Next Whore Neighbor - Cover

Next Whore Neighbor

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 16

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 16 - Christina Holly felt completely alone in the world. Her boyfriend Dixon on the road three weeks at a time as a trucker left her without attention. Shy and normally reserved she simply sat around. It wasn't until the neighborhood boys letting her know their desires of her that coaxed her from her shell. Hardly a perfect body, Amazon to some she was hard on herself. Once the boys got through to her, she was willing to do anything for them. ANYTHING! Slut! Whore! Goddess! Let the worshiping begin.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Black Male   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Male   White Couple   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Foot Fetish   Public Sex  


Vince Collier laid out on Christina Holly’s sofa, shoes still on, with his friend Mike Henshaw standing at the door watching for the arrival of his old Sunday School teacher Delores Shepard. Vince, far cooler than Mike was merely stretched out and relaxed looking at interesting YouTube videos on his cell.

“She’s not coming.” Mike fret looking at his own cell for the time.

“If she doesn’t, she doesn’t. I have Christina’s cell here to message Delores if she changes her mind. I can act like Chris and persuade her to take a chance. If not, we hustle our asses down to Bumper Guards Detail and see Chris in action. She’s only been gone an hour and a half, so we still have time.”

Vince had even hurried home to take a shower and make himself more presentable, rather than his earlier just out of bed shabby look. Changing into a royal blue tank top to express his muscles more, being a former High School Wrestler, his ego was evident. Even if at the moment he had a green hoodie on over it. His build had always been athletic, and he really had no troubles getting girls but of late he simply kept his swinging single status open. Cut off black sweatpants up to mid-thigh shared well-toned calf muscles as well as hugging his developed glutes. Yup! Cute ass! If he did say so himself!

Mike had gone home too, returning only after eating some lunch and brushing his teeth. He didn’t anticipate Delores seeing him, so the shower thing wasn’t any big deal, he had one before bed last night, good enough for him. “Dude? You should send Delores a text from you on your cell. Let her know you’re at Christina’s house now. Maybe she will message back if she’s on her way.”

“I guess I could say Chris gave me her digits.”

“Right! Just tell her you won’t abuse her number.”

“Makes sense! I can do that.” Vince looked up the woman’s cell number on Christina’s phone when a text slipped in from Dixon. Pausing to read it he understood what Christina had been up to. “Holy crap!” Vince stood up and walked over to Mike, “Tucker sent video to her cell just before we got back here. He must have forwarded it to Dixon from the shop.” Pulling up the video they saw Christina walking alone on a sidewalk from behind then running into a guy with a Golden Retriever sniffing her all over.” A second quick video found a long distance shot of Chris squatting in the grass and peeing with cars driving by her. Finally, a third of Chris riding on the hood of a car heading down the street while masturbating.

“Maaaan! We missed some crazy shit.” Mike muttered.

“Dixon told her to make it better. He has to realize she didn’t have her cell because Tucker sent him her videos. So how does he expect her to know.”

“Text Tucker and tell him to make Chris step up her sluttiness.”

“You’re so smart.” Vince laughed and did just that. Seconds later Tucker wrote back, “She’s getting fucked by Theo in front of 30 guys. LOL! Blowing the driver, she rode in on.” Video of even that crept in. “HELL YEAH! Look at all those guys. She’s going to be busy for hours.” Six hours to be precise, but let’s not jump too far ahead. Business at Bumper Guards was booming today.

“Okay! Still no Delores, so text her.” Vince memorized Delores’ number then pocketed Christina’s cell so as not to be confused. Entering the number into his contacts they took one more look outside before messaging her. Writing, “Hi Mrs. Shepard this is Vince. I hope it doesn’t bother you I’m texting this. Chris gave me your number to confirm if you were coming or not. I swear I won’t bother you after this unless you say it’s okay. I’ll even delete your number if you want me to. Can you please confirm?” Off it went.

In her bedroom Delores Shepard got his text while just getting changed. She too showered and now doing her make-up before deciding her final move. Wearing a short-sleeve heavenly white pullover top with a reasonable cleavage yet not too revealing, and white shorts she looked beautiful. Battling her nerves which were a constant, she stepped to her cell and read his text. Seeing only his number as a contact gave her pause until she read it. “He seems very polite. I want a massage so bad but am I being silly letting some random teenager, touch me all over? I mean ... yes, the shock of seeing all those boys ... touching themselves while watching Glen and I ... mostly me, seeing as Glen was hidden by my body ... they were turned on by me. Solely me!” She shivered rubbing her upper arm. “I suppose I should respond at least.”


Texting him she wrote, “Hello Vince. I’m fine that you have my number as long as you don’t text me while my husband is around to question why you have it. I don’t want him to think things are ... worse than they appear.” Sent, it was a waiting game, walking from her Chester drawer to sit on her bed.

“She messaged back.” Vince grew excited, Mike not far behind. Reading it out loud before any reply, allowed Mike to relax knowing she was likely not close by to sneak up on them. “Ok, I’m writing back.” Proceeding with, “You have my word. Before anything else I want to apologize for our behavior yesterday. We ... were stupid.”

“That’s sweet of you to admit. I think my husband and I were equally stupid in doing what we did.”

“I swore to Chris I would behave, and I will. You were not stupid. We all have our moments and you observed ours. Sorry again.” He fired back.

“No further apologies necessary, all I ask is that you do not spread what we do around town. My husband and I have a solid reputation with the community. Tarnishing it would make me very sad. That and I do not want my daughter to know.”

“As long as you don’t tell anyone what we did.”

“Totally fair Vince. So, you’re at Christina’s now? Alone?”

“Yes. Chris told me to close the curtains and lock the door in case anyone dropped by.”

“Alright! I trust you, Vince.” Not really but she was trying.

“Thanks Mrs. Shepard. On your way?”

“Five minutes and I’ll be walking out my front door.” She needed a moment to calm herself.

“I’ll be here.” He ended it.

“Okay! See you shortly.” Her finale text revealed she flopped back on her mattress and glared at the ceiling. “God my nerves are shot. A massage is so needed and honestly it costs so much to go to a professional. Our budget doesn’t allow for such luxuries. Yet, Glen can play golf at the Country Club. So not fair that I get the short end of the stick.” A flash vision of a thick hard cock as her stick she froze with her eyes flared, “I can’t do this.”

Standing and pacing her bedroom she spotted her black sleep mask on her bedside stand. “I can do it. Come with me Anna.” Affectionately nicknamed after the blind Prophetess in the Bible. Luke 2:36 through 38 to be precise! Maybe Delores was seeing her future and didn’t know it yet.

White pumps and dark sunglasses with a white frame matched her attire, accenting her long flowing brown hair. Lip gloss from her purse completed her readiness. Front door opened she began her walk; it was only five blocks and such a beautiful day. While never really considering herself overly attractive she did have that Anne Hathaway vibe to her appearance. Delores having been raised in the Church maintained her meek but need to escape persona, often isolating herself from the world. She worshipped her husband but with their sex life having its ups and downs, more down than up on his part she simply gave up most days. Love would persevere.

Back at Christina Holly’s house Vince blurted, “She’s on her way.” Mike brightening up realized something. Where was he going to hide from Delores?

“You’re doing this in the living room, right?”

“That’s the plan. I figure doing it on Christina’s bed might scare her.”

“Okay! Then, I’ll hide in the bedroom.”

“You’re short and skinny get under the bed until she’s comfortable. Chris said Delores wanted to wear a bedtime blinder so as long as you’re quiet she won’t know you’re here.”

“Gotcha! Let me see if I can squeeze under the bed.” Their journey in they predicted the creaks in the floor, old house, old haunts. Vince pointed out where not to step and even placed some of Christina’s socks on the bad spots. Readied, Mike dropped down slithering on his belly under the bed. It was tight but manageable. Above him Vince quickly arranged Christina’s torn up blankets and hid Mike from sight. “How do I film Delores and you from under here?”

“Just wait until I give you a sign to come out.”

“What kind of sign?”

“You’ll know it when you hear it. Wait! I’ll say I just dropped the Mic.”


“Alright let me go look bored.” Vince stepped from the bedroom and once again stretched out on the sofa. Christina’s cell in his pocket he panicked and stuffed it under a couch cushion. It might have been smart of him to silence it or shut it off. Amateur! Getting comfy he closed his eyes and feigned napping. Yeah, out like a light.

Ten minutes later Delores had made it to the sidewalk leading up to Christina Holly’s home and looked around for any sign of onlookers before heading up to the porch. Not a sole in sight she felt more at ease, until she was at the door. With the interior door wide open she heard snoring and winced. “Did he fall asleep on me?” Easing the screen door open she peeked to her right and sure enough there was Vince drooling from the corner of his mouth. “Poor thing! I almost hate to wake him.”

Stepping in quietly Delores fanned her flushed expression, she had made it this far at least. Eying Sleeping Buddy she fidgeted and let her eyes slip to his crotch. It was easy enough to see he wasn’t wearing underwear, his sweats bulging to the contour of a timid erection. Rolling her right hands fingertips along her throat she bit her lower lip with curiosity. Glancing toward the picture window with cum streaks still on it she trembled. A third shift in vision she rediscovered the section of carpet that she and Glen had screwed on while the group of boys created such a mess on the glass. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

Not responding to her wakeup call she recreated her gruff froggy to no avail. “Goodness he’s a sound sleeper.” Tempted to wiggle his shoe she chose to step closer to his side examining his muscular physique. “Forgive me!” She looked toward Heaven then bent forward to place her palm on his abdomen to shake him awake. “Vince?”

Eyes wide, he sat up quickly, so fast that his body slid upward under her palm until his unbalanced erection caressed her knuckles. Eyes bulging at his move and her reluctance to lift her hand away they both blushed.

“I can’t believe I fell out! Sorry, Mrs. Shepard.”

“Delores.” She smiled and found the required energy to retreat her hand.

“Right! Delicious.” He mumbled and sat up with both feet on the floor before launching himself upright. Stretching vividly in front of her his tank rode up revealing his not perfect six pack. A thin well-displayed brown streak of body hair going straight over his belly button and down beneath his sweatpants was seen. She had to look away and mask her red features, that and her flaring eyes full of shame, yet wonderment. Good thing she still had her sunglasses lowered. Resisting her nerves, she did finally position her shades atop her head and look around the house. Finding a bag on the recliner consisting of lotions and oils she snooped, bending slightly forward. Vince examined her shorts tightening up over her butt cheeks and bit his knuckle.


“That’s quite a lot of lotions.” She then spotted a Magic Wand. “What exactly is this?” Maybe she was more naïve than she should have been at her age, but she had never once seen one, let alone hear about its uses.

“Oh, that’s a massaging wand. It’s used to loosen up your muscles.”

“I’m all for that.” She shyly smiled and squeezed the back of her neck. “Can we talk a bit first? I need to control my...”

“Hormones? I get it.” He shrugged with an understanding expression.

“I was going to say nerves.” She blushed and lowered her eyes to avoid giving away that he might be accurate.

“Oh! Right! Those too. Sorry!”

“You don’t have to be sorry, Vince. This is why I need to talk first. I want to feel safe.”

“We do not have to do this, Mrs. Shepard. Chris asked my help, I just stepped up.”

“May I ask why?”

“A couple of reasons, I guess. One, I felt maybe I owed you after that stunt we all pulled yesterday.” A bluff well versed!

“And the other couple?”

“Don’t put me on the spot here.” He chuckled and put on his best game face as if embarrassed.

“Let’s just get it all out into the open. If I’m going to let you do this, we need to trust one another.”

“As long as you don’t let what I say scare you off. I’m trying to be straight with you.”

“Speak your mind.”

“You’re smoking hot.” He just let it out for better or worse.

“Oh my! I ... you really think I’m ... all that?”

“I know you don’t remember me, but I went to Mount Olive one time with my friends Mike and Corey. I definitely remembered you.”

“Oh? You’re right. It must have been a long time ago.”

“I think I was in seventh grade.” He smirked with a hint of shyness.

“Ah! Childhood crush?”

“We all had a crush on you.”

“Sooo ... six or seven years ago.”

“I was twelve, I think. I’m 18 now.”

“So young you are. I must be ancient to you.”

“Not even. You look sexier ... I mean better than you did then.”

“I would have been 33. I did look good back then.” She giggled. Those were the good ole’ days she thought, the peak of her sexual heights with Glen before the desires slowed down on his part, then unavoidably hers. Thinking along those lines she trembled. Why was she thinking of sex here and now? Shaking off her momentary lapse in judgment Delores sighed, “Did I freak you out seeing me have sex with my husband on Christina’s floor here?” She went so far as to point at the very spot they lay.

“Ohhhhh, yeeeeeeeah! We all stood watching long before we lost our ... minds ... almost said loads. Sorry again.”

“You’re fine, Vincent.” She continued to blush.

“Can I ask you a question now?”

“Please do.”

“After you went home ... did you think about us watching you?”

“Must I?” She giggled, “Yes, of course I did. I think I needed that ego boost. Between you and me? My husband is not the most ... energetic lover. When I first met Christina on the street her boldness struck a chord inside me. Glen would never seek counselling so when we talked about Christina, he wanted to meet her. In my mind, I thought by letting him that maybe he might have more interest in me. I know he loves me, but he struggles with intimacy these days. What Chris shared with us got him so worked up I had to take advantage of it right ... here.” Again, she pointed down at their ground zero. “At home we did it all night long. It was ... breathtaking.”

“I’m happy for you Mrs ... Shep ... Delores.”

“Good! First name basis. On that note I think I feel ready for this. Where are we doing the massage?”

Stepping closer to her he pointed directly where she and Glen did reverse cowgirl. “Perfect spot, right? I’d say Christina’s bed, but I don’t feel it’s appropriate.”

“No, certainly not in a bed. That’s too...” She wanted to say tempting but chose, “ ... taboo I suppose.” Just as bad! Delores knew how used that bed must be.

“Exactly! Chris left us a blanket out. Let me grab it from her bedroom. After I’m back in here to spread the blanket, you can step into her room and put a towel around you.”

“Alright!” She followed him into the bedroom not even suspecting Mike was under the king size bed. Tense at seeing a bed then exploring Vince from behind she found herself shaking like a leaf. She had never been alone in a bedroom with any other man besides Glen. The chill of uncertainty loomed but at the same time his muscles were quite appealing. Turning from the bed they nearly ran over one another, eyes meeting with shock. “I should have been more careful in walking so closely behind you.” She eased aside allowing Vince to proceed, he was grinning like a hyena the second he got by her.

Closing the bedroom door Delores found the towel awaiting her and sat down on the bed, instinctively hopping on it twice in her seated position. Why she did that was beyond her, but the blushes kept coming. Beneath the bed Mike suffered her bounce effect and groaned. Still, he held his tongue to avoid her knowing he was there, gravity coming down on his back unexpected.


Removing her pumps first she stepped away from Christina’s bed and stepped over to her dresser mirror. Strangely Delores wanted to watch herself undress. Taking her shirt off to reveal a white bra she unhooked it then removed it. Dropping it on the floor next to her with her shirt. She was obviously not worried about wrinkles.

Mike under the bed had his camera recording her striptease without her knowledge, carefully crawling to be able to capture a solid shot of her. In his new location behind her he found her sliding her shorts down over her legs, inch by heavenly inch until stopping at her ankles. His dick was having fits, his own sweats rising high under the pressure of his body between it and the carpet. No panties shocked him, her pussy and butt pucker looked as if she were still 18. Wow! Delores paused as if undecided. “Do I wear these or risk it? I’m too horny to take the chance. I better leave ... them...” On the floor it was. Frisky Risky!


In stepping out of the shorts Mike recorded her clam and butt pucker in all of their succulent glory. The shock that Delores had even trimmed her pubes since yesterday, they were now an extremely thin landing strip from top to clitoral paradise. Her turning to face him he had to retreat his cell or be spotted. Feet only in his current visual he heard her wrap herself in her large bath towel and sighed out loud whispering, “I can’t believe I’m going through with this.” Doorknob twisted she revealed herself to Vince sitting on the blanket looking at his cell. Tucker had sent him more video of Christina, this time being gangbanged in the shops small waiting room, DP and down the hatch, two dicks in both hands. The whore was amazing to watch.


“Anything interesting?” Delores noted his cell lit up but on mute. He had sense enough to mute his own cell but not Christina’s. Dumbass!

“Just a cute pussy video my sister sent me. Cat video I mean.” He deleted the video knowing he could get it again later. “Caught me as I deleted it. I hate when she sends me those so-called adorable kitten vids.”


“I love watching them. Ask her to resend it for me.”

“She’s at college. I have your number I’ll send it when I get it again.”

“What was it about?” She needed communication to control her anxiety.

“Oh! A cute hairy pussy that some girl painted pink thinking it was funny. So wrong! Even worse a dog tried to eat the kitty.”

“Oh, my Lord! No, on second thought do not send that to me. That’s horrible.” Whew! Saved by the hell.

“Let’s get to it.” He patted the blanket and crawled to his knees. “Stretch out on your belly.”

“Okay!” She lowered to her knees then froze knowing he was easily going to see up her towel. She regretted for thirty seconds not leaving her white denim shorts on. Gnashing her teeth, she held her breath and just stretched out, legs tightly closed. Sadly, she found the towel bunched up under her and uncomfortable. As Vince shot up from his seat to grab the oil bag, he tried to get a look up between her thighs, but her ass was clenched hard. What he did spot with a glance toward the open bedroom door was Mike carefully reaching out for Delores discarded shorts. Mike took them with him back under the bed. Vince nearly chuckled but compressed his lips to avoid it. Sniffer!

Returning to Delores he noticed something missing. No not her towel. “Were you wanting to wear your mask?” He prayed she hadn’t changed her mind.

“I totally forgot. I suppose that’s a good sign that I’m feeling comfortable around you.”

“Okay cool! Can I ask a favor though?”

“What’s that?”

“Try not to make eye contact. I might ... melt.”

“Oh, stop!” She giggled, “I’m not all that. Hand me my purse. Better yet, just get into it for my night mask.”

“I thought you were comfy?” He allowed himself to chuckle this time. Finding the black night mask, he brought it over to her. As she stretched for it her top-heavy cleavage shared a nice murky crevice beneath the towel. While holding it with her other hand, Delores claimed her mask.

“It’s too bright in here.”

“Oh, yeah! I nearly forgot. Did forget! Want me to close the drapes?”

“No! Well, unless all of your friends are outside.”

“No, they’re working up sweats at a carwash. They all volunteered.”

“That was nice of them.”

“I was going to volunteer until Chris asked me to massage you. Rather be here.” He laughed and brought the oils over, Magic Wand set aside on the blanket. “Scented oils! These can be heated up If you want.”

“I’ve never had anything, but hand lotion rubbed on my body. I’d like to try warm oils.”

“Two minutes to nuke. Be right back.” He hopped back up and headed into the kitchen. While he was MIA Delores lifted up on her knees and tried to adjust her towel for comfort. Growling as she heard the microwave ping, she left it undone and just laid back down on the floor, her breasts crushing into the fuzzy soft blanket beneath her. In her mind she said, “Much better.” The question was, for whom?

Returning with the various oils he shared scents letting her select a soft cherry blossom. “I like that one.”

“Me too. Uhhh? I’m ready but with this towel high up I’m not going to really be able to do more than your shoulders and neck.”

“Oh! Okay! I can bring it down some. How far?” She let him decide, “I’m in a compromising position Vince so I’ll trust you how much room you need.”

“Whole back if you want this done right.” He folded the towel over and over until it aligned her waist. She had to put her mask on to hide her terror. Best move ever! Once ready Vince trickled the cherry blossom oil on her back then began rolling his palms all along her shoulders. Guiding her long brown hair out of his way Delores let out a beautiful moan.

“That feels lovely.”

“Good! I’m going to apply pressure, so let me know if it’s too rough.”

“Alright!” She found his grip incredibly relaxing. Kneading down her spine to the small of her back he retraced his steps then focused on the back of her neck. “You’re very talented Vincent.”

“In a lot of ways.” He chuckled, “Not talking dirty.” Sure, he was, she knew it too. Her arms concealing the side swell of her 36C’s from being easily seen, she hid her sheepish grin.

While she wore the mask, Vince leered toward the bedroom and found Mike had crawled from beneath and was standing cautiously filming her. The thing that shocked Vince was that Mike had her white shorts covering his released cock as he gently jerked off into the interior inseam. Vince shook his head and grinned. Dumbass meet dumbass! Even better, on Mike’s part was the fact her face was looking right at him, easily seen if not for her mask. Her warm smile of enjoying Vincent’s hands added to his dirty little thoughts that she was visualizing him. Yup! Dumbass still!

“Man, you are beyond tense Delores ... relax Momma.” Vince spoke out.

“I’m trying.” She sighed, “Can we not call me, Momma? I picture my daughters watching while hearing that word. So not helping.”

“You have kids? I don’t recall that.”

“Yes. Emily 21 and Ruth 18. They’re both off at College in Dallas.”

“That’s cool. My sister Violet goes to the University of Texas here in Austin. She’s 21.” He massaged her ribcage finding her arms glued to her side, “Give me room to work here.” He nudged his hands between her arms to pry them from her body. Giving in she allowed him enough to do his work. Trembling she apologized.

“It tickles.”

“What does ... this?” Vince dared to tickle her intentionally making her react by lifting up and letting him see her breast from the side, a hint of areola.

“Stop that!” She giggled. “Massage me, not play ... with me.” She bit her tongue quickly. Settling down she added, “See? You made my muscles even more tense.”

“Then I guess I work those kinks out if it takes all lay.”


“I meant day.” He laughed, “Quit interrupting me. Take a nap or something.”

“I could drift off easily. Good thing there’s no music.”

“I was just thinking of turning the stereo on.”

“Oh? As long as it’s nothing too hard rock.”

“Christian channel?” He abandoned her briefly, Delores sensed where he was headed.

“Noooo! That would feel wrong under the circumstances.”

“Guess so! I just figured it might relax you.”

“Country?” He located a radio station promoting Luke Bryan. Shaking her head, she told him she could never get into country. Stumbling upon a soft music station it led in with the Cranberries and their tune Linger.

“That’s soothing.” He grimaced at the song but shrugged, if it kept her happy his hands would be happy.

“Then let me sooth you further. I haven’t even hit my stride yet.”

“Oh really? Just don’t tickle.”

“On one condition.”


“Stop being so frigid. Put your arms to your sides and breath.” He guided her hesitant arms away which gave him plenty of room to navigate. “Legs too. I’m not looking.”

“I don’t believe that.” She giggled, then clenched her teeth, “If you behave, I’ll try to loosen up.”

“Then we don’t need this.” He whipped her towel completely off making her curl into a cringing fetal position as if hiding from a monster.


“Just chill Delores. I’m not attacking you. You have got to relax. The only way to do that is to just let it all out. Besides, I saw this body yesterday anyway.”

“I suppose, but I’m not sure I qualify what you just did as behaving.” How that mask stayed on was left to the imagination. In truth she was afraid to look him in the eye and see lust. It was far better to hide her own worries.

“Probably not. I’ll stop if you want to get dressed and go home.” He looked over at Mike struggling to hold his recording steady, her shorts filled with his creamy jizz. A look of death was sent toward Vince who hid his laughter behind a scented knuckle.

“I should.” She sat up and covered her body with her arms, temptation was a bastard, “No more hijinks?”

“I’ll try my best. Does that mean you want to continue?”

“Yes, Vince! Please do not...” She faltered and just rolled back onto her chest and lay there, ass in plain sight. With no further fight in her, she nestled in for more. “Continue please.”

“You got it.” He added more oil and began work on her legs with simple swathes of his palms at first. Eyes on her available clam he sat between her legs and massaged her calves then her feet. Devoting a lengthy attention to her toes he kneaded between each individually making her moan.

“First foot massage ever. Oh, my goodness that feels wonderful.” While under his trance Mike discarded her white shorts where he found them to dry, then crept like a ghost out into the living room. With the music playing it masked his lightly creaking footfalls. Outside the bedroom there were no socks to gauge where the flooring was weak. Carpet to dampen noise, the house was still old and needing reinforced structurally. “Take your time there Vince.”

“Your wish is my command.”

“Mmm!” She sighed vibrantly. “I wish I heard that out of Glen more often.”

“I know you probably shouldn’t trust me after taking your towel away, but ... I know something that can really be relaxing.”



“You have two minutes to prove you can be trusted.”

Drawing her toes to his mouth he began sucking and licking on them. The response brought her ass upward as she cooed to embrace the ticklishness. Nails digging into her blanket she whimpered, “Lord forgive me.” A song called I Adore You by Molly Burch delved into the sensuality of his warm lips and wagging tongue. “So wrong! So wrong!” She writhed about on the blanket as Mike stood over her recording her stimulated reaction. No way was Delores removing that blinder, her eyes would betray her.

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