The Best Man - Cover

The Best Man

Copyright© 2022 by Amber Embers

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Cord helped his best friend, the drunken groom, to his bridal suite...then turned to deal with the new bride.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   DomSub   Anal Sex  

I moaned softly as the alarm woke me, my mind still clinging to the dream I’d been having, shutting off the alarm but wanting to fall back to sleep and return to the dream. The sound of a deep groan coming from beside me had my eyes flying open as the dream fled from my mind. I bit my lip and looked over at my new husband, his eyes still shut, brows drawn down in a slight frown.

“I left some aspirin and a glass of water on your nightstand, love.” I whispered, knowing James would have one hell of a hangover. He always did when he drank Apple Pie Moonshine.

“Thank you,” James croaked from a dry throat. “You’re always a step ahead of me.”

I slipped from the bed and went into the bathroom, turning on the shower and stepping into it, letting the water sluice over my body as I quickly washed myself letting my mind replay the dream before stepping out of the shower and adjusting the water a bit hotter for James.

“Your shower’s ready, it might help make you feel more human.” I said as I returned to the bedroom and smiled at James as he sat on the edge of the bed looking confused.

“Why am I still dressed?” He groaned as he dropped his head into his hand. “I ... Did we? ... I...”

I placed my finger against his lips. “Yes you did; No we didn’t and I know.” I told him with a smile. “You and Apple Pie Moonshine had a wonderful night. We are definitely married and I know you are sorry. It’s not like we haven’t ‘consummated’ our marriage over the last couple of years. Come on, in the shower with you, we have a Wedding breakfast to attend!”

I pulled on his hand and guided him to the bathroom. Taking his clothes as he stripped and moving back into the bedroom of the suite and folded them neatly into his overnight bag. After laying out some slacks and a shirt on the bed for him I dropped my robe and started getting dressed. I heard a ding from my phone and grabbed it to check the message. It was from Shari, asking if I was awake and how James was. I texted back we were awake and he was moaning in the shower, and that we would see her at the planned breakfast in half an hour.

James came out of the bathroom drying himself off and slid his arms around me as I sent back the text and whispered. “Mrs. Cardiff you look very hot in that thong and bra, but I think our family and friends might be shocked if that is what you wear to breakfast.” He kissed my shoulder. “I am sorry love, I should have told Daniel no when he gave me the moonshine.”

I nodded slightly and turned my head to kiss his cheek. “It’s ok,” I assured him and slipped from his arms, reaching for the dress hanging over the back of a chair.

James eyed me as he pulled his boxers on then his slacks. “I promise to make it up to you tonight love.”

I smiled as I smoothed the dress over myself and turned to him. “Zip me please, and I will hold you to that promise!”

James kissed the back of my neck as he zipped up the dress. “Mmmm, I look forward to it.”

I stepped into the bathroom and quickly put my hair into a loose french braid down the back of my head and put on some mascara and lips gloss then stepped back into the bedroom. “Ready?” I smiled at him as I stepped into some low heeled sandals and adjusted the strap over my heel.

“Ready as I will be, hopefully coffee and food will get rid of this headache.” James smiled and took my hand. “You look beautiful Mrs. Cardiff.”

“You clean up rather nicely yourself, Mr. Cardiff.” I smiled at him and we headed for the door.

Walking into the Lounge of the Lodge I smiled and waved at Shari as she motioned to us and we headed in her direction. Exchanging hugs with her I frowned at Daniel. “You are on my shit list Mister.”

Daniel raised his hands. “I know, I know, I’m sorry Karina, Shari already took my balls for giving James the moonshine.”

I looked at Shari and smirked. “Oh I am sure she did. If I didn’t love her so much I would finish the job and make you a eunuch.” I grinned at him and then winked at Shari.

Daniel squirmed, “Thank goodness for that,” He chuckled.

I poured James and I some coffee and sat down as Janet and Mari came to the table. I smiled at them both, “Good morning you two, I hope you enjoyed the reception after we retired.”

Mari hugged me and slipped into a chair. “I danced the night away.” She leaned forward and smiled at James. “Is your friend Cord joining us this morning?”

James sipped his cup of coffee and his brow furrowed. “I am sure I told him about the breakfast. He must have overslept what with the time zones and stuff. I’ll call and wake him up.” He answered as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket.

Shari nodded to a waiter standing by the door and he stepped away, returning quickly with several others and setting bowls of cut fruit, yogurt, scones, jams and clotted cream on the table. Others came in and moved to a sidebar setting trays of eggs, meats, waffles and potatoes on warmers before quietly leaving again.

James tapped his phone and shook his head. “I guess I forgot to charge it last night,” he said quietly. “Does anyone know what room he is in.”

“Here use my phone and I will go put yours on the charger in our room.” I smiled and handed him my phone.

“Thank you hun. You’re too good to me.” He said and started dialing on the phone as I stepped away to go to our room.

After putting James’ phone on the cordless charger in our room I stepped out of the door and literally bumped into Cord. “Good m ... morning.” I stammered as Cord lightly gripped my arm to steady me.

“Karina, Good morning.” Cord looked over my shoulder at the room.

“Everyone else is at the Breakfast. Did James not tell you about it?” I asked. My body tingling as his hand lightly caressed my arm.

“He told me...” His phone beeped and he glanced at it and stuck it back in his pocket. As he did so I realized he was carrying his suitcase and had been headed away from the lounge.

“You’re leaving?” I whispered.Raising my eyes to his, biting my lower lip to keep it from trembling.

Cord groaned as our eyes locked. “Kari don’t ... please.” Glancing down the hallway before cupping my face and running his thumb over my cheek. “I don’t know if I can face him.”

My body flushed at his touch, a frisson of pleasure, excitement and desire rushing through me, my breath catching at his intimate caress. My eyes searched his, seeing the same lust, excitement and desire I was feeling, along with a hint of sadness. Time seemed to stop as we stood there staring at each other, the Lodge, everything seemed to dissolve around us and only the two of us existed. “Please...” I whispered.

Cord groaned and he leaned his forehead against mine, eyes closing for a moment. “I will stay and come to the breakfast. Go ahead to the Lounge, I will put this in my car and be there in a moment.”

I nodded and rubbed my cheek against his hand which still cupped it. “You’ll come ... you won’t leave?”

“I will be there in a moment. I promise,” he answered.

His phone rang again and he pulled it from his pocket. “Do you know this number? It’s a local number here isn’t it?”

I looked and smiled. “Yes, it’s my number, James’ phone is dead and he is using mine to try and wake you for breakfast.”

“Ah, that would explain. I’ll be there in a moment.” He turned away and tapped his phone. “Hey buddy, sorry I was in a conference call. What’s up?” He turned to look at me and smiled. I turned and went back to the Lounge as he walked toward the exit.

I returned to the Lounge just as James hung up. “Cord was on a conference call. He will be here in a minute.” He handed my phone back to me.

Shari smiled at me. “You’re going to want to try the waffles. Perfectly cooked, fluffy inside and crispy outside.”

“Sounds great, shall we get some food husband?” I smiled at James and ran my hand over his shoulder.

“I will try one of the waffles if you want to bring me one.” James answered, reaching up to squeeze my hand.

“That’s the way to start a marriage, boyo, have her waiting on you hand and foot.” Daniel chuckled.

Shari guffawed and raised an eyebrow at Daniel. “Is that so?” She smiled sweetly at him. “I think you’re in enough trouble with Karina. You might want to be careful what you say and do. After all I am sure with her medical knowledge, her threat to make you a eunuch would be easy enough for her to do, and I would hand her the snips to do so.”

Daniel roared with laughter. “Yes, my dear, James knows I was only teasing. And I am sure Karina does too. Cord, good morning to you.”

Cord strolled up to the table and smiled “Good morning everyone, sorry I was late I had an early conference call I had to attend.”

“Food is on the side bar by the window, the waffles are delicious,” Shari said and smiled at Cord.

“Good morning Cord,” I smiled and stepped away toward the buffet.

James refilled his cup and said something to Cord as I moved away, Cord laughed and answered him then moved toward the buffet. I put a waffle on a plate and added some butter to it along with some syrup then made a second one. “Hungry?” Cord asked.

I glanced at the table and then smiled, “One is for James, he is still nursing a bit of a hangover.”

“Well the caffeine may help but water is probably better, He is probably dehydrated.” Cord offered. Cord reached in front of me to grab a waffle, “We need to talk,” he whispered softly.

My hand trembled as I picked up the two plates. Keeping my voice low. “You have my number,” I replied and turned back to the table.

Mari crossed to the buffet as I returned and grabbed a plate, “Thank you for the dances last night Cord. You’re quite good.”

“Thanks, it helps when you have a good partner,” Cord replied.

I reached the table and set a waffle in front of James as I sat beside him. “Did the reception last very long after we retired Shari?”

“Janet, and I saw the last guests off around 1:00 AM, so for a bit yes. The band was a good choice; they had a large range of music they played.” She answered.

“Well, at least some will remember the reception,” James said and looked at me, “But I do remember the wedding and that is the important part.” Leaning in he kissed my cheek as I took a bite of waffle.

“It was a great reception James, your rendition of ‘The Wellerman’ was a hit.” Daniel laughed.

James looked at Daniel and then at me. I nodded and smiled. “Hey Sailor...” and winked at him.

James flushed and looked at Daniel. “Don’t EVER bring that stuff near me again.”

Daniel roared and James shook his head.

After eating and saying so long to everyone James and I went to pack our overnight bags that we had brought with us. As I closed my bag and carried it to the door my phone dinged. I picked it up and looked at it, tapping the screen:

Kari, this is my private number. You can reach me here anytime. Cord

I hit save and typed back: Thank you, I have it saved.

Cord: Enjoy your Honeymoon. James has a surprise for you.

Karina: Yes he has mentioned that, Thanks again for being there for us.

Cord: Talk soon

James came out of the bedroom with his bag, “I think we have everything. And plenty of time to get to the airport.” He smiled at me and pulled tickets out of his pocket and held them out to me. “Your first surprise.”

I took the tickets and looked at them, “Rio? I booked the hotel in Rio myself silly.”

“Look at the second ticket.” I looked at the second ticket and looked up at him.

“What or where is Dhagali?” I asked.

“The Maldives, We will have four nights alone on a private island to ourselves, other than twice a day service by staff. Our wedding gift from Cord.”

I looked back at him and squealed. “We can go naked, and have sex anywhere we want, Oooh I hope we can get some snorkeling equipment.” Stretching up on tiptoe I kissed James. “Thank you.”

“Thank Cord, it was his gift to us.” James smiled and kissed me back.

“I’ll send him a Thank you later.” I said and picked up my purse, slipping the tickets inside.

As we waited for our flight I sent a text to Cord:

Thank you for the generous gift for our honeymoon.

Cord answered almost immediately.

Cord: You’re very welcome. It is a beautiful island. I know you will enjoy it.

Karina: So you have been to this specific island before?

Cord: Yes ... I own it.

Karina: What? Seriously?

Cord: Yes Seriously. It is a wonderful real estate investment.

Karina: Well, thank you again.

Cord: You’re welcome. The Staff’s schedule is on the breakfast bar.

“James, did you know that Cord owned the island we are staying at?” I asked.

“I know he owns a couple of islands, but wasn’t sure if this was one of them. Was that him just now?” James asked.

“Yes I texted to tell him Thank You.” I nodded. “He said the island was beautiful and I asked if he had been there before and he said he owned it.”

“Well if he says it is beautiful then I am sure it is.” James smiled.

A week in Rio was fabulous, white sandy beaches, warm sunny days and tropical nights. Lots of sightseeing and enjoying the beaches ... and each other. We had just landed at Dhagali and walked into the airport when James’ phone rang and my phone dinged. I pulled mine up and saw it was from Cord. James answered his after glancing at the screen. “Hey Cord, what’s up?”

Cord: There has been a problem, I will meet you at the airport.

I looked at James as he listened to Cord. “Ok, we’ll see you soon then. Thanks.” he said and hung up.

“Cord said there was a problem.” showing James the message.

“Yes it seems he had rented the island out and the people were supposed to be gone yesterday. But when the staff got there today to clean it they discovered that they were still there and it took them a while to leave, so the staff hasn’t been able to clean it and prepare it for us. Cord is meeting us here and we will spend tonight in a local resort.”

“Oh, well thank goodness it wasn’t anything serious. One less night on the island won’t be a major loss I am sure.” I said.

“Who said you got one less night on the island?” Cord said from behind us.

“Sheeesh don’t sneak up on people like that!” I chided him and smiled.

“You still have 4 nights on the island, it isn’t booked again for 10 days so stay longer if you wish. Do I need to get a trolley cart for all your luggage?” He teased.

James laughed, “Funny you should say that. We seemed to have acquired an extra bag while in Rio.”

Cord laughed and slapped him on the back. “Get used to traveling with a lady, my man. Always take an almost empty suitcase with you, it will come back stuffed full along with all the rest.”

“Hey now, that’s profiling! I think James bought just as much as I did in Rio.” I smirked.

“Come on, I’ve got rooms at the resort and a dinner reservation for us in...” he checked his watch, “ ... four hours and 20 minutes.” Cord headed up the causeway toward Baggage Claim.

As Cord showed us our suite he told us he had a call he had to make. Telling us to relax and meet him at the Resort’s Lounge in a couple of hours for a drink before dinner and then left.

I unpacked the bathroom items and told James I was going to take a quick shower. He was stretched out on the bed flipping through the channels on the TV. As I started the shower my phone dinged:

Cord: Good to see you and James. Do you have any food allergies?

Karina: Not that I know of, though I do not care for really spicy food.

Cord: No problem, just wanted to make sure of any allergies especially to Seafood.

Karina: Nope none here.

Cord: OK see you in a while.

I set the phone on the counter and stepped into the shower. As I stood under the shower head, letting the water ease my muscles from the long flight James slipped into the shower behind me, and slid his arms around my waist, one hand sliding up to cup my breast, fingers plucking at the nipple, the other spread over my pubis and pulling me back against his rigid cock. I smiled and moaned softly, wiggling my hips against him as he ground his hard cock against my ass.

“Mmmm, Hello there Mr. Cardiff.” I purred.

“That’s Sir to you.” James said as he slapped two fingers over my clit.

I yelped softly and gasped. “Yes Sir” I said and stifled a giggle.

“You think this is funny, my pet?” James asked as he slid his fingers down over my mound, his middle finger dragging over my clit and parting my folds, slipping inside of my wet walls, curling to tap my g-spot as I spread my legs for him.

“Yes Sir, I do Sir.” I moaned out as James began to finger me, sliding his finger in and out of my pussy as I worked my hips to match his thrusts. I could feel his hard cock sliding between my ass cheeks and I tightened them around him.

“Mmmm, that’s right work your ass around my cock pet, lean forward with your hands on the wall,” I felt James’ hand move from my breast to my shoulder and push me forward, reaching out I put both hands against the shower wall as I felt his hand slide between us. He rubbed his crown between my folds, coating it with my juices and spreading them over my tight pucker, with a sudden thrust he pushed his crown past my tight ring, then held there for a moment.

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