The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie - Cover

The Reservist Book 1 - Jackie

Copyright© 2023 by Ned Kelly

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Bucky is a 19yo boy becoming a man who, one day, has a chance encounter with a girl from his past that brings back a lot of great memories. Bucky remembers the fun he had with her that weekend all those years ago and wonders if, now that they are older, if they could have different fun now.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction  

After saying goodbye to his parents and confirming that he would be home “at some point”, Bucky decides to just stop by the restaurant instead of calling. He was going to be driving right past on his way home and why waste the quarter making a call when he could stop just as easily. Five minutes later he was pulling into his normal parking space, why it seemed like it was always free he would never understand, but it was, and getting out of the car. Walking into the restaurant he passed one of the afternoon managers walking around with the front area with someone new. Sheryl stopped him and said, “Hey there Bucky meet Jess, she just started today.”

Pasting a smile on his face Bucky looked over at the new girl and said “Hello Jess, welcome. I hope you enjoy working here with us.”

The new girl smiled shyly back and said “Thanks Bucky, I hope so too.”

As Bucky was turning to head back into the employee area, he heard Sheryl say “I think Chastity is in the back if you’re here looking for her.”

Looking back at Sheryl to see if she knew something she shouldn’t know, Bucky slowly said “Um, okay thanks. You’re right, I am looking for Chastity. She mentioned when I saw her earlier that she might need a ride home because she was called into work by her mom and had to have her dad drop her off but her mom’s working ‘til 7 and didn’t want to wait around. I was at a picnic around the corner and was on my way home so thought I’d drop by and see if she was done and ready to leave. Do you know if she’s done yet?”

Smiling Sheryl said “Yep. She clocked out about 10 minutes ago. She should be all set to go. Her mother just took her break so she and her mother were having a snack in the breakroom. You should find them both there.”

“Thanks, Sheryl. I appreciate it.”

“No problem Bucky.”

Continuing on through the kitchen area to the employee area, Bucky finds both Evans women sitting and talking in the breakroom and upon seeing him Chastity jumps up and gives him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek saying “Hi there Bucky. I was just telling Mom that you would be here any moment, let me get my stuff.”

Taken aback a moment, but returning her hug and smiling nonetheless, Bucky says “Oh, okay Chastity, sure.”

Carol, Chastity’s mom, stands and also gives him a hug and says quietly right in his ear “She’s so happy to be with you that I don’t care what it is that you two do. You know about our beliefs and I know that you two are taking precautions so please keep doing that. As long as she is safe and happy and doesn’t get pregnant I don’t care what goes on between you two. Okay? Just keep my baby healthy and out of the hospital and gaining weight. If you can, get her to eat something else when you get her home, either to your house or our house.”

Stepping back Carol places her hands on either side of Bucky’s face and then looks deep into his eyes for a moment and then says “Thank you for coming into our lives” and then she kisses him on his cheek.

Chastity returns to the breakroom at this moment, sighs, and says “MOM, are you trying to steal him from me too? Isn’t it enough I have to share him with all the other girls?”

Carol laughs and says “Oh shush girl, you know your dad is more than I can handle as it is, I could never handle someone like Bucky if you can’t.”

Chastity laughs and says “I never said I can’t handle him, I only said I won’t fuck him.”

Without really thinking Carol says “Chastity language!” and then laughs and says “sorry baby, I know you’re an adult and talk like that, but you’re still my baby.”

Sticking her tongue out at her mother Chastity smiles at her and says “I know mom and I love you too.” She then gives her a hug and turns to Bucky and says “We all set?”

Shrugging Bucky says “Yep. Ready when you are.”

Turning towards the door and grabbing his hand Chastity starts walking towards it and practically dragging him out of it. Looking over at Carol once more to say ‘Good-bye’ he almost doesn’t see her mouth the words “Get her to eat” before he is pulled out the door.

Winding their way back through the restaurant and out the side door towards his car takes only a few moments and soon they are in nice, cool, air-conditioned comfort. As soon as they are Chastity looks over at him and says “I thought you were going to call? If you had I would have been ready and could have met you outside and we would have been gone by now and you could be playing with your present already.”

Confused Bucky looked over at her and then said “What?”

Chastity simply smiles and then lifts her loose skirt to show him the small end of a vibrator extending from her pussy. “Since you didn’t call I had to run to the bathroom to take off my panties and put it in, but if you had called first I could have been standing on the sidewalk all ready to go. Wanna turn it on for me?”

Without even realizing it his right hand had already closed most of the gap between them and was caressing the area between her knee and lower thigh. He could hear her breath starting to get a little deeper and could already smell a little of her muskiness. She brought her left arm up around his neck and pulled his head close to hers and started to kiss him gently about his mouth. She pulls back slightly and very quietly says “Please, please, Bucky. Will you please turn it on? If you do I’ll go down on you until we get to my house and even if you spew I’ll keep sucking. Will that make you and my mom happy? I’ll have eaten something. Cum is protein.”

Bucky’s mind was almost blank as his cock was getting hard and uncomfortable in his pants. Chastity then upped the ante by reaching over with her right hand and unzipping the fly on his pants. Bucky hadn’t really been thinking after his shift and had just tossed on his jeans when he changed and didn’t put on underwear so when she unzipped his fly his dick flopped right out into the air. Her right hand grabbed a hold of it at its base and then her ebony-colored head with cherry-colored lips descended right down over its 7-inch length.

Seeing her head descend over his cock made him think of one of the first times he had met her and one of the first things she said to him. He had been talking with a friend of hers and she overheard them talking about blowjobs and she said something like “Never in a million years will I do something like that before my wedding night. Sex is pure and should be saved for marriage.” But that was the old Chastity, this is the new one.

Chastity was a beauty star and had been competing since she was 4 years old. According to her mother, her coach, and anyone who had ever competed against her she was a natural and she placed in most of the competitions she competed in. Unfortunately, at 14 years old she developed an eating disorder because she was always concerned with “looking good during a competition” and it was something that prevented her from competing at the higher levels.

When Bucky had first met her 5 or 6 months previously she had just won a local competition and her body was to die for; she was 5’7” tall, long raven black hair, pale alabaster skin with high cheekbones and a cute button nose with a heart-shaped mouth on a nice heart-shaped face, and all topped off by either a runners, swimmers, or “Dancers” body in that her legs and torso were just pure muscle. If Chastity had a negative aspect to her at all it would be in that she had almost no boobs at all, saying she had Big A’s would be generous.

He found out later that she used ‘fake boobs’ during competitions to fill out her outfits, in fact, most contestants did. If she was lucky her measurements might have been 28AA-26-33, but even that was being generous. Add in the fact that she weighed 98 pounds and it was amazing she wasn’t skin and bones. But it was her face that would draw you in and make you weep for love, compassion, and then beg her for more.

Back to the present and the fact that she was overcoming her eating disorder, as well as she could, she had added some weight to her body, and she was lucky some of that had gone to her boobs. They were now small handful B’s and still perky as hell. He watched as she almost swallowed him in continuous motion and as he did Bucky had a thought about how he had never been one to ask a playmate where they had learned their skills, and this certainly included Chastity and her ability to deepthroat given her religious upbringing, but as she began to rise back up, faster than she had descended, Bucky was beginning to rethink that decision as he was sure she never learned this in ‘bible school’. But then he let out yet a moan of pleasure and either Chastity became impatient with him or was hornier than he had thought as she took her right hand and felt around on her thigh until she found his hand and then guided it to the vibrator sticking out of her vagina. The indication was clear, she wanted satisfaction too.

Trying to concentrate on the vibrator while also receiving pleasure was a new experience for him so it took Bucky multiple tries, but he was finally able to twist the knob just right and finally heard the slight hum as the vibrator turned on. Right away he felt Chastity’s left hand squeeze his cock slightly, either in surprise or pleasure of the vibrator humming away. Then he felt a hum on his dick coming from her mouth as she started to hum in concert with the vibrator humming in her pussy.

They continued like this for a few minutes, her pleasuring him and the vibrator pleasuring her until she lifted her head off his cock slightly and with a glazed look on her face simply said “Drive. Me. Home. And. Fuck. Me.” And then she returned her head to his dick and continued sucking, but it was more of a humming than a blowjob.

In an attempt to clear his thoughts, Bucky shook his head a few times and then looked both ways, put the car into gear, backed out of the spot, and proceeded out onto the road towards her house.

The normal 8-10 minute drive to her house was closer to 15 minutes and was an exercise in focus and stamina. Bucky did everything he could think of to hold off on blowing his load but only made it as far as her driveway. Whether she knew they were getting close to her house or there was something else going on in her head, just as he had made the final turn onto her street she tripled, or by that time, quadrupled her efforts to get him to explode because as soon as he pulled into her driveway and shifted into park his cock exploded in her mouth.

And whether that is what she was waiting for herself or not it caused her to explode also because once she was done swallowing everything he had to give her, her body started to shake, and shimmy, and then she rolled over onto her back and then she reached up with her arms and grabbed Bucky’s face to pull his face down to hers to give him a big kiss as she came and came. Bucky could see her pussy spasming and clenching as he was staring right at it and after one particularly strong spasm she pushed her little vibrator right out of her pussy and a bunch of juices followed right along. Bucky smiled and then reached over with his right hand and scooped some of the juices up with his index finger and as she moaned as she watched him stick his finger in his mouth.

She then followed it up with “Hmmm ... yes, that looks like fun, but let’s continue this in my bedroom.”

Bucky always felt a little awkward walking with Chastity through her house to her bedroom for the purpose of sex. Personally, Bucky had been raised Catholic, but his parents weren’t overly religious and were, if anything, ambivalent, about premarital sex. In fact both of his siblings had kids before they were married and his parents could have cared less, of course, that might have only been because they later married the other person. But walking into and through Chastity’s house was a stark reminder of how religious her parents were, her mother especially.

Her mother was a Born Again Christian and was known to be very vocal about drinking, smoking, swearing, immoral television and music, abortion, and, most especially, premarital sex. Everywhere you looked in Chastity’s house there was a reminder of how important Jesus and God was to them, from the crosses on the wall or tables to the bibles on almost every surface, there was an almost constant reminder, it really made Bucky wonder about the whispered words that Carol had spoken to him at the restaurant.

But Bucky didn’t really have much of a choice, or a thought in his head, once she had led him through the front door and then closed it behind him because she turned towards him, smiled, crossed her arms across her chest, and then lifted her arms to pull her T-shirt up and over her head. As soon as her head popped out of the T-shirt neck hole and the grin on her face came back into view she said “Well? Why are you still dressed?”

Blinking a few times Bucky looked down and was amazed to see that somehow while she had been taking her shirt off her skirt had dropped to the floor. But Chastity just laughed, grabbed his right hand with her left, and turned around to face the main part of the house, a nice split-level ranch, and walked up the few steps towards onto the main level where the living spaces were, but most specifically, where her bedroom was. Once they reached the main landing she turned right and continued leading him down the short hall, past no less than 6 or 7 crosses and bibles each, and right through her bedroom door.

Pushing him past her she closed the door behind her and then leaned against it and saying “See anything you like? Anything you want?”

Standing there with her back pressed against the door, one leg straight and one leg slightly bent, her feet roughly 6 and 8 inches apart which only emphasized her beautiful bald little pussy with only a little black patch in the shape of a triangle sitting above it. In the past few months, you could see where she had started gaining some weight. It showed in the ‘right’ places on her body. It didn’t mean she was recovering from her eating disorder, she would have to be careful and mindful of it for the rest of her life, but she was slowly winning the battle.

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