The Best Man - Cover

The Best Man

Copyright© 2022 by Amber Embers

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Cord helped his best friend, the drunken groom, to his bridal suite...then turned to deal with the new bride.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   DomSub   Anal Sex  

The wedding had taken almost a year to plan and arrange, held at the end of summer as the days were starting to cool. The venue for the wedding was outdoors beside the lake, in the early evening, with the reception being held in the lodge just a short walk up the path.

It had taken a half dozen workers four days to build the lattice work arches scattered along the path, then another day to weave all the greens and flowers through them for the wedding, but they looked beautiful. The Lodge had made plans to plant climbing roses, Ivy and other flowers at their bases since they had been ‘donated’ and were permanent structures now.

I looked out the window of the ‘Bride’s’ room at the set up by the lake. The semicircle of chairs filling up with our family, friends and guests. The arched Pergola that was woven with flowers and greens, as well as draped with silks of our wedding colours, against the backdrop of the calm lake and distant mountains was breath-taking. I took a deep breath and fought the butterflies in my stomach. Everything l’d ever dreamed of for my wedding was in place. Everything had come together perfectly, so why the butterflies I thought to myself.

I turned to smile as my Maid of Honour stepped up next to me with my veil ... the final touch before I was to walk down the path and marry my best friend and love. I twisted the ring on my finger as Shari pinned the veil in place. “Are the girls ready?” I asked Shari.

Shari noticed me playing with my ring and the other signs of ‘bridal nerves’ that I had been showing all day and smiled at me. “They are, as are the bridesmaids. James and the groomsmen have just headed down the path. This is it, the culmination of a year’s worth of planning and preparation. Everything is perfect; no one would dare mar this day for you!”

I smiled at Shari, my best friend since I could remember. “I am just being silly, I know...”

“All brides have nerves before the wedding,” Shari stated “It will be over before you know it.”

Both women laughed and hugged. “It’s time Karina, James is lucky to have you and when he sees you in this dress ... well I will be surprised if you don’t disappear from the Reception early.” Shari teased.

“Let’s do this!” I smiled and picked up my bouquet of flowers as Shari lowered the sheer veil to cover my face, then gathered the train of my dress and veil as she followed me out the door.

The two bridesmaids, James’ sister Janet, and my younger sister Mari, both smiled and took their places by the door with the two flower girls carrying their baskets. Shari handed the end of the train and veil to her twin siblings then moved toward the door and grinned at Karina. As the doors opened the musicians started playing ‘Canon in D Minor’ by Pachelbel as Janet and Mari stepped through the doors. l heard the Officiant call out “Ladies and Gentleman, Please stand for the bride,” as Janet and Mari stepped through the door, followed by Shari. I nodded to the flower girls to follow Shari; I counted slowly to 10 before stepping through the door and following the procession down the path.

The ceremony was a blur, James and I had written our own vows, and the Officiant was brief in his talk of the sacredness of marriage. Rings were exchanged and we were pronounced man and wife. I beamed as James lifted my veil to ‘kiss the bride’. He had not taken his eyes off me since I stepped from the lodge. He grinned at me and swept me into his arms, kissing me for a long moment before breaking it and we turned toward the applause, whistles and smiles of our family, friends and guests, walking up the path back to the lodge and Reception.

Stepping into the Lodge, followed by the Shari and the Best Man, Janet, Mari and the groomsmen, moving to the bridal party table I look up at James. “I think it’s time I met your Best Man, don’t you think?” My eyes looked across the room to whom I knew to be Cord by name but had never met.

“I am sorry love, yes, come and meet him,” walking hand in hand across the room to where his Best man and the Groomsmen were standing, reaching out to tap his friend on the shoulder, “Cord, I would like you to meet my bride, Karina, and Karina meet my best friend since elementary school Cord.” James grinned as he introduced us.

Cord turned around with a smile, glancing at James and then looking at Karina, his sapphire blue eyes twinkling as he pushed his glass of champagne into James hand and reached for my free hand, bowing over it and brushing a warm kiss on the back of it. “It is a pleasure to meet you at last Karina, I have heard so much about you.” His thumb rubbed over the back of my hand where his warm lips had kissed it. “He really can’t quit talking about you. Now I see why. James you are one lucky man,” he smiled at his friend, taking back his glass of champagne from James as he released Karina’s hand.

“Cord, it is a pleasure to put a face to the name, I think every story I hear from James is ‘Cord, this’ or ‘Cord and I that’.” Smiling at Cord and then up at James. “I am happy you were able to be here for our special day. I know it means a lot to James.”

Cord waved a waiter over and placed his empty glass on the tray and then grabbed two flutes and handed them to James and I before grabbing a third flute for himself. “There is no way I would have missed it,” he assured us. “An early toast to the lovely couple,” raising his glass slightly and smiling. “To your happiness and future.” Clinking glasses with both of us before he raised his and took a sip.

Seeing the waiters carrying in the start of the meal I smile at Cord. “I hope we get a chance to talk more before you run off again Cord.” I said then looking up at James,” It looks like dinner is being served shall we move to the table?” Reaching to hook my arm through Cords and walking to the bridal table with them both.

Dinner was delicious, both James and mine’s favourite foods. Toasts were made and stories told. Cord teased James about the time that he got caught ‘kissing the prettiest girl in 6th grade’ and saying how all the girls threw themselves at him, until he met Karina. ‘Now he never shuts up about her.’ Dinner was followed by dancing and after several dances, and glasses of champagne, I stepped outside to get some fresh air and try to clear my head from the champagne. I saw the path to the lake had been lit with lanterns and slowly walked down the path. As I was going up the steps to the Pergola I was startled as I heard a voice and saw a figure step out from the shadows.”

“It was a lovely wedding Karina, I don’t think there was a person here that could keep their eyes from you ... and James,” the figure moved into the soft light of a lantern.

“Cord! You startled me; I did not know anyone was down here.” I said in a shaky voice. “Thank you, I know the dress was definitely a surprise for James. The lace is very fragile which is why I changed right away. I would not risk having it stepped on or caught on anything.”

“I am sorry, I was clearing my head, or trying to. It is beautiful and peaceful here by the lake. I’d hoped it would help. Yes, you should have heard him growl when he first saw you. But then he was not the only one. It was very beautiful, you made a beautiful bride.”

“I came out for the same reason, to clear my head from the champagne and cool off from the dancing. You travel a lot, I am sure you have seen many beautiful places.” Moving past Cord to the lake side of the Pergola and looking back at him. “Growl? Not a noise I hear from him often. And I am sure no one else would do so...”

“You think not?” Following me to the edge of the Pergola, Cords hand reached up and caught a strand of my hair between his fingers, he tucked it behind my ear. “My growl may not have been audible but I assure you, I did growl.” Cord’s eyes caught mine and my breath caught in my chest as his fingers grazed down my neck, my skin flushing and I felt my body tingle and I tilted my head to the side. His fingers paused at my shoulder ... then dropped to his side, turning and taking a couple of steps away, I heard him say, “I am going to go to bed thinking about you, so likely you will be in my dreams tonight. I was out here hoping to avoid that...”

I blushed lightly as I heard his words; there was no doubt that Cord was an attractive and virile man, an easy going magnetic personality that was felt by most, including me. I knew the stories, the millionaire heiresses and their mama’s that threw themselves at him. The ultimate playboy. I didn’t care. He struck a chord in me, my body wanted him ... I wanted him. Stepping behind him I whispered, “Perhaps you can share them with me sometime, if I am.”

Cord stiffened and turned around to face me, our gazes again locked, his voice low he answered, “If I remember them, I will, though I am not sure that would be a good idea, you have me very aroused Karina. My dreams are likely to be full of...”

I pressed a finger to his lips, feeling that tingle again as I touched him and said “I am sorry to leave you in such a state.”

Cord reached out and placed his fingers under my chin, tilting my head up, eyes looking into mine for a moment before he leaned in and kissed me. His lips warm, soft, slightly parted, his lips moving softly against mine before he broke the kiss and whispered, “There is no reason for you to be sorry, in fact the feeling is rather enjoyable. I like it, and you are totally responsible for it and I mean that as a compliment.” Leaning in Cord kissed me again, harder this time, lips moving against mine, his tongue sliding over them pressing between mine as they parted. Our tongues stroked against each other before he whispered against my lips.”You have me hard, Karina, what are you doing to me?” His hand grabbed my hand, placing it against his hardness.

My body trembled at his words, my breath caught as he pressed my hand against his hard shaft. “I could say the same, I am a bride, just married and yet I cannot resist or deny whatever this is between us...”

The music from the Reception grew louder for a moment and I heard Shari call my name. “Karina?”


“Such language from such a lovely mouth ... Go James is probably looking for you.” Cord backed away and stepped off the Pergola toward the lake.

Watching him as he backed away I called out. “I am here Shari...” moving toward the path and quickly up it.

“Are you alright Karina?” Shari asked.

“I am fine, I was reliving the ceremony, now that my nerves have calmed and I can actually remember it.” Smiling as I caught up to her.

“Well you might want to suggest to James it’s time to go. I’m sorry hun, but Daniel snuck him a bottle of Apple Pie Moonshine, and well...” Shari quickly told me as we headed back to the Lodge.

“Say no more, James and Moonshine are not compatible, or perhaps they are too compatible.” Thankfully he will have time to sleep it off before we leave tomorrow. Will you take care of my stuff in the Bride’s room until tomorrow please? I’ll give you the key to our house and you can drop it off there when you get a chance.” I opened the door to the Lodge and stepped inside, hearing James and Daniel singing ‘The Wellerman’ or at least their version of it.

Walking over to the table I sat down in James lap and smiled out at him “Hey there sailor, want to sail off on our own for the night?”

James smiled at me and said “Aye wench, I’d thought ye would ne’er ask.” Looking at Daniel he winked, “I think the wench wants me.”

Daniel laughed, “I hope so boyo she married your ass!”

Standing up I held my hand out for James as Shari brought me my purse, and handed me the key card to our room. James stood up and ... wobbled ... swayed, and quickly sat back down in the chair. “One moment wench till the deck quits pitching.”

I saw the door open and Cord walked in, I looked at James and smiled, “Once again, slower this time,” I pulled on his hand and draped his arm across my shoulder as James stood up again.

He leaned on me and said, “Wench lead me to your room.” I smiled and started walking toward the side door that led to the guest rooms. James stumbled against a table and I saw Cord step up to his other side. “Cord! Good to see you mate!”

Cord laughed “Good to see you too mate, shall we head to our bunks and sleep it off for the night?”

James shook his head and his knees buckled a bit before Cord caught him. “Alright mate, let’s get you to your room.” He looked at me and nodded, “Go ahead and get the door open, I’ve got him.”

I slipped out from under James’ arm and opened the door to our suite. Cord half carried and guided James through the door and I pointed toward the bedroom door. I moved across the suite and quickly pulled back the covers on the bed as Cord guided James to the room, stood him beside the bed and lowered him onto it, He turned and removed James’ shoes; and then his belt and wallet, putting the wallet on the nightstand and tossing the belt in a chair, he undid the top buttons of James’ shirt, removed his cufflinks and put them by the wallet, James was out cold before Cord finished.

I stood in the door and watched as Cord took care of his best friend then turned back into the suite. As Cord came out of the room, pulling the door almost shut I looked at him, “Thank you, I appreciate your help.”

Cord stood and stared at me a moment and then crossed the room toward me. He moved like a big cat, smooth, lithe, quiet, and dangerous. His eyes never left mine until he pulled me into his arms and crushed his lips to mine, his tongue ravaging my mouth. One of his hands gripped my ass and pulled me against his hips. I could feel his cock twitching and swelling as he ground it against me. His other hand curled in my hair and he pulled my head back, “You want to know something?”

I nodded my head and whispered “Please...”

“And meaning no disrespect, but the idea of fucking a bride on her wedding night is arousing beyond most anything I can imagine,” he growled before kissing me again, this time softly, sensually, tongue slipping between my lips to tease and curl with my own.

I whimpered into the kiss, sucking on his tongue, my fingers curling in his hair as I returned his kiss, my hips rocking against him. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes and whispered “If it is what you desire ... you have only to do so ... I can’t deny whatever this is between us ... even if I wanted to ... and I don’t want to...”

Cord growled “I do not know what you have done to me but I want you, it is my desire, it is my craving, the idea makes my head spin.”

“Then take me Cord ... fill that craving ... for both of us.”

Cord kissed me hard and deep, my hands slid from his hair to his shoulders, I quickly undid the buttons on his shirt, as I pulled it free of his slacks and pushed it off his shoulders. I broke the kiss and lightly nibbled along his jaw and down his neck, gently biting just over the pulse point above his shoulder. My hands slid over his chest, my palms brushing against his nipples, before I flicked each with my nails. Cord groaned “Tell me what you want, tell me what you need?”

“Please Cord ... I want you to fill me ... to take me ... I need you to do so ... I want all of you.”

Cord picked me up and carried me to the couch, he sat down and set me on his lap, he unzipped the back of my dress and grabbed the hem, pulling it up and over my head and dropping it to the floor. He looked at my DD breasts, cupped them with his hands, as he rubbed his thumb over one nipple and leaned down and sucked the other between his lips. I reached behind me and undid my bra; Cord pulled it from me to drop it with my dress.

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