Chapter One - Cover

Chapter One

Copyright© 2023 by erontique

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Adventures from a while back, my return home and what followed next.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex   Small Breasts  

Alright, here we go.

It was mid January. The weather outside was cold, somehow the mist came down and covered the whole city, as if putting the world to sleep. After a long trip in Europe, I returned to my home town. Given that I had nowhere to stay, I was offered lodging by one of my childhood friends. A small two bedroom apartment in the heart of the city, home of my friend and his kitten. Being my first day back, I felt like it was time to see the city again, to refresh my memory.

As we sat in their apartment, John called up one of his friends for some fun and adventure. After getting all ready and heading out, we went to a small pub, where Clive joined us. I hadn’t seen the guy for a long time. Little did I know, but after 5 years being gone, Clive got a girlfriend. Mary, a petite blonde with red lips and blue eyes, full of energy but in a quirky way.

As we sat at the table in the Lion’s Garden, having drinks and chilling like in the good old days, they all started questioning me about my adventures in Europe. Showing them pictures and telling them about the tulip plantations in the Netherlands, or about the time I got caught by the police in France speeding, I drew their attention by telling them little fun stories or some crazy adventures.

In between each story, what seemed rather interesting was that I could see the glow in Mary’s eyes, as if they lit up imagining all the places I went to. She even commented about wanting to travel more. As the night progressed, we decided to shoot some pools and teamed up, with the condition to switch teams after every 3 games. Somehow, along the way, Mary kept looking into my eyes for every silly joke that I made. For some reason, she got me really turned on by her cute gestures and happy dances every time she potted a ball. It was a bit hard not to show any interest in her, as she kept looking into my eyes, seductively, while Clive was oblivious to the whole situation.

‘Hahah, we’re winning!’ she said, lifting the cue above her head, revealing a flat stomach under her hoodie. Could help myself but admire her shapes every time she bent over in front of me or next to me to hit the white ball. It was like an invitation to look and, if given the opportunity, to smack that bubbly butt. But that would be a big no-no, given the current situation. One thing was for sure, there was tension in the air. Her boyfriend caught up slightly, but as long as you keep everyone laughing, they’re asleep.

With drinks pouring in, everyone loosened up, and at one point, we decided to split up, play one on one. Winner takes all kind of situation. Given my non-existing proficiency at the game, soon I ended up on the bench next to her. It wasn’t as easy as I imagined, as Clive kept glancing over every couple of seconds, so deep conversations or staring into her eyes was rather ... sporadic. But somehow, between my silly jokes and her smiling, we got immersed into some sort of a bubble, just me and her. Looking into those blue eyes, I could only think about the things I would do to her. And somehow, she knew. It’s a funny thing, female intuition. They can smell your intentions faster than you can spell ‘hello’. It was on. For every word that came out of her mouth, her red lips would part gently and turn into a seductive smile. As she brushed her hair, she revealed her soft skin. I felt intoxicated, but I guess it wasn’t just the wine. I wanted her. And by the end of the night, I was going to find a way to see her again, but this time ... In private.

Clive and John kept playing, they had an intense game, but John managed to score a victory, making him 3 for zilch. It was her turn again, so Clive sat down next to me. In order to remove all insecurities from his head, I told him jokes and stories from my adventures, and the guy actually started opening up to me. He told me he’s been with her for 4 years now, he was planning on proposing and all the nine yards. It’s nice, for once, to see a man with a plan. But I had my own.

After another round with John, I somehow got lucky as he potted the 8th ball, so that meant I’d have to go another round before I’d be able to get some privacy with Mary. Funny enough, it was a breeze to win against him, as by this point, we were all tipsy. And then she was up. I missed most of my shots, but every time it was her turn, she would find all sorts of positions from which to bend over, either showing her ass or her tits. Did I mention she was wearing a white shirt and she unbuttoned the first couple of them? Huh. Quite a view, gotta admit. White, soft and perky. I only got distracted by the view when she would stare into my eyes, just before every shot. Unknowingly, John had been a great wingman that night. But as all nice things do, the night was coming to an end and I still had to get her number or anything that’d help me see her again. When the tab arrived, she went ahead and paid for everything, so we had to split the bill the dutch way. This was it, the only way to send her the money was to get her number. Easy peasy, I’d say. But, alas, just when you think you’ve got something in your hand, a few inches away from your grasp, remember that the wheel of fate turns around. John decided to pay for the both of us. The disappointment on her face ... Heartbreaking. I do like adventurous and creative people, something I mentioned along the way. Guess she listened, as she went to the bathroom before we left and as we shook hands, she slipped a small piece of toilet paper with her number on it. Clever, gotta admit. Best way? Probably not. Clive noticed something was fishy about her behavior, I could tell. But, just like any good guy, he took it one the chin and went home, most likely slept it off and blamed it on the alcohol.

I was dead tired and hungover the second day, but it was a good day just like any other. Woke up, grabbed some painkillers and a straight black coffee and was ready to start my day. Searched in the pockets of my jeans for the evidence of what came about last night, but couldn’t find it. Thoughts started racing in my head, as John had been up for a while now and had asked to grab the pack of cigarettes from my jeans. Fuck, hope he didn’t find it. That wouldn’t look nice, as they were really close. Went to the kitchen, grabbed a smoke with him and asked him how he felt. He was in the same shape as I was, huge headache and just waiting for the day to be over, although it was barely 11:00. Although a conversation was off the table at the time being, decided to probe and ask whether he’d found any notes next to the cigs. Much to my relief, he told me no. A wave of relief washed over me, but now there was the question of where had I misplaced that bit of fun times. I put some water to boil for coffee and went to the hanger to check the pockets of my coat. And voila, there it was, written hastily, her phone number, signed with ‘xoxo’. A cute touch. I like it when girls do girly things like these. After drinking the coffee and a couple more smokes, it was time to have breakfast. We went to the nearest restaurant where they served food and spoiled myself to a huge rib eye stake, medium rare with pepper sauce. Meat is one of the greatest things ever, if you ask me. Never understood people that claimed to be vegans, but oh well, more for the rest of us.

In as much as I would like to believe in those articles written by Glamour or other such magazines, in which they say you should contact someone you’re interested in after a couple of days or some other bullshit like that, to show you’re not desperate, I could never buy into that bullshit. It doesn’t matter how much you try to portray yourself as a non-needy person, it will eventually seep through the cracks of your facade. I found it best to be honest, if you want something, just go for it. No beating around the bush. So I sent her a message.

‘Whatcha doing?’

‘Nothing much, just chilling xoxo’ came the reply almost instantly. Funny thing about people nowadays is that they carry their phones with them at all times.

‘Listen, I’m heading out to get some clothes, come give me a hand to pick some. I’ll be at xxx in about an hour.’

‘Sure, see you there! Xoxo’

Well, that was out of the way, we set an impromptu date. If anyone she’d know would see us hanging out together, it would be easy to claim we just met there and she helped me pick some clothes, we went shopping. I told John I’d be gone to do just that and he offered to join me, but I cut him off by telling him I’d be visiting some family afterwards and he should really try to recover after last night.

Took a shower, dressed up casually and took a cab to the mall. As usual, I ran late and was getting messages as to my whereabouts. Told her to grab us two coffees and wait for me there. After I got to the mall, paid the cabbie and called her up to see where she was. Yeah, I ran 20 minutes late, but whatever. Met her at a local coffee shop, she was sitting on a couch, wearing a black dress, skin tight and black leather shoes all the way up to her knees, complimenting her body, her hair all loose, looking better than the previous night. Her dress was cropped, barely containing her breasts and I felt a knot in my stomach as I approached her. She really had put some thought in her look, and there I was, ripped jeans, a loose shirt and a pair of sneakers, but oh well. She seemed a bit pissed off that I made her wait, but I’d make up for it later on. I took a seat next to her on the couch and complimented her looks. We started chatting about the previous night and made fun of her about her smart approach, while also admiring her ‘balls’. We headed out to some clothing stores, where she jokingly spanked my ass and more trash talking and fun ensued. She started getting a bit touchy and I love it when you can look into a girl’s eyes and she looks back and ... it’s like the world stops, and it’s just the both of you, nothing around, and you feel your heart start racing in your chest, all the while smiling and talking.

But then words turn to silence and you close in on the distance between each other. It’s like a trance. As I held her by the hand and got closer, she was looking into my eyes, raising her chin as if expecting me to kiss her. Inch by inch, got closer and grabbed her chin with my right hand, while still looking into her eyes. Music had stopped, there was no one around us, it just felt ... natural. I could feel her sweet perfume and wanted to feel her lips, to feel their taste. But as she closed her eyes, our lips almost touching, I pulled back and told her it wasn’t the right place, all the while smiling. Frustration is fun, when used right.

She started getting a bit aggressive and punched me in the arm, calling me an ‘asshole’. Welp, nothing new. Still holding her hand I told her I was bored of shopping and it was time for another coffee and something sweet. She complied, telling me she knew a place nearby where they had ‘the best sweets in town’.

Must have been around 5 PM. By this time, it was already getting dark outside. Leaving the mall, we got in a cab and in less than 15 minutes, we got to this corner coffee shop which seemed rather abandoned. ‘You sure we’re in the right place? Hope you’re not taking me here to harvest my kidneys’. Another punch and a smile. We went inside and much to my surprise, they had separate rooms with high tables and what seemed to be really comfortable couches. A place where couples would go for some privacy. We took a seat into the farthest chamber. Sitting next to my left, we went over the menu as she laid her right hand on my thigh and suggested I should try their home-made chocolate cake and their dessert wines. ‘You don’t need to get me drunk to use me’, I told her. ‘Good to know’, came the reply with a smile. A waiter came to pick our order and after he left, we were left alone for a couple of minutes.

Soft, jazz music was playing in the background. ‘Hey, come here’ I whispered and she got closer. Grabbed her by the chin again, getting so close, our lips touching as she parted hers, trying to french kiss me. By this point, I had my left hand between her thighs and was going up between her legs under her dress, slowly lifting it up while caressing her right leg. She was doing the same thing on my leg and I could feel all the blood rushing to my boner. While still going up, we stood in that barely kissing position for what seemed like eternity, and as I got closer to her pussy, I could feel her warmth on the tip of my fingers. By this point she had her palm on my boner, rubbing it gently over my jeans. The moment I touched her pussy lips with the tip of my finger she exhaled in my mouth and I kissed her. We started kissing passionately, as she kept rubbing my erection and I started playing with her clit. I could feel her wetness on my fingers. Using my middle finger, I started going down between her lips, parting them ever so gently, just lubing up my finger and then back up, playing with her clit.

By this point she was trying to get her hand in my pants, but I stopped her and parted away as I heard the waiter approaching with out order. Still keeping my left hand between her legs and playing with her, he brought us our order and opened a bottle of Moscatel and poured a bit in my glass for a taste. It was sweet, tasted a bit like lemons. As I started talking to the waiter and asking him about the wine, and which one he liked the most, I kept playing with her clit and going up and down between her lips. As he poured the wine in our glasses, I told her to taste it. We cheered, and as she took the first sip, I entered her. With the tip of my middle finger, I was inside her, ever so slightly.

But it was enough to get a surprised look on her face. She stared at me, as if afraid that we might get caught. I thanked the guy and he went away. By this point, I was slowly fingering her, while smiling and talking to her about the wine. She was trying to focus on the conversation, but couldn’t as I kept either going in and out of her wet hot pussy or rubbing her clit, harder and with more pressure. She dug her nails in my forearm and looked at me, as if begging for more. I started fingering her a bit harder by this point. Biting her lip, she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me into her, to kiss me. She tried to grab my penis again, but I denied her this pleasure. ‘ I like this place, it’s really cool’

‘Mhm’ she exhaled, while closing her eyes and enjoying herself. I got close to her and started kissing her neck and fingering her.

‘I also like how wet you are ... You’re so wet right now, I can feel you on my knuckles. I bet you got this couch covered too... ‘ whispered in hear ear, while nibbling it.

‘Mm ... Fuck you’ she protested.

‘You will, don’t worry... ‘ I kept going in and out of her, by this point only thinking about filling her up. ‘How bad do you want it?’

She opened her eyes, pulled my finger out of her and got up. ‘Meet me in the women’s room’. With that, she left, leaving a small puddle behind her on the couch and my hand covered. I took a bite out of the chocolate cake that had been waiting for a while on the table. She was right, it was really good. Washing it down with a sip of wine, I got up and went to the bathroom. On the way there, the waiter asked me how was everything. Told him it was good and went to the bathroom. She was waiting outside, and told me there was a lady inside. I went inside the men’s bathroom. A quick scan, it was empty. Opened the door and pulled her into one of the two stalls in there. As soon as we got in, we started kissing and she unbuckled my jeans, pulling them down and rubbing my penis over the boxers. I started fingering her while pulling her hair and she gave out a soft moan. She was holding my penis in her right hand and as soon as she got it out of my boxers, we stopped kissing as I pushed her head downwards. Without hesitation, she wrapped her lips around it and I could feel hear tongue playing on the tip of my dick. Grabbing it the by the base, she started swallowing it, going up and down my shaft, covering it in drool. While still holding it, she lifted it and started licking my balls while rubbing it.

I was rock solid by this point and she kept sucking and fondling my balls. Grabbing her by her arms, I lifted her up and kissed her while pressing my erection against her body, and pointed it between her legs using my hand. Started slowly humping her, feeling her wetness and warmth on my skin while playing with her soft ass, squeezing it and then pulling it apart all the while rubbing my erection between her legs, our stomachs touching over the clothes. I grabbed her by the shoulder with my right hand and with my left hand on her hip, I spun her around and bent her over. She placed her hands on the basin and parted her legs. While still holding her against the toilet with my right hand, I lifted her dress just enough to see her ass and put my erection between her cheeks, going up and down. Grabbing her with both hands and opening her ass, I kept rubbing my erection against her asshole, and she bent over more, showing her pussy lips from behind, all swollen and wet, waiting to be filled up. She was breathing heavily by this point and whispering ‘fuck me’. My blood was boiling but still wasn’t rushing to get inside her. Grabbing my erection with my right hand and opening her ass up with my left hand, I parted her lips with the tip of my dick, slowly entering inside her. So wet and tight, she gasped as I slid the tip inside her. Without pushing any further in, I stopped. She started backing her ass up against me, trying to make me fill her up, but I stopped her. Sitting there, barely in, she was pushing harder against my left hand, as if wanting to have me all inside her.

‘I don’t think you can handle me ... You’re so tight, I think I might hurt you’, teased her while sliding a bit more in her.

‘I don’t care, fuck me’ she said, getting annoyed.

‘I want to, baby... ‘

‘So what are you waiting for?’ she muttered as I kept going in and out of her with the tip of my dick.

Grabbing her by the waist with both hands, I stopped. ‘I don’t want to hurt you, you’re so tight’. Before she even managed to say something, I pushed myself all the way inside her and she let out a soft moan. It felt amazing being all the way inside her, feeling her pussy wrapping around me, tightly, holding me in her. ‘I fucking hate... ‘ she said, but before she even managed to finish, I pulled out and started going back in, all the way until the base of my dick, feeling her ass pressed against my stomach while pulling her by the waist against me. She let out a soft moan and a giggle.

‘I like the way you feel’ I whispered as I kept filling her up, picking up the pace. She was so wet by this point, I could feel her dripping down my balls. With my right hand, I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her up towards me as I kept going in and out of her, feeling her pussy getting tighter around started playing with her breasts with my left hand, pulling her nipples and cupping them. They felt so soft and her wet hole was sucking me in her, as if not wanting to let me go every time I pulled out. I kept going harder on her, while slowly choking her. Gasping and moaning, going all the way inside her, she was rubbing her clit and pulled my left hand from her tits, just to suck my fingers. I started choking her harder and going hard and deep inside her. Took out my fingers from her mouth and started rubbing her clit, feeling her wetness of my fingertips and then I put the fingers back in her mouth.

‘I bet you taste amazing, ‘cause you feel just like that. I like being inside you, fuck’. She started moaning louder, while passionately sucking my fingers and pushing herself against me.

She was getting closer and so was I. As I kept thrusting in and out of her harder and deeper, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened. Caught mid-stroke, I covered her mouth with my right hand and completely stopped. There was someone else in the bathroom now. But it felt too good to stop, so while still covering her mouth, I grabbed her by the hair with my left hand and started going in and out of her as silent as I could. The guy that came in went in the stall next to ours and started peeing. He was loud enough for me to go a bit harder on her, to tap her ass with every stroke. The guy flushed the toilet and went to wash his hands, but by this point I was fucking her as if he hadn’t even interrupted us, only without the loud smacks as I went all the way inside her. She started biting my fingers and I pulled her hair harder, bending her with her face towards the basin, opening up her ass even more, her little asshole staring at me. Eventually the guy left the bathroom and I felt her getting really tight around me.

I kept going harder on her and I pulled out my spit covered fingers out of her mouth, while still holding her head down. She covered her mouth and started moaning. As I kept filling her up and going out of her, I placed my thumb on her asshole and started slowly rubbing it. Moaning louder, I had to tell her to shush, while rubbing her ass faster. As I went all the way inside her, I pressed the tip of my thumb against her asshole, and as she felt it going in, she pushed herself against me, taking an inch of my thumb inside her. By this point she stopped caring about being loud and I had to cover her mouth. I kept fucking her, getting close to cumming, I wanted to fill her up, to cum inside her. She kept pushing herself against me and I kept drilling her, filling up her pussy and her asshole and she started gasping. ‘mmm ... fuck, fuck fuck’ she said and then got all tensed up, wrapping my dick inside her tightly, squeezing me and placed her left hand on my balls, squeezing them gently and pulling me all the way in her. I couldn’t help myself much and I told her I was gonna cum, her hand still wrapped around my balls.

‘Do it in me, please’ she whispered faintly as I went for a couple more strokes before I filled her up. With each squirt I could feel her pussy pulsating around my dick, as if she was trying to suck me inside her, while squeezing her asshole around my thumb and still playing with my balls. I pulled out my finger out of her and kept stroking her slowly, enjoying being inside her. She laid with her head on her arm, breathing heavily and still playing with my balls. Her warm hand felt amazing and her pussy kept squeezing around me, as if to make sure every drop had come out.

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