Lady Diana in the Stables - Cover

Lady Diana in the Stables

by Orange

Copyright© 2022 by Orange

Erotica Sex Story: Lady Diana & Lady Edith have fun with two stable grooms in the stables

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Celebrity   Cheating   Rough   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

One of the best things about the decadent aristocracy is its incredible power and influence over people. Thus it was with such power and decedent power that Lady Diana and her best friend, Lady Edith, went to the stables one afternoon of Castle Conner to enjoy some fun and games with several of the lowly grooms who worked there.

Lady Diana and her friend Lady Edith had decided to enjoy themselves that afternoon and, in doing so, required the help and the silence of the grooms from the stables. The fun and games both young women had in mind were naughty and erotic to satisfy their desires and appetites of their decedent lifestyles.

“You there. Fetch the other style lad and bring him to me,” Lady Diana ordered, pointing to one of the grooms.

He stood for a moment and then hurried off down the length of the stable corridor at a steady trot, much like a horse might trot.

“Are you sure we can trust them?” Lady Edith said in a worried tone of voice.

“Of course, we can, more than their lives are worth if they say a word to anyone,” Lady Diana reassured her friend.

“I understand, Diana. I’m just a bit nervous, that’s all,” Lady Edith said.

A minute had passed when two of the grooms came trotting back to where both ladies were waiting.

“Well, you took your time,” Lady Diana scolded them.

“Sorry, Lady, we came as fast as we could,” They replied.

Lady Diana held them with her gaze until they turned their eyes away from her and looked down at the stone floor of the stables.

“I need you two to take me to that back room where you keep all the riding tackle and the saddles,” Lady Diana told them.

“To the tack room, Lady?” The first boy asked.

“Yes. That’s the place. Take me there right now,” She ordered them both.

The two grooms led the way, and Lady Diana and Edith followed them. The tack room was at the far end of the stables. They passed a hay room where hay was stacked, ready to feed the horses, empty horse stalls, and around a corner was the tack room door. The two grooms opened the door and went inside, followed by Lady Edith and Diana. Lady Edith was grinning, and her eyes were wide open as she entered the tack room. Lady Diana also had a broad smile as she went inside. She closed the tack room door, turned the key in the lock, and pushed the deadbolt so the door was double locked.

“Now then, you two will do exactly what I tell you to do, and you will never tell anyone about what happens in this room. Do you understand?” Lady Diana said to the two grooms.

“Yes, Lady,” Both grooms said in reply.

Lady Edith was visibly excited as she stood there as Lady Diana took control of the situation, locking the door and ordering the grooms about. Lady Diana had done this on several occasions, so she knew how to manipulate the grooms and ensure they followed her orders to the letter.

“Get these horse blankets and put them over here and here,” Lady Diana ordered.

Doing as they were told, the two grooms had a vague sense that something would happen to them. They were not exactly sure what it was, but they obeyed the orders from Lady Diana. With the horse blankets positioned as they were ordered, Lady Diana told them to kneel, and she came forward and stood over one groom as Lady Edith copied her. Standing there with both kneeling in front of them, both women lifted their skirts and showed off their stockings, suspenders and panties.

“Take down my panties and lick my pussy...” Lady Diana said to the groom kneeling before her.

“Do the same for me...” Lady Edith said to the groom kneeling in front of her.

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