The Lies We Lead - Cover

The Lies We Lead

Copyright© 2022 by Marc Nobbs

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - A Middle-Aged former City of London high-flyer gets home one night to find the house deserted & he decides it’s the perfect opportunity to preview the new adult movie that he’d planned to watch with his wife that weekend. But to his horror he finds the buxom beauty getting it on with three guys in glorious HD is someone he knows very, very well. And to make matters worse—the house wasn't quite as deserted as he'd thought. What follows leads him on a path he could never have envisioned.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Cheating   Sharing   Father   Daughter   Harem   Cream Pie   Facial  

I stared at her, just inches in front of my face.

“Wha ... Excuse me? I could have sworn you just said—” She kissed me quickly, I assume to shut me up, then pulled back, sat upright and looked at me.

“You heard.” She stood up and walked away from me. When she was in the middle of the room, she turned to face me and stood with her hands on her hips. “Look, Bobby, you know me, I like sex. Always have. Hell, I love sex. That’s the main reason I did porn in the first place. Well, that and your typical clichéd teenage rebellion against a strict Catholic upbringing.” She barked out another laugh “I swear if those nuns at school ever found out what I did when I left...” She shook her head.

“You went to an all-girls school, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Not that cock was in short supply. You just needed to know where to look for it. But what I’m trying to tell you is that back then, porn really was the ideal career for me. I got to have lots of sex with hunky men with big dicks and I got paid for it. Paid well for it. I kept my nose clean—literally. I mean I stayed away from all the drugs that a lot of the other performers were hooked on. I liked a drink and I liked to party, but I had a cousin that died of an overdose when I was about fifteen, so coke and heroin and all that shit never appealed to me.

“But then I got pregnant and I knew I had to stop. I knew I couldn’t bring Dom up in an environment like that. So I went back to night school, got my A levels and then my teaching degree. But make no mistake, if I hadn’t gotten pregnant, I wouldn’t have quit. Like I said, I’d probably be doing what Daisy is doing now—directing, maybe running my own studio and still performing whenever I wanted. I had the world at my feet back then, Bobby. Well, the porn world, at least.”

“But why teaching? Of all the things you could have done, I can’t think of a less appropriate career for an ex-porn star.”

“Which is why it made sense.”

“But weren’t you scared that someone would find out about what you used to do? One of the kids you were teaching, even?”

She shrugged. “Not then. At the time I qualified and got my first job, the internet was still only just taking off. I never thought that porn would be as wildly available as it is now. I mean, Dom and her friends in the biz now will never be able to do what I did and just disappear. Their name and their faces and ... other bits ... will follow them around on the internet forever.”

“So won’t the same happen to you if you ... er ... come out of retirement? What about your job then? Some of the lads you teach are almost bound to see anything you do.”

“Yeah, well...” She held her hands out from her sides and then let them fall to slap against her thighs. Then she came to sit back down next to me. “You’re always saying that I don’t need to work. That we don’t need two salaries. And honestly, these past couple of years with all the extra paperwork and the way the behaviour of the kids is getting worse ... I’ve had enough, to be honest. I’ve been thinking of quitting for a while.”

“And coming out of retirement to make porn again? Have you been thinking about that for a while?”

“No...” She looked away from me. “Yes...” Then looked back. “Kind of...” She reached for my hand. “Jack must have asked me to go back at least once a year every year since ... I don’t know, ever since I first quit I guess. I think he just wants the chance to fuck me again, to be honest. But when Dom was growing up, I never even considered it. Not once. But ... Just before I met you ... I’ll admit, I was tempted. Oh, I still said no, Dom was still too young, but I was tempted.

“But you have to know, that since we’ve been together, even though Jack has asked me and so has Jim, I’ve never had any intention of doing it. Not behind your back.”

I looked at the floor but didn’t let go of her hand, and thought for a few minutes.

“Is that ... Is that the reason you wanted to watch porn with me? Did you think one day I might bring home—”

“No! No. Like I said earlier, I thought your friend was into the newer stuff. I genuinely thought the chances of you bringing home one of mine was tiny. Apart from anything else, it was all VHS back then and I really don’t know how much of my stuff is on the internet. I can’t imagine it’s very much.”

“Have you never searched for it?”

“Where would I do that, exactly? We still have the adult filter turned on here, and there’s the same filter at work.”

“Good point, although...”


“I changed the filter settings over the weekend. Dom’s friend, Mel, wanted to show me Jim’s websites so I had to work out how to turn the filter off. It was quite easy in the end.”

Emma smirked. “Dom’s friend? Melanie Moore, isn’t it? You’ve fucked her?”

I said nothing.

“It’s okay. I think we’ve established this is a pretty unusual conversation already. I’m not suddenly going to start yelling at you now.”

I nodded.

“I bet you enjoyed that. She has an amazing body. And from what I’ve seen she sucks cock like—What? Don’t look at me like that. You’re not the only one who’s watched porn alone in this house. Although, I do it more for the... professional curiosity.”

I grinned. “Yeah, right. Of course, you do.”

She grinned back. “In this case, yes. It was. She was in one of Dom’s videos that I saw.” She shook her head again. “That was weird, I can tell you. Watching Dom’s videos. It was ... I knew, on some level, that they were sexy. She’s a great porn actress—although I’m not convinced she does all that much acting, I think she just really enjoys it, I know I always did—but I found it impossible to get turned on at all because, you know, that was my little girl on the screen.”

“I’d say I can imagine but I don’t need to imagine. I know exactly what you mean. She’s not my blood but...”

“I know.” She leaned in and kissed me tenderly then sat back. “So...?”


“What now?”

“I don’t know. What do you want?”


I nodded.

“I want to watch my younger-self getting fucked on a tennis court, then I want to fuck my husband as many times as I can before my wayward daughter gets home in the morning. After that? Well, let’s cross that bridge tomorrow.”

“How many?” Emma said as we lay naked on the bed. I was on my back and she was spooned up by my side with her leg draped over mine. We were both pretty exhausted.

“How many what?”

“Porn stars? How many has Dom ... er... introduced you to?” She winked, her real meaning obvious.

“Erm ... Well, just the five that were at her shoot.”

“She did a film with five other girls?”

“No, five men.”

“Five Men! She did a gang-bang? Good for her. I did a few of those in my time, but not many.”

“She was pretty good at it. And she seemed to enjoy herself.”

Emma rolled her eyes. “I’ll bet. But I didn’t mean male porn stars and you know it. How many girls have you fucked while I’ve been away.”

I moved my head down to quickly kiss her lips. “Not counting Dom. Just two. Her friend, Mel, and the girl I auditioned with, a young woman who uses the name, Amber Swallows. I don’t know her real name.” I paused. “Actually, I don’t know Mel’s real name either. I asked her but she wouldn’t tell me.”

“Only two? I thought it might be more. I’ve been away for four days, I thought it might be at least one a day. Oh well, I guess after I make my comeback and you work with whoever you like, you’ll start to rack up the numbers quite quickly. I think this fat cock will be rather in demand once word gets around.”

“You make it sound like I’m going to start doing this full time.”

“Well? Aren’t you? Wouldn’t you rather get paid to take care of a hot young woman’s pussy than a miserable old woman’s money?”

“Well ... When you put it like that...”

“Speaking of fucking...” she said, clambering on top of me. “Think you’ve got one more in you before we go to sleep?” She bent down to give me one of those earth-shattering kisses she was so good at. “We could treat it as a rehearsal. You could even practice coming on my face.” She bent to kiss me once more than added, “On second thoughts, screw that. I like it better when you come inside me. We’ll just have to only ever do creampie scenes together.”

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