Traffic Girl: Juliet - Cover

Traffic Girl: Juliet

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 49

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 49 - After life-changing upheaval, John, Kat, Jess, and Rita have settled into a new routine. But old desires and needs start to creep into the picture. Can they have their cake and eat it, too? Or will they push the boundaries so far that they pass the point of no return? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Wife Watching   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Size  

Author’s Note: Thanks for your patience. The longer chapters take a bit more planning and curating. But I think you’re all enjoying them as much as I do. Please enjoy this one!

For a couple weeks after the swinger party, the whirlwind of events we had been caught up in finally calmed down. Rita continued her substitute gig as a weather girl again, but it was apparent she had gotten tired of being back under the hot lights of the set. She had a couple more weeks to go, but she was already eager to step out of the spotlight.

Jess was wrapped up in a lot of Daydream activity, which was a welcome distraction from the ongoing Infinity drama in Houston – although that would soon come to a close. Daydream was producing a feature-length film every two weeks now, with two web vignettes posted every week. The new talent lineup meshed extremely well, and there was a burst of creativity in the company. At the same time, the launch of Daydream Fantasy companionship packages had exploded. And not entirely in the way we had anticipated. As predicted, the girls were extremely popular among Infinity’s established clientele. What wasn’t expected, however, was the Infinity men became a hot commodity at discreet bachelorette and swingers parties.

But that infusion of Daydream Fantasy into Infinity also had a modest ripple effect on the regular girls, who were getting less work – a modest decline but noticeable enough. But Jess had an easy solution for that, similar to what she had previously implemented in Houston. She simply bumped up the regular lineup’s share of appointment fees and increased their bonus structure. The downside of that was that Jess was taking less of a cut, and it was a significant enough reduction that we put the topic of whether she should stay involved with the agency on the table for discussion.

There was one other major development with Infinity that was a product of the demand realignment that had occurred. Crystal and Bianka decided to retire. Jason was making more than enough money for all of them now, and the two of them were devoted to carving out a happy life in LA for all three of them. It had been a bombshell, but one we’d quickly gotten used to.

On top of all that, two other things had taken off. First, Riley had followed through on her promise to introduce Katie to her voice coach. And Katie had begun twice weekly sessions with her. Katie had such an honest and immediate passion to become a “real” singer, as she described it, that all of us were impressed with her focus. At the same time, we teased her about trying to keep her talent a secret from us.

Second, Kat was preparing her first harvest from six marijuana plants she had grown, the maximum allowed for personal use under California law. After our getaway to Napa, she had become fascinated by gardening. From time to time, she and Jess still made their own edibles, and she thought it would be fun to grow our own weed. So she had set about it with enthusiasm and rigor. Now, we were a few days away from gathering what Kat estimated to be more than two pounds – about forty-two ounces – of bud from her first attempt. She had chosen banana kush because it was supposed to be easy to grow, and that deduction had been proven correct.

While we had a lot going on – as we always seemed to – it had been a great couple of weeks to slow down a bit and reconnect with just us. Of course, we never could sit still for that long. And, after Henry and Riley’s surprise visit to our swingers party, the girls had kept up with Riley, and Jason and I had kept up with Henry. In particular, I had initiated discussions with him and Petey about his desire to explore movies.

So we had set up a dinner party, inviting them to join us, Juliet and Melanie, and Jason, Crystal, and Bianka at our place. We could talk a little business, but we could also bring Henry and Riley into the fold of our group some more, since they had indicated a greater comfort with taking things slowly. They were welcome additions, and we were looking forward to an opportunity to explore this budding friendship.

Kat had made the brilliant suggestion of making it a supremely casual pool party, with plenty of weed and simple food. Very simple food. Street tacos, to be exact, from a taco truck at Venice and La Brea she loved, especially for its al pastor. It was perfect.

Because we were untethered by work at the moment, we decided a mid-afternoon start time on Wednesday would be ideal. “Why not?” was the full extent of our thinking. We did it because we could. It turned out to be a remarkable day.

It was a stunning late summer day in LA. The sun shone, and the smog was barely noticeable. Our pool was a perfect 87 degrees, and my girls were perfect visions in skimpy bikinis. They loved the sun and were soaking it up in earnest. I divided my attention between enjoying the weather and leering at the tempting sea of flesh surrounding me. The girls had favored variations on string thong bikinis by Los Angeles Apparel that summer. They were sexy, revealing, and retained a bit of design flair that the girls liked.

We started the day off slowly, sipping on rosé and Champagne and smoking a lot of weed from our hookah. Well, except for Katie. She still didn’t smoke, and she had even dialed back on cocaine since she started her singing lessons. But, with a week off before her next session, she was all-in on making it snow in sunny Los Angeles today.

We were pleasantly high and tipsy by the time Juliet and Melanie joined us, shortly after lunchtime. We smoked some more and played a little grabass in the pool until Jason arrived with Crystal and Bianka.

“I like this ratio,” Jason said as he greeted me.

“We might have a chance,” I said with a laugh.

“Carly wants a meeting next week,” he said. “Get things moving.”

“Awesome,” I said as I poured out two bottles of rosé to keep everyone satisfied. “This is going to be big, one way or another.”

We toasted glasses and admired the shimmering water filled with gorgeous, bronzed bodies.

“So, uh, what’s the situation tonight?” Jason asked. “Is this like the last party or what?”

“I mean, I think so,” I said. “That’s the intent. We kind of wanted to have a more mellow introduction to things for Riley and Henry, you know, ease them into it.”

“Sounds like fun,” Jason said, but I knew there was something behind it.

“You know how it goes, brother,” I said. “I just let the girls drive it. If they want to play, I’m down to play.”

“It still just feels a little weird to, you know, come over and have messing around with, well, anyone be on the table,” he said, a touch awkwardly.

“That’s basically right,” I said. “That’s the dream.” And I added a little laugh.

“But, I don’t know, I guess I mean,” he said, “like it’s not weird that I fucked Kat?”

“You used to pay to fuck her, you know,” I said.

“Yeah, but, I guess, this feels a little different,” he said.

“Did it feel different?” I asked, poking at him a bit.

“Not really,” he admitted.

“Do you want to fuck her today?” I continued.

“Well, uh, sure,” he said. “If it works out that way.”

“If she wants to, go for it, man,” I said. “That’s how this works. I’ve had more time to get used to it, and we haven’t really talked about it all that much.”

“True,” Jason said.

“Does it bother you when I fuck Crystal?” I asked.

“Not a bit,” he said. “It’s, in a weird way, exciting.”

“There,” I said. “Now you know exactly how I feel.”

“I guess I just feel like I should pinch myself,” he said.

“Dude, you’re my best friend,” I said. “Our girls are all really close friends. They’ve done some crazy shit together. And we’ve got, well, we have different values. Part of that is we’re okay with sex for the sake of the fun and enjoyment that is sex. Let me ask you a question. Do you love Kat? Jess? Rita?”

“No,” he said, but quickly added, “I mean, not like that. Not romantic love. They’re great.”

“Everybody is here with their eyes wide open,” I said. “You can either be jealous of it or get enjoyment out of it. For me, I really enjoy it. I love this openness we have. It’s unique, and it’s cool. But it only works if we’re transparent and make the conscientious choice to be a part of it. If anybody doesn’t want to? That’s okay.”

“That’s so true,” Jason agreed. “You put it better than I could have.”

“That’s why I get paid the big bucks,” I said, and we laughed.

“It does add some really delicious spice not knowing who you might get to fuck on any given trip over here,” Jason said with a laugh.

We refilled our glasses and joined the girls in the pool, and I noticed that Jason immediately went to chat with Kat, Katie, and Bianka. At the same time, Crystal cornered me right away. She was smoking a bowl and grinning at me.

“Want to shotgun a hit with me, John?” she asked, her eyes bloodshot. This wasn’t her first weed of the day.

“How could I say no to that?” I said, obviously glancing up and down at her tits.

Crystal’s nipples were outrageously erect, and her tits bobbed in the water like flotation devices. Her white bikini was the very definition of skimpy. She had already packed the bowl and grabbed a lighter from the side of the pool. She held the bowl, a typical glass pipe but made in a pearl pink color, and lit up. As she held the pipe to her lips, she raised her leg in the pool, grinding her knee gently into my crotch. When she finished a deep inhale, she smiled at me, her lips looking plumper than normal, and her dimples shining as usual. I moved closer to her, putting my left hand behind her back and pulling her close to me. She put her lips to mine, just grazing them, and teased me lightly with her tongue as she shotgunned the acrid smoke into my mouth. It hit my lungs hard, but I stifled a cough and held it. After several seconds, I exhaled it all over her bikini-clad tits. We shared the rest of the bowl with Bianka, who had joined us.

“Jason and I were just talking about what the plan is for tonight,” I said, glancing back and forth at the girls. I marveled at how smooth and supple Bianka’s skin was. She had the perfect tan.

“My plan is the same as always,” Crystal said, giggling. “I’m going to get fucked by someone or several someones, and I’m going to have my perfect boyfriend clean me up.”

“I love this little niche we’ve created,” Bianka said. “It creates so much freedom to explore.”

“That’s exactly what we were talking about,” I said. “I like to explore.”

“I have some deep caves that might interest you,” Bianka said, holding back a laugh.

“It’s been a while,” I said. “I miss it.”

“You can come take her anytime you want,” Crystal said. “I think if I’m free-use to you, Bianka should be, too.”

“It makes sense since we live together,” Bianka agreed.

The tacos arrived and, a few minutes later, our guests of honor rang the doorbell. Riley and Henry looked the part of pop stars. Riley wore dark sunglasses, a broad-brimmed beach hat, a snug black tank top, a pair of short, tight jean shorts, and chunky black Prada heels. Henry wore a white linen button-down, forest green shorts, and bright white Prada low-top sneakers.

To keep the casual tone we wanted to set, I greeted them at the door with Kat, Jess, Rita, and Katie. It was a boisterous reunion. Riley carried a magnum of Dom Perignon and held it high in the air, like she would a microphone at a concert when she encouraged the crowd to sing along with her. There were hugs all around, and we quickly moved into the kitchen.

“Oh my god! Tacos!” Riley cried. “My favorite!”

“Hell yeah,” Henry said.

We headed out to the pool, where everyone enthusiastically welcomed Riley and Henry. Kat and I followed behind with platters of tacos, plates, and then more Champagne in ice buckets. We ate right away, the munchies driving healthy appetites for most of us. The bubbly flowed like water, and within an hour, we all gravitated toward the pool. Riley and Henry created quite the stir, Riley simply because she looked stunning in a bikini. Her body was flawless, the perfect girl next door. But Henry stripped off his shorts and revealed a tight Speedo that caused all the girls to look twice because of the bulge in his crotch.

As the empty bottles piled up, and tipsiness turned into full-on buzzes, the tenor of the party shifted to even more hedonistic focus. It started when Rita and I were chatting with Riley in the shallow end. She moved close to us and, in an unnecessary whisper, said, “Do you guys have some of that amazing snow around?”

Rita smiled and said, “Sweetie, we have enough to start a ski resort.”

“Well, in that case,” Riley said, “why don’t we jump on the lift and fly down this mountain!”

The three of us bumped into Katie on our way inside, and she enthusiastically joined our mission to light a fire under the gathering.

“Let’s have a blizzard then!” she said enthusiastically, joining the snow theme.

I stood next to Riley on the opposite side of the bar, watching Rita and Katie swing into action. They retrieved a large bag of cocaine that had already been prepared. It was pillowy and light, like powdered sugar. And we all marveled at its beauty as Rita dumped out two large piles, one each on a silver tray.

“Now this will be a party,” Rita said.

She and Katie went to work, quickly and skillfully working the mountains into lines. Riley watched, enraptured, her lips just slightly parted.

“You know the most amazing thing about doing coke?” Riley said.

“What?” I asked.

The carbon fiber cards in the girls’ hands went tap-tap-tap, like the rhythm to one of Riley’s songs.

“Before every show, the very last thing I do before going on stage is to have five minutes alone in my dressing room,” she said. “Totally alone. I get a lot of adrenaline because I love it. I love walking out on stage to twenty or fifty or seventy thousand people. But I always cut myself two pretty lines of coke, and I do them. Then I walk out on stage – and rush for that on its own is incredible. It’s like nothing else. But when I do it as that coke hits me at the same time? It’s the best fucking feeling in the world. It’s like I’m invincible.”

As she spoke, she moved her hand to my thigh and squeezed it gently. It made my cock stir.

“I’m pretty sure this will make you feel pretty close to invincible,” Rita said, passing up Riley a couple lines on a small mirror that she had cut just for her. She handed her a straw, and Riley unflinchingly tucked her hair behind her ears and bent over. I stole a look at her ass, which was small and firm in her classic-cut bikini. Then I turned back to watch her. My cock was screaming in my swimsuit as I watched the pop princess line up the straw with the soft crystals, pinch her right nostril shut, and vacuum up the coke with elegant ease. She closed her eyes and gave out a pleased sigh, but she didn’t even look up. She simply repeated the action for the other side, tapped the straw on the mirror to release any powder that had stuck, then ran her finger across the mirror to gather the remains.

Then Riley surprised me. She didn’t rub it on her gums. Instead, she turned to me, held up her finger, and said, “Want the last little bit?”

I nodded and leaned forward. She reached her finger up and rubbed it all over my gums. She had a vixen-like smile as she did it, and her eyes danced.

“I don’t know where you get this cocaine, but it’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to that feeling of stepping out on stage after doing a couple lines,” she said. “It’s almost scary how good it is.”

It struck me that, when Riley spoke, she took the attention of everyone around her. The charisma that exuded from her was at Juliet’s level and perhaps even surpassed it. But Katie had managed to finish cutting a couple dozen lines.

“I’m going to take these out,” she said. “Let the others join in the fun!”

Rita was just finishing up the last couple.

“Do you mind if I help myself before we go back outside?” Rita asked. “Just to sample the goods.”

“Of course,” Riley said, and I nodded in agreement.

Rita quickly made two lines disappear, then made her tits shimmy when she held her nose and let her body shake to soak up the high.

“Okay! I’m ready to go!” she said.

Rita picked up the tray and led us toward the door. Then Riley said something that made me do a double-take.

“I don’t know how you can keep so polite, John,” she said.

“How so?” I asked.

“If I were you, I’d do every line off Rita’s tits,” Riley said. “They’re absolutely perfect.”

Rita briefly turned back and blushed.

“You’re too sweet,” she said. “And if you ever want to try it ... well, I love it when anyone does coke off my tits.”

“Then count on me doing my next pair off of your pair,” Riley said with a breezy laugh.

They giggled, and we went outside. Rita placed the mirror on the long table under the covered patio, next to the one Katie had carried. Katie had stepped aside after doing two lines, and Kat, Jess, Juliet, Melanie, Bianka, and Jason lined up behind her to take their turns. The only two people missing were Crystal and Henry, who were locked in deep flirtation. She had her legs wrapped around him, and his eyes were close to tit level. Her dimples were deep as she laughed at something he said. But they soon noticed they were the only ones not circling around the cocaine. They held hands as they approached the table.

The first tray of cocaine was wiped clean after one round. It served as a runway for the party to take off. We cranked up the music – a pop mix that included a lot of Riley and Henry’s stuff – and lost ourselves in the haze of good times. Part of that haze was literal, with a cloud of weed smoke going up over the pool. There was also a regular parade of dripping bodies climbing out of the water to hit the coke.

As the afternoon turned into evening, and the bright LA sun started to soften, the party slowly morphed into a handful of smaller groupings. Some of them were surprising, others less so. Henry had kept a laser-like focus on Crystal and Katie, especially after their tops came off. Riley, who had lovely b-cup breasts, told us Henry was a sucker for amazing tits. The three of them were teasing each other mercilessly in what everyone knew would become a threesome before too long.

Jason sat on the edge of the pool, and Kat and Bianka were bobbing in the water in front of him. I knew exactly what was going on. Bianka was trying to seduce Kat into bed with them. It wouldn’t take much, but it was fun to watch Bianka and Kat tease each other, preening in front of my best friend. On the opposite side of the pool, a similar but more surprising scene unfolded. Juliet sat on the edge, smoking the hookah, and Jess and Melanie each rested an arm on one of Juliet’s thighs. They were kissing and teasing one another, taking occasional hits from the hookah, too, when Juliet offered them the hose.

That left Rita, Riley, and me. We had toweled off after sharing a joint in the pool and walked back to the patio in search of cocaine. Both trays had been wiped clean. That explained the ramped up sexual tension among us.

“No big deal,” Rita said. “There’s plenty more inside.”

“Yeah, let’s go,” Riley said. “Because you owe me those lines off your boobs.”

And that’s how, a few minutes later, I was watching the biggest popstar in the world take a line of cocaine off Rita’s tits. She cleaned up the powder via a glass straw, pinched her nose, then gave a long, sultry lick across the crown of Rita’s breast.

“I have a confession,” Riley said.

“Oh yeah?” Rita said, her words clipped and neck going flush.

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