These Girls Are More Than a Handful - Cover

These Girls Are More Than a Handful

Copyright© 2023 by GonzoJournalist

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Drew's marriage has become stale, and he's just going through the motions every day. His twin daughters are his life and his sanity (even if their precocious puberty is making them go a bit nuts). But a seemingly harmless crush on a fresh-out-of-college coworker sets a series of events in motion that turns a midlife crisis into something unexpected.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Teen Siren   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Cheating   Incest   Father   Daughter   Harem   First   Facial   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Slow  

Still frustrated at Alice’s complete lack of interest in this major conversation, me and the girls headed outside to our patio table. The weather was nice enough for us to sit there comfortably and enjoy the sunshine while talking.

And of course I took a beer with to calm my nerves.

“Dad, when did you start jerking off?” Lizzie asked bluntly.

My heart skipped a beat. “Didn’t I already answer that? Elementary school. Just like you two evidently.”

Lizzie crossed her arms and huffed, creating a bit of cleavage. “No! Not like THAT. How did YOU start masturbating!? What was YOUR story?”

“Uh ... I dunno. I just, discovered myself I guess. Thinking about girls, touching myself...” My voice trailed off. I didn’t really feel comfortable sharing details with my own children about my masturbation habits.

Lizzie snorted derisively. “Oh come ON, Dad!”

“It’s embarrassing,” I protested weakly. “You’re my daughters.”

The twins exchanged glances and giggled. Then Lydia spoke up again: “We’ve seen you jerk yourself off before, Daddy. Like three days ago.”

My jaw dropped open. I couldn’t believe it. After a brief moment of panic, “Wait ... WHAT!?!” I recovered and tried to sound calm, “What? WHEN?? WHERE DID YOU SEE ME DO IT!?”

Lizzie and Lydia looked at each other and shrugged simultaneously. “You don’t exactly sneak around. We know you go downstairs early or late when everybody is in bed.”

“Well ... yeah, but...” I stammered.

“And besides,” Lydia added, “you don’t hide it very well either.”

“You just lay on the couch hiding under the blanket while you look at your phone,” Lizzie added.

I was speechless and blushing, looking downward. I had no idea what to say to that. I felt incredibly embarrassed. They were 100% right ... That’s usually where in snuck off to for my daily sessions.

I finally regained my composure and turned back to face the girls. “Look, guys ... I appreciate that you’re curious about these kinds of things, but please respect my privacy and stop spying on me. And I mean that seriously. Don’t ever spy on me again. Okay?”

Lizzie and Lydia smiled brightly at me, “You do it in the living room, dad. Everybody could see it if they snuck downstairs.”

“Which we do sometimes anyway,” Lydia pointed out.

I sighed heavily and slumped down into my chair. “Okay, fine. But still ... I need some space here.” I stood up quickly and walked inside, but they stopped me.

“Dad! Wait! Where are you going?!” Lydia yelled after me.

“Just, I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” I mumbled.

“Don’t go inside,” Lizzie said firmly. “Let’s continue this discussion outside.”

They followed me back onto the patio. I sat down and faced them squarely across from one another. Both of them stared at me intently.

“So, uhm...” I started awkwardly.

Lizzie cut me off, “Tell us again how you learned to masturbate, daddy.”

I sighed. This wasn’t going well. “I don’t even know the answer to that, ok. I just ... Started. And I still do it all the time. Happy?”

Lizzie shook her head emphatically, “NO!! Tell us more!”

Lydia nodded enthusiastically and leaned forward eagerly, “Go ahead!!”

“Alright then...” I cleared my throat nervously, “When I was in elementary school, I remember thinking that my dick got bigger when I thought about girls. So, pretty soon I started jerking off every day. It became a habit and there you go. There’s nothing more to say, honestly.”

I glanced over at my two daughters and saw them staring wide eyed back at me with huge smiles on their faces. Their elbows were on the patio table, leaning forward expectantly. Which of course created tons of cleavage from vantage point.

I swallowed hard and continued reluctantly: “But now that you mention it ... I think maybe I should start being a little more discreet.”

“Whyyyy?” Lizzie asked excitedly.

“Because it makes me uncomfortable knowing that you two know I do this stuff,” I explained.

Lydia nodded knowingly, “That’s true.”

“Plus,” I went on hesitantly, “It’s embarrassing.”

The twins looked at each other and grinned mischievously. “You shouldn’t be embarrassed about it. You should feel proud, daddy.”

“Yeah, you should!” Lydia agreed enthusiastically.

“Proud!?” I guffawed incredulously. “How am I supposed to be ‘proud’ about jerking off where my daughters can see me!?”

Lizzie giggled, “Well ... you know? Proud of yourself.”

“Why?” I demanded angrily.

Lydia shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, “We can tell that you’re proud of your penis.”

My mouth hung open in shock. The girls burst out laughing hysterically while I glared at them furiously. They kept chuckling uncontrollably until they fell silent and wiped tears of laughter from their eyes.

I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. My jaw dropped and I gaped at them blankly.

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