Traffic Girl: Juliet
Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking
Chapter 4
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - After life-changing upheaval, John, Kat, Jess, and Rita have settled into a new routine. But old desires and needs start to creep into the picture. Can they have their cake and eat it, too? Or will they push the boundaries so far that they pass the point of no return? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Romantic Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Cheating Sharing Wife Watching Light Bond Rough Spanking Gang Bang Group Sex Orgy Polygamy/Polyamory Swinging Anal Sex Analingus Cream Pie Double Penetration Exhibitionism Facial Oral Sex Squirting Tit-Fucking Voyeurism Public Sex Size
Author’s Note: Welcome to part two of our epic Hollywood fuck fest! I’m having fun showing this new-ish side of our foursome’s lifestyle. I hope you are, too. Keep the feedback coming!
“Daddy!” Kat squealed when she saw us approaching. “You’ll never believe who’s here!”
Patrick turned around and grinned at me. It was a warm, friendly greeting between us.
“John, it’s been too long,” he said, setting down the mirror on a nearby side table and shaking my hand firmly.
“Patrick, really nice to see you,” I said. “Quite the party!”
“Is this your first time at one of these?” he asked like a veteran as he leered at Rita’s tits, which were perilously close to spilling into the open.
“Patrick, this is our girlfriend Rita,” Kat said. “I don’t think you’ve met her before.”
“Enchanting,” Patrick said and kissed her hand. Rita giggled. He turned his attention to the larger group and said, “I’m helping Natasha here with her first double penetration this evening.”
The eyes of our small group fell on a petite, busty brunette wearing alluring black lingerie and nothing else. She had a bob haircut that truly suited her, a short nose, and an elegance about her undercut by how coked out she was. She grinned and slowly nodded her head, while her hand unsteadily pinched her nose. Still, she braced herself on six-inch heels and bent down to snort one more line before joining the conversation.
“I’m going to have like two feet of dick inside me!” she said happily. “Come find us. I’m sure the boys won’t mind if you watch.”
“We might do that,” Kat said. “Right now, if I don’t get a dick inside me, I’m going to scream!”
“You’re welcome to join us, Kat,” Patrick said confidently.
“Maybe in a little bit,” Kat said.
“Let’s go find Juliet,” Rita suggested. “And Jess.”
“You’re here with Juliet Lawson?” Patrick said, looking past the girls and to me. I nodded. “Fucking impressed, bro.”
Patrick put his arm around Natasha and guided her away, along with the other man, upstairs to a bedroom. We started our hunt for Jess and Juliet, but it took no time at all. They were with the action movie star, who was still laid out shirtless. Juliet took her turn doing a line off his chiseled stomach while Jess started to lewdly paw at his crotch, fumbling for his button and zipper.
“Careful, Jess,” Juliet said. “It’s an absolute monster. And he knows how to use it. I found out last year.”
“I can’t believe you’re just treating me like a piece of meat,” the actor said sarcastically.
Juliet smiled at me as she slipped her hand in mind.
“Maybe we should all go find somewhere a little bit more private?” she suggested.
“Best idea I’ve heard all night,” the action hero said, sitting up effortlessly. He had fashionable stubble, thick locks of sandy blonde hair that gave him a Greek god look, and bulging muscles everywhere you looked. And the girls all looked at one in particular.
“Hey, I’m John,” I said, introducing myself.
“Hey, man, I’m Ryan,” he said. His hands were more like bear paws, massive and seemingly as muscled as the rest of him. “Looks like we’ve got a little bit of a party set for us.”
“With these girls, I always just say I hope I can keep up,” I said, and he laughed.
“Always easier to triage it between us,” he said.
Juliet, with Jess in tow, led us confidently to a sumptuous bedroom on the second floor at the rear of the house. Kat and Rita walked with me, not speaking but communicating very clearly that they needed sex. French doors leading to a terrace stood open, letting in the sounds of revelry that came from the expansive backyard and pool area. Like other rooms we had seen as we walked past, this also was lit with candles. In a sitting area in front of the California king-sized bed, a coffee table held a mini-smorgasbord of drugs, including more cocaine than the six of us could do no matter how hard we tried. Ryan made a bee-line for the blow.
“I’ve been the coke table long enough,” he said. “Who’s going to let me snort some off their tits?”
His eyes could have bored a hole through the fabric of Rita’s dress while he said it, and she took the hint.
“I suppose it’s only fair that I repay the favor,” she said, pulling her clothes off with surprising eagerness. All that remained was a skimpy black thong. Her nipples were erect, and I saw her neck was flush.
“Good god almighty,” Ryan breathed. “Those are fucking exquisite.”
He wasted no time using a heavy titanium card to scoop up a healthy bit of coke and dumping it on Rita’s breasts. I’d never seen her look at another man like she was now. Her eyes burned with lust, and I felt a twinge of jealousy. Ryan took the card and, with the passion of a sculptor, shaped two curved lines that traced the curve of Rita’s breasts and ended near her nipples.
I glanced at the other girls, who were stirring a clear liquid into the Champagne glasses they still held.
“It’s liquid molly,” I heard Juliet say. “Not cut with anything. We really should booty bump it sometime – I bet that would be heaven – but this will do.”
My attention turned back to Ryan and Rita, though, when I heard the actor start snorting the coke off her tits. His inhalation was forceful, like the rest of his mannerisms. He had charisma but also a laid back vibe, like he was completely comfortable regardless of the situation. The coke disappeared, and with confident ease licked Rita’s breasts to get the remaining crumbs. Once the coke was gone, he didn’t stop. He had a long tongue, and it snaked around Rita’s nipples in turn.
“Oh my god,” Rita gasped, her gaze fixed on me. She was helpless. Either she couldn’t say stop or didn’t want to. In the moment, it didn’t matter.
But then Jess and Juliet stepped forward, slicing through the sexual tension of the moment.
“Two lines aren’t enough for a superhero,” Juliet said, referencing Ryan’s most famous role. “Do you want to do one off Jess’s ass or my pussy?”
“I can’t have both?” Ryan said with an electric smile.
“You can have anything you want,” Juliet said, voice dripping with seduction.
It was shocking and erotic to see Juliet in her element like this. I had seen how sexually charged she could become. I had seen her with other men. I knew her well enough that I understood her delight in taking control, particularly among her Hollywood peers.
“That ass has been calling my name,” Ryan said, taking a handful of Jess’s perfect cheeks.
“I need a line,” Rita said. Her eyes remained fixed on mine. “Join me?”
Kat, who had been biting her lower lip and watching the whole scene unfold, was now on her knees before the coffee table, portioning out cocaine into generous lines. Acting as if she had just wandered out of the desert and had come across a freshwater spring, Rita sidled up to the table and helped herself to two lines. Kat and I knelt on either side of her.
“I don’t know if I can control myself,” Rita said, her breathing labored.
“You don’t have to,” I said.
“The only rule is no jealousy,” Kat said.
“No jealousy tonight,” Rita said, “and no other rules apply. Tonight. I’m thinking about tomorrow. And beyond.”
Despite being coked to the gills, Rita maintained an exemplary clarity of thought. She took a long swig of her molly-infused Champagne.
“Then follow your instincts,” I said.
“They never fail you,” Kat agreed, just before she snorted two lines of her own and handed the straw to me. She washed down the coke with her own molly-laced beverage.
Rita waited for me to hit the coke before she said, “I really want to suck your dick.”
She lunged for my pants, unzipping them and fishing out my cock, which had been raging hard for what seemed like forever. I craned my neck around just in time to see Ryan inhale a massive line of coke from Jess’s ass crack. He gave her cheeks a swat and marveled at how beautiful it was.
“Show me that dick, stud, and I’ll tell you if you can stick it in my forbidden hole,” Jess said.
“Oh, honey, it’s not forbidden,” Juliet teased. “You’re such an anal slut.”
“Anal whore, baby,” Jess corrected her. “Anal whore.”
They all laughed. Rita swallowed my cock, and Kat, wired and desperately horny, shed her dress. She dipped two fingers inside her cunt and pulled them out, sticky and gleaming. She kissed me briefly, then traced her wet fingers over my lips.
“Taste me, daddy,” she said, and I obediently licked my lips.
Then she traced them again before kissing me once more. Behind us, I heard Juliet giggle. Her dress dropped to the floor in a rustle of fabric. She commented about being glad she had gotten her pussy waxed so that Ryan could put a line of cocaine just above her lips.
“I taste so good,” Kat said in a quiet voice, barely audible above the slurping sounds coming from Rita’s mouth as she gave me head. “Do you see how turned on you make me, daddy?”
I kissed her back and added, “I think Patrick had something to do with that.”
“Mmm, daddy, you know what a slut I am deep down,” Kat said in her playful tone. “And Patrick is so special because his dick is so big. He fucks you, and he just owns you. You could be such a good girl, and once he’s inside you, you’re totally under his control. It feels that good.”
“Jesus, girl,” Rita said, pulling her mouth off my cock with a pop. A string of spit clung to her tongue. “He’s a hunk, but just how big is that dick?”
“Eleven-and-a-quarter inches,” Kat said confidently. Then she licked my ear again and whispered, “I know because I measured it last time he fucked me. Do you remember that, daddy?”
Rita had returned to sucking me, and I could only nod my head.
“Patrick has the biggest dick I’ve ever had,” Kat continued. I sensed mischief in her voice.
“Do you want to fuck him again, Kitty Kat?” I asked, almost holding my breath.
“Oh, daddy, of course I want to fuck him again,” she admitted. “I’m a size queen. I always have been. I automatically get wet for a man with a big dick. But do you think Patrick would want a MILF whose pussy is probably stretched out? Fuck, this molly is hitting me so hard right now. I’m never going to get enough dick tonight, no matter what.”
I sensed she was playing a game, but there was an undercurrent of truth in it. Kat had been cooped up – happily and by choice – for eighteen months. She had built up wild oats that needed to be sewn. I understood her. I identified with her. I decided to play along to see just how deeply ingrained the desire was. I was at the same level myself, anyway, because Rita’s mouth was just so damn skilled. The coke, the scene, the wanton permissiveness of it all just hit incredibly hard.
“Kitty Kat has been in her kennel too long,” I said. “Anyone who isn’t crazy would want to fill that tight MILF cunt any chance they got.”
“God, daddy, do you mean that?” she asked, and I wasn’t quite sure what it was referring to.
“Of course I do,” I said, matching her wicked grin. There was an old fire passing between us. The kind of electricity that we felt when we would go to Las Vegas shortly after we had started our affair originally.
Then Rita suddenly pulled her head off of me. She had been listening to every bit of dirty talk passing between Kat and me.
“If you’re going to play with someone, baby,” she said to Kat, “I want to taste his cum.”
“You are going to just live on cum from now on, aren’t you?” Kat said playfully, leaning over so she could lightly kiss Rita.
“I don’t know what has happened to me since I got pregnant,” Rita said. “I think about cum all the time. Seriously. I just want to drink it, play with it, taste it.” She gave Kat one more quick peck before kissing me briefly. “John, don’t you dare ever waste a drop of that sweet sperm ever again. I don’t care if you jerk off into a glass for me. I want all of it.”
“Fuck,” I groaned.
“That is so sexy,” Kat said, licking her lips. “Just promise you’ll share some with me.”
My head was spinning at how erotic this whole party had become, but our attention was diverted as we heard Jess cry out in ecstatic bliss. Kat and Rita began to stroke my cock as we turned and watched the final piece of our blissful foursome impale herself on the Coke-can-thick cock of Ryan. Her face contorted in a combination of pain and pleasure as the fearsome shaft split her puffy, wet, and perfectly smooth lips open. It was a hypnotic scene, and it spurred Kat and Rita on to even greater heights of desire.
“That’s it, Jess!” Juliet cried from her perch next to Ryan’s chest, where she was just swinging her leg over him to plant her pussy on his face.
“Goddamn, this slut is tight,” Ryan grunted.
Kat and Rita didn’t want to be left out of the action. Kat, standing on the floor, bent over the side of the bed, putting her face tantalizingly close to the spearing motion of Jess riding Ryan’s cock. Rita gripped my cock and guided it toward Kat’s pussy, which was so wet and aroused that I swore I could see it throbbing. But instead of plunging me inside, she rubbed my shaft over and around her quivering, impeccably smooth opening.
“Don’t tease me, daddy,” Kat begged.
“He’s not,” Rita said flatly. “I am.” She gave a short giggle.
“God, please,” Kat moaned. “I need it. I’ve never needed a dick so bad in my life!”
Rita let go of my cock and stuck her tongue in my ear.
“Give it to her, baby,” she breathed. “Fuck our perfect little slut until she creams all over your big dick.”
I was already buried to the hilt by the time Rita finished talking, and Kat was crying out in near-orgasmic pleasure already. I intentionally got into a rhythm that mimicked that of Jess, as she rode Ryan’s impressive cock in front of me. After having kept her eyes closed as she took the movie star inside and got used to his length and girth, Jess opened them and found herself staring straight at me.
“I’m so full, my love,” she said dreamily.
“You’re such an incredible slut,” I told her, my cock utterly dripping with Kat’s juices.
“It’s been so long since we’ve gone wild,” she added.
“We need to be wild sometimes,” Rita said, dropping to her knees to sample the sticky nectar gathering on my balls.
Juliet screamed out in orgasm as she rode Ryan’s face.
“Motherfucker!” she cried. “I swear your tongue’s so long it’s like it’s fucking me!”
And in a sudden shift, she hopped off her fellow Hollywood A-lister and bounced over to kiss me.
“Is this everything you had hoped, darling?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” I said. “I think it’s more. But we’ve got such a long way to go.”
“We do, darling, we definitely do,” Juliet said. “We have barely gotten started tonight!”
She pulled Rita away from licking my cock and balls as I fucked Kat, pushing her to the cocaine.
“I want a line off your tits, too, Rita!” she said enthusiastically.
And the moment impressed itself on my brain. I was balls deep in Kat, with Jess a couple feet away being driven to ecstasy by the biggest cock she’d had since Dr. V. Then, to my side, Juliet snorted up a line of coke off Rita’s tits and then began to suck her nipples. Rita pulled a page from Juliet’s book and dumped a generous bump of coke on the starlet’s young, firm, perfect tits and re-upped her own high.
“I love your tits,” Rita said as she licked the rest of the coke up.
“Kat’s being a dick hog,” Juliet said breezily. “You should get some. Then me.”
Kat didn’t hear them because she broke out into orgasmic cries, which were met by Jess’s own. The room veritably shook with climaxes. Rita bent over the bed next to Kat, so I cruelly pulled out of one sopping pussy and bottomed out in another one.
“Baby, yes!” Rita said. “That’s just what this dirty girl needed!”
Kat stood up and gave me a look with glazed eyes. This wasn’t just cocaine. This was lust, a pure wanton level of desire I had rarely seen in her. She nearly attacked my face.
“You made me cum so hard, daddy,” she said, still trying to fully calm her breath. “And it didn’t do anything to quench how horny I am.”
With a flip of her hair, she took her turn with the cocaine straw, again savoring the powder that spurred her to greater and greater sexual obsession. She stopped and kissed Juliet, and after a lingering moment, they pulled back.
“Let’s go explore,” Juliet said.
“Yes!” Kat said, taking Juliet’s hand, and they bounced off together, nude and flying high on cocaine.
Jess was ripping through her second and third orgasms at the hands of Ryan’s cock, and it sounded like she was losing her mind with pleasure. She emitted incoherent, high-pitched screams that could only be described as a desperate plea for more. Rita urged me on with dirty talk.
“Give me that perfect cock, baby,” she said. “Oh, god! You’re going to make me cum! I’m going to fucking squirt! You motherfucker! I’m going to! Fuck! Fuck! John!”
Rita blew like a geyser. Despite being bent over the bed, she squirted halfway up it and would have covered Jess and Ryan if she hadn’t been slightly to their left. Seeing her explode spurred me on, and I fucked Rita with frantic determination. She squirted again. I kept up the relentless assault with my cock, and Rita reached out her hand for Jess, who took it. The girls held hands and moved their bodies in tandem. I watched Jess, seeing her stomach bulge each time that she fully impaled herself on Ryan’s cock. She was drunk on the pleasure of fucking him. Rita was close to cumming again, but then Ryan announced he was going to blow. Jess bucked her hips even faster, to the point that Ryan’s prodigious cock slipped out of her just as he nutted.
“Ah, fuck!” Ryan groaned, partly in pleasure and partly in dismay at having slipped out of Jess.
Instinctively, Jess grabbed hold of his massive member and leaned point, causing his cock to point up at her torso. And Ryan came like a fucking superhero. His entire body shuddered, and he ejaculated ropes of cum from Jess’s belly to her neck, even nearly shooting on her face. I’d never seen anything like it. I don’t think Rita had, either, because we both simply stopped to watch what was happening. Rita looked at me, her hair tossed and wild, her pussy puffy from our insatiable fucking. She bit her lip.
“Will you get mad if I lick it up?” she asked sweetly.
“Absolutely not,” I said, shaking my head.
Grinning, Rita crawled over to Jess, who eagerly greeted her with a kiss.
“This is so much fucking cum,” Rita marveled, then flicked her tongue out to lick up the first dollop as it ran down Jess’s neck.
“I’m so warm and sticky,” Jess said happily.
Ryan pushed himself up and rolled off the bed. His cock swung as he casually walked toward me and clapped me on the back with one of his massive hands.
“Fuck, man,” he said, “your girlfriends?”
I nodded with a shit-eating grin.
“Incredible,” he said. “What a trip!”
He sauntered out of the room and back to the party, and I let my eyes feast on the smoldering intimacy of Rita lovingly cleaning every bit of sperm off Jess.
“My god,” Jess said, throwing her head back as Rita’s tongue criss-crossed her skin. “I’m going to be so sore tomorrow.”
I leaned toward her and met her in a sloppy kiss.
“You are such a hot fucking slut,” I said.
“I’m hoping it’ll pay off,” Jess said with a wry smile. “Ryan said he was interested in Infinity after I told him about it.”
“Oh, really?” I said.
Jess merely nodded, then leaned back as Rita worked her way down to her cunt.
“Holy shit, Jess,” Rita said. “He absolutely tore up your poor little pussy!”
“In the best, the very best, way,” Jess said with a tired edge to her voice.
“You need a soft tongue to make this feel better,” she said.
“I always want your tongue, Rita,” Jess replied. “God, that feels fucking amazing. I’d take your mouth over any dick but John’s all day, any day.”
Rita disappeared beneath her luxurious, tousled blonde hair, and Jess settled in on the path to another orgasm. I decided to leave them to share the moment and silently slipped out of the room. I was curious what Kat and Juliet had gotten into. The path back to the main living area was littered with voyeuristic temptation.
In the hallway, another action movie hero who I hadn’t seen earlier, was mercilessly pounding a petit, young porn starlet against the wall. Her desperate cries of pleasure bounced around off the hardwood and concrete. Despite that, she managed to wink at me as I walked by. Then, I took a moment to be drawn into a hypnotic scene in one of the bedrooms that had its door wide open. Petey was there, standing to the side of the bed as a stunning redhead sucked his cock with fervor. He was cackling as he instructed the other man in the room, an actor I recognized from seeing him at the office, to fuck her in the ass.
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