Traffic Girl: Juliet - Cover

Traffic Girl: Juliet

Copyright© 2022 by LiveLocalLateBreaking

Chapter 24

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 24 - After life-changing upheaval, John, Kat, Jess, and Rita have settled into a new routine. But old desires and needs start to creep into the picture. Can they have their cake and eat it, too? Or will they push the boundaries so far that they pass the point of no return? This is a long, interconnected story that is full of sex, heavy partying, polyamory, and the occasional wife stealing.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Wife Watching   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Public Sex   Size  

Author’s Note: I’ve been excited about this chapter for a long time. It’s something hinted at many moons ago, and it has been a joy finally bringing it to life. I hope you dig it.

I knew Saturday in Vegas was going to be a glorious affair when I woke up showing no ill-effects of the day before. I was refreshed and ready to go, and it was only 10 a.m. Sometimes, five hours of sleep and a good shot of adrenaline – in this case, the special events of the day – were all you needed to hit the ground running. I wasn’t the only one, either. When I rolled over in bed, I was surprised that Kat wasn’t there. Then I heard the shower. Someone else was ready for the day, as well.

In the bathroom, I stood and watched her wash herself. Kat hadn’t aged a day since I met her. Her bubble butt was a cheerleader’s dream. Her nipples were more prominent now, but she was still perky and beautifully proportioned up top. She still had a subtle curve to her hips and toned, athletic legs. Her neck was a sculptor’s dream. And her hair cascaded luxuriously, even when wet.

“I could just stand and watch you all day,” I said loudly to make my voice heard over the running water, and it startled her.

“Baby,” she said, “you scared me! I didn’t think you’d be up!”

“Looks like neither of us wants to waste a perfect day in Vegas,” I said, joining her in the shower and giving her a lingering kiss.

“I hate washing you off me,” she said. “But I wanted to freshen up.”

“You’re going to need it,” I said playfully.

“You’re as cryptic as Nicole!” Kat said, as she started to help wash my chest. “Are you going to tell me what the real purpose of this weekend is?”

“I told you,” I said. “A birthday celebration.”

“So that’s tonight?” she said. “With Nicole and Bryce? Who else is coming?”

“I’ve said too much already,” I said and stuck out my tongue. “It will all become clear in time, Kitty Kat.”

“If I didn’t love you so much, Mr. Cameron,” she said, “you’d be in big trouble.”

“Well, Mrs. Cameron,” I teased back, “we can’t have that.”

Kat looked serious for a second, then wiped it away with her TV smile. But she couldn’t pull that on me.

“What?” I asked, my tone also serious, demanding.

“Nothing, nothing,” she said, waving her hand and moving to turn off the shower.

“I know when it’s not nothing,” I said. “You won’t spoil the day. You can’t.”

“Okay,” she said and paused. She smiled again. “I want to be Mrs. Cameron.” She then quickly added, “We all do.”

I smiled. It was an immediate, generous smile that couldn’t have been suppressed.

“I know, Kitty Kat,” I said. “What do you say that, when we get home, we finally start taking some steps to make that a reality? I want it even more than you do.”

“I love you,” she said and kissed me softly and with need.

“Come on,” I said, giving her a playful smack on the butt. “We’ve got brunch.”

Nicole had been planning this birthday celebration for a long time. In reality, the idea had been percolating for at least a year-and-a-half. The details she put together had been in motion for at least six months – at least, that’s when she let me in on them. It was going to be an intimate, all-day affair. I viewed it as a play in four acts. The first act would take place over brunch. The second act would unfold during a day at the pool bungalow. The third act would follow at dinner. And, finally, the fourth act would climax – again and again – in our villa at the Aria.

At noon, Kat and I stood outside the SkySuites valet, waiting for Nicole and Bryce to pick us up. An Aria limousine pulled up, and Nicole popped out holding a bottle of Cristal.

“Happy birthday to me!” she said with enthusiastic giggles.

She and Bryce had bought a house together in Henderson, not far from the football stadium and workout facilities. But MGM remained a primary team sponsor and still gave him access to the limo fleet. Kat and I climbed into the back, and Nicole motioned Kat to sit next to Bryce. She poured us all very tall glasses of Champagne and took a swig from the bottle before setting it back on ice.

“I don’t know how I’m this put together this morning,” Kat said. She wore a sleeveless white top with a ruffled neckline and a flowing, floral-patterned skirt. “I think I’m just so excited for today.”

“Oh, god, me, too,” Nicole agreed. “Brycey and I were up a little late. He was feeling very, very frisky.”

Kat laughed.

“I hear you girl,” she said. “I finally had to tell John, ‘Down, boy,’ at dawn so we could get some sleep. I’m probably going to leave cum stains behind all day!”

It was cute the way the girls were peacocking for each other about their men. And it also set the tone for the day, which I knew was exactly what Nicole wanted. The goal was to build as much sexual tension as possible before releasing it in a sexual supernova later that night.

“Well, I hope you saved some,” Nicole said, licking her lips as she looked at me.

A smile crept across Kat’s lips. She was catching on.

“So it’s going to be that kind of day, huh?” she said, biting her lower lip.

“Sweetie, I figured you knew this all along!” Nicole said. “But, yes, it’s going to be that kind of day!”

“Oh, goodie!” Kat said, lightly clapping her hands together.

“You know, I’ll let you in on a secret, Kat,” Nicole said. “I’ve been keeping Bryce on this cum-increasing diet. It’s worked wonders. It focuses on increasing zinc and lycopene intake, and oh. My. God.”

“Seriously?” Kat said, her jaw dropping a little. “That’s so sexy.”

“I think she’s trying to turn me into a porn star!” Bryce said with a laugh.

As he spoke, he stretched his arms out, with one landing around Kat’s shoulders. She took the opportunity to scoot in closer to him as she sipped her Champagne. The excited smile that crossed her face wasn’t lost on me.

“Maybe I’ll have to ask if they can give me a shot of lycopene at brunch,” I joked.

We were all in good spirits. I had a nervous excitement coursing through me. This day was a long time coming, and I was really looking forward to it. How Nicole had crafted a long build-up to the finale was brilliant.

The limo ride was just long enough for us to kill the bottle of Champagne. We piled out at the Venetian, and the driver said he would wait for us. Bryce waved him off with a couple twenties.

“We’re going to be a while,” he said. “Just be ready in a few hours. I’ll text you.”

I held Kat’s hand as we walked into the Venetian lobby and headed immediately to the right of the registration desk. We took the elevators up to the Venezia Tower and, a few minutes later, found ourselves seated comfortably at a circular booth in the secluded front corner of Bouchon Bistro.

“This is perfect,” Kat said, settling into the middle of our plush banquette next to Nicole.

Bryce and I sat in the outer seats. I was next to Nicole. He was next to Kat. All in all, we formed a nice semi-circle. A gregarious waiter took our drink orders and liked that we were going to be serious about imbibing that day. We started with a round of cocktails and a bottle of Champagne. While we waited for him to come back, Nicole spoke up.

“So, everyone,” she said, “I just wanted to lay out the ground rules.”

She paused to glance around the table and look each of us in the eyes briefly.

“It’s really just this,” she continued. “Nothing under the clothes until we’re at John and Kat’s villa tonight, okay?”

“Fuck,” I sighed under my breath.

“I like it,” Kat said, the sparkle in her eyes growing.

“Whatever the birthday girl wants,” Bryce said, and his hand promptly disappeared under the table.

“Over the clothes, Brycey,” Kat admonished with a wanton grin.

We all laughed. Nicole let her perfectly manicured nails glide across my upper thigh. She passed me a sidelong glance, which dripped with her smoldering sexuality. Her lips parted slightly, and I swore I could hear the faintest groan of desire as her fingernails briefly passed over my crotch.

Our waiter returned with the first round of drinks, and brunch got off to a fantastic start. It only got better from there. We added caviar to start. Champagne flowed like water. We were the most boisterous, fun table in the restaurant. The time slid by as easily as the wine. We killed three bottles of bubbly and another two bottles of Chablis as we closed out the meal with oysters. We were stuffed, tipsy, and getting handsy at the table.

“Hey, Nicole,” Kat said, “I was going to hit the restroom to, uh, sober up. Want to join?”

She subtly raised a finger up to her nose briefly.

“That’s just what I need,” Nicole said.

Bryce and I slid out of either end of the booth to let the girls excuse themselves. We sat back down and clinked our glasses together.

“This was just perfect,” I said. “I’m stuffed.”

“Me, too, man,” Bryce said. “I won’t need to eat the rest of the day.”

“Same here,” I said. “Let’s get to the fun.”

We laughed, but Bryce turned slightly serious.

“You’re cool with this?” he asked. “Like, today?”

“Yeah, bro,” I said. “Really cool. I appreciate you being cool about it. And respectful. I’ve always liked you for that.”

“We have had some fun, haven’t we?” he said.

“This should be next level,” I added.

“Have you ever...” he said, his voice trailing off.

“Honestly?” I said. “It’s been a while.”

“Same,” he said. “But this is like the last fantasy on Nicole’s list. It’ll be cool.”

Silence passed for several seconds, and I felt compelled to add something else.

“So, I really appreciate that I can trust you with Kat,” I said. “It hasn’t always been that way with people. And she can get a little wild.”

Bryce just nodded his head in understanding, then reinforced it with his words.

“It starts with respect, John,” he said. “I think we’ve all found a good thing here. You’re never going to get any problems from me.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I feel the same way. We can have some really great adventures, and I don’t want to jeopardize that.”

The girls came back from the restroom just then, bubbly and full of energy thanks to their powder boost. They asked if we were ready to get the check.

“This is on me,” I said. “I already took care of it.”

“Oh my gosh!” Nicole said. “Thank you so much!”

“Happy birthday,” I said with a smile. The lust that shot from her eyes as she looked at me drove me crazy.

Our limo waited for us at the front of the Venetian.

“Do you boys want a shot of energy, too?” Kat asked when we were inside.

“Fuck yeah,” Bryce said.

Kat produced a coke bullet, and I appreciated her sense of nostalgia in bringing it along. It was the original one I had bought her, ages ago. Bryce helped himself to four quick bumps, then passed it to me. I followed suit. The cocaine was wonderfully pure and had us flying in no time. We had a short drive to the Cosmopolitan, where we would enjoy a few hours of partying at the bungalow before heading to dinner. En route, Kat ground on Bryce’s lap, while Nicole did the same to me.

“Kissing is over the clothes, right?” Kat directed the question to Nicole.

“Of course,” she said.

I was too distracted by the soft eagerness of Nicole’s lips and tongue to fully appreciate the intensity with which Kat made out with Bryce. But none of it lasted too long because we rolled up to the Cosmopolitan valet. Kat and Nicole each took a discrete bump of coke before we exited the car and made our way to the bungalow.

When we arrived, I was surprised by the thumping party we found at the bungalow. The Infinity girls were there. Several of the Vegas football players were there, including Jamie, who was once again joined at the hip with Kelly. The top of the bar had been turned into a makeshift DJ station, and one of the football players spun tunes.

The party was frenetic. The Infinity girls stayed somewhat aloof, and Nicole and Kat spent most of their time with them. Some of the guys had used the back door of the bungalow for its access to the main Cosmopolitan pool and Marquee Day Club. They were pulling in civilian girls by the handful to party, and they were only too happy to oblige. The bungalow was overflowing with people, so the four of us and the Infinity crew mostly camped out on the third floor. For us, it was a relatively chill afternoon, and Kat was excited to catch up with the agency happenings. In particular, she and Kelly spent the better part of an hour gossiping and talking animatedly. Most of it was fairly mundane, but Kelly dropped one tidbit I hadn’t heard yet that piqued the interest in all of us.

“We’ve got an agreement to host football parties here in Vegas, like you do in Houston,” Kelly revealed.

Kat and I saw our jaws drop simultaneously.

“Are you serious?” we said, and laughed at each other.

“I don’t know about Houston, but I can tell you they can’t be wilder than what I have planned for Vegas,” Kelly boasted. “You’re going to have to come.”

Just then, Nicole dragged Kat to the bathroom for more coke and then to the first floor because she wanted to dance. Bryce and I joined them, along with Kelly and Jamie. For the better part of an hour, we danced and drank and just reveled in the classic Vegas insanity at the poolside bungalow. As it began to wear on me – the noise, the cramped quarters, the desire to move onto the day’s main event – it was as if Kat and Nicole had the same thought. They pulled Bryce and me into the hallway and said it was time to get ready for dinner.

We snuck out of the party and made the walk back to our Aria villa. Our butler was waiting, and he showed Nicole and Bryce to the second bedroom, where their clothes for the evening awaited. We took our time getting ready. Kat and I had a long, steamy shower, but we didn’t do more than kiss and fondle one another.

“Nicole finally told me what’s happening,” she said.

“I’ve been dying to tell you,” I responded.

“I can’t believe you could keep this a secret from me!” she said playfully.

“Are you up to taking two cocks?” I asked.

“When have I not been?” she said with a laugh. “It’s been a long time. But, daddy, you know what a fantasy of mine this has been. You and Bryce.”

“I know,” I said, quieting her with a kiss.

“And I know you want this with Nicole,” she said. “So I just wanted to tell you that I’m not jealous of her. Nicole and I are genuine friends now.”

I kissed her again and quietly marveled at Kat’s capacity for forgiveness and open-mindedness. She had learned to harness the power of her massive sexual desire and keep it from being self-destructive.

“I love that, Kitty Kat,” I said.

We took our time getting dressed. Kat wowed me in a high-necked red cocktail dress that barely covered her ass. It was tighter than a second skin. I swore that I could see nuances to her body that, in the past, I had only been able to feel with my hands. As she put on her makeup, I couldn’t help myself. I ran my hand up her thighs and felt the naked flesh underneath. Her pussy was wet.

“Is that for me?” I asked.

“It’s always for you, daddy,” she said. “Because even if we’re swapping or sharing, it’s for you. I know how to turn you on.”

She pushed her ass back into me and felt the bulge in my pants.

“See?” she said.

“You might flash all of Vegas tonight,” I said.

“And you’ll love it if I do because I’m going home with you,” she said.

“You take my breath away,” I said. “I love you.”

“That’s because I’m your soulmate, my love,” she said. “And I love you.”

We met Nicole and Bryce at the bar in the villa. They had poured four glasses of Champagne so we could enjoy a pre-dinner drink.

“So, Kat and I have a surprise for you boys,” Nicole announced after we toasted.

“We are doing a dinner swap,” Kat continued.

“Yes,” Nicole said. “Starting now, John is my date.”

“And, Brycey, you are my date,” Kat said, smiling.

“Well, well, lucky us,” I said.

I put my arm around Nicole. She looked smashing in a black cocktail dress with a dangerously plunging neckline. She wore bright red, patent leather heels. And I realized that she and Kat were the mirror images of one another – Nicole in her black dress and red heels; Kat in her red dress and black heels. It was a sexy match.

“Incredibly lucky,” Byrce echoed as he ran one of his large hands across Kat’s tight ass.

“Does anybody want to smoke a joint?” Nicole asked, reaching into her red clutch. “I thought it would be fun to have the munchies at dinner.”

“That’s such a good idea!” Kat exclaimed.

Bryce and I nodded our general approval. Nicole produced two pre-rolled joints and a lighter. She passed one to Kat, lifted the other to her mouth, and sparked up. As she took a long hit and held the smoke while she handed Kat the lighter. Kat lit the second joint, and the tip blazed brightly as she sucked the potent haze into her lungs. They exhaled at the same time, a large plume rising to the top of the villa. The girls passed the joints to us, and we took our turn.

“God, Indica strains make me so horny,” Nicole said.

“Oh, me, too,” Kat gushed. “I’m already wet, but now I’m going to be dripping.”

As he exhaled his hit of weed, Bryce reached a hand under Kat’s short dress. He felt the dampness between her thighs and said, “I want you wet all the way down to your knees by the end of dinner.”

Kat shuddered in anticipation. We smoked the joints fast, and before we knew it were tucked into one of the crushed velvet booths in the Red Room at Carbone downstairs. We feasted and flirted and amped up the sexual tension at the table by regaling one another with raunchy stories. There was a deep anticipation at the table about what would come next. Everyone was on edge with excitement.

“Your turn, Kat,” Nicole said.

She had just finished telling us about a client, who happened to be a wealthy and notorious casino owner, who loved making her drink his cum out of martini glasses.

“Oh, gosh,” Kat said. “I don’t know where to begin.”

“Make it something good,” I prodded her. “Something you’ve never told me before.”

We were waiting for our entrees and had already put away three bottles of wine. Two more sat on the table in anticipation of a rush of veal parmesan, lobster fra diavolo, and penne with vodka sauce.

“Daddy, you know all my secrets,” Kat said sweetly. “There’s nothing I haven’t told you.”

Briefly, I wondered if that possibly could be true, but it made me smile. We really had reached that point in our relationship.

“Well, then just make it really dirty,” I encouraged, and we all laughed.

Kate regaled us, to my delight, with a story about our sexual escapades shortly after we met. She told Nicole and Bryce how we started an affair when she was only dating her now-ex-husband, and how I would meet her at her apartment for clandestine sex.

“John has always been the hottest fuck I’ve ever had,” Kat said with a tipsy smile. “But my favorite was always date night. When my ex was taking me out on the town? John would come over and fuck me rough and quick and make me feel like such a dirty slut. Then he’d cum in my panties so I could feel his cum against my pussy all night.”

The memory made my cock hard. I had loved how, so early on, I possessed her, owned her, controlled her. Yet I didn’t really. We just connected on that level. We were slaves to our passion and desires. The cheating made our early sex fun, but we didn’t need that as an element – our connection was just that strong.

“Oh my god, that’s fucking hot!” Nicole exclaimed.

Bryce nodded his approval and slid his hands underneath the table, between Kat’s legs.

“You really are going to be dripping down to your knees,” he said.

“We should skip dessert,” Kat said, her breath becoming heavier.

“I am definitely down with that,” Nicole said. “We can stick with nose candy.”

We laughed again. Spirits were high. It was time for the main event. I grabbed the check, and we tried not to seem too eager to get back to the villa. But the reality is that we were. The whole day had been building to this. In reality, it had been longer than that. This was years in the making, at least from a fantasy perspective, and it still was hard to believe as we rode in the elevator that it was going to happen. It was a surreal feeling.

As we sped up toward the 59th floor, Bryce made an almost immediate move to put his hand up Kat’s dress.

“Oh, god,” Kat groaned, pushing her hips down on his fingers as they found her inner folds.

“Jesus, you’re fucking soaked,” Bryce said in a deep, husky voice.

“I feel like this whole day has been a tease,” Kat said, her breathing heavy.

“That’s only going to make the release that much more exquisite,” Nicole said.

She pushed onto the balls of her feet and flicked her tongue out against my mouth, and I moved to meet her. I let my hands glide along the soft curves of her body, letting them come to a rest against her ass, which I squeezed firmly.

We had been propelled almost six-hundred feet above the Vegas Strip in what felt like no time. The four of us nearly ran to our villa, and I couldn’t open the door quickly enough. When we got inside, instinct took over. Nicole instructed Bryce and Kat to get goodies from the bar, and she pulled me into her bedroom on the second floor.

“My pussy has been creaming all day,” Nicole said before kissing me with a passion I’d never felt from her before.

“I have to admit, this is kind of a dream come true,” I said.

“I’ve been using a dildo when Bryce fucks me for weeks trying to visualize what it’s going to be like,” she said, her breathing increasing. “But I don’t think that will even come close.”

I started pulling at Nicole’s dress, wanting to see her body at long last.

“Let me inspect you,” I said.

She grinned and sloughed off the thin fabric in the bat of an eye. Her body was stunning. Her olive skin was supple to the eye. I smiled at her and put each of my hands around her breasts, which defied gravity thanks to her skilled surgeon. They were soft, but not as soft as her skin, which still was the most gentle to touch I had ever felt.

“Bend over,” I commanded.

She turned around and obeyed.

“Spread your cheeks,” I ordered.

She obeyed again. I walked around her, then finished with a firm, loud smack on her ass.

“Mmmm, yes,” Nicole moaned.

“You look ready to fuck,” I said.

“I need to be used,” she said. “I need my two boys to show who owns me.”

I was about to respond, but Kat and Bryce burst into the room like a tornado. Bryce carried a magnum of Champagne and four glasses. Kat proudly held a tray with a small mountain of cocaine and eight pre-cut lines.

“Happy birthday, girl!” she exclaimed. “Let’s celebrate you!”

Like Nicole, Kat had already lost her clothes. Bryce was shirtless, but that lasted only a few moments after he and Kat set down their party favors. Kat pulled off his pants and dropped to her knees. As Nicole stalked over to the cocaine and helped herself, Kat sucked Bryce’s cock into her mouth.

“Let’s get you good and hard for the main event,” she said between slurps.

Nicole bobbed her head up and down and rubbed her nose. The coke was hitting her hard and fast.

“Come on, baby,” she said to me with a light brush of her lips against mine. “I want that coke hard dick up my pussy.”

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