Traffic Girl: Juliet - Cover

Traffic Girl: Juliet

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 33

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 33 - After life-changing upheaval, John, Kat, Jess, and Rita have settled into a new routine. But old desires and needs start to creep into the picture. Can they have their cake and eat it, too? Or will they push the boundaries so far that they pass the point of no return? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Wife Watching   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Size  

Author’s Note: Thanks for having supreme patience in the time it took to get this chapter out. I try hard to not make the big party scenes too repetitive, and there are also some important plot nuggets here that will come to fruition soon. The next several chapters I’ve essentially positioned well with what occurs here, and they should flow like water. Please enjoy!

Rita did have a plan. I immediately objected because I thought it was too risky. Jess was on-board with it immediately, showing so much enthusiasm that it was as if a light bulb had gone off when Rita articulated it. Kat, more measured, pondered it for a day, but she concluded it was as close to a sure-thing as we would find. Katie, still finding her footing with the group, wanted to go along, but she also was sharp. She asked several blunt, insightful questions before getting on board. I figured all of our brains put together would come up with an elegant solution to the issues presented by Manny and Kayla’s purported coup at Daydream.

In the end, I believe Rita’s plan did just that. If we played our hand right – and the plan would rely heavily on Jess and Rita, along with the common sense of the other Daydream actors – the production company might well end up in a stronger position than where it was, even after its extremely strong start through two movies.

But there was one issue pending before we could fully devote our attention to that plan. We needed to have a house-warming party. At least, Juliet wasn’t going to let us get away without having one. And she had taken matters into her own hands to ensure it happened. The Daydream plan needed several days to come together and coordinate moving parts, so it was nice to spend a Saturday night celebrating our grand new home – even if the party was next door.

Juliet wouldn’t spill even the tiniest bit of information about the party. It was a total and complete surprise, except for the 8 p.m. start time and the location at her house. We were also under strict instructions not to pre-party. All of us were curious what was going to go down.

So it felt weird to strictly adhere to Juliet’s instructions and, at 8 p.m, sharp, show up to her house dressed to the nines in cocktail attire and completely sober. Juliet and Melanie greeted us at the door, each wearing a stunning, short dress. They embraced everyone in hugs, then stepped aside to reveal the entryway table that Juliet usually kept covered in a large vase of fresh flowers. Today, however, in place of the usual floral display stood a beautiful, ocean-blue glass staircase. It had a larger, rectangular base, and rising from the edge of that in a semi-circular pattern were a series of smaller rectangles that acted as the “steps.” On each of them sat two long, thick lines of cocaine. There were eight pairs in all. The base was covered in a strikingly perfect mountain of the powder.

“Welcome to the party, neighbors,” Juliet said, beaming. “Might I invite you to borrow some sugar?”

Melanie almost doubled over in laughter, and I could tell it must have been a planned joke. They were so pleased with themselves. Juliet, her eyes smoldering with desire, passed a similarly blueish glass straw to Rita. The exchange lingered a moment too long, enough to make me wonder if I had missed something between Rita and the movie star.

“We were so good, Juliet,” Kat said. “We didn’t even have a single drink before coming over.”

“Good!” she said.

“We wanted everyone on the same trajectory,” Melanie added.

“And we’re about to take off,” Juliet finished.

As if on cue, Rita inhaled a line from the bottom stair. She quickly followed it with a second, then popped up with an electric look in her wide eyes.

“That’s so lovely,” Rita said. “Like, really lovely.”

“We got a beautiful brick,” Juliet said. “And, when we ground it up, we added about five-percent molly to it.” She giggled.

“Tonight is going to be a total fuckfest,” Melanie said breezily.

The girls each took a turn, moving up the staircase as they went. Katie looked lustfully at the four lines that remained after everyone had their turn.

“Go for it, girl,” Kat said, noticing her stare.

“I don’t want to be greedy,” Katie said demurely.

“It’s a party,” Juliet said sweetly. “If you don’t do it, someone else will!”

Katie grinned.

“I kind of feel like going 100% tonight,” she said.

“Go for it,” Rita urged her.

Katie didn’t need to be told again. She made two more lines disappear like magic, her tits nearly spilling out of the top of her low-cut dress. She closed her eyes briefly, savoring the moment, and rubbed her nose. Her eyes fluttered open and found mine.

“Your party girl is back, I think,” she said.

I smiled at her.

“This is almost too pretty to do lines off of,” Jess remarked.

“Come on, girl,” Melanie said. “You will do lines off literally anything.”

“And I have,” Jess said with a laugh.

She bent over and did the final two, just as Juliet explained the origins of the cocaine staircase.

“It was actually a couple years ago when I was shooting a movie in New Orleans,” she said as Jess took two long snorts in the background. “There was this amazing restaurant there that served caviar on this. I fell in love with it, and just couldn’t get the idea out of my head that it would be the perfect way to present coke.”

“It’s amazing,” I said.

“Now, come on,” Juliet said. “Let’s get to the party.”

Melanie and Juliet led us through her living room, which was dimly lit and subdued. They brought us to the back patio, which was really nothing more than an additional living room, and we were startled to find a litany of friends shouting, “Surprise!”

Our jaws dropped simultaneously. I shook my head in disbelief as I tried to process all the familiar faces I saw. Jason and Crystal. Petey and Alix. Bryce and Nicole. Kelly and Jamie. Johnny and Shelly, which was a great surprise. And there were a few additional guests who were known to us – but only by reputation. Juliet had invited a half-dozen of her most intimate Hollywood friends. I noticed that mingling with the new faces were a few Infinity girls – Christy and Serena from LA, along with Caitlyn and Nicolitta from Vegas. So despite how the party started, a civilized and happy reunion among friends, I knew the end point would be something quite different.

After a brief moment as we all processed everything and everyone that stood before us, we became surrounded by a sea of bodies. There was a tangle of limbs combined in hugs, shrieks of excitement and happiness, and a jolt of energy igniting the party.

“Hey, buddy!” Jason said, wrapping me in a bear hug. “I can’t wait to see the new place!”

Almost immediately, Bryce and Petey were shaking my heads. The girls were squealing, hugging and kissing cheeks. The pandemonium of a very warm reunion lasted several minutes. Juilet’s backyard filled with happy conversation, as the larger group settled into smaller sub-groups who laughed, caught up, and became newly acquainted.

It was somewhat overwhelming grappling with the surprise of being dropped into a pool of our closest friends. Jason shared the news that he and Crystal were narrowing their search for a house in LA and hoped to be splitting their time between Houston and the West Coast within a month or two. Petey talked to me about another movie he was looking at, but really he had approached me to find out if I knew anything about Caitlyn. I was surprised that he wasn’t more familiar with her and happily filled him in on my history with her – how Kat and I had met her in Vegas when she was a bottle service girl, partied with her, played with her, and finally saw her come into the Infinity fold.

Bryce and Johnny were unseriously talking shit about the upcoming football season to one another, when Johnny spotted me and hollered at me to come over. He hugged me like he would a big brother, and immediately asked about the family, how the kids were doing, what life in LA was like. If anything, since becoming a Super Bowl champion, Johnny was even more outgoing and self-assured, which I suppose made sense.

“How’s Shelly? How’s the baby?” I asked Johnny.

He grinned at me and said, “Never been better, man. But it’s amazing to get away for a weekend. We haven’t had adult-only time outside date night in months. I’ve been so focused on the season, time is just flying by. But I can’t let up if I’m going to beat this asshole next season!” And he clapped Bryce on the back.

“No chance, my man,” Bryce said, running one hand through his signature blonde locks. “Jamie and I have got it working. You’re in for a surprise this season.”

“Oh, boys, are you still talking shop?” Shelly said, putting her arm around her husband’s waist as she walked up to us.

“Just some good-natured trash talk,” Johnny told his wife.

Shelly looked amazing. She was even more fit than before she had given birth, now more than a year ago. She wore a stunning, curve-hugging white dress with spaghetti straps, a wide V-neck cleavage, and hemline that showed off a generous amount of thigh ripple. The fabric strained against her breasts, making it easy to see she hadn’t bothered with a bra, and I was fairly certain that was because she had acquired new implants. Her skin sported her familiar tan, and her legs showed superb definition.

“It’s so good to see you, John,” Shelly said.

I hugged her hello briefly. She smelled good. We chit-chatted briefly, marveling at how life had changed so rapidly and dramatically over time. I also noticed that, as soon as Johnny was left alone, Jess sidled up to him with a genuinely happy smile on her face. Fleetingly, I wondered if Johnny wouldn’t be a better outlet for Jess’s urges than Manny. It had been several months since they had seen one another, so maybe a regular trip back to Houston would scratch Jess’s itch. My attention was diverted back to Shelly when Melanie came up to join the conversation.

“You need to visit me more, sis!” Melanie said.

“I can’t believe this is your life,” Shelly said with a laugh.

“There’s a guest house and everything!” Melanie added.

I peeled away to say hello to Crystal, who was talking to Nicolitta from Vegas. They looked like a sinful blonde-brunette duo, their long locks cascading down toward the ample cleavage they each sported in sultry, skin-tight cocktail dresses.

“Here, John can tell you!” Crystal said, sliding against my side as I approached them. She turned to me and explained, “Nicolitta was saying the football parties in Vegas are so much wilder than Houston.”

“Nothing gets wilder than Vegas,” Nicolitta said.

I couldn’t help but lecherously take in her beautiful Italian features and olive skin. She exuded an erotic aura. She had been gorgeous from the first time I met her, but there was a higher degree of confidence in her now. The sultry looks collided with a fresh, borderline arrogance. It was extremely attractive.

“You’ve been to parties at both, John,” Crystal said, batting her long eyelashes. “What do you think?”

“I don’t think it’s for me to decide,” I said. “It seems to me, everyone would be better off if you both went to a party in the other city and checked it out for yourself.”

“Oh, I like that idea,” Nicolitta said, licking her lips.

“That’s brilliant,” Crystal said. “Of course that’s exactly what we should do.”

She moved closer to me, letting her hand dance lightly across the crotch of my jeans. But then she pulled away.

“Do you want to do a bump, Nicolitta, and plan this out?” Crystal said.

“Yes, girl,” the brunette said. “The sooner the better!”

The party had broken into little circles of conversation. Petey and Alix chatted with two of Juliet’s Hollywood friends. I had seen them both before at the office. One was a young, barely twenty-year-old actress named Deb who had recently transitioned from Disney television star to a couple gritty action movies. She cut quite a silhouette with a mop of red-brown hair bouncing right-to-left as she lifted her head up after inhaling a generous line of cocaine. The other was a thirty-year-old actor who retained boyish looks that enabled him to still pass for a high school or college kid. His name was Travis, and he was a notorious playboy. They talked and laughed about something as each of them took turns bending down and snorting.

Juliet held court with Kat, Rita, Kelly, and Jamie. They sat around a semi-circular rattan sofa, in happy and animated conversation. They passed around a small porcelain bowl, which had a silver, shovel-shaped spoon cradled in it. Rita scooped up a pile of white powder and, pinching one nostril, held the shovel to her nose and snorted. She repeated the motion, then passed the bowl to Kat.

“Come on, baby,” Rita said, scooting over. “Sit down. We’ll make room.”

I slipped between Kat and Rita, and Kat held up the full spoon to me after she had done her bumps.

“I’m feeling so good,” Kat whispered to me, her lips touching my ear. “Rita and I want you. So badly.”

Rita’s hand found my thigh, and she was about to say something when Katie walked up to us, looking yearningly at the bowl of cocaine. Kat saw her face and offered her the spoon.

“Hit it, sweetie,” Kat said. “It’s so fucking pure.”

“It’s so good,” Katie said between sniffs, throwing a smile at Juliet. “I’m feeling like myself again. Like really myself. It feels so great.”

She turned her stare to me, eyes glazed and fiery, and bent over. Her tits nearly spilled out of her dress.

“I’m feeling naughty tonight,” she said, biting her lip. “Is that okay?”

“You know our rules,” I said quietly and evenly. “Just come back to me.”

“Always,” she said. “Anything you want to do. Only for you.”

“Have fun,” I said, letting my lips graze her cheek.

She immediately took a few steps over to where Kelly sat and whispered something to her. Kelly just smiled and whispered something back. A moment later, Katie was sitting on Jamie’s lap. He had a look of happy surprise on his face. She gave him a quick kiss and quickly found herself on her knees, at the same time that Kelly leaned in and kissed her boyfriend on the mouth. The move was a surprise, especially since Katie still seemed to be the shy one in our group.

“I did not have Katie kicking off the naughty stuff at this party on my bingo card,” Kat said.

“Good for her!” Rita said. “I think she’s genuinely getting past the trauma. She’s got her old vivaciousness back. I love it!”

I took a hand and rested it on Rita’s thigh, probably inappropriately high up. Then I took the other and did the same to Kat.

“I like naughty,” I said.

“So do I, daddy,” Kat said. “Do you think you can guess which one of us, Rita or me, is wearing a butt plug tonight?”

My jaw must have dropped just a little, and the girls giggled.

“My money is on both of you,” I said, quickly regaining my composure.

“You’re right,” Rita said, now licking my ear lobe.

“I didn’t realize it was this kind of party,” I said with a chuckle.

“It’s always that kind of party, daddy,” Kat said.

“You’re right, Kitty Kat,” I said. “Especially with such dirty sluts around me.”

“Dirty sluts who want you to fuck them in front of everyone,” Rita said.

It caught me by surprise. I adored my girls’ capacity for unfailingly being able to catch me off-guard.

“In front of everyone?” I said, raising my eyebrows.

“We want everyone to see who we belong to,” Kat said. “We thought it would be fun.”

She moved in for a kiss, when there was a brief commotion near the back door. We were just getting worked up, and the night took a hugely unexpected turn.

“Don’t let me interrupt,” a calm, polished male voice said.

It was Stephen. On his arm was his stunning Italian girlfriend, Antonietta. She wore a glittering cocktail dress that looked as if it consisted of nothing more than jewels attached to her skin. She drew every eye at the party.

Juliet jumped up from the couch and greeted them.

“Surprise!” she said. “We had to have our nearest neighbors over to greet the newest neighbors!”

She hugged Stephen and Antonietta hello. There was warmth and familiarity in it.

“Oh god,” Kat said quietly, almost under her breath. “I want you to fuck me in front of Stephen so badly, daddy. I want him to see how much pleasure you give me.”

“You sure you don’t want to just make him jealous?” I asked.

“He should be jealous,” Kat said. “But I don’t care about that. There isn’t a person on this earth I don’t want to know about how you own me. How you control me. I want to show it off.”

Kat gave me a deep kiss before Stephen and Antonietta made their rounds and arrived at us to say hello. It was a friendly, polite greeting, one that felt like it came from a place of genuine friendship. When they were gone, continuing to mingle with obvious aplomb, the fuse of debauchery continued to burn. Kat, Rita, and I made out. I took turns kissing them, and they kissed each other. My face flushed with warmth. My hands roamed, and their short dresses provided easy access. They were wet. Seriously wet. I tasted their arousal on my fingers, and my senses started to kick in with intensity. It was the molly starting to kick in. I heard Kelly sniffing bumps of coke while Katie slurped and gagged on Jamie’s cock. There was the happy bubbling of a bong to my left. Shrieks, laughter, and splashes came from the pool, as Christy and Caitlyn led a group into skinny dipping and unseen, underwater hanky panky.

And, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jess slipping away into the house with Johnny Burris. Immediately, the thought passed through my mind for a second time that night that I was much happier seeing Jess play with Johnny than someone like Manny. I saw Manny as a threat, and I didn’t like his disrespectful attitude. Rita noticed my thoughts drifting and brought my focus back to the moment. She guided my hand between her thighs, barely grazing her notably wet pussy, and using impressive core strength to barely lift her ass off the couch, let my fingers come to rest against the familiar, jeweled end of her butt plug.

“I’m going to drink all your cum tonight,” she said seductively.

“And you’re going to fuck us like the bad little anal sluts we are,” Kat added.

I exhaled sharply, the air whistling as it passed my teeth. My head was spinning, a feeling I had learned to associate with the greatest levels of pleasure I had experienced with my girls. They were in control. I was merely along for the ride. They had made a plan. They were going to execute that plan. And I was the lucky beneficiary. Kat slid off the couch and parted my thighs with her hands while she settled on her knees.

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