Mother's Forbidden Passion - Cover

Mother's Forbidden Passion


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After a five-year absence and learning of her ex-husbands death, Bette moves back to town to live with her son and brother-in-law. Bette and the Uncle get it on together and decide that they want to get married. A love triangle grows between Bette, her son & the uncle and the three of them live 'together' as a threesome happily ever after.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   InLaws   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

Bette put the first part of her plan into operation shortly after breakfast the following morning.

Breakfast itself was cheerless and silent and strained. Ken was the first to come into the kitchen, and when he did so, Bette was at the stove preparing bacon and eggs and coffee. She allowed him to kiss her, noticing the deep bags under his eyes, the hollow, grayish look to his face that told her he was soul-sick at what he had done with Debbie in the cabana yesterday--and for a moment her heart went out to him. Then her resolution firmed, and she knew that she had to go through with the plan she had conceived the night before that there was no other alternative now, not if she wanted to save Tony and herself. It was too bad if Ken was hurt further in the bargain, but he had had his chance, and he had failed her, failed both of them with his weakness. She could no longer accord him primary consideration, not now, not with her and Tony's future hanging in the balance.

Tony entered moments after his uncle, said a perfunctory good morning to both of them then fell into a deep brooding silence. Ken couldn't seem to look at either his nephew or Bette, and he ate with his head bowed at his plate, the guilt that was his clearly evident on his face. He drank the last of his coffee, announced that he had a lot of work to do today and would be spending all his time in the study, and then left the lovely blonde mother and her son alone.

Bette said softly, "What are you planning to do today, son?"

"I don't know," he replied. "Probably just lie around the pool all day until Debbie comes home tonight."

"What time is she due back from Walnut Grove?"

"Eight o'clock."

"Well maybe she'll be spending another night there," Bette said. "I mean if her grandmother's so ill "

"No, she said she was coming back tonight, even if her mother and father stay there. Tomorrow's Saturday, and she has a part-time job at Woolworth's on Saturday."

"I see," Bette said speculatively. Then she looked fondly, lovingly, at her handsome young son. "I wasn't planning to do anything today either. Maybe we could swim together this afternoon if you'd like."

"I guess so," he replied unenthusiastically.

After she had cleared away the breakfast dishes and Tony had changed into his swim trunks and gone out by the pool, Bette slipped quietly into Ken's bedroom. On top of his dresser she found a note pad, personalized with his name across the top, and she smiled determinedly to herself; so far, so good. In her room, she wrote a note on one of the sheets of paper, disguising her handwriting, then slipped the note into an envelope and sealed it.

Leaving the house, she walked briskly through the quiet, tree-shaded streets to the address of Debbie Mason, which she had looked up in the local telephone directory. She slipped the envelope, on which she had printed Debbie's name, into the Mason's mailbox then returned directly to Ken's house and changed into her own bathing suit--a tight one-piece black affair that accentuated the taut, high curves of her breasts and the firm roundness of her buttocks. Then she joined Tony by the pool.

The day passed slowly at first then quickly for the anticipatory blonde mother. She swam a little but mostly sat on the patio, watching her handsome tanned young son either swimming with long graceful strokes or stretched out on a blanket in the sun, working on his tan. Such a fine hard-muscled body, she thought often. So strong so masculine and his penis, you can see it outlined by the tightness of his trunks, so big and long and wonderful I can't wait until tonight; I can't wait to prove my love to him in the finest way possible oh God, I hope everything works out all right tonight; so many things could go wrong Debbie might not get the note, and if she does, she might not respond but I know her kind, and if she reads what I wrote, she'll do what the note says she'll have to because of her damned bitch's ego but will Tony agree to what I ask him later on, and if he does will he hate me, reject me when I make love to him ? no, no, I can't think like that, I have to think everything will be all right, I have to, I have to!

Ken didn't come out of his study all day, at least not to Bette's knowledge, and when she prepared supper and knocked on the door, he told her in a still weary voice that he was going to keep on working. The tone of his voice, his obvious guilt at what he had done yesterday with Debbie, filled the lovely blonde woman with more doubts about her plan. Suppose Debbie followed the note and Ken rejected her. Suppose his repentance was so deeply rooted that he refused to have anything more to do with the black-haired little vixen? Suppose

Stop it, stop it! she snapped at herself. Ken is a man, isn't he, and Debbie is the kind of bitch that won't be denied. Even if he denies writing the note, she won't be deterred. I know her kind too well. Everything is going to work out, I know it it has to work out, it just has to!

She returned to the kitchen, served supper to Tony, watching him covertly as he ate. She waited until he had pushed his plate away, sighing, then took a deep breath and asked, "Tony, I wonder if you could do me a big favor tonight? I I know I have no real right to ask, but, well I am your mother and I do love you very much and I well, I don't think it's too much to ask."

Tony looked at her, frowning slightly, "What is it?" he wanted to know.

"I'd like you to take me for a drive tonight--out to the lake, just the two of us. Remember how we used to drive out there together when you were younger, on summer nights like this? How we used to sit and watch the sunset on the water, and the way it turned different colors just before dark?"

The handsome teenager's frown deepened. "I have to see Debbie tonight, you know that, Mom. She'll be home at eight "

"I'm not asking for much, son. Just an hour or so of your time. It'll be dark about eight, and then we can come back and you can drop me off and drive over to Debbie's. She'll wait a few minutes for you, won't she? After all, Tony you're going to have her for the rest of your life you can give your mother just a few short minutes. Please, Tony, please!"

He studied his lovely blonde mother for a moment, the look of almost desperate entreaty on her face, and try as he might, he couldn't hate her or even deny her in that moment. He felt a deep sense of closeness with her, a deep sense of compassion similar to that which he had experienced upon first seeing her yesterday afternoon. In spite of what he had seen last night, the lewd sight of her naked legs wrapped so tightly around his uncle's back in the flickering firelight in the living room, he couldn't find it in himself to refuse her plea, not with that look of pain and hope etched on her face again. He wasn't that callous or that hard, and she wasn't asking for so very much. He knew that he had to go through with his original idea of marrying Debbie and moving out of his uncle's house; there was just no other way, but he could grant his mother this one small favor. Debbie would still be waiting for him when he returned, and he could ask her to marry him then give her the ring that he'd bought

"Okay, Mom," he said. "I'll take you for a ride out to the lake tonight."

Bette's heart leapt with love and excitement. "Oh Tony, thank you! You you don't know how much this means to me!"

"Sure, Mom."

She hurriedly did the dishes then told her handsome teenage son that she would be ready to go in just a couple of minutes. She ran into the guest room, stripped her slacks and shirt and undergarments off and put on a pair of shorts and a loose pullover blouse--nothing more. She felt deliciously wicked, and her breasts and loins ached with mounting excitement and desire as she thought of what, with luck--would be happening between her and her son in just a little while

At her insistence, they took Ken's new Pontiac; she said that sports cars made her nervous, and besides, Uncle Ken wouldn't mind if they used his new car. Tony put the top down, and they drove through the early summer evening, the wind rippling their hair, blowing cool across Bette's beautiful face and further enhancing her excitement. Her pussy was already secreting tiny droplets of excitedly rising desire as she sat with one shapely thigh resting on the seat, leaning against the passenger door, watching her virile young son as he drove with fast certain ease.

Oh I love you, Tony, she thought, I truly love you and it won't be long now before I prove just how much I love you and show you how wrong you are about Debbie Mason

They reached the lake and drove around it, and the cool night, the falling sun setting fire to the western sky seemed to bring him out of the shell he had been in for the past two days. He began to talk to his mother, hesitantly at first, then more openly, and though he carefully avoided any personal topics--discussing the weather, the scenery and other things--Bette was eager for his every word and encouraged him with light bantering comments of her own.

She knew exactly where she wanted to go, where she wanted this monumental loving of her son to take place--the promontory on which she had first been unfaithful with Hale Bixby that night more than five years ago. It was somehow fitting, somehow perfectly ironic that she should regain what was left of her family in exactly the same spot she had started to forsake them--if she was to regain Tony's love. But confidence was strong in her now confidence and a deep abiding love, and she was a truly motivated woman.

She directed Tony around the lake to where the promontory was located then told him, "Drive out onto that bluff honey, and we'll sit there and watch the sunset. It's quiet and deserted and facing due west. It'll be beautiful."

"All right, Mom," the teenage youth agreed.

Tony parked the Pontiac, switched off the engine, and they sat talking quietly about more nonpersonal subjects while they watched the sun sinking further and further beyond the horizon. The sky was awash with pink brush strokes and colors of pale gray and amethyst, and the waters of the lake turned from a deep indigo to slate and then to flame and then to a deepening shadowed black. There was an almost magic allure in the air which Bette could feel, and which she knew Tony could feel too, and she sensed that they would never be closer without physical contact than they were at this very moment. Now was the time to act, right now

The handsome teenager turned and smiled at his mother, and as he did so, Bette hugged herself and said in a breathless voice, "Tony, I'm a little cold. Can I scoot over and sit beside you until we go?"

"Gee Mom maybe I'd better just put up the top "

"No, no, I like the breeze on my face," she replied quickly. "But I would like to sit next to you. Please, Tony?"

"Well okay," Tony relented.

Bette slid over next to him, her bare thigh pressing against his leg, her breast against his upper arm. Suddenly, the young boy became aware of the soft spongy warm globe pressed against him--acutely aware of it--and he realized his mother wasn't wearing a bra under that loose blouse of hers. He tried to blink away the thought of her breast, but the feel of it so warm next to him was somehow exciting. Uncomfortable, he shifted slightly, but she moved with him, pressing her breast tighter against him, pressing her thigh tighter against his leg, and tiny droplets of sweat broke out on Tony's forehead despite the cool night breeze.

Bette looked up at him, her heart threatening to burst from her chest now that the moment was almost at hand and then leaned up and kissed his cheek, letting her lips linger on his freshly shaved skin, excited by the fragrance of his cologne. Tony looked at her, startled by her action, then managed a weak smile.

Bette said, "Honey put your arm around me. I I'd like to feel your arm around me again."

"Mom "

"Please, Tony dear, please?"

The handsome youth was unable to refuse the request and finally he lifted his arm and placed it gingerly around his mother's shoulders. Immediately, the lovely blonde woman snuggled even closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder, pressing her breast hotly into his rib cage. She could feel her pussy secreting more flowing liquid now, and her buttocks squirmed ever so slightly on the cool leather of the car seat.

"Tony," she whispered. "Oh Tony, I love you so very much!"

And before he could reply, before she lost her nerve, the trembling young mother took her son's hand and pressed it tightly over her right breast, holding it there against the spongy softness of the firm, taut globe

When the doorbell rang at eight-thirty, Ken was in the kitchen fixing himself a stiff brandy and water.

The sound of the bell was very loud in the still house, and the guilt-ridden uncle started violently at its sudden intrusion, spilling some of his drink. Insistently, the bell sounded again. Ken put his drink down, wondering who the hell could be calling now, wanting to be alone, wanting to get drunk suddenly, now that he had finished the magazine art layout in which he had totally and almost fanatically immersed himself all day. Both Tony and Bette were gone, and so was his Pontiac, and he had decided that they'd gone somewhere or other together--which was just as well, since he still wasn't ready or able to face either of them

The doorbell--incessantly impatient now--buzzed again, shattering the fragile quiet once more. Ken drew a deep breath then walked quickly through the silent house, the headache which he had had all day pounding maddeningly in his temples and pulled open the door, words of angry denunciation for the repeated ringing on his lips--words that were never put to voice--for when he saw who stood on the flagstone porch outside, they froze in his throat.

Debbie Mason, smiling her seductive siren's smile, was his evening caller.

Ken's eyes went wide, and his face flamed, and the guilt and shame that he felt welled up into a tight bitter ball in his stomach. He thought about closing the door, blotting out the intimately smiling face of the lovely black-haired girl whose flesh he had known so completely the day before, but he couldn't seem to do it. He could only stare at her, at her voluptuous body encased in a different pair of hot pants and a sleeveless jersey, her long black hair cascading over her shoulders.

"What what do you want?" he demanded in a tremulous voice.

"Well, that's a fine greeting after that note you wrote me," Debbie answered mockingly, her eyes insolent as they studied the front of his trousers with hot recollection of his huge cock. She moistened her lips with growing desire, the same desire which she had had when she'd read his note, and which had brought her over here immediately.

Ken frowned. "What note?"

"Oh come on now, honey, you know what note."

"No no, I don't."

"The note that read, and I quote: "Please come to see me tonight, Debbie. There won't be anyone home, and I have to have you again. I've been going crazy with wanting you, and I want to hold you in my arms and do the same things to you that I did yesterday in the cabana. Please come, Debbie, I'll go crazy if you don't!"

"I I never wrote any note like that," Ken exclaimed in a shocked voice.

"Oh, I get it," Debbie whispered huskily. "You've had a change of heart since you wrote it. Well, I know how you really feel now, don't I? There's no use in kidding ourselves. I came to you, just like you asked, and in spite of my better judgment. I should be home waiting for Tony. But since you said you'd be alone, I thought I'd come over and let you give me a good, quick fuck before I see him. I really do like that big cock of yours inside me, sweet, just the way it was yesterday, and I can't wait for it to fill me up again!"

"You're you're crazy!" Ken whispered fervently, but Debbie just laughed insolently, provocatively, and stepped past him to enter the house as if she owned it. Her hips switched exaggeratedly as she walked into the living room.

Ken stared after her, confusion reigning supreme in his body, wanting to scream at the little bitch to get out of his house, to get out of it right now and yet he couldn't take his eyes off her sensuously rolling young buttocks, remembering the feel of their softly squirming cheeks beneath his kneading fingers yesterday, the way she had moaned and writhed and flung herself against him in the cabana while he had emptied great gushing torrents of his hotly boiling cum into her tight, hot young pussy

Involuntarily, Tony's uncle felt his cock spasm into half-arousal in his pants, felt himself losing control again just as he had yesterday, and a low moan of self-loathing died in his throat. He was sick, that's what he was, sick to be captivated and enthralled by a girl young enough to be his daughter, by a young cruel bitch who didn't care about him or Tony or anything but her own hedonistic pursuits and pleasures. There was no note, Ken thought bitterly. It was something she made up, an excuse to come over and torment him again

He went into the living room, and the black-haired teenage girl was standing there with her hands on her hips, her abdomen thrust out lewdly to him. "Do you want to fuck me here or in your bed, Ken honey?" she asked lewdly. "I'd like it in your bed, if you want the truth. I love to fuck in a bed, a big soft bed with a big hard cock

"I I don't want you anywhere!" Ken cried confusedly. "I want you to go away, leave me alone, leave me alone!"

Lazily, seductively, Debbie stepped up to him and stood so that her large, firm young breasts were almost touching the front of his shirt. "There's no use in trying to kid me, honey. I can see how much you want me. I can see it by the big bulge there in your pants. You've got a hard-on just thinking about fucking, you can't deny it, sweet. Your big cock gives you away."

Her obscene words, her bold actions, sent Ken's mind into a whirlpool of fear and trepidation. And yet, they also caused a quickening of his pulse, hot tingles of desire to shoot through his loins, his prick to jump into even further arousal in his pants. His eyes were fastened on the rise and fall of her breasts, on the taut, flat mound of her tight young cunt and the wild ecstasy it offered.

Oh Christ! His desire-weakened mind cried. It's happening again and I can't stop it!

"Well, sweet?" Debbie asked. "Where shall we fuck? In your bed?"

"N-no, I I "

The black-haired young girl laughed softly, delightedly. Boy, oh boy, she thought, is he shook up! I can do anything I want with Tony's uncle, anything at all, and what a great feeling it is to be able to turn a big strong man like him on. He's better than any cock I've had he really knows what screwing is all about mmmm, tonight I think I'll let him shove it into my asshole I haven't been fucked in the asshole in a long time, and with his huge prick it should really feel great

Still chuckling wickedly, Debbie pressed her young hot body tightly against Ken's, her mouth finding his and grinding hard against it, her hands sliding familiarly over his buttocks. He tried to resist, tried to force her mouth away from his, but he seemed to have no strength or real will to oppose her. Her hot wet tongue lashed between his lips, a hot poker of desire blending against his own, hot and fevered, fucking his mouth, fucking it rapaciously.

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