A Work in Progress - Cover

A Work in Progress

by Just Plain Bob

Copyright© 2022 by Just Plain Bob

Fiction Sex Story: Another cheating wife story.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Cheating   .

I looked down into her smiling face as I pulled my softening cock from her pussy.

“Feel better now” she asked.

“Much, much better.

“Have we time for another?”

“We might. All depends on how fast junior can come back.”

“I can help” she said as she moved down to take my cock in her mouth.”

She helped indeed. Once I was hard she got on her hands and knees and said:

“In my ass this time lover. Fuck my butt.”

I gave her what she wanted and I didn’t need to spend any time prepping since I’d already been there once this afternoon.

I was in the bathroom washing my cock when the phone rang. She answered it, listened, and then said “Thanks John.” She hung up the phone and then said:

“They just left. John says they are heading to the hotel lounge. Means we probably have time for one more.”

“Maybe, but I’d rather not chance it. We have a good thing going and I’d like to keep it going.”

“When can we do it again?”

“Their schedule seems to be Mondays and Thursday so our next time will be Thursday.”

“I guess I can wait that long. I’ll just have to tough it out.”

“Just think of the week they will be gone to that conference.”

“I’m looking forward to it. A whole week with you. I’m so going to spoil you rotten. You ever going to pull the plug?”

“You know my position on that. You do it and then I’ll do it, but you have to go first.”

“I’ll do it, but I’m not ready yet.”

“So you have answered your own question. When you are ready to do it let me know and I’ll start making preparations. You do it and then so will I.”

We showered together, dressed, and just before leaving the hotel room we kissed and then went our separate ways; her to her cheating husband and me to my cheating wife.

During my junior year in college I met Mellissa and fell head over heels in love. We dated three months before making love for the first time and it was magical as far as I was concerned. Neither one of us was new to it. I didn’t know about Mellissa’s previous experience, but Pauline French had started me down the road the night of our senior prom and a few others saw to my continuing education.

By the time graduation was upon us Pauline was hinting at marriage and while I was head over heels in love with Melly I was a little hesitant. Pauline had taught me another lesson besides eating pussy. I had been in love with her and I thought she loved me. She was talking marriage with me as soon as we graduated from college. But I was wrong. In the words from an old country song:

“She’d be good in Hollywood

The land of make believe

She had a future in movies

Cause she sure acted like

She was in love with me.”

She went back east to go to college, I received two letters professing her undying love for me and then never heard from or saw her again. So I never put much faith in “head over heels” being forever.

But Mellissa didn’t go away, write me letters and then drop me so I finally sucked it up and proposed. Three weeks after graduation we were married.

We decided not to have kids until we were on a firm foundation financially and in a house. Two years after the wedding we started trying for children. After a year of trying and nothing happening I went to the doctor to get checked out. Turned out that due to some childhood disease, chicken pox or mumps, I was sterile. I sucked it up as one of life’ disappointments and got on with life. Melly also seemed to set aside her disappointment and move on.

We had been married a little over nine years when I found out Mellissa was cheating on me. It caught me totally by surprise. None of the signs were there. There was no difference in in the way she treated me. She was as loving as she was on the day we married. We were still making love three or four times a week and several times she was the one to initiate things. She never had to work late. She didn’t have a girl’s night out although she did occasionally meet her coworkers for drinks after work, but she was always home by six-thirty or seven.

I had absolutely no clue. How did I find out? The wife of the man she was cheating on me with told me.

It was my habit to have lunch at the B&B Café every day and one Thursday as I was sitting in a booth waiting for my order to be brought to me Mrs. Belson slid into the booth across from me. I knew her from Melly’s company Christmas parties and company picnics. She was the wife of Melly’s boss. It wasn’t hard for me to remember Mrs. Belson. She was the sexiest woman I’d ever laid eyes on.

As she settled in across from me she asked “How have you been Bob?”

“Hanging in there Mrs. Belson.”

“It’s Angela” she said, “No need to be formal Bob.”

“To what do I owe the pleasure of your company Angela?”

“Actually Bob, I’m either here to ruin your day or make it. Pretty much going to your choice as to which.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Simple really. The ruin part is my telling you that even as we speak your wife is cheating on you with my husband in room 211 at the Hilton.”

I sat there stunned at hearing what I’d just been told.”

“You never suspected? It has been going on for three months now. At least three months I know of. According to what my investigators have found out they take long lunches at the Hilton every Monday and Thursday.”

“I didn’t have a clue. I’ve seen no change in her at all. I’m having trouble believing it.”

“You seem to be taking the news a lot calmer than I expected.”

“Maybe I might have reacted differently if an acquaintance had mentioned he saw my wife going into a hotel or motel room with another man I’d have gone looking for proof and probably would have confronted her and demanded an explanation. But you obviously know what you are talking about. If you have known for three months I’ve no doubt you have plenty of proof.

“What I don’t understand, and not meaning to demean my wife any, is why your husband wants Melly when he has you. Melly is beautiful, but you are stunning.”

“Actually I know the answer to that. It came up in their pillow talk. He thinks I am a controlling bitch. He thinks as the man he should be running the company and not me and it pisses him off that I’m the boss and cheating is his way of getting even with me.

“In your case, according to the pillow talk, your wife feels she needs a real man in her life. She loves you, but considers you less of a man because you can’t give her babies.”

“Is she trying to get pregnant by him?”

“If she is she is shit out of luck. Frank is sterile although I don’t think he knows it. I wanted kids, but it didn’t happen so I got myself tested and found out I can’t conceive. At the same time I collected some of Frank’s sperm and had it tested and found out that he is sterile. I never told him because he thinks of himself as a macho man and I never wanted him to feel he was less of a man because he couldn’t get the job done. I let him know I couldn’t have babies and let it go at that.”

“Well, that was the ruin part. What is the make my day part?”

“I don’t think I’m a bad looking broad and you did say you thought I was stunning. I propose that you and I meet at the Hilton and take a room every Monday and Thursday and do what they are doing at the same time they are doing it.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Oh but I am. What better revenge?”

“I do agree that it would be great revenge, but I can’t do it.”

“Why not?”

“I have a job. I can’t get away for a couple of hours every Monday and Thursday.”

“That’s not a problem. My corporation owns the company you work for and my cousin Ralph is your boss. A phone call is all it will take.”

“If you can make it happen count me in.”

A phone call was made and suddenly I was free from work from noon until three every Monday and Thursday. And since I was salary I was basically getting paid to make love to my wife’s lover.

Of course Angela wanted to know what I was going to do about Mellissa and I told her I was going to divorce Mellissa. She wanted to know when and when I told her I’d see an attorney the next week she talked me out of it.

“I want to do what Frank is doing at the same time he is doing it. If you divorce your wife I’ll have to divorce Frank because once what your wife is doing with Frank comes out I’ll have no choice but to divorce him. I’m going to anyway, but I want to play some with you for a while.”

“Got a time frame?”

“Not really; I guess I’ll leave it up to you. When you’ve had enough of me go ahead and file and I’ll do it too.”

When I’ve had enough of her? I might never end up divorced. Angela, besides being the most drop dead gorgeous woman I’d ever met had something else going for her. She loved anal sex. Something Mellissa never did. For me anyway. Always said it was just too disgusting to even think about. Frank Belson didn’t have any trouble getting it from her. Something I found out when Angela showed me some of the material her investigator had collected.

The thing I couldn’t understand was the way Mellissa behaved towards me. Even though she was fucking Fran Belson twice a week she was still fucking me four or five times a week. There was no discernable loss of love or affection shown to me and if I hadn’t known for a fact she was cheating on me I would have put my marriage in the top ten of all marriages.

Angela and I had been getting it on for a little over three months before one Friday I told her it was time for me to file.”

“Had enough of me?”

“I doubt I could ever have enough of you, but I’m getting to the point where I can’t stand being around the two-faced back stabbing bitch.”


“All loving and affectionate to me while screwing your husband several times during the week.”

“You know from the tapes that John gets that she does love you.”

“I know she says it, but I find it hard to believe it. How could she love me and stab me in the back?”

“You do know once you file we can’t see each other anymore. At least not until the divorces are final.”

“Are you saying you want to see me after?”

“I do. In fact once the divorces are final I’m going to want to see you seven days a week.”

I hadn’t seen that one coming. I thought I was just a dalliance where she was concerned. Lord knows the more time I spent with her the more time I wanted to spend with her. Besides being drop dead gorgeous and a tiger in bed she was also intelligent, witty and had a great sense of humor.

I wondered if we had a future. Face it; the only time we spent together was in bed and there is more to life than just that.

That night after dinner as I was helping Melly do the dishes I hit her with it.

“Why don’t you make a list of what you want to keep?””

“A list? Of what I want to keep?”

“The laws of this state are no fault. That means everything gets split fifty/fifty. So what would you like for your half?”

“My half? Did you stop after work for a drink or maybe six?”

“Of course not. It is a perfectly logical question. What do you want out of our divorce?”

“Divorce? Now I know you’ve been drinking.”

“Not at all. Divorce is what happens when one partner cheats on the other.”

“You have been cheating on me?”

“Of course not. It is what you have been doing with Frank Belson that’s causing the divorce.”

“Are you out of your fucking mind? Me and Frank Belson? No fucking way. Whatever gave you that idea?”

“The pictures and the video s his wife shared with me. You really think I’m less of a man because I can’t get you pregnant? No matter. What’s done is done. Make out your list. It is a given that I’m going to keep my tools, my truck and the recliner from the living room. Oh, and you are sleeping in the guest room until you can find a place to stay.

“Get with me as soon as you get your list together so we can settle any disagreements between us instead of letting the courts make the decisions for us. I’ll be out in the garage for about an hour. That should give you enough time to move your things out of my bedroom and into the guest room.”

I left the kitchen and went out into the garage. I changed the oil in the truck and did some busy work to keep me occupied long enough for Melly to get her stuff moved.

When I went back into the house I didn’t see Melly downstairs so I guessed she was up in the guest room. I was wrong. She was in the master bedroom lying naked on the bed with her legs spread

“I told you to take the spare room.”

I belong in this one. Hurry and get your clothes off. I’m waiting and I need you in me.”

I looked at the display and as much as I wanted to strip and move between those spread legs I didn’t make a move toward the bed. Instead I went to the closet and got what I needed to wear to work in the morning. Then I left the room and went to the spare room and went to bed. I was just sliding under the covers when Melly came in the room.

“Leave Mellissa.”

“No. Wither thou goest and all that stuff. I belong in bed with you.”

“No can do. I’d be thinking I wasn’t man enough for you and it would no doubt show in my performance.”

“Don’t be silly Bob. You know you are more than man enough for me.”

“That’s not what you told Belson.”

“Fuck Frank Belson!”

“You did. That’s the problem. That why we are going to divorce. Now leave.”


I got off the bed, took her by the arm, pulled her over to the door and shoved her out into the hall. I closed the door and locked it. She pounded on the door and demanded that I let her in, but I ignored her, got back into bed and eventually she got tired of beating on the door and I eventually fell asleep.

I received a surprise in the morning when I got up and opened the door to leave the room. Mellissa was sitting on the floor with her back against the door. She stood up and said:

“I didn’t want to chance you getting out of here this morning without our talking.”

“What’s to talk about? You cheated. I found out. Game over.”

“You have to know why. I don’t want a divorce Bobby. I love you and you know I do. I show it every day of the week. Let’s go to the kitchen, I’ll put the coffee on and we can sit down and I’ll tell you why I did what I did.”

I was torn. I didn’t want anything to do with her, but I did want to know why she shit on our marriage and it would probably eat on me until I found out. While she was putting the coffee on I went to the front porch and got the daily paper. I was sitting at the table reading the sports section when she told me the coffee was ready. I poured myself a cup, sat back down and waited for Mellissa to tell me what it was that she wanted me to know.

“I’m doing Belson because he has been blackmailing me.”

“What the hell could he have on you that would cause you to cheat?”

“He has pictures that could send me to jail.”

“Pictures? Pictures of what?”

“Of me having sex with his niece. He has a sister Kathy and Kathy has a daughter Amy. In their family it turns out that they have a fairly open family relationship where they can walk into each other’s house without knocking or ringing the bell.

Amy and I thought we were alone in the house and Amy was sitting on the couch legs spread and I was eating her pussy. We didn’t hear Frank come in and didn’t know he was there until he had taken several pictures of us with his cell phone. Amy started crying and I jumped up and ran out of the house. At the time Frank didn’t know who I was so it was no big thing to me.

“So what if he took pictures? Two people having consensual sex isn’t a crime.”

“It is when one is an adult and the other one is a minor. I was nineteen and Amy was only sixteen. It wasn’t a problem at the time because Frank didn’t know who I was. It wasn’t until I went to work at Melbourne. I’d been there about six months and one day Frank walked into my section and recognized me. A couple of days later he approached me, showed the pictures he had of me and Amy and told me the price for him not to take the pictures to the police was to have sex with him.

“I laughed at him and told him no one was going to give a crap about something that had happened over seven years ago. That’s when he told me there was no statute of limitations on pedophilia. I told him I didn’t believe him and he told me he would give me a couple of days to check it out. I did and I found out that he was right. I gave in and here we are.

“I know what you are going to say. You are going to say I should have come to you and we could have figured a way out. Maybe we could have in the old days where we could have gotten the photos and the negatives, but this isn’t the good old days, Nowadays he could load the photos from his phone to a computer and from the computer to a couple of flash drives and even into the cloud. Short of killing him there isn’t any way we could make sure it wouldn’t get out and I just couldn’t see either of us going to jail over some sex.

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