Little Did I Know - Cover

Little Did I Know

Copyright© 2022 by Adam.F

Chapter 2

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A Man's wife plans to kill her husband and steal his millions of dollars. A coven of vampires have a plan that involves him.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fan Fiction   War   Vampires   Were animal   Cheating   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Big Breasts   Revenge   Transformation   Violence   AI Generated  

William sat nervously in the office of his lawyer, Mr. Johnson, clutching a large manila envelope filled with documents and photographs. He had been accused of embezzlement by his former employer, and he knew that this meeting could make or break his future.

“Thank you for bringing everything over, William,” Mr. Johnson said as he opened the envelope and began to review its contents. “This looks like quite a case.”

As Mr. Johnson pored over the papers, William couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had been so sure that he would be found and punished for his supposed crime, but now it seemed as though his lawyer might be able to prove his innocence.

Mr. Johnson looked up from the papers and met William’s eyes. “Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this,” he said reassuringly. “But first, let me ask you some questions. Can you tell me about your job at the company?”

Over the next hour, William answered Mr. Johnson’s questions about his time at the company, providing detailed explanations of his duties and responsibilities. As he spoke, Mr. Johnson took notes and asked follow-up questions, his expression growing more thoughtful with each passing minute.

Finally, when William finished speaking, Mr. Johnson leaned back in his chair and let out a deep sigh. “Well, William, based on what you’ve told me, it seems unlikely that you embezzled any money,” he said. “In fact, it looks like you were one of the most diligent employees at the company. But we still need to go through all of this evidence and talk to some witnesses before we can say for certain.”

A weight lifted off William’s shoulders as he heard these words. He felt a surge of gratitude towards Mr. Johnson, who had believed him even when he himself had doubted his own innocence. Together, they would uncover the truth and clear his name once and for all.

William’s life was turned upside down when his wife, Melody, was arrested for embezzlement. He had thought she was a kind and honest person, but the evidence against her was overwhelming. As he sat in the courtroom, watching her stand trial, he couldn’t believe that the woman he loved could be capable of such a thing.

Despite his shock and disbelief, William knew he needed to be strong as the days passed, William began to uncover secrets about her past that he never knew existed. Secrets that made him question everything he thought he knew about her. But even as he struggled to come to terms with these revelations.

William’s wife and her co-conspirators are arrested.

A few days after seeing his lawyers William’s wife Melody was arrested along with her 2 lovers, they are being charged with embezzlement and attempted murder, and she will be charged with committing adultery

Melody sat nervously in the defendant’s box, her heart racing as she waited for the judge to enter the courtroom. She had been accused of attempting to steal her husband’s money, committing adultery and attempted murder and the evidence against her was damning. The prosecutor had presented a mountain of witness testimony and physical evidence that seemed to put her in a bad light.

As the judge took their seat, Melody felt a sense of dread wash over her. She knew that if convicted, she could face years in prison. But she also knew that she was innocent. She had never stolen anything in her life, let alone this expensive necklace. So why did it seem like everyone in this courtroom believed she was guilty?

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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