The Rendezvous - Cover

The Rendezvous

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Sex Story: I showed up unexpectedly at my girl's house. She had not been in touch for far too long and I was there to find out why...and correct the problem!

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   BDSM   MaleDom   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Public Sex   .

I parked in her driveway and walked up to the front door. She didn’t know I was coming and I wanted it that way. She had neglected to follow my directions and I wanted to find out why. I rang the doorbell then stepped back while I waited for her to answer.

I saw the look of total surprise on her face when she opened the door and saw me standing there. She glanced over my shoulder to see if the neighbors were out, but the cold winter weather was keeping everyone indoors.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

“Oh, yes, Master! Sorry! Please come in. Quickly! I am shocked to find you standing at my door.”

“You have not written to me as you should have, so I am here to take care of the problem.”

Stepping back and to one side, she made way for me to enter. I strode past her and waited for her to close the door. As she turned towards me, I grabbed her by the throat, forcing her backwards against the door and slapped her face.

“What do you mean by not responding to my emails? Have you no respect for common courtesy? What is wrong with you?” And then I slapped her again, harder this time.

“Down on your knees! Now! And now I want to hear you apologize.”

“Forgive me, Master!” she pleaded. “I got busy with work and I have not been feeling well, and the time just slipped away.” I noted the redness on her cheek and the outline of my fingers on her tender flesh.

“You think that is an adequate excuse for not writing to me? You couldn’t find two minutes in your busy schedule to even shoot me an email saying you were busy? I doubt that. Maybe you should have taken one less coffee or bathroom break and thought of me instead. Obviously you need to be trained to show respect. Get your coat, we are going out.”

“I can’t, Master. I have so much to do around here and I still have grocery shopping to do. Can’t we do this anoth...”

SLAP! “Shut up and get your coat. And for being so rude, you will undress completely before putting it on. NOW!”

“But Master, it’s cold outside. And what if we run into someone I know?”

“If we run into someone you know, then you will be naked under your coat. Got it? Now get moving.”

I followed her to the bedroom to make sure she did as I said, and I watched her undress. This was the first time I had visited her at her house and I think my presence in her home made her uncomfortable – like I had broken some sort of etiquette guideline.

But she undressed without hesitation nonetheless. Perhaps she just wanted to get me out of the house as soon as possible – thinking that once in public, I couldn’t punish or berate her, or maybe she just liked the feeling of my watching her as she got naked in front of me. Whatever the reason, I liked what I saw, and seeing her naked form conjured up wicked mental images of what was to come!

About 15 minutes later, we were in my car and heading out of her driveway. She seemed to relax a bit as we drove further from her home and the fear of being caught. Or maybe it was the fact that I was driving and couldn’t really do anything to her while I was doing so.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her looking at me as I focused on driving on the snow-covered streets. I turned my head towards her, and our eyes met. I saw a mischievous little sparkle there, a clue that she was looking forward to what I had in mind for her. But there is also a hint of uncertainty, because she didn’t know if she should be.

“I have to stop by the hardware store to pick up a couple of things,” I said as I pulled into the parking lot.

“Yes Master,” she said.

“Come on,” I said, after getting out of the car and coming around to open the door for her.

“You want me to come in with you?”

“Yes. Now get out of the car and follow me.”

She got out of the car and followed me into the store. I led her to the bathrooms first and as I headed to the men’s room, she started making the turn to the ladie’s room.

“Come with me,” I said.

“In there?! I can’t go in there, Master!”

“When I say come, you come, slut – no argument or discussion, you hear me?” I grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her into the men’s room with me.

I chose this hardware store because I had been in there earlier and noted that one of the stalls in the men’s room had a missing door due to vandalism. I chose that stall and took off the Do Not Use sign and tape.

“Unbutton your coat and let me see your nakedness,” I told her. She looked at me with shock and panic. Knowing that I was not kidding, she glanced around, and then unbuttoned her coat and opened it, but left the coat on. “Give me your coat,” I said, reaching out and snatching it off her, exposing her fully. I slapped her right tit, the sound echoing loudly in the empty bathroom.

“I want your naked, disrespectful body exposed fully to anyone who comes in here. Do you understand?”

I slapped her tit again, and her nipples hardened as a result. “Now sit down on the toilet. I am off to find some things I need. While I am gone, I want you to touch your pussy, make yourself wet, make yourself cum – you got that?”

“Y ... yes ... Master,” she said, looking scared and worried.

“You can close your eyes and imagine that you are home in your own bed, or you can keep your eyes open and realize where you are and what you are doing. It does not matter to me. But whatever you do, do not move from this seat and do not make any effort to cover your nakedness.

“If someone walks in, you keep stroking your pussy. If that person decides to watch, you are to invite them to play with you. You are to invite them to touch you and feel you up. They aren’t allowed to have sex with you or penetrate you in any manner, but if they want to touch you or suck on your tits, you are to let them. Do you understand?”

“Master, please!” she said, with visible distress in her voice. Her face had already turned three shades of red in her embarrassment.

“Get to it,” I said, “And you had better do exactly as I have said, or it will be a hundred times worse for you!”

I watched for a moment as her hand slid down her stomach and found her pussy. Her finger glided between her moist lips and then slipped up toward her clit where it lingered for a moment before beginning a slow, rotating caress. She closed her eyes, and I wandered off to find the items I needed.

By the time I found what I had come in the store for, I could hear low moans coming from the cubicle where she was sitting. As I walked back into the men’s room, I saw what she had been doing. She had slid down on the toilet a bit, and her legs were spread wide apart. Her body was thrusting forward to press against her teasing fingers which were now plunging deep into her shaved pussy.

She had her eyes closed and her lips were parted as she moaned aloud. She was moving inevitably towards her orgasm. She sensed my presence and opened her eyes and smiled at me as she played with her exposed pussy. She made no effort to cover herself, which at that point would have been futile and only would have gotten her in deeper trouble anyway. Her eyes locked onto mine as her fingers flew across her swollen, sensitive clit and drew her ever closer to orgasm.

As her movements became more frenzied and her orgasm approached, I firmly pinched her left nipple hard between my fingers, and I used my right hand to repeatedly slap her right tit.SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! The harder I pinched and the more I slapped, the more agitated the thrusting of her hips became. Her eyes closed as her legs began to quiver. I listened to the squishing of her pussy as her fingers worked inside, drawing her farther and farther along the path to release. I glanced around, hoping that we were being watched, but we were alone.

She came, letting out a loud squeal that echoed around the room. Her legs snapped together, trapping her hand with her fingers still buried deep inside her spasming pussy. Her ragged breathing became labored as the tremors raced through her body, and a look of ecstasy came over her facial features.

I stopped my manipulation of her tits as her entire body got caught up in the throes of the orgasm. For a brief moment, I wondered what it was she had been thinking about as she touched herself, but I decided to save that question for later.

“Get up and let’s go,” I said. I reached down and took hold of her nipples to “help her up”. She moaned as I pulled her to her feet. Looking around, she wondered if anyone had been watching her. I think that she was a little disappointed to find that no one had, but we both knew that there would be other opportunities when there would be eager eyes watching.

I took her over to the urinal and made her stand, nude and with her head down and eyes lowered, as I used the bathroom, watching her closely to see if she peeked. She knew better and didn’t.

I handed her coat to her, having kept it with me while I shopped. With her coat fully buttoned, she stood by my side as I went through the checkstand and paid for the items I had selected. There was a slight breeze blowing as we walked towards the car, making the temps feel colder than they actually were.

I smiled as I imagined the chill this brought to her damp, exposed pussy. I was tempted to lick the dampness from her once we were in the car, but I decided to save that until later. I knew that pussy would be dripping and ready for my tongue whenever I wanted it over the next couple of hours.

When we reached the car, I unlocked the trunk and instructed her to get the bag that was stored there. Once she was seated beside me, I leaned over and gave her a deep passionate kiss of promise. She responded with gusto, and I knew that she was ready for whatever was to come.

“Open the bag and look inside,” I said. She complied instantly with my command, and I saw her eyes open wide as she examined the contents. “Tell me what you see.”

“Oh my, Master! I see whips and vibrators and butt plugs and lubricants and ropes and hand cuffs and gags and all sorts of other things!” I heard a tremor of eager anticipation in her voice as she considered how each of these implements might come into play in the coming hours.

“Now we are going to my hotel room so we can get on with your punishment for not writing.”

After a short drive, we arrived at my hotel. I carried the satchel of toys as she followed me through the lobby, glancing around as we went to make sure there is no one there that she knew. Once we were in my room, I told her to put the satchel on the bed.

“Take off your coat,” I said. Without hesitation, she followed my command, shedding her coat and exposing her trim body once more to my gaze.

“So how did you like being exposed in the bathroom?”

“At first I did not like it at all, Master! I am not used to being naked in public, but once I closed my eyes and imagined that I was alone in my bed, I began to relax. And then I began to imagine what it might be like to have a stranger watching me. In the end, that got me really hot.”

“Were you disappointed when you found that there was no one there but you and me?”

“Yes, I suppose I was.”

“Well next time we will make sure you have an audience. What do you think about that?” She didn’t answer, but bit her lower lip as she nodded her head.

“Yes, Master. Master, may I be excused – I have to pee,” she asked.

“Yes, but keep the door open.”

“But Master, can’t I have little privacy?”

“Privacy you can have when you are home. Here when you pee, I want to see and hear. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

I followed her into the bathroom and watched as she sat down. Before she began to piss, I moved toward her, grabbing her right tit with my hand, squeezing hard and digging my fingers deep into her soft flesh. I leaned close and forced my tongue past her clenched lips. When she did not respond, I pinched her nipple hard until she cried out, and then her tongue began to play with mine.

As we kissed, I released her nipple and ran my hand down across her stomach and between her legs. I felt her pull back away from my hand, which pissed me off ... not a real good thing to do when she was already in trouble!

“What the fuck do you think you are doing, pulling away from my hand?”

“I told you I am a little shy about my body, Master.”

“Well it’s about fucking time you got over that!” SLAP! I struck her tit hard with my open palm. SLAP! SLAP! I saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

“Now pee,” I said, as I pressed the palm of my warmed hand against her pussy.

Moments later, I felt the warmth of her piss trickle, then stream, against my hand. I rubbed my wrist firmly against her clit as she emptied her bladder. I kept my hand in place as her stream dwindled, then stopped. I leaned down to resume kissing her as I stroked her wet pussy. This time she responded quickly and sucked my tongue deep into her warm mouth. We kissed deeply as my fingers toyed with her clit and then probed deep inside her wet, warm hole.

“Okay, that’s enough of that. Get your ass on the bed. NOW!”

She hurried to the bed and sat down. I reached for the satchel and began rummaging through it, pulling out several items and placing them on the bed beside her. The last thing I pulled out were a few bundles of rope.

“First we need to tie you up so that you will not be able to resist. Stand up and lace your fingers together on top of your head!”

She immediately did as I said, smiling as her body trembled with excited anticipation.

I chose a rough textured manila rope for my first job – binding her ample tits. I wrapped the coarse rope around her chest, first over her tits and then under them, alternating four or five times. Then I threw a half-hitch around the rope in back of her and brought the end up over her shoulder and between her tits wrapping it around all the ropes crossing over and under her tits several times, drawing them together and squeezing her tits in the rough rope.

Once I had five or six wraps of the rope crossing her tits, I ran the remainder back over her other shoulder and tied it off in back. Next, I took a couple shorter pieces of rope and on the sides of each tit, I wrapped the smaller piece of rope around the chest coils drawing them all together and effectively squeezing her tits together from the outside as well.

This made for a very tight (and slightly uncomfortable) rope bra and made her generous tits stick out as if asking to be played with. Which I was more than willing to do shortly! I stood back, and admired my handiwork for a moment. Satisfied at the results, I moved on.

“Comfy?” I laughed, “Stretch out on the bed on your back.”

She moved into position, the ropes already beginning to do their dirty work as she moved with some difficulty due to the tightness of her tit captivity. Once she got in position, I tied her to the bed’s footposts with her legs spread wide apart. Then I moved to the head of the bed and tied each wrist to the corners of the headboard. She did not look very comfortable, but that was not my concern. As a final touch, I covered her eyes with a blindfold.

She looked so gorgeous laying there. At 28, her body was firm and trim. I made sure she kept in top condition, paying for her monthly gym membership and checking to make sure she actually used it. I had worked with a personal trainer friend to develop a workout plan that kept her in shape and able to perform, and I made sure she kept to it.

Her work had paid off too, she was a beautiful girl and as physically fit as any 20 year old hardbody. Her large tits strained against the ropes holding them, and I could see the glint of moisture between her legs telling me she was enjoying this as much as I.

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