The Lies We Lead - Cover

The Lies We Lead

Copyright© 2022 by Marc Nobbs

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A Middle-Aged former City of London high-flyer gets home one night to find the house deserted & he decides it’s the perfect opportunity to preview the new adult movie that he’d planned to watch with his wife that weekend. But to his horror he finds the buxom beauty getting it on with three guys in glorious HD is someone he knows very, very well. And to make matters worse—the house wasn't quite as deserted as he'd thought. What follows leads him on a path he could never have envisioned.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Cheating   Sharing   Father   Daughter   Harem   Cream Pie   Facial  

For the third morning running, I awoke with a start to find myself the recipient of a breakfast blowjob. I still bucked my hips up off the bed, lodging my cock in my lover’s throat. She gagged slightly, but held still until it passed, then forced her head down until her nose and forehead pressed against my belly and my cock head was even further down her throat.

Dom held there for a few seconds, breathing through her nose, then pulled off my dick and sat up. “Morning,” she said, brightly. “It’s Mel’s turn to cook. I’ll just finish off here then you can go down to and eat while I have a shower. Okay?” And without waiting for an answer she went back to work, sucking and stroking my dick until I gave her my own special-recipe nutritious start to the day.

It was almost eleven when I got downstairs. Mel’s breakfast wasn’t as good as Dom’s the previous morning, but she made up for that by hopping up on the breakfast bar and letting me eat her instead.

“What time do you have to be at Jim’s place?” I asked Dom shortly after pulling my dick out of Mel’s spunk-filled cunt. In fairness though, I was the one who’d filled it.

Dom had come into the kitchen shortly after I started fucking her friend and stayed to watch like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“Not until this afternoon. Two, I think. Want me to check.”

“Well, yes, you’d better if we’re going to be there on time.”

“You’re coming?” she asked, full of girlish excitement.

“He just did,” Mel said. She was still leaning backwards, supporting herself on her arms with her arse on the edge of the worktop. My spunk was now dripping out of her pussy and onto the floor. She scooped some up with a finger and licked it clean before saying, “Weren’t you paying attention?”

I gave her a sharp stare and she shrugged her shoulders and scooped up more of my cum as a snack.

“Yes, I’m coming with you,” I said. “I want to see you in action. So to speak.”

“I’d better come along too then,” said Mel. “You’ll need me. For ... relief ... You know? Unless Amber is there.” She winked.

I rolled my eyes then addressed my stepdaughter again. “Fancy leaving here a bit early and grabbing fish and chips beforehand? Or do you prefer to ... er ... perform ... on an empty stomach.”

“I could eat fish and chips first.” She grinned.

“Yeah, you might be able to, you skinny bitch,” said Mel, playfully. “Some of us have to work hard to keep this figure. Well, work out hard. Okay, fuck really really hard. But you get the idea.”

I rolled my eyes again. This girl was getting far too full of herself. As opposed to full of my cock and spunk.

“Okay, we’ll leave here in about an hour? That should give us time to eat and still make it to the warehouse on time. You two start to get ready—that’ll take about an hour, won’t it?—I need to check a few things out and maybe make a phone call or two.”

“You calling Mom?” Dom asked.

“Now you mention it ... I hadn’t planned to, but maybe I should.”

I didn’t need to though, because as soon as I sat down at my computer in my home office, the phone rang.

“Hi, Sweetheart,” I said as I put the phone to my ear.

“Good news!” she said, louder than she really needed to.

“What is?”

“Well, two pieces of good news really. Or three, depends on how you look at it. The first two mean the third can happen, so—”

“Are you going to start making sense any time soon? Or are you sleep deprived or something.”

“No. Although I’m hoping I will be later this week.”


“Sleep-deprived. You know, because ... Oh, forget it. Look, the doctor has said Mom’s operation was a, and I quote, complete success. Told you she was a tough old bird, didn’t I? Anyway, the good news is that they can release her earlier than planned, partly because a home-care nurse went out to look at the house and because it’s a bungalow they are happy for her to go home, but also because, get this, Teddy and his fiancée have agreed to move in with her for a few weeks!”

“Really? And you’re mother is happy with an unmarried couple—”

“Yes, well, Teddy was always special wasn’t he? Being the youngest and all. And since whats-her-name—Pippa or Paula or something—is a good catholic girl, Mom couldn’t be happier. But you know what this means, don’t you?”

“I’m guessing it means—”

“Yes! I can come home early!”

Okay, I know I shouldn’t have been in two minds about this news, but I was. I know I should be happy that my wife was coming home and we could get to spend some quality time together, but...

Well ... You know...

“How early?”

“Tomorrow hopefully. Maybe Wednesday. The doctors want to run some final tests but if everything goes well she will be going home this afternoon. I’ll stay overnight and Teddy should be able to move in tomorrow morning. Once he’s settled, I’ll drive home and should be there by late afternoon or early evening depending on the traffic. Or Teddy might not be able to move his stuff until Wednesday if a job comes up. But I’m hoping it’ll be tomorrow. Hey, maybe we could still go away somewhere. City break maybe? Paris on the Eurostar?”

“Maybe. We’ll see when you actually get back. But that is good news. I’m already looking forward to seeing you.” Was that a lie? No. I was looking forward to seeing her. I just wasn’t looking forward to what may happen afterwards. Maybe going away for the rest of the week was a good idea. At least it would delay the inevitable.

By the time I’d finished my conversation with Emma, my laptop was up and running. The night before, Mel had used her special Performers Pass to show me all of Jim’s various websites and all the different types of genre porn he made—after I’d worked out how to turn off the adult filter on my ISP’s website, that is.

I didn’t need her password for what I wanted to look at this time though. The information I needed was on one of the publicly viewable pages rather than behind the paywall. Once I had that, I was able to use some of my professional logins to a host of government websites to find the information I really wanted.

I studied the numerous documents for twenty or thirty minutes—I really do lose track of time when I’m working on this sort of thing—and by the time I was finished I’d satisfied myself of a few things, formed a few other questions I wanted to ask Jim, and a plan had developed that could be beneficial to both me and some of my clients.

I debated telling Dom and Mel that Emma might be home the next day but thought it best to wait until, at the very least, Dom had finished working for the day.

I didn’t want to put her off her game.

We arrived at the warehouse right on time, and Mel and Dom went straight into wardrobe and makeup, leaving me with Jim.

“Have you got a few minutes to spare?” I asked.

“Sure. But let me introduce you to a couple of people first. Come on. We’ll talk in my office later. We’ve got plenty of time, they won’t start shooting for at least an hour. They’ve just finished one shoot and need time to reset.”

He led me towards what I thought of as the performer’s side of the warehouse and we passed the set they had been shooting on—a beautifully made-up bedroom with a large four-poster bed—on the way. Daisy gave me a wave of acknowledgement before the woman she’d been talking to looked across then strode over to us.

“Hi,” she said, extending a hand towards me, which I shook. “I’m Kristi Belle. Daisy tells me you’re the newest cock around here. And that it’s quite a cock. I look forward to working with it.” She winked. “I mean, working with you.”

It was quite obvious she had been the star of whatever scene they had just shot, even though she looked closer to my age than to Dom and Mel’s. She walked off towards the dressing rooms just as confidently as she’d walked up to us.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“She told you, Kristi Belle. Surely you’ve heard of her? Or seen one of her scenes. She’s been doing this for fifteen years or so, you must have seen something she’s done. She markets herself as a cougar or a MILF these days, and she still looks great doesn’t she? You wouldn’t think she was nearly fifty, would you?”

“No, you wouldn’t. She does look great.”

“Looks like Daisy is already starting to talk you up. I told you yesterday, you could have them lined up around the block to work with you once word gets around.”

While we talked Jim led me into what appeared to be a common room—I suppose they call it the Green Room in the business. Inside, lounging on armchairs and a sofa, were three of the biggest, blackest men I’d ever seen in my life. And remember, until I moved to Westmouth, I lived and worked in London, one of the most diverse and multicultural cities in the world.

“Let me introduce three of Dom’s co-stars,” Jim said. “The other two are just finishing up on set. These three are the most reliable—and the nicest—guys on my books. Parker! Over here.”

The biggest of the three—and the only one not currently playing football on the Xbox in corner of the room—stood up and walked over to us.

“What’s up?” This man’s voice was so deep and rich with bass ... Sorry, I just have no words for it all. None. His voice was as deep as his skin was black and his chest was wide.

“I’d like to introduce...” He looked at me. “Did we come up with a name for you yet?”

I grinned and held out my hand to Parker. “Bobby. Let’s leave it at that for now. We’ll come up with a surname some other time.”

“New recruit, huh?” Parker said, smiling broadly. “Welcome aboard. You part of the team today?”

“No,” said Jim. “Bobby had his audition yesterday.”

“Really, how’d it go?”

Jim laughed. “Believe it or not, even better than yours. And he was with Amber Swallows.”

Parker’s grin widened, showing a full set of sparkling white teeth. “Well, damn. Any guy who can get a performance out of that miserable ... Well, he must be good. Congratulations, man.”

“He’s also Dominique’s stepfather,” Jim said. “Long story short, she talked him into auditioning.”

“Hey, man, each to their own, you know? You can’t be judgemental in this business. Hell, if I was, I’d have no clients.”

“Clients?” I asked.

“Parker doesn’t just do films,” Jim said. “He also runs a ... What is it? Catering business?”

“Damn straight,” Parker said. “Very, very special catering, know what I mean?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m not sure I do.”

“We provide... special clients, usually lonely, frustrated housewives, with twenty-seven inches of Prime British Beef in our very own special sauce.” He winked.

“Oh, right,” I said. “I think I get it. You hear rumours about that sort of thing, but I never really believed them, you know? Always thought of them as ... I don’t know ... Urban legends or something.”

“Trust me,” Parker said, still grinning, “It’s real. And a lot more popular than you’d think. Business is good. Really good. What always gets me though—and this I always find amazing—more than half our gigs are booked by the husbands.”

“No. You’re kidding?”

“Damn straight. A few months ago, we did a fortieth birthday party, all set up by the woman’s husband as a kind of present, I guess. He got in touch, set it all up. She had no idea until the day. And, I’ll tell you this, she might have been forty, but, man alive, she was smoking hot. Smoking! And talk about a wildcat. She was unstoppable once we got her going. My brother, Brad—” he pointed to the slightly smaller of the two guys sitting on the sofa. “—cooked the couple a romantic dinner. My cousin and I served it up in our birthday suits. Then all four of us—us three and her hubby—gave her a dessert she won’t soon forget.”

“What, so you actually do catering?”

“Yeah. Brad’s a trained chef. We do these posh dinner parties or garden parties. Brad does the food, my cuz and I serve it and then the three of us do the afters.” He laughed. “We serve the women nibbles in the afternoon, then give them something much, much bigger to nibble on at night!”

Jim and I both laughed at Parker’s joke.

“Twenty-seven inches, you said?”

He nodded.

“So that’s, what? Nine inches each? Or is one of you packing a couple of inches more than the other two?”

“Well, we’re not uniform, but we’ve never exactly measured it either.” There was a twinkle in his eye.

“Yeah, well, you go easy on my Dom, you hear?”

Parker clapped me on the shoulder. “Trust me, she’s in good hands. We know what we’re doing. We should. We do it enough.” He winked and wandered back over to the other two.

Jim and I went back to his office so we could talk. We sat in the same position as the previous two times we’d been here.

“So, what do you want to talk about?”

“Money,” I said, coming straight to the point.

“O—kay.” Jim sounded defensive.

“I’ve been doing some investigations. Specifically, your company, Jim Lad Productions. Or should I say yours and Daisy’s company. She’s a fifty-per cent shareholder, isn’t she?”

Jim eyed me suspiciously. “How did you—”

“You’re a limited company. Ownership is public record. All you need do is search Companies House. Your most recent set of company accounts are public record too. Very interesting reading. The company is profitable, but not spectacularly so.”

Jim really didn’t look happy. “So you mean anyone can go and get a copy of my accounts? Anyone?

I nodded. “Although. Not everybody knows that. In fact, most people don’t know that. However, money is my business. Always has been. From the trading floors in The City, to banking to what I’m doing now.”

“Which is?”

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