Little Did I Know - Cover

Little Did I Know

Copyright© 2022 by Adam.F

Chapter 3

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A Man's wife plans to kill her husband and steal his millions of dollars. A coven of vampires have a plan that involves him.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fan Fiction   War   Vampires   Were animal   Cheating   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Big Breasts   Revenge   Transformation   Violence   AI Generated  

After his divorce William Walter moved to the small town of Ashwood, but he had never expected to gain the attention of the local vampire clan. But one night, as he closed the shop and locked the doors, he felt a strange presence lurking outside.

William Walter sat at his desk, staring blankly at the papers in front of him. He had been going through the motions for weeks now, but he couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was missing. His marriage to Melody had always been rocky, but he had thought they were working through their issues. However, recent events have proven otherwise.

It started with small things - a missed call here, a late night there. But then, the truth hit him like a ton of bricks. William had received an anonymous message from someone claiming to have seen Melody with another man. The message included a picture of them together, and it was all too clear what was happening.

William felt his heart sink as he realized that his suspicions were true. Melody had been cheating on him. He didn’t know how he could have missed it, but looking back, there were signs everywhere. She had been distant and preoccupied lately, and her excuses for her behaviour never added up.

He knew he needed to act, so he decided to get a divorce. It was a difficult decision, but he knew it was necessary. He couldn’t keep living this way, constantly wondering if she was faithful or not. He needed closure, and a divorce would give him just that.

As he filled out the paperwork, William couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. This was the first step towards moving on and finding happiness again. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he was ready to start fresh.

When he finally signed the documents and filed for divorce.

William felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He knew he still had a long road ahead of him, but he was determined to come out stronger on the other side.

It was now three months after William Walters finalized his divorce, and he was still reeling from the aftermath. He had thought that ending his marriage would bring him freedom and happiness, but instead, it seemed to have unleashed a whole new set of problems.

As soon as the ink on the divorce papers had dried, strange things started to happen. William began to notice odd noises outside his house at night, like whispers and shuffling footsteps. At first, he dismissed it as the neighbors being rowdy, but then he started to see shadowy figures lurking around his property line.

One night, as he was walking home from work, he felt something brush against his arm. When he turned to look, there was no one there. It wasn’t until he got home and saw his reflection in the mirror that he noticed two small puncture wounds on his neck.

Panicked, William did some research online and discovered that he might be experiencing the early signs of vampirism. He laughed it off as ridiculous, but the symptoms persisted. His senses became heightened, his strength increased, and he found himself having bizarre dreams filled with images of darkness and bloodlust.

That was when he received an invitation to join the local vampire clan. The letter was addressed to “William, son of Elizabeth” and promised protection and guidance for those who were newly transformed.

At first, William was terrified. He had always believed that vampires were just myths and legends, and yet here he was, apparently one of them. But as he read through the letter, he realized that this could be his chance to finally find the family and belonging he had always desired.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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