Traffic Girl: Juliet - Cover

Traffic Girl: Juliet

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 32

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 32 - After life-changing upheaval, John, Kat, Jess, and Rita have settled into a new routine. But old desires and needs start to creep into the picture. Can they have their cake and eat it, too? Or will they push the boundaries so far that they pass the point of no return? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Wife Watching   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Size  

Author’s Note: Thanks for your patience waiting for this chapter. We are in a plot-heavy aspect of the book for the next handful of chapters, but I hope you’ll find the experience is worth it because it’s so central to the development of our core group. There’s some nice fun in here, too. Keep the wonderful feedback coming!

Within a couple days of our move, the perfect location of our house was really driven home for me. It came on Wednesday afternoon. Juliet and I were having our first lunch date since she and Melanie had returned from their Cabo vacation. It took me three minutes to walk next door and greet my favorite movie star. Melanie was at a photoshoot, and Juliet greeted me at her front door wearing nothing but a shimmering, sheer gold robe.

“Hi, neighbor,” she said, using the door frame to center her pose. “Do you need to borrow a cup of sugar?”

Juliet was, as always, stunning. The week away at the beach had given her skin a golden glow. She looked relaxed and refreshed. I remembered her telling me once that she liked to get out of Hollywood at least once a month to keep in touch with the real world. Her smile melted me, and I couldn’t help but notice how fit she looked. Buckling down and knocking out the last few pounds to look extra skinny was her usual practice as she neared a movie opening, and we were only about a month away from her Fourth of July blockbuster.

“I was thinking honey was more my speed,” I said.

“Well, mine is extra sticky,” Juliet said, keeping a straight face and playing along for a moment.

But she couldn’t hold it. She broke down in laughter because it was just too corny.

“That’s good dialogue,” I said. “I’m going to have to tell Jess to use it in one of the Daydream porns.”

Juliet just stood there, beaming at me. Her eyes fluttered slightly, adjusting to the morning light. She seemed entirely unfazed by being nude and standing on her front porch. Her nipples cut hard against the morning air, which contained the barest hint of the cool Pacific Ocean.

“I took the longest bath last night,” Juliet said, motioning me inside. “I think I took twenty minutes shaving my pussy for you.”

She quickly turned around and pushed the robe aside, catching that my gaze already had been transfixed on her ass. Her pussy lips were tightly tucked inside her, and there was one tiny bump of razor burn just above her slit.

“I could get on my knees and eat you right here,” I said.

“Don’t do that,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I want you to come out back and eat me while I smoke a bowl.”

We laughed, and Juliet walked toward the rear of the house. She hadn’t been joking, though. There was a bowl already packed next to a lighter on a small table on the deck. The sound of the waterfall burbling into the pool was soothing. Without another word, Juliet sat down and propped up her knees, spreading her legs as she reached for the weed. I simply settled between her thighs and put my hands under her ass, drawing her to my mouth. She smelled sweet, floral and soapy. As I parted her lips with my fingers before diving in with my tongue, I saw the glistening arousal already activated inside her.

“You taste good,” I said before really focusing on the task at hand.

“I love your tongue,” Juliet said, and then I heard the lighter flick. Moments later, she expelled the first cloud of smoke from her lungs.

I loved her cunt. It was so pretty. It tasted so good, and it was very easy to read. She couldn’t mask her pleasure points, and there was no reason to. Within five minutes, while she puffed away on the first bowl still, she had an orgasm. It was liberating not to have even a tiny concern that someone could see or hear us. Every other house that didn’t belong to us was that far away. I licked her ass. I flicked her clit. I slipped a finger, then two, to touch her g-spot. It was an easy, enjoyable oral sex clinic.

If there was a hallmark to my relationship with Juliet it was that neither of us ever felt pressure or obligation. It was the definition of effortless. For her, I always presumed that came from not taking it seriously. But I had started to reevaluate that, to an extent. For me, I had never really accepted the reality of it. Maybe if I did, I would have freaked out. But as famous as Juliet was, I never put pressure on myself about her. I don’t know why – perhaps because it was so surreal, even as it became more regular or quasi-relationship-like. Then there was the Melanie factor. Partly it was easier because Melanie took away any notion of expectations. This was about fun and friendship as much as anything else.

Juliet loved when I played with her g-spot. She came two more times, cashed the bowl, and put her hands behind my head. She lifted me off her pussy and grinned at me while her juices slowly dripped down my chin.

“Fuck, that was so good,” she said.

I just grinned back at her.

“Now get that dick in me,” she added, turning over on the stomach and slowly raising herself up on her knees. It gave the effect of presenting her cunt to me for fucking.

“God, your pussy is so wet,” I said, lining up behind her.

“I need you to stuff me,” she said, a plaintive note in her voice. “A strap on just doesn’t do it.”

I grabbed her hips and pushed my own forward, impaling her on my cock in one forceful stroke.

“Yes! Fuck! That’s how I need it!” she cried.

I almost completely pulled out of her, then slammed my hips into her again. And that established our rhythm. She desperately reached her hands behind her, trying to pull my ass into her harder and more rapidly. I fucked her with purpose. Her pussy was so tight. It made me wonder if her move into a relationship with Melanie kept her tighter.

“Jesus, you’re right,” I said, exploring the topic.

“I don’t get much dick anymore, baby,” she said, panting. “Guess that’s a residual benefit for you!”

“It’s fucking amazing, doll,” I said.

“You’re stretching me out,” she moaned. “It’s the best pain I’ve ever felt.”

I couldn’t speak in response. Juliet’s velvet glove-like insides had completely consumed me. My entire body was taken over by the desire to savor this friction and bring myself to orgasm. I grabbed the pert globes of her ass and squeezed them, watching her improbably pink asshole wink at me as I thrust against her. Juliet kept up with me, though. She ground her hips into me, moving them in a slight swishing motion to increase the pressure of me inside her. It pushed her over the cliff of pleasure again, so powerfully that her legs gave out from under her a bit, and we fell forward on the lounge chair. Our bodies were slick with sweat, and we were breathing hard.

Juliet turned around and grinned at me. She mouthed a brief “sorry” and then maneuvered herself onto her back. I moved with her, and she managed to wrap her legs around my back and pull me back toward her opening. She was so slick, my cock plowed back in with ease.

“Fuck, that’s so good,” I moaned.

Juliet put one hand behind my head and gazed up at me. No one could give looks pregnant with feeling like she could. Her blue eyes bored into mine, flaming the desire that rose up from our bodies. Wordlessly, I felt her begging for my cum. She put the slightest pressure on the back of my head, and our lips melted together. My hips continued boring into her, the canal tight and wet and welcoming. Our kiss was deep, almost spiritual. We didn’t need to speak. Our mouths were saying it all. And it made it impossible for me to control myself.

She sensed it, too. And as she felt my cock starting to twitch, she pulled her lips back and moved them to my ear. She nibbled me quickly before whispering, in a voice of ultimate seduction, “Cum for me, my love.”

That was it. My whole body spasmed as my sperm shot inside her. I cried out in an animalistic growl. I shook over and over, a shiver running down my spine. When it finally stopped, as I was about to roll off of Juliet, she clamped her hands on my ass.

“No,” she said. “Stay right here. I just want to feel it.”

I put my head against her neck and kissed her softly with just my lips. I focused on her breathing, a rapidly decreasing, calming inhale and exhale. Her hands played with my hair now, and finally, she spoke.

“It’s really true,” Juliet said.

“What is?” I asked, not comprehending.

“Oh, sorry,” she said. “My mind had kind of drifted off. About something Mel and I talked about on vacation.”

“What was that?” I probed.

“She said that as fun as a dildo can be, the real thing that’s missing that you can never replace is the honest, reflexive physical action by a real dick cumming inside you,” she explained. “The twitch, the ejaculation, the spread of warmth inside you that comes with it. That’s the real intimacy.”

“I’ve never thought of it that way,” I said, “but I’m not sure I could ever articulate it better.”

Juliet giggled. “Sorry,” she said. “I’ve been very contemplative when stoned lately.”

“I like it,” I said, finally rolling off of her.

“Let’s go shower,” she said, standing up. She took a couple steps toward the house and added, “It really is such a shame to let all these millions of little John Camerons leak out of me. They deserve a better fate.”

I laughed, and Juliet turned around. The look she gave me conveyed in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t joking.

After our shower, Juliet and I had made love again in her bed. It was tender, slow, and eminently satisfying. I felt cerebral as I walked out the front door. What a perfect day, I thought. My phone buzzed. It was Rita. I smiled. A perfect day was only getting better.

“We need to talk, John,” she said, her voice serious.

“What’s up?” I said, my stomach dropping and my feet stopping.

Rita blurted out so many words at once, it took me a few moments to process it.

“So I was down in Santa Monica taking the kids to the beach, and I was like, hey, maybe I’ll pop into Daydream on the way back to say hi to Jess,” she said. “But she wasn’t there. Manny and Kayla were. No big deal. I chatted with them for a couple minutes – my god, John, the way Manny just leers at you is fucking possessive, and it gives me the creeps – and then went to load up in the car. And, of course, Katie dropped her binky, and I had to go back and get it, so I went back inside. It was good, actually, because I realized I hadn’t closed the door all the way, so it was swaying open.”

“Baby, take your time,” I finally interrupted.

“Okay, okay,” Rita said. “Her binky was just a few steps inside, and, anyway, it should have been a quick pickup. And it was. But. John. I heard something. It was so quiet in there. I couldn’t help it.”

“Rita,” I said soothingly, “what is it?”

“I’ll be home in two minutes,” she said. “I think I need to tell you this face-to-face.”

I’m not sure just a few minutes had ever been so excruciating. Rita wasn’t dramatic. When she raised the alarm about something, I knew it had to be significant. My mind raced, but it was a jumble of thoughts. Kat and Katie took Katie and John Junior when Rita arrived. I smiled, as I always did, when I realized we had two Katies now.

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