First Affair - Cover

First Affair

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 1 - She had never done this before but because she was a reader of my stories, she and I had become friends. We decided to meet one day and that's when I learned just how hard it was for her...

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

I walked into the coffee shop and stood in the doorway for a minute. My eyes scanned the room until I saw her. A lone woman sitting at a corner table looking around very nervously. I smiled and casually walked up to her table taking a circuitous pathway. I knew the woman wouldn’t recognize me – we’d never met before in person. And I wanted to get a better look at her before I actually sat down and introduced myself.

She was thirty-six years old, but still very attractive. She had wavy dishwater blonde hair that fell to about mid-shoulder blades. She wore a red stretch-knit dress that while simple in design was still very attractive. She had a very nice figure and I could see she took care of herself. I appreciated that.

We had “met” online through an erotic story site. I wrote erotic stories there under the member name “jasonb4253” and for some reason, she loved to read my work. We had talked back and forth in chat boxes and through emails and I had gotten to know a little bit about her. What she told me was fascinating and it seemed like we had a lot more than just “dirty stories” in common.

I knew something about her from our many times online chatting. I knew that she and her husband had been married for ten years and that her first marriage had ended in divorce after two years when she found her then-husband was abusive and mean.

She didn’t have any children – she wasn’t with her first husband long enough and both she and Tom had been focused on getting their careers established so that by the time they got around to having kids, she couldn’t anymore. They had tried a few times but with no success.

As time passed and we got more comfortable with each other, more personal details started to emerge until one day I let it slip that I was planning to attend a music concert for a group I liked.

“Oh my God, I saw the flyer for that group too! Wait a minute – they are playing here where I live that weekend. Do you live in Austin?” she asked. At that point, there was no getting out of it.

“Yeah, over in the Rollingwood area. Where do you live?” I asked her.

“I live over in Montopolis, on the other side of town!” We laughed and added one more thing we had in common – we both lived in Austin no more than ten miles from each other!

As I stood there a few tables away watching her, I noticed she was fidgeting and looking around almost paranoid. She kept playing with a rather large diamond ring on her finger and then willing herself to leave it be, laying her hands flat on the table.

After a couple of minutes of observing her, I decided to let her off the hook and came up to her table. “Kathy?” I asked.

“Are you ... Jason?” she asked in return.

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you finally!” I said.

“Nice to meet you too. I wasn’t sure if you would come or not,” she said.

“Well, I don’t make a habit of standing up a beautiful woman!” I said. She blushed at my remark.

“So can I get you something? A cup of coffee or something?” I asked.

“A cup of coffee would be nice. Thank you,” she said softly.

“No problem. How do you take it?”

“Two creams and two sugars please.”

“You got it. Be right back.” I went to get our coffees and came back and sat down, handing her the one she ordered. She held the coffee up close to her face with both hands almost as if she was trying to hide behind the cup.

I smiled and reached up to lower her hands. “Don’t ever hide that pretty face Kathy,” I told her.

“Sorry, I’m just a little nervous. I don’t want someone I know to see me here,” she said.

“Kathy, hon, Austin is a city of nearly a million people. You said your husband had to go to Houston today so he’s not around. And besides, I picked this coffee shop because it is tucked away here in the hotel. Not out on the street where someone could see your car parked outside or see you coming in. So I think you are pretty safe.”

“You’re right, of course. It’s just that this is my first time ever ... you know ... with another man and...” she said, looking down at her lap.

“I understand, Kathy. Believe it or not, I’m no Romeo either. I don’t have a bed with notches on the headboard or a ‘little black book’ filled with dozens of women’s names. I don’t have my bedroom wall plastered with ladies’ panties from all my ‘conquests’. And when I left the house I didn’t see any line of anxious women waiting for my attention outside my door,” I said.

“No? Why not? What’s wrong with you?” she giggled. It was good to see her relaxing.

“Well, there’s a laundry list there! Seriously, I’m just a writer of stories. I’m no superman or Don Juan lover,” I said.

“But your stories are so hot and sexy and you put so much romance in them...” she said.

“Thank you. But in reality, I read ... a lot. Always have. And I guess I just picked things up as I read. Plus, I always have my thesaurus handy when I need a word. I use a lot of tools when I write. I like my stories to be as real and authentic as I can make them. So I do some research before I write and while I am working on the story,” I explained.

“Well, they are very good. You are one of the best writers I’ve read. I love all your stories,” she said.

By now we had both finished our coffees. “Why don’t we get out of here and let someone else use the table,” I suggested.

I rose and offered her my hand to help her stand. She looked up and smiled, taking my hand. I put her arm on mine and trapped it there with my other hand. We walked up to the counter and I paid the check for the coffees leaving a generous tip as well.

“Would you excuse me, I want to slip into the ladies’ room for a minute,” she said.

“Sure, go right ahead. I’ll wait for you here,” I said.

I waited for her for about ten minutes. Now I know women take longer in the bathroom than men, but that’s usually because they go in groups so they can talk about us men. But Kathy went in by herself and still took a worrisome amount of time in there. But finally, she came back out.

“Everything okay? I was beginning to wonder if maybe you didn’t slip out the bathroom window while you were in there!” I joked.

“Sorry. But I did have to take a few deep breaths and calm myself down. Plus I wanted to check my makeup and my dress. I want to look good for you, you know,” she said, smiling.

“You have nothing to worry about there Kathy, honey, you look just fine. More than fine, you look amazing,” I said.

Kathy blushed. “Thank you, Jason. It’s been a while since anyone fussed over me like that. You are just like the characters in your stories. Sweet and gentlemanly. I like that about your characters and I’m liking that about you as well.”

We walked out the door. “Where are you parked?” I asked.

“Oh, I didn’t come in a car. We only have one car working right now and my husband took it to Houston. He’ll be back late tonight so he didn’t think I would need the car today. I took the bus here,” she said.

“Well that makes the logistics a little easier – we don’t have to worry about getting two cars back and forth. So where would you like to go? Your place? My place? Someplace else?” I asked.

“Can we go to your place? I have nosy neighbors who would love to see me getting out of a strange car with a strange man. I’d be the subject of gossip and rumor for months! And I’m sure that Tom, my husband, would get wind of it,” she said.

“No problem hon. A small price to pay to keep your honor intact!” I said with a grin.

Kathy chuckled. “Well, it’s been quite a few years since I’ve had to worry about my honor being intact! I’m afraid that ship sailed a long time ago!”

“My dear, a lady always has to worry about her honor. And a gentleman never lets her worry about it!” I said.

“Jason, darling, you keep talking like that and neither of us will have to worry about my honor!” she giggled, blushing beet red.

The coffee shop we were at was almost halfway between our two homes, with it being a little closer to mine. So it only took about five or six minutes to get back to my place. My house has an attached garage so once I pulled into the driveway, a click of the remote opened the garage door and I pulled inside. I got out and opened the door for her, helping her out of the car, and we went inside with the neighbors’ none the wiser.

We had just got in the entryway between the garage and the hallway into the house. I heard the door click locked when I pushed Kathy back against the wall. I held her arms over her head.

“I have wanted to kiss you since I first sat down with you,” I said. She looked at me, her eyes darting back and forth for a moment before she nodded slightly, giving me permission.

I leaned in and kissed her. A kiss just like in my stories – deep and powerful and passionate. The kind of kiss that sucks the air out of her lungs so that when you break the kiss, she can’t help but gasp.

“Oh my Jason!” she gasped as she tried to catch her breath. Once she had a good lungful of fresh air, I went in for a second, equally intense, kiss. This time though, Kathy wasn’t as surprised and she melted into my kiss.

She put her arms around my neck and I pushed myself up against her, pinning her to the wall and placing one leg between hers, pressing it into her crotch to let her know my intentions. I heard her moan softly into my mouth as she surrendered to my kiss, her hips beginning to slowly grind on my leg as if they had a mind of their own.

I kissed her and pressed into her, letting her come to me at her own pace. I didn’t want to rush her, I let her dictate the speed of this encounter for a bit. But once she started getting into humping my leg and I knew that this was indeed what she wanted, I took over.

I pulled back suddenly and spun her around to face the wall now. She was just far enough away that she had to lean into it slightly. I pushed her upper body to the wall and she stood there, face and shoulders to the wall and her palms flat on the wall.

Her tight, firm, round ass stuck out a bit from the wall, and I moved up against it as I reached around her to grab and fondle her tits. Kathy had a very nice set of DD tits, plenty big enough to play with, yet surprisingly firm and high on her chest for a woman her age.

Kathy kept herself in very good shape – the gym was a passion of hers. She liked the workout but additionally, it was one of the few opportunities she got to socialize with others. She had her work, but there she was stuck in a small office cubicle most of the day and during her breaks or her lunch there simply wasn’t enough time to really socialize much. So the gym was her chance to talk with the friends she had made there.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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