The Foster Home - Cover

The Foster Home

Copyright© 2022 by DBwriter51

Chapter 4

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Two brothers turn a defunct dude ranch into a foster home where beautiful and sexy teenage girls are used for the brothers’ pleasure and turned into prostitutes.

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Cheating   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   InLaws   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Prostitution  

It was a tossup who was the most shocked when Kari had her first heroin delivery. Kari, that it was a nearby neighbor’s kid that delivered drugs, or Trevor, discovering that Kayla’s beautiful and sexy mother was a drug addict. When he got home, he told Blake, “You never in a million years would guess whom I made a heroin delivery to this afternoon. Mrs. Hawthorne, Kayla’s mother.”

“The bitch is an addict, and not only that, the old bastard, Arthur Pappas, claimed he had been banging the hell out of her hot pussy for weeks. Said Mrs. Hawthorne was one hot fuck, but she was not particularly great at giving head, claiming she gagged while sucking his cock. Arthur said he even fucked her in that sexy tight ass of hers.”

“I’d certainly let her give me head, gagging or not,” Blake said and then asked, “Why don’t we fuck her?”

“That was what I have been thinking. You know I like long hair, and Mrs. Hawthorne has a beautiful thick mane of long brown hair that reaches pasts her slim waist to her sexy ass,” Trevor replied.

A couple of weeks later, Kari called Arthur. She had taken her last injection from her current supply and needed to resupply. The beautiful wife was now using regularly and asked Arthur, “Can I get a delivery tomorrow while my kids are in school, and my husband won’t be home; he’s out of town?”

“I will have my delivery boy there tomorrow; give him the payment, and he will give you your stuff,” Arthur told the beautiful wife.

Trevor had to skip school to make the delivery. But Arthur told him, “Kari said her husband is out of town, so she should be alone until her kids get home from school.”

“I know Kari Hawthorne is one of your valued customers,” Trevor said, and then asked, “Would you care if my brother and I fucked her?”

“Kari is a beautiful woman who is extremely sexy. I had fun with her behind her husband’s back. However, she is just another paying drug addict, but admittedly with a hot pussy and sexy mouth, not to mention her incredibly well-formed tight ass. So do whatever you want with her; just make damn sure nothing leads back to me,” Arthur Pappas told Trevor.

Seventeen-year-old Trevor Dupree was at the Hawthorne’s home making the delivery. He and the beautiful and sexy wife were standing in the foyer of her and her husband’s large home. Trevor was holding the little bag of heroin, but when Kari went to hand him the money, he said, “Arthur said from now on, there’ll be an additional charge to cover my delivering to you.” Of course, it was a lie. Trevor knew he had to make Kari think that Arthur was behind it or at least sanctioned him extorting her for sex.

Kari apprehensively looked at the little bag of white powder and, knowing how badly she would need it when her current injection wore off, asked nervously, “How much extra?”

“Take me to your bedroom and remove your clothes, and we will discuss it,” Trevor told the beautiful wife.

“You are barely older than my daughter,” Kari replied hesitantly.

Trevor was thinking, ‘Yeah, and I fucked her hot pussy, and she gave me a blowjob with her sexy young mouth just like you are going to do after I fuck you,” and he replied, “I’m plenty old enough that my dick gets hard when I look at a hot sexy bitch like you.”

“Please! I’ll pay you extra money over what you have to give Arthur for my delivery,” Kari pleaded.

“I know all about how you’ve been fucking and sucking off Arthur, so continue to pay up, or if you don’t want the stuff, I’ll be going,” Trevor said, turned, and made it look like he was reaching for the door to leave.

“Wait! Please! I’ll do it, but I want a fix first,” Kari said.

“I can live with that,” Trevor replied.

Kari then gave the money for the drug to Trevor. He stuffed the money into his pocket while Kari said, “Give me about five minutes, and then you can come upstairs. The master bedroom is the third door on the left.” With her husband out of town and her children in school, Kari had their large home all to herself. Trevor gave her the heroin and followed her into the living room. He then watched Kari’s incredibly sexy derrière in her jeans as she walked up the stairs. Trevor thought, ‘I see why Arthur fucked her in the ass. Her daughter’s ass was sure fine when I fucked it.’

Trevor waited for five minutes before going upstairs. When he reached the third door on the left, it was not completely closed, so he eased it open and walked in, closing it behind him. Kari was sitting on the loveseat across from the king-size bed. She had removed her boots and socks and had just finished giving herself an injection. Looking up, the wife pleaded, “Please just let me pay you money; I have a husband and children.”

“Well, now, I guess you should have thought about that before you became a junkie drug addict,” Trevor told the beautiful and sexy wife and mother.

“Please! You don’t understand,” Kari pleaded.

“I understand that you spread your legs to get what you need, and that’s why you’ll give me what I want,” Trevor told Kayla’s mother. He then walked over to Kari and sat beside her. She sat there and did not resist when Trevor reached out a hand and slid his fingers into her soft brown hair. Then, pulling her head back, he leaned over and kissed Kari full on her sexy lips. Consumed by the heroin rush, she let him kiss her long and hard with his tongue in her mouth as she returned his kiss.

When Trevor, weighing 225 pounds, pulled back from kissing the 110-pound Kari Hawthorne, he stood up and got the 5-foot-5-inch wife by her small wrists, pulling her to her feet. He then got ahold of Kayla’s mother’s shirt and ripped it open, sending the little buttons flying. Her pretty lace bra was now exposed. Trevor knew he had to take charge, or the bitch might back out now that he had let her have the heroin fix she needed, and said demandingly, “Get your fuckin clothes off, or I’ll rip them off you.”

“Okay! I’ll do it!” Kari said with a noticeable slur in her voice. Trevor then stepped back and started taking off his clothes. Kari slipped off her shirt and laid it on the loveseat. She then reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. Trevor watched as she eased it away from her fabulously flawless breasts.

Trevor liked the way her nipples naturally poked out. They had stayed that way after she’d breastfed her three children. Kari knew most men would think it sexy, but it embarrassed her the way they naturally poked out. She had to wear bras with special little pads to keep her nipples from being noticeable. It did not help that her husband liked to suck on them. He knew how embarrassed she was, but also how sexually aroused it made her and how wet her pussy got.

Once he was naked and Kari was nude, Trevor picked up Kayla’s mother, threw her on the bed, and climbed on top of her. She spread her smooth, sexy legs, letting the teenage boy in between them. Then he shoved his hard cock into the beautiful thirty-five-year-old wife. High on heroin, she worked her hips fucking Trevor. After several minutes of hard fucking, Kari felt Trevor ejaculate his cum in her pussy. He continued to fuck her, letting her vaginal muscles milk his cock dry. He then pulled his spent cock out of Kayla’s mother’s pussy and got up off her.

Kari lay there heavily panting while Trevor put on his clothes. Once dressed, he bent down and kissed Kari full on the mouth. After just having sex with Trevor and still high, she again returned his kiss. While she gave him a long-wet kiss, he put a hand between her legs and slid a finger into her pussy full of his cum. When he pulled it out, it was coated with his cum. Trevor then pulled back from the kiss and put his cum coated finger to her lips, and then shoved it in her mouth while saying, “Next time, you can suck me off.”

Trevor then left the incredibly beautiful and sexy Kari Hawthorne lying on her king-size bed nude. He went home, anxious to tell his brother how great a fuck she was when he got home from school. Kari lay there crying for a while, wondering how she could have let herself get into this situation; she had become a heroin addict and an adulteress. Finally, after an hour or so, Kari got up and took a long hot bath before Katie and Jack Jr. got home from school.

That evening, when Blake got home from school, Trevor told him about banging the hell out of Kayla’s mother and how the bitch would do anything for a fix. “I still find it hard to believe Kari Hawthorne is a heroin addict. She always seemed so conservative and never a hint of impropriety in the neighborhood. Her daughter Kayla was a respectable young virgin until we had sex with her,” Blake commented.

“I remember reading about Kari having a riding accident with her horse that hurt her back. According to Arthur, she got addicted to the pain medication. When they ran out, and she couldn’t get it anymore, she started using heroin. Arthur admitted that he tricked her so he could fuck her. Apparently, she didn’t know what she was taking until she was addicted.”

“By then, Kari couldn’t stop. That’s when Arthur threatened to cut her off if she didn’t put out for him. He admitted to withholding giving her a fix until she could not resist. After needing a fix extremely bad, he shot her up with heroin, took her out to his trailer, and fucked the hell out of her. After that, when Kari came around, she had to fuck or give Arthur a blowjob,” Trevor told his brother.

“So, Kayla’s mother didn’t willingly and knowingly become a heroin addict and commit adultery?” Blake asked.

“No, at least not at first. Now Kari will do whatever she must do to satisfy her addiction,” Trevor replied.

“Well, when do I get to fuck the beautiful and sexy Kari Hawthorne?” Blake asked.

“Soon, but we must play it cool. We don’t want the bitch’s husband catching us; if he finds out she is using, shit could hit the fan. So far, Kari has kept her heroin addiction and extramarital sex hidden from him,” Trevor said.

Before Kari Hawthorne’s riding accident, she had worked in the procurement department of a defense contractor. After her paid medical leave ran out, she was granted an unpaid leave of absence. However, after Kari had been away from her job for a year, she got a letter telling her that even though the company initially supported her unpaid leave of absence, it would now be terminated if she failed to return to work. The letter stated that she had two weeks to tell them her intentions. It now posed a problem for the thirty-six-year-old wife.

At some point, her husband expected her to return to work. Her doctors had cleared her to return months ago, and she had been putting it off. While they were not hurting for money, Kari’s husband was concerned about their long-term financial situation. The horse business was never their primary income, and his insurance business had slowed tremendously. Finally, after an intense argument, Kari agreed to go back to work. Unfortunately, that would prove to be an extreme error in judgment.

Before Kari could be reinstated, she had to clear the company’s medical process for returning employees. Kari passed the physical examination. However, when her drug test results came back, it showed that she had heroin in her system. Kari was immediately terminated and reported to the police. The police, using a search warrant, searched her house. Kari’s overnight makeup case was under some clothes in the walk-in closet on Kari’s side. In it, they found her heroin and drug paraphernalia.

Kari Hawthorne was arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance. While out on bail and awaiting trial, Kari, knowing it would all come out in court, broke down and told her husband about the trips to the veterinarian and that she was having sex with him. As a result, her husband, who had already been hearing the whispers around the town about the drug-addicted adulteress’ arrest. Kari’s husband could not face the ridicule, so he turned his back and walked out on his family.

Luckily, a trust had been set up to cover Kayla’s expenses at the private boarding school, so she was unaffected. However, Kari was deemed unfit as a parent until the court decided she was drug-free and capable of caring for her children; Katie, eleven, and Jack Jr., nine, were remanded to the state and placed into foster care. All attempts to locate the children with Jack Hawthorne or other families had failed. He had even sold his insurance agency at a considerable discount, deleted his email account, and canceled his cellphone contract.

The once faithful wife pleaded guilty and testified against Veterinarian Arthur Pappas. He was convicted and sentenced to fifteen years for drug possession with intent to distribute. The fact that Kari was trading sex with him for drugs did come out during the trial. Being she had no prior record, cooperated with the police, and testified against Arthur, Kari was remanded to a rehab facility for ninety days. Following rehab, Kari would serve three months of supervised probation, where weekly drug tests would be mandatory. Then, after six additional months of unsupervised probation, her drug arrest record would be expunged if she remained drug-free for that year and had no other arrests.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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