First Time Again - Cover

First Time Again

The author asserts ownership of this material both for the purposes of copyright and because any legal bullshit beats none.

Chapter 30: A Neighbour for Lunch

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 30: A Neighbour for Lunch - Old fellah gradually collects some friends to share his interests in sex, diving, boating and mushrooms. They include a formerly hot young chick with a grandfather fetish who is now an old chick, a very well brought up Catholic girl, now exploring all sorts of new and exciting experiences, an old diving buddy with an interesting past, and some neighbours with their own secrets. As the story develops, the personal histories of the characters emerge. Various adventures follow.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Teen Siren   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Crime   Restart   First   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pegging   Petting   Sex Toys   Violence  

Pauline, Leslie, and Ryan had departed while I slept, and we had not discussed a meal with the Vaughans. Pauline had been present when I made a tentative arrangement for us all to meet them for a meal sometime this weekend. And now it was Saturday morning, so I busied myself with breakfast eggs and thought about what was next. Did Leslie overnight at Pauline’s place? Was she still there? Had Pauline talked to her and Ryan about meeting and eating with the Vaughans?

While I was cleaning up and considering these weighty matters, Sarah arrived. She was nervous, and stood in the porch for a moment despite my ‘Naumai Haere mai! Welcome! Come in!’ I offered coffee, and we sat in the lounge. Despite her nervousness, Sarah didn’t beat about the bush.

“Stan sent me over.” I Hmmed.

“We were talking about the trip and me turning on to you and you smelling me and turning on to me but not doing anything because we said we wouldn’t and him having the hots for Pauline and us potentially meeting Leslie and Ryan and maybe tripping and turning on with them and wondering how that might be and what could go wrong and we wondered if we might experiment - and “ Her torrent of words became a trickle and then stopped completely.


“What do you think?” I didn’t think. The only thing that was clear was that Sarah was here with Stan’s knowledge and agreement. She had come for something that probably involved sex, but exactly what that was remained uncertain, and if here was one thing my earlier adventures with sex and drugs had taught me, it was the importance of having everyone concerned on the same page. I played for time.

“About what?”

“About you and me getting it together.” Sarah looked anxious. I remembered her smell, and suddenly became super aware of my glans pressing against the front of my pants.

“I really like the idea.” She brightened visibly, and I went on. “So did you come to hang out with me, or talk about tripping and how that might work, or get an update about our discussions with Leslie, or what?”

“Stan sent me over to fuck you.” Sarah’s voice was flat, so I pushed. Not particularly skilfully

“Well I’m sure that was very nice of him – but what do you want?”

“I want you to stop being a jerk!” Sarah almost snarled. “This isn’t easy for me! Do I have to beg?”

“No but we both need to be very clear about who wants what, and when there are other relationships involved, how we expect the whole scenario to work.” Despite myself, I slipped into lecturing mode with just a touch of arrogant prickery. “Look, I’ve had lots of one night stands and more than a few ‘zipless fucks’, and there’s no question I turn on when you do.” I took a breath. “I’m turning on right now, but we might be friends and neighbours for a long time, and we all want to explore tripping and sex. I don’t want any misunderstandings to spoil that possibility, so I think it’s really important to talk about who wants what and who is up who - and who hasn’t paid!” Sarah relaxed and smiled.

“Never charged for it in my life!” She paused and became thoughtful. “That’s not quite true. When I was nine, I let a boy look at my fanny and charged him half a crown.” She grinned and I was relieved we were talking like friends again.

“Sin and debauchery!” Sara’s grin became a giggle.

“That’s exactly what Stan called it before we got snippy with each other this morning.” My face must have registered some disquiet, because Sarah hastened to reassure me. “We got through it very quickly – once I got that he wasn’t actually telling me what to do and wasn’t even trying to shut me up by sending me over here. He was just encouraging me to do what I already wanted.”

“So let’s have a cuddle and see where we get to.”

We adjourned to my bed and cuddled up, fully clothed. She was only the third woman I had been with in twenty odd years, and I was slightly embarrassed when I became aware that I was comparing her body with Leslie’s and Pauline’s. She was taller than either, still trim and compact, but considerably plumper. I palmed her breasts as we smooched for a while, the smooch gradually became kisses with tongue, and sure enough, I soon smelled Sarah’s arousal and turned on myself.

“Let’s get nekkid!” I shed my shirt and sweats very quickly, and turned to watch Sarah undressing.

And was gobsmacked.

She was furry! Not hairy, no untamed bush – just furry! Sarah sported a carpet of very tight black curls from a palmspan below her belly button to halfway down the inside of her thighs. The curls lay flat and tight and dense against her skin, and the fur they formed stretched all the way across her lower abdomen almost all the way out to her hip bones. The upper border was very well defined, probably waxed or lasered, but at the sides and down Sarah’s legs, the fur dwindled away gradually. She was slightly nervous about my reaction, but I was fascinated.

“Wow – that’s quite a carpet! And it matches the drapes!” We laughed together.

“I’ve had to shave to wear a swimsuit since I was twelve. Thank God for board shorts!”

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