans in close to his ear and says quietly “But that doesn’t mean I don’t share once in a while.” And then she kisses his cheek and with a squeeze of his thigh looks over at Jackie says still quietly “Haven’t you wanted to fuck her since we were kids? I think we could have a lot of fun together.”

Jackie sees Megan saying something to Bucky but can’t hear what she’s saying so asks “What’s she saying about me? I can tell it’s something? What? What is it? What?”

Megan leans over towards Jackie and gives her a brief hug and a small kiss on the cheek and says “Nothing dear heart. I was just telling him I was hungry and that I wanted to get going. Aren’t you hungry?”

“Starving actually. Where we gonna eat?”

Megan looks back over at Bucky and says “You’re the chauffer, where to ‘James’?”

As Bucky gets a weird look on his face at the statement, Jackie starts laughing and says “Oh wow now that’s funny. I know she meant that as a play on the old chauffer joke of most drivers being called ‘James’, but your real name is ‘James’. I bet she totally forgot that. Classic Megan.”

Megan looks shocked for a few seconds and then cracks up herself and says “My God I did forget. My mother says it to my father so much I never put much thought it and honestly forgot that Bucky wasn’t your real name. But wow, that is hilarious.” And now the are both laughing so much that Bucky just has to join them.

Eventually the 3 of them calm down and Bucky is the first to say “Okay, so food. What are in the mood for? Quick and easy? Fancy? Combination of the 2? What?”

They both look at each other for a moment and do the girl talk ‘thing’ and then simultaneously say “Both.”

Bucky thinks about that for a few seconds and says “How do you feel about eating in a car?”

Megan gets a happy look on her face and then squeals and says “Are you thinking of Fat Boy’s?”

“I am. I figured that Jackie’s never been there and wasn’t sure if you’ve been there before. I like their food and they have a variety, so why not.”

“I love their food, so yes, yes, yes. I’m in.” She turns to Jackie and says “You’ll love it. It’s not just dinner, but an experience.”

Shrugging Jackie says “Sure, I’m in.”

Starting the car and putting it in motion, Bucky pulls away from the curb and heads off towards Fat Boy’s restaurant, a local 50’s Style Drive-In establishment. Taking less than 10 minutes to get there with traffic and even though it is a mid-week night around 8pm, the place is still pretty busy. Bucky gives the girls a choice of “the full carhop experience” or if they “go inside to eat”, but they decide to eat in the car. Bucky pulls stalls and it’s only a few minutes before a carhop comes out to take their order, in fact it’s a girl he knows Michelle.

Michelle had recognized Bucky’s car when he pulled in and practically ran to the door ahead of the other servers working, and heard one of her coworkers behind her yell “Bitch I was next” but Michelle didn’t care she wanted another shot at Bucky and this was her chance. Walking up to his car, yes walking as most Drive-In carhops didn’t wear roller-skates any longer, she ‘accidently’ unbuttoned an extra button on her blouse and made sure to stand an extra step back from his car so that he would see extra far down her shirt. Leaning over she looked right into his eyes and said “Hiya Bucky, how ya been? I’ve been missing ya since school got out, what’ve you been up to?”

Bucky had not missed any of the antics that Michelle had done as she walked up to his car and while he had a smile on his face, she was not the type of girl that he would normally, or really ever, date. She was just too young. Michelle had just turned 16 a month or so before but she had been trying to, um ‘seduce’ was the best word Bucky could think of, since they met when she was still 14 and he was 18. She didn’t understand the concept of ‘Jailbait’, all she saw was a conquest and he was it. Her alluding to “missing him since school got out” was because she had been having problems with History and Civics and those were both classes Bucky excelled at and, per his parents ‘suggestion’, he helped her pass those courses and each time they met for tutoring she wore skimpy clothes, rubbed herself against his body, and generally tried to get him fuck to her.

Looking over at Michelle Bucky put a smile on his face and said “Hi there Michelle, how have you been? I’ve missed you too, but you know busy I am with work, you know working the morning shift and all. When did you start working here?”

“Last week. Mum and Dad said I could get a job when I turned 16 so I could start saving up for a car, and so here I am. I’m only working a few shifts per week, but it’s okay. It doesn’t impact my cheer schedule nor my social schedule.” She says and then she grins and says “I still get to walk Princess every night around 10 if you ever want me to stop by and give you that blowy I promised you.”

Shaking his head Bucky says “Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that, but 10 is a little late for me as I’m normally in bed by then, but maybe some night when I’m not I’ll take you up on it.”

“Awesome. A few of the guys on the team say I’m one of the best and I’d love to prove it to ya.”

“Okay Michelle, maybe I’ll take you up on it sometime but we’ll have to see how our schedules match up. Okay?”

Grinning larger now she says “Awesome.”

Finally happy that she has accomplished her goal, at least in her eyes, Michelle looks beyond Bucky into the car and notices the other 2 occupants. Either that she just finally decides they are worthy of her attention and blurts out “Hi there, I’m Michelle. How do you know Bucky? He hasn’t accepted it yet, but he’s my boyfriend and is going to take my cherry soon.”

Both of them are shocked to hear this girl they don’t know spill such intimate details to them are unsure what to say at first, but Megan recovers quickly says “Hi I’m Megan and this is Jackie. We’ve both known Bucky since we met at a Conference our dad’s went to in New Hampshire 5 or 6 years ago. I go to Bowdoin College and Jackie was just in town visiting and was surprised to see him at a picnic.”

Jackie just sorta waves her hand and says “Hi.”

Megan continues with information that makes Bucky quickly swivel his head towards her with a shocked look on his face “And he hasn’t fucked us yet either, but the night isn’t over yet, but then again neither of us are virgins so that might be why.”

Michelle gets a shocked look on her face and then squeals and says “Wait, wait. Oh My God!! You’re ‘Brats too? I’m a Brat, that’s how I know Bucky. We met through our dad’s.”

Jackie face starts to cloud over a little bit and she responds kind of testily saying “What do you mean ‘we’re Brats?’”

Laughing Michelle responds “Oh you know Military Brats, kids whose parents are in the Army or some such and get dragged around the country or world every few years and never seem to fit in anywhere. You know ‘Brats.”

Starting to laugh herself Megan responds by saying “Yeah, I can see that. I know I certainly met lots of kids who acted that way when I was growing up and my dad was moving us around every couple of years.”

Speaking up Bucky says “I guess I was one of the lucky ones in that I never really moved, only twice really, and this is the first time to a real military area of any kind so I was spared that growing up.” Looking over at Jackie he asks “Jackie, what about you? Did you know any types of kids like that growing up?”

Her facial expressions clearing slightly but still keeping her eyes tightened on Michelle she says in response “Yeah, I’ve met a few. And I seem to keep meeting some no matter how ‘old’ they think they are.”

Michelle giggles and says “Yeah exactly, my best friend and I know bunches of them that live in the same complex as Bucky and I. Oh wow, such a small world.” Michelle then looks over at the diner building and sees someone waving at her and she then makes a grunt like sigh and then says “Ugh, the shift-leader is making a lame ass signal at me to ask ‘what’s taking so long taking your order’, she’s such a bitch, but I need this job. So, oh well, what can I get you? I’m pretty sure I know what my man Bucky wants, the double burger with ketchup only and do you want your normal to go with it? Fries and a Strawberry Frappe?”

At a nod from Bucky Michelle looks over at the girls and says “And for you ‘my sisters from another mister’? What can I get for you?”

“I’m sorry what? What did you just say?”

Giggling Michelle just says “Oh it was just something I heard someone say on MTV. Basically another way of saying ‘hey girlfriend’. Whatever, don’t worry about it. So, what can I getcha?”

Megan and Jackie both look at each other for a moment and then simultaneously say “The fish and chips basket please, and a Chocolate frappe.” Megan continues with “No tartar sauce for me please, but I would like some mayonnaise or ranch dressing for my fries if possible please. Jackie pipes with “Oh, yeah, same.”

Michelle smiles and says “Sounds perfect guys. I pop this right in and it should be out in a jiff.” She then steps back but before turning she winks at Bucky and blows him a kiss and then turns to walk away. When she is about 5-6 steps away she flips her skirt up so that all 3 of them get a nice view of her tight, taught, barely thong covered ass. What she was not expecting to occur was for the carload of teenage boys to also see her ass when she flipped up her skirt so when the did they laughed, honked their horn, and then yelled “Hey can you service our car too? We’ll give you a ‘foot long’ of our own.” And a few other choice terms.

As he had been expecting since he had seen Michelle walking towards his car, as soon as she was out of earshot the questions from Megan and Jackie started. The first couple of the questions were “Bucky what the HELL is going on between you two?” and “Don’t you know that she’s underage and you could go to jail if you fuck her?” and they only seemed to go downhill from there. Bucky turned to face both of them and even though he had his hands up and was trying to calm them down and seemed to be getting nowhere, eventually he had enough and said loud enough get over their voices without yelling “Megan! Jackie! Enough! Stop! Please, and listen to me.”

All of a sudden the front of his car was quiet as the two of them stopped talking and just sat there looking at him expectantly. The quiet lasted for about 25-30 seconds until Bucky sighed and then said “Have either of you ever had someone obsessed with you? Have you ever had someone you tried to tell ‘no’ gently but they wouldn’t stop or go away? If so, now imagine that your parents are best friends or as close to that as possible in this fucked up world and that that young impressionable person was a young, horny, teenage girl who you were afraid to turn away or to just say ‘no’ to because she just might go out and fuck the first guy she could because you turned her down. Then you would understand the situation I’m in with Michelle.”

Both girls looked at me with shocked looks on their faces. Jackie recovered first and said “Wow, really, just wow. Do her parents’ know?”

Nodding his head Bucky said “Yeah, well, our mom’s know. I told my mom after the last time I tutored her and, as she put it, ‘Oops my boob keeps falling out of this loose old t-shirt of mine. You don’t mind if I take it off do you?’ I in fact did mind so I left shortly afterwards and told my mother I wouldn’t be tutoring her alone any longer. My mom told her mom and whatever her mother did about it, I don’t know. Tonight was the first night I’ve seen her since May.”

Megan said “Wow, amazing. So she’s been after you for 2 years and you haven’t plowed her yet?

Looking at her shocked for a moment until he saw she smile on her face, Bucky said “Technically it’s only been just over a year. We moved here June of last year when she was still 14, she turned 15 in July, and now she’s 16.”

“So she’s legal and you could fuck her with no problem if you wanted to.”

“Except for the fact that I’m 19 and she’s just barely 15 turned 16.”

Jackie pipes in with “Well age of consent in Maine is 14 so again it would be legal, if you wanted it.”

Shaking his head he can see the grins just starting to form at the corners of both of their mouths and finally says “Well, yes I suppose you are correct, legally I could have sex with her if I wanted to and it would be legal, but there is a huge factor that you are missing in your equation.”

They look at each other and then Megan shrugs and says “What, what are we missing?”

“That I don’t want to. To me she is just to young. To me she is still the 14/15 year old I met a year ago when we moved here. I never dated freshman when I was a senior in high school, so why would I start now.”

Both Megan and Jackie smile at this revelation and then Jackie says “And that is why we love you Bucky. Because even though 5 or so years have passed since we first met, the values that make you-you, haven’t changed at all.” And with that they each lean over and give me a kiss on the cheek.

Michelle returns with their food quicker than expected, or at least quicker than either Bucky or Megan has ever received there before. Bucky does make sure to smile at her and thank her for the quick delivery. Michelle smiles and says she needs to run off to take another order but will make sure to come back and check on them in a few minutes. She quickly blows him a kiss and then runs off to the next car that needs food service.

All 3 of them dig into the food and spend the next 5 to ten minutes not talking but just chomping away, the food is just that good. Some would say that Fat Boy’s is one of the last true Fast Food restaurants in the Brunswick/Topsham areas, but Bucky would disagree. Yes the food was prepared quicker than if you were in a sit-down restaurant, either a fancy or chain-style, and yes it was delivered diner style, either to your car or a booth, but the reason he would disagree was simply because of the quality of the food, if nothing else.

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