These Girls Are More Than a Handful - Cover

These Girls Are More Than a Handful

Copyright© 2023 by GonzoJournalist

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Drew's marriage has become stale, and he's just going through the motions every day. His twin daughters are his life and his sanity (even if their precocious puberty is making them go a bit nuts). But a seemingly harmless crush on a fresh-out-of-college coworker sets a series of events in motion that turns a midlife crisis into something unexpected.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Teen Siren   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Cheating   Incest   Father   Daughter   Harem   First   Facial   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Slow  

The girls glanced at each other and then turned toward me once again.

“Can you get pregnant even though you use condoms?” Lizzie wondered.

I shrugged, “Technically. But it’s very very very rare.” After everything we’ve been talking about, this question was surprisingly ... prude.

“Oh, thanks!” Lydia exclaimed happily.

I chuckled at them both. “Any more questions?”

Again, the girls shared another glance and then Lydia answered, “Yes.”

“Go ahead.”

“Is anal sex safe too? I mean, is it bad for your butt or something?” Lydia asked nervously.

I frowned slightly and sighed heavily, “I don’t know. I don’t do it.”

“But you must have thought about it sometime right?!” Lizzie interrupted excitedly.

I grimaced at her interruption, “Yeah ... but I’m not interested. Because of the smell.”

“Ew,” Lydia scoffed. “That’s disgusting.”

I ignored her, “Look, I’m sorry. It’s personal preference. Ok, any other questions?”

This time it was Lizzie who spoke up, “What about oral sex? Does that count as ‘sex?’”

I shrugged, “that’s more considered ‘foreplay’ and that leads to sex. So don’t do it.”

Lizzie nodded, satisfied.

“Anything else?” I inquired.

“Do guys ever get addicted to porn?” Lydia wondered.

“Yes,” I laughed. “Quite often.”

The twins exchanged glances and then burst out laughing.

I waited patiently until they calmed themselves down, “Why did you laugh?”

Lizzie started, “Well ... uhm...”

I rolled my eyes, “Just answer the question.”

Lizzie blushed and muttered under her breath, “Because you told us that you masturbate all the time! So I assume that you watch porn too. So that means you’re addicted to porn.”

“That’s not what I said,” I clarified. “And I’ll turn it around on you. You told me that you two masturbate all the time, so does that mean that you’re addicted to porn, too?”

Lizzie looked at Lydia sheepishly and replied, “Um ... Yes.”

“And what about you, Lydia?” I pressed. “Have you ever watched porn? Are you addicted?”

Lydia answered with a big laugh, “Umm, yep.”

“How many videos have you seen?” I asked curiously.

Lydia smirked and said proudly, “Lots!”

I smiled at her confidence. Then I turned to face the twins directly, “So let’s go through some basic stuff before we continue. First thing - no one should feel ashamed about what they like sexually. There’s nothing wrong with being curious, experimenting or exploring different things. That’s normal. Second, masturbation is perfectly natural. Third, pornography is a healthy outlet for people to explore their sexuality without worrying about getting hurt. Fourth, there’s absolutely NO reason to worry about STDs or pregnancy unless you have unprotected intercourse. Fifth, using protection is extremely important when engaging in sex whether it’s vaginal or anal penetration. Sixth, communication is key during sex. Talk to your partner about what feels good. Don’t assume that everyone is thinking exactly the same thoughts and feelings. Seventh, consent is crucial. Always ask permission. Never force someone into doing anything against their will. Eighth, respect boundaries. Ninth, if you’ve done something that made your partner uncomfortable, apologize sincerely immediately. Do whatever you can to make amends. Tenth, if you’re worried about your own sexual health, you can talk to a doctor or counselor. Don’t feel shy. There’s plenty of support available. Lastly, if you find yourself struggling to cope with your emotions, come to me. Ok?”

Both of the twins nodded emphatically.

“Hopefully that answers any possible question you may have,” I promised.

Lizzie seemed especially relieved that I didn’t think there was anything wrong with her watching porn.

“Good. Let’s move onto the next topic then,” I continued. “First, I’ll give you a quick overview of puberty. After that, we can discuss your individual concerns.”

“Alright,” Lydia agreed eagerly, just letting me give them a sex speech without giving them an opportunity to get a word in.

I paused briefly before continuing, “Your bodies are changing. Obviously,” I laughed.

They giggled nervously and Lydia added, “Right?! We know!”

I gave them a few moments to settle down while I prepared myself mentally for what was coming next. This part of the lesson could get pretty intense.

I cleared my throat, “Ok, here’s what I’d like you to remember: Puberty is a series of changes which happens gradually over several years. And you two, well, you started early. I mean, we got you your first bras when you were seven years old.”

There was silence as each twin remembered this information.

Then Lydia spoke up again, “Is that weird? Like, is it common for kids to start developing early?”

I sighed. “It’s not bad or anything, but yes, it’s uncommon. Most girls don’t develop fully until they reach adolescence. You’re already far ahead of most other children your age.”

Lizzie interjected, “Are we going to grow even bigger?”

I gave an embarrassed smile. “Probably.”

The twins exchanged glances. Neither seemed particularly unpleased by this news.

“What’s happening right now is called ‘precocious puberty.’ The hormones that regulate your growth are working overtime. Those extra hormone levels trigger rapid physical development. You two were how old when you got pubic hair?”

Neither girl responded.

“Seven,” Lydia finally offered hesitantly.

“And you two had your first period at nine, correct?”

Again, the girls looked at each other and nodded their heads in unison.

I frowned, “Well, you did get your periods earlier than expected. Your breasts, well, they’re unusually large. So yeah, they probably won’t stop growing anytime soon either.”

Lizzie kinda stared blankly.

“You don’t want them to get bigger, I presume?” I asked gently.

The twins shared another glance and shrugged simultaneously.

“I mean, I don’t know,” Lizzie mumbled softly. “Maybe I should just accept that these are the sizes God intended for me.”

This comment made Lydia roll her eyes.

“God obviously didn’t intend for us to be this big, though. These boobs aren’t exactly comfortable to carry 24/7.”

A moment later, Lydia felt Lizzie grab her hand. Both sisters squeezed tightly.

“Don’t worry sis,” Lydia said reassuringly.

“Everything will be ok. I’ll be going through the same thing.”

Lizzie let go of Lydia’s hand and turned back to me. She stared directly into my eyes.

“So, um, Dad...”

I smiled encouragingly, “Yes?”

“You don’t think our boobs will ever stop growing?”

I chuckled, “They will eventually. But they are probably gonna get bigger still. You girls are only 14.”

Lydia rolled her eyes.

“Seriously though, Lizzie ... you’re asking me a serious question about the future of your body. I just don’t know the answer to that. But I’m guessing you’re not done with puberty yet. I only last bought you two larger sized bras like four months ago, and then it was only two months before that. Do you think they’re still growing since then?”

They both looked at their chests to evaluate if their breasts have grown in the past few months. Then they glanced at each other.

“Yeah,” Lydia replied. “Kind of a lot.”

I nodded slowly, “Yep. You’ve gotten taller and your bust lines are getting fuller. Maybe you’ll continue growing some more before you hit your final adult height and bra size.”

“But we’re already so big!” Lydia complained.

“I know,” I agreed sadly. “Your breasts are just so big compared to everyone else. It must be awful feeling self-conscious all the time.”

“But it’s also awesome being the center of attention everywhere I go,” Lizzie retorted defiantly.

Lydia laughed and punched her sister lightly on the arm. “Stop bragging!”

Lizzie giggled, “Shut up! You know I’m right. You can’t deny you feel special when people stare at those huge tits of yours.”

Lydia stifled a smile, “I do admit that sometimes it feels kinda cool. Like when grown men gawk at me or try to flirt with me.”

“Or when boys ask me to send them pictures of myself half-naked,” Lizzie added with a grin. “It makes me feel powerful.”

Lydia nodded, “it’s so funny that these older men have no idea we’re just 14 years old. We could totally blackmail them if we wanted to.”

“Girls!!!” I shouted. “Stop it with talk like that!”

Their smiles faded instantly. They exchanged glances again and sighed in resignation.

“Sorry Daddy,” Lydia apologized quickly. “We shouldn’t joke about stuff like that.”

Lizzie echoed her sister’s words, “Daddy is right. This isn’t appropriate conversation for kids our age.”

I patted them both on the shoulder, “Ok. Don’t worry about it. You girls are in a different situation than most other girls your age.”

“That’s true,” Lydia admitted sheepishly as she grabbed her own chest.

“Well, you guys are pretty unique in that regard,” I continued. “Most girls your age haven’t even started developing yet. And those who have, still barely have anything. Meanwhile, you’re larger than most grown women. And it’s even weirder considering both of you are so petite. Most parents wouldn’t expect such big breasts on a pair of little girls. So yeah, it’s obvious you’re special.”

The twins looked down at themselves nervously and then at each other.

After a moment, Lizzie asked, “Is there a problem with us being so big? Does it bother you?”

I sighed. “There’s no problem with it, but it honestly bothers me. I’m not gonna lie.”

“Why does it matter if we’re big?!” Lydia demanded angrily. “You said yourself we’re different than normal girls. Why should it affect you so much?! It’s none of your business.”

“It’s more that I’m just a guy at the end of the day, so seeing my two preteen daughters walking around with giant breasts is ... well, it’s distracting.” I chuckled awkwardly.

“What do you mean ‘distracting?’” Lydia questioned suspiciously.

“Like I told you earlier,” I explained. “I am attracted to women with big breasts. That means every time I see one of you girls, my brain automatically goes into horny mode. It takes me a second to snap back out of it.”

“Oh...” Lydia replied quietly. Then she perked up and smiled broadly, “so that’s why you look so distracted all the time!”

I grinned, “Yes. Exactly.”

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