Traffic Girl: Juliet - Cover

Traffic Girl: Juliet

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - After life-changing upheaval, John, Kat, Jess, and Rita have settled into a new routine. But old desires and needs start to creep into the picture. Can they have their cake and eat it, too? Or will they push the boundaries so far that they pass the point of no return? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Wife Watching   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Size  

Author’s Note: The feedback for the early chapters of Book 5 has been tremendous. To be honest, I really do struggle with the idea that our main characters are now parents, so my ultimate conclusion here is that I do want to give them their dreams in every facet. It’s a have-your-cake-and-it-too situation. So I admit that comes with jumping through hoops to suspend disbelief. I don’t want to make the kids characters in the book, and I ask that, in this world of fiction and fantasy, know the kids are there, well-cared for, and won’t see the impacts of what John, Kat, Jess, and Rita are doing in the times they aren’t together. Almost like a firewall between the activities. Maybe that’s unrealistic, but it’s how I view it.

It took us two days to recover from the events of our first Hollywood party. There had been a juvenile quality to the experience. It had been a long time since we had partied like that, and we went all-in, like teenagers would do. Or a rookie visitor to Vegas who goes too hard on the first night and burns out before the weekend is over. But after a couple days of normalcy, one thing became abundantly clear.

We were all ready – no, we were eager – to do it again. An old fire, smoldering as embers for more than a year, had burst into flames again.

“Was it really that wild?” Melanie asked me, passing the pre-rolled joint back to me.

We sat on the terrace of our house, sharing a sativa strain called super silver haze that had twenty-percent THC content. The high came quickly, and we were beautifully stoned before we finished the first joint.

“I’m probably forgetting plenty,” I said. I passed back the joint and held smoke in my lungs.

“Damn,” she said, then took another hit. She glanced at me over her sunglasses. “Jess said it was better than the football parties.”

I nodded.

“Yeah,” I said, exhaling. “I would agree with that assessment.”

We finished the joint and sparked another one.

“I’m glad you’re getting a day off,” I said. “Thanks for everything you did this weekend. I mean, every day, really. But ... you know what I mean.”

“I love this,” Melanie said. “I’m grateful for the opportunity. For a new life. This has been so much fun. I love kids.”

“You’re really good with them, too,” I said. “And, let’s face it. You’re part of the family.”

“We were talking,” I continued. “You deserve some time off. Cut loose. Do anything you want. We’re going to find some backup help to give you a break more often.”

“That’s really sweet of you guys,” Melanie said. “To tell the truth, I wouldn’t mind cutting loose. I get inside my own head too easily.”

“I used to do that all the time,” I said. “And then I realized it’s a lot easier to just trust yourself and your own judgment.”

“Easy for you to say, John,” she shot back. “You’ve got three perfect girlfriends and enough money that you stand to face very few consequences.”

I laughed. “I’m not sure about the second part of that, but I’ll concede the first,” I said.

“But I really could use some distraction,” Melanie said with a little flirtation in her voice.

It didn’t go any further, though, because at that moment Kat walked in, a bright blur of yellow in a fabulously flowing-yet-clingy sundress. She had been shopping while Jess and Rita played tennis.

“Hi daddy,” she said, falling back into my lap sideways. “I got some sexy finds. I think you’ll like them.”

“Are you going to model for me?” I asked.

“Where did you go?” Melanie asked. “I could use a refresh on a few pieces.”

“I’m such a sucker for Chanel and Dior,” Kat said casually. “It’s so much different here than in Houston. The selection is so much better.”

“I promised I’d treat myself to something at Hermes while we were here,” Melanie said. “My ex, for no reason, once said I wasn’t a Hermes kind of girl. I have no idea what he meant, but I always resented it.”

“Go shopping!” I said, as Kat slyly rubbed her hand on my thigh.

“You deserve it, Melanie!” Kat encouraged her.

“You know what,” Melanie said. “I’m going to. This really helps. Thanks.”

“Jess should be back soon,” Kat offered. “I bet she’d love to go with you.”

“Oh, I forgot, you and John have date night!” Melanie said. “Maybe I will.”

“You two could go out and just get some randoms!” Kat said enthusiastically.

“God, I probably haven’t done that since college!” Melanie said, a tinge of longing in her voice. “I’m going to go shower up and think about it. Maybe I’ll come up with a plan.”

“You might find some inspiration in the top left drawer of the vanity,” I told her, knowing there was a coke bullet in there.

Melanie smiled at me, processing my hint instantly. We watched her go inside, and Kat ground her sweet little butt on my lap a little harder.

“Were you smoking, daddy?” she asked.

“Just a couple joints,” I said.

“Where’s Juliet?” Kat inquired.

“It’s Tuesday,” I said. “Script reading day.”

“She is super disciplined,” Kat said with admiration.

“She said she’s getting passed three a week to read,” I said. “That must mean her agent is getting like thirty or forty.”

“Jesus,” Kat said.

“I can’t even imagine having such a regimented life,” I said.

“Oh, sure,” Kat teased, “mister I’m at the office nine-to-two every day.”

“Well, there I’m just checking to see if any cute new starlets are coming in for me to fuck,” I teased back.

“You’re such a slut, daddy,” Kat said, her eyes sparkled in the California sun. She kissed along my neck, playing hard to get by keeping her lips from mine.

“I would have thought Friday and Saturday would have quenched your thirst, Kitty Kat,” I said, knowing better.

Kat gave a soft, low purr.

“Daddy,” she said, drawing out the y-sound. “You know what happens when Kitty Kat comes out to play.”

My cock hardened, and she felt it on her thigh.

“You know I realize I loved you from the first moment I was ever inside you,” I said.

“I can’t believe I ever tried to be closed off from you emotionally,” she said. “I can’t believe I ever felt like you couldn’t be the center of my whole universe.”

Her lips melted into mine, and we kissed deeply, languorously for a few minutes.

“Get a room!”

The words rang out from behind us and shocked us out of the moment. Rita stood there, leaning on her tennis racket and smiling. Her face was ruddy. Her nipples poked through the sweaty Lululemon top she wore. Her skirt stuck to her thighs. It was obvious they had played hard. Jess popped out from the door and passed Rita a bottle of water.

“You two are as cute as ever,” Jess said, as flushed and sweaty as her playing partner.

“You two got a workout!” I said.

“Gotta keep it tight,” Rita said.

“Yeah, you never know when some Hollywood stud is going to walk through the door with a monster dick,” Jess said.

Everyone was in such a playful mood. I saw Jess and Rita making eyes at each other.

“So, uh, Melanie is taking a shower in our room,” I said. “I told her to look in the top drawer.” They all knew what that meant.

“You wanna go shower?” Jess asked Rita.

“Fuck yeah,” Rita said, licking her lips. Then she asked, “When do you take off for date night?”

“Any time,” Kat said.

“I guess any time,” I echoed.

Jess and Rita retreated inside. I grinned at Kat. She had insisted on planning our date night, and now that we were alone again, she grinned at me like a cheshire cat.

“So what are we doing?” I asked.

“Well, come with me and find out,” she said mysteriously.

“What should I wear?” I prodded.

“That’s fine,” she said, moving off my lap with a little shimmy.

“What should I bring?” I continued.

“You’re good, daddy,” she said with a half-roll of her eyes.

“You’re not going to tell me anything, are you?” I said rhetorically.

“Get your ass in the car,” she said.

And, just like that, we were speeding toward Beverly Hills, Kat behind the wheel of the Porsche. She kept giving me sidelong glances with an eager smile on her face. She was relishing this. I was taken truly by surprise.

“I don’t have my wallet,” I said as we pulled up to a stoplight.

“You don’t need it,” she said, her eyes invisible behind her brand new Chanel sunglasses.

“You’re killing me,” I said.

She gunned the engine.

“I know,” she said.

Kat liked to drive the Porsche fast, and she handled the descending curves leading to Sunset with skill. As we cruised down the boulevard, she told me to reach in her purse.

“This?” I said, holding up a coke bullet. We had brought them out of hibernation.

“Treat yourself,” she said.

I did four bumps. I closed my eyes while Kat sped along Sunset Boulevard. With the top down, the cocaine hitting my bloodstream, and the ferocious, controlled motion of the Porsche, I felt a wicked rush. I wanted her.

“You look so fucking hot,” I said, looking at her with lust.

“Thank you, darling,” Kat said, flashing her TV smile as broadly as ever.

“Where are we going?” I became chatty.

“Nope,” she said. “We’re only five minutes away.”

Patience wasn’t easy, but I made it. We pulled up to the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills. At the valet, Kat grabbed her purse.

“Don’t we need, I don’t know, luggage or something?” I said.

Kat just smiled at me.

“How’s it feel to have the shoe on the other foot?” she asked with faux haughtiness.

I rolled my eyes at her. She had turned the tables.

She led us briskly past the registration desk in the lobby, her yellow dress truly a burst of sunshine in the airy, earth-toned colors dominating the hotel’s color palette.

“Don’t we need to check in?” I asked, still full of questions, as she pressed the up button on the elevator.

“Mobile check-in, daddy,” she said, batting her eyelashes. “And a digital key.”

We boarded the elevator, and before the doors had closed, Kat was on her knees in front of me.

“I want your dick so badly, daddy,” she said.

She looked up at me, her hazel eyes wide and taking on a more green tone against the backdrop of her yellow dress. Any words that might have materialized stuck in my throat as Kat unzipped my jeans and lovingly took out my cock. I followed the elevator’s floor-by-floor beeps and watched the crisp, white numbers change on the LED. Two, three, four. Kat’s hands were warm, and she gently stroked me. It never took much from her to spur the ultimate response from me. She slapped my hardening cock against her cheek. There was a glow about Kat at that moment. Something burned inside her. I had almost forgotten about it because we had been so domesticated for so long. This was the old Kitty Kat on her knees in front of me. And it was the old Kitty Kat who took my cock down her throat so easily in a single forward plunge of her head, it made my eyes roll back in their sockets.

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