Houston Goes to Washington - Cover

Houston Goes to Washington

Copyright© 2022 by Saddletramp1956

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - John and Houston Smith go to Washington, DC. Mayhem ensues...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Humiliation   Violence  

John looked at his wife and saw her expression. She was clearly frightened and tears were forming in her eyes.

“Houston?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m scared, John,” she said. “I keep thinking back to when I worked at Omega, and what I almost did to you with Greg. What if something goes wrong? What if the pills don’t work and don’t protect me from their drugs? What if that Legstrom guy takes advantage of me? I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened.” John took her in his arms and held her close. She had come so far since that episode and it hurt him to see her like this.

“It’ll be alright, dear,” he said as he held her. “Don’t worry.” He remembered the night he came home and learned that she was planning to cuckold him with her boss, Greg Smith. It never happened, thanks to a quick intervention that put Greg in the hospital. Houston recommitted herself to the marriage and joined Alpha Sector after helping to take down Omega, the company she worked for.

“But I do worry, John,” she said. “I know I came close to losing you before, and I don’t want to go through that again.”

“This is a totally different situation, dear,” he said, looking her in the eye. “I’ll be right there with you. Nothing is going to happen. Remember your training. Take the pills like Regis said.” She finally collected herself and nodded her head.

“Okay,” she finally said. “I’m sorry. I just love you so much and I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I love you too, sweetheart,” he said. “And if anything does happen, I’ll just kick your ass. Alright?” he added with a smile. She smiled back and slapped his arm.

“Yeah, you and what army?” she joked back. They heard a ping from his tablet indicating a file had come in.

“Let’s see what Regis sent us,” he said, picking up his tablet. He opened the encrypted file using the password of the day and read the profile which, he noted, had been augmented with information collected by the HomeFront Security Task Force, the agency Oscar worked for. As he read that, Houston looked through the folder of photos Regis had sent. To make things easier for them, John sent the folder to Houston’s cell phone.

“Get this,” he said to Houston. “The profile says that Sen. Legstrom’s wife comes from a very wealthy family in New York. She rarely accompanies him to Wyoming and only shows up during campaign season where she attends fundraisers and appears in campaign commercials.

“His staff in Wyoming says they don’t even sleep in the same room together. And from what this says, they’re not too thrilled with her. They refer to her as the ‘Ice Queen From Hell.’ Apparently she thinks they’re all beneath her and treats them like crap,” he said.

“And according to this, she’s had a number of affairs during their marriage. Moreover, he knows about them and doesn’t seem to care.”

“So why does he stay with her, then?” she asked.

“Money, I guess,” John said. “Her family is loaded and they have a lot of connections. I guess he figures the best way to stay on the gravy train is to not rock the boat. Either that or they have something on him he doesn’t want to get out into the public.”

“I can see that,” Houston said. “Take a look at these pictures. There’s a bunch of him with his wife. There’s certainly no love in this marriage.”

“What makes you say that?” John asked.

“Well, look at them,” she said. “They never touch each other. There’s not a single picture where they even look at each other. This one, for example, you can see they’re dancing, and they seem to be happy, but they’re looking over each other’s backs. Not at each other’s faces. But look at this one.”

John looked at the photo Houston referred to. It showed Legstrom dancing with Liz Skaggs, the former First Lady. The couple were smiling as they gazed into each others eyes.

“Maybe he told her a joke or something,” John said. “And you have to admit, she does look rather good in that dress.”

“Maybe,” Houston said. “But if I ever caught you looking at another woman like that, I’d be clawing someone’s eyes out.”

“I don’t doubt that one bit,” he told her with a smile. “Besides, I only have eyes for you.” She smiled back.

“You’d better,” she told him with a nudge.

“Look at this,” he said. “According to this, Legstrom’s PAC has donated to Judy Chastain’s campaign.”

“The Speaker of the House?” Houston asked. “Isn’t she the one with that staffer who tweeted ‘kill all men’ or something like that here a while back?”

“Yeah,” John said. “That’s the one.”

“What’s so off about him donating to her?” she asked him.

“They’re not even in the same political party,” he said.

“Maybe he expects something from her,” she said.

“Could be,” John told her. “Or it could have something to do with Legstrom’s wife. Says here she’s quite close to Chastain, as well as the former First Lady and Barbara Pierce.”

“That’s the Vice President’s wife, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “Of course all of these people practically drink from the same toilet bowl anyway.”

“Ewww, that’s gross,” Houston said.

“Maybe, but it’s true,” he said. “It’s not called a ‘swamp’ for nothing, you know.”

“Yeah, but it’s still gross,” she said.

“So, let’s review, shall we?” John asked. Houston sat down and listened to her husband intently. This was something they did on every operation to make sure they were both working on the same page, as he liked to put it.

“On one hand, we have a whistle-blower, a low-level staffer who believes he’s come across something that could potentially impact national security and violate the law. He comes to us with this information, risking the wrath of his boss, who happens to be not just any old sitting senator, but the most powerful one in the whole damn institution.

“As it turns out, much of what he supposedly uncovered is fake – perhaps something planted by the senator himself to catch a possible inside operative. This same senator, as it turns out, lives a double life. To the public, he’s somewhat larger than life, a good-ol’ country boy who values Mom, apple pie and country music. In reality, though, he’s a paranoid control freak who gets his kicks out of humiliating others.

“On top of that, he’s in a loveless marriage to a very wealthy and well-connected woman who publicly flaunts her affairs and treats her staff like chattel property. She, by the way, happens to have ties to a number of people involved with MMAS, the same group that tried to take down a sitting U.S. President,” he said.

“Tried but failed,” Houston said.

“Correct,” John said, nodding his head. “Tried but failed. And, one of his biggest bundlers once ran a company that also had ties to MMAS – the same company you once worked for and tried to cuckold me and sell you into slavery.”

“Damn,” Houston said quietly. “You almost need a program to follow all this.” John looked at her for a moment as he thought. Then he sprung into action.

“You’re a genius, sweetheart,” he said, pulling a pack of blank index cards from his briefcase.

“I am?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said. “We don’t have a whiteboard, but we can still visualize what’s going on.” He grabbed a pen from his briefcase and a pack of pencils. He wrote names on the cards and placed them on the bed. Then he used pencils to illustrate the ties between them. When he finished, he stepped back and looked over his work. “Damn,” he said quietly as he looked at the cards on the bed.

“What?” Houston asked.

“Take a look,” he said. “Unless I’m missing something, it seems that Leghorn – I mean, Legstrom – is trying to tie up all his loose ends at once. I’d better get Alpha One online right now.” He grabbed his tablet and connected as Houston looked at the cards on the bed and followed the links. Soon, Regis’ craggy, one-eyed face filled his screen.

“What now?” Regis asked.

“Sorry to disturb you boss,” John said. “Houston and I were reviewing the case before tonight’s soiree and we decided to lay it out to try to make some sense out of all this.”

“And what did you conclude?” Regis asked.

“Take a look for yourself,” John said as he positioned the tablet so Regis could see the cards on the bed. Regis squinted his one good eye as he looked over the display.

“Hmmm,” Regis said as he looked at the cards.

“Boss, did we ever figure out why Omega targeted Houston?” John asked.

“No, I don’t think we ever did,” Regis said. “Once the company was brought down, no one thought to dig any deeper. The consensus was that it wasn’t necessary to look deeper. Why do you ask?”

“Think about it, boss,” John said. “Legstrom’s wife had connections to the former First Lady, the twin sister of the woman who started MMAS. One of MMAS’ top operatives is known to have had ties to Omega. Legstrom himself received a ton of campaign cash from Omega’s PAC and the Chairman of Omega’s board was one of Legstrom’s biggest bundlers. When we took Omega down, Legstrom lost a significant revenue stream.”

“And you think this whole thing is an elaborate ruse for what, revenge?” Regis asked.

“Partly,” John said. “Look at all the connections. Follow the money. That’s what you once told me, remember? It looks to me like Legstrom is deliberately trying to undermine Alpha as well as Oscar’s task force. At the same time, he also smokes out the person he thinks is trying to undermine him.”

“You mean Ogilvie?” Regis asked.

“Yes, exactly,” John said. Regis shook his head.

“Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through just for that,” Regis said. “And remember, Houston wasn’t part of Alpha at the time.”

“No, but I was,” John said. “By targeting her, they were effectively going after me.”

“And by extension, the whole company,” Regis said. He thought for a bit before speaking again. “That sorry-assed, no good, calculating son of a bitch,” he said quietly, anger on his face.

“What do you mean, boss?” John asked.

“Legstrom was the one who suggested I send the two of you to London,” Regis said. “He’s the one who tipped us off about the possibility of taxpayer funds being diverted to an extremist group over there.”

“And?” John asked.

“We’re still sorting through everything you provided,” Regis said. “We haven’t seen anything definitive yet, but it could take months for us to get through it all.”

“So, he knew we would probably be coming here afterward,” John said.

“Yes,” Regis said, nodding his head.

“This is smelling like a set-up to me, boss,” John said.

“I tend to agree, John,” Regis told him. He looked at Houston before speaking again. “Houston, I’m not going to order you to go to Legstrom’s place tonight. If you want to stay behind, I’ll support your decision.”

“No, boss,” she said. “I’m a trained agent. I can take care of myself. Besides, John will be with me. I appreciate your concern, though.” Regis smiled when she said that.

“Good girl,” he said. “I had a feeling you’d say that. Still, I want to make sure you’re gonna be safe.”

“If anyone other than John gets too fresh with me, I know exactly where to kick him. Or her,” she said, smiling. Regis let loose with a hearty laugh.

“I don’t doubt that one bit,” he said. “Alright. Remember, your primary job is to get information. Press him a bit, maybe rattle his cage, but don’t push it too far and don’t provoke him. Remember, he still holds the purse strings to Alpha. If things start to go too bad, give the 911 and Oscar’s team will move in. Any questions?”

“None from me, boss,” John said.

“One last thing,” Regis said. “There’ll be a package waiting for the two of you at the front desk of the hotel. Make sure you collect it before you leave. Let’s git ‘er done, guys,” Regis said before ending the call. After taking a picture of the cards laid out on the bed, John put the cards and pencils away, then showered and dressed. Houston got herself ready as John dressed and went back through Legstrom’s profile.

He looked up as she came out of the bathroom and smiled. She had wisely chosen a knee-length dress that did not show much skin, although it still highlighted her curves. He smiled as she turned, modeling it for him.

“You approve?” she asked.

“Most definitely,” he told her, taking her in his arms.

“I’ll show you what’s under it later tonight if you’re real good to me,” she teased.

“I look forward to that,” he said, giving her a kiss. “You just about ready?”

“Yeah, just about,” she said. “One last thing, though.” She pulled out the container of pills Regis provided for her and put one under her tongue. After it dissolved, she nodded her head. “Now I’m ready,” she said, putting the container in her purse.

“Then let’s go,” he said, opening the door. On the way out, they stopped at the front desk and picked up a heavy box that had been left for them by a courier. Once in the rented car, John opened the box. Inside were their service pistols already in their holsters.

They were left behind when John and Houston traveled to London. Regis didn’t want to chance the two of them running afoul of English gun laws when they left. John handed Houston her pistol then pulled his out. They checked their weapons carefully before putting them away. Houston’s went into her purse, while John’s went on his belt.

John put Legstrom’s address into his GPS and followed its directions. Soon, they pulled up to a large two-story brick house surrounded by large trees. They saw several other cars parked in the driveway that ran in front of the house, so John pulled behind the last one in line.

“Damn,” John said. “Is this a house or a castle?”

“It’s huge,” Houston said. “All this just for two people?”

“Yeah,” John said, parking the car. “Well, here we are. Showtime.” He looked at Houston and noticed the apprehension on her face. “Are you alright?” he asked her.

“Sorry, I’m still a bit scared,” she said. He took her face in his hands.

“You’ll do just fine,” he told her. “Remember, I’m here with you. I love you and I trust you.” She smiled at that.

“You have no idea what it means to hear you say that,” she said, giving him a kiss. He smiled and returned her kiss.

“Let’s roll,” he said. They got out of the car, went to the front door and knocked. A large man with close-cropped hair opened. John gave him the card as Legstrom instructed. The man frowned as he looked at the back of the card, then back at the two of them.

“You’ll need to surrender your sidearm, sir,” he told John. John shook his head as he pulled out his credentials.

“Not gonna happen,” he said. “We’re federal agents.” Houston opened her purse and pulled out her credentials as well, making sure the man saw the holstered pistol in her purse.

“I don’t care if you’re J. Edgar fucking Hoover,” the man said. “You’ll surrender your sidearms or you’re not coming inside.” Just then, Franklin Legstrom walked up to them, a drink in his hand.

“Is there a problem here?” he asked the man at the door.

“These guests refuse to surrender their firearms,” the man said.

“They’d better not surrender them,” Legstrom said. “Not unless they want to get fired. Did they show you their credentials?”

“They did, sir,” the man said. “Said they were both federal agents.”

“They are,” Legstrom said. “I’ll take them downstairs myself.” He waved an arm at John and Houston. “Come with me,” he told them. “I thought I said this was casual,” he told John when they were out of earshot of the guard.

“You did, Senator,” John said. “And we are casual.”

“There’s really no need for your service weapons here,” Legstrom said.

“Perhaps not,” John said. “But it’s always best to be prepared, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I suppose,” Legstrom finally said. “Here, have something to drink,” he added, pointing to a woman carrying a tray of drinks. John noticed the woman’s name tag read, “Yolanda.” Franklin took a glass of champagne and handed it to Houston. “Don’t worry, it’s quite safe, I assure you,” he told her.

“Thank you Senator,” she said, taking the glass. Franklin handed another glass to John, who examined it before taking a tentative sip.

“I take it old habits die hard,” Franklin said as he watched John examine his drink.

“They do, Senator,” John said. “Sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry about,” Franklin said. “You get paid to be cautious. I understand all that. Believe me, if I wanted to trap you and your lovely wife, I wouldn’t have so many witnesses here. Relax. Come, meet some of my guests.” John and Houston followed Franklin as he introduced them to his guests. They met a dignitary from Russia, another from France and two other senators.

“And this is Ian McWhorter, from the British Home Secretary’s office,” Franklin said. “Ian, this is one of our best men, John Smith, and his wife, Houston.” They shook hands as they sized each other up.

“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Smith,” Ian said in his refined British accent. “Mrs. Smith,” he added when he shook Houston’s hand.

“They just returned from London,” Franklin said.

“Is that right?” Ian asked. “I hope you had a good trip.”

“We did,” Houston said. “I especially enjoyed going on the London Eye.” Standing at just over 400 feet in height, the London Eye is one of the largest Ferris wheels in the world, giving visitors a breathtaking view of London’s skyline.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Ian said before moving on. John and Houston followed Franklin as he escorted them to a table on a raised platform in the back of the room. They sat down and looked at the activity below them before John spoke.

“Where’s your wife, Senator?” he asked. “I thought we would’ve met her by now.”

“She’s in back getting tonight’s entertainment ready,” Franklin said.

“I see,” John said. “By the way, I didn’t know you dealt with the British Home Secretary’s office.”

“Well,” Franklin said after taking a sip. “I like to do my part to maintain good relations with our allies.”

“I wasn’t aware that you had connections with the Home Secretary’s office,” John said. “Isn’t that the job of the State Department?”

“And who do you think oversees the State Department?” Franklin asked with a crooked smile. Before John could say anything else, Franklin turned to Houston.

“And now it’s my turn to ask a question or two,” he said. “Tell me, young lady, where did your parents get the idea to call you Houston? That’s not exactly a very common name for a girl.”

“No, I suppose it isn’t,” she said. “According to my parents, that’s where I was conceived.”

“I suppose you’re grateful they didn’t conceive you in Toad Suck, Arkansas?” he asked with a smile.

“Every day of my life,” she joked back. “Now it’s my turn to ask a question.” Franklin looked at her with curiosity.

“Shoot,” he said with a smile.

“How are things between you and your wife?” she asked. Franklin’s smile disappeared for a moment. Apparently, Houston had struck a nerve.

“Why do you ask?” he responded.

“I’m interested in body language,” she said. “You can tell a lot about someone if you know what to look for. For example, I recently saw a series of photos with you and your wife at a State dinner. I was just curious to know if my initial assessment was right.”

“And what assessment might that be?” he asked. Houston smiled and waved a finger.

“You tell me,” she said. He nodded his head and looked down for a moment before answering.

“I suppose we’re not much different from most couples who’ve been married as long as Nancy and I,” he said.

“But I doubt that most couples are okay with one spouse having multiple affairs,” she said. “It’s not exactly a state secret, you know, Senator.”

“No, it’s not,” he said. “I take it you’ve seen my profile, then. Alright. I’ll answer your question. Nancy and I have an agreement. She does her thing, I do mine and we don’t make a public fuss about it. Does that answer your question?”

“And your relationship with the former First Lady?” she asked. “Elizabeth Skaggs?”

“Liz was an exceptional woman,” he said. “She could have anyone she wanted, but she chose that ... Lincoln Skaggs. Why do you ask?”

“I saw a photo of you dancing with her, and the two of you seemed rather ... close,” she said. “Were the two of you ever ... intimate?” He chuckled at that.

“Promise you won’t tell the president?” he asked.

“My lips are sealed,” she said.

“Once or twice,” he said. “They both liked to ... play around, if you will. Except she was a bit more discreet than he was. And she had a kinky side I could relate to. What can I say? I like to watch.”

“It must’ve hit you pretty hard when she died,” John said. Franklin turned to look at John before speaking.

“Yes, it hit us all hard,” he said.

“Didn’t you find it a bit strange that a woman as young as she was and as fit as she was, would have a stroke at her age?” John asked.

“Well, to be honest, yes, I did,” he said. “But I wasn’t too surprised, really. She was under a lot of stress, from what Lincoln told me. Life in this town can get pretty stressful sometimes.”

“No doubt. It probably didn’t help hearing about her sister getting shot,” John said. Franklin’s face turned white. Yes, John thought. He HAD struck a nerve.

“Her sister?” Franklin asked.

“Yes, Mona Larsen,” John said. “Ever hear that name before?”

“No, I can’t say that I have,” Franklin said. John didn’t need a verifier to tell Legstrom was lying. It was written all over his face. “Who was she?”

“She was a lawyer who founded something called the Mutual Marital Assurance Society, or MMAS,” John said. “Ever hear either of those two names?”

“No, can’t say that I have,” Franklin said.

“That’s interesting, because the company Houston used to work for had very close ties to them,” John said. “They also ran a PAC that donated the maximum amount to several of your campaigns. In fact, the chairman of their board was a major bundler of yours. I know you’ve heard of Omega, right?”

“Yes, I have, and yes, it was a shock to me when I learned what they were really up to,” Franklin said. John could see “lie” written all over Franklin’s face. “That’s why I was so glad to see that Houston joined you. I was so relieved to hear that she had escaped their clutches. As for this Mona person, I don’t know what to say. Listen, why don’t we discuss this later, perhaps in my office?” John thought about pressing the issue, but he remembered what Regis said and decided to back off.

“I look forward to that, Senator,” he said.

“Good,” Franklin said. “I think the entertainment is about to begin,” he added, looking at the stage. John and Houston looked, and saw a spotlight shining on the curtains that covered the front of the small stage.

“What do you have planned?” John asked Franklin.

“Call it an object lesson in loyalty,” the senator said. “And I see the man of the hour is here. Good,” he added, waving to the three men who just entered the room. As John and Houston looked, they saw Ryan, escorted by two very large men in dark suits and sunglasses. As the three men made their way to them, John could see that Ryan wasn’t being “escorted,” per se – he appeared to be carried by the two large men as his feet seemed to be an inch or two off the floor. They stopped in front of Franklin and let Ryan stand on his own two feet. John was relieved when he saw Ryan still wore the flag lapel pin he had given him earlier.

“Good to see you could make it tonight, Ryan,” Franklin said. “I take it you already know John and Houston Smith.” Ryan looked at John and Houston, his eyes wide, his face showing fear. “Yes, I know you met with them before. That’s alright, though. They work for me as well. Well, maybe not directly for me, but you know what I mean. You gave them something of mine after I told you not to concern yourself. You know how I feel about disloyalty.”

“Yes,” Ryan said quietly, looking down.

“So, would you kindly tell these two federal agents that you consent to what is going to happen here?” Franklin asked. Ryan looked at John, embarrassed.

“I ... consent to what will happen tonight,” he said quietly.

“What IS going to happen here, Senator?” John asked. Franklin looked at him before speaking.

“As I said before, an object lesson in loyalty,” he said. “Don’t worry, no one is going to get hurt, at least not physically.” He turned back to the two large men. “Prepare him,” he said. As they watched, the two men picked Ryan up and half-walked, half-carried him to a chair sitting in front of the stage. They sat him in the chair and secured his arms and legs so he couldn’t move. One of the men stood directly behind him as the other stood to the side.

“Is that really necessary?” John asked.

“I’m afraid so,” Franklin said. “It’s for his own safety.” When they turned back to the stage, the curtain had opened and they saw two women standing in front of a long padded table.

“Who are those women?” Houston asked.

“The one in the short dress is Naomi Ogilvie, Ryan’s wife,” Franklin told her. “The other one is Nancy, my wife,” he added. Nancy, dressed in a leather outfit and carrying a riding crop, stepped off the stage and stood in front of Ryan. She placed one end of the crop under Ryan’s chin before speaking.

“You’ve been quite a naughty boy, haven’t you, Ryan?” she asked in a loud stage voice, making sure everyone could hear. “HAVEN’T YOU?” she asked again, louder this time, as she pushed Ryan’s chin up with her crop.

“Y ... Yes,” Ryan said quietly.

“What?” Nancy asked. “I couldn’t hear you.”

“Yes,” Ryan said a bit louder.

“Yes, WHAT?” Nancy demanded.

“Yes ... Ma’am,” he said.

“Better,” she said, moving to Ryan’s side. She knelt down, putting her mouth close to Ryan’s ear. “Your wife is quite a lovely woman, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Ryan said.

“You’ve been married what, three years now?” she asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Ryan repeated.

“And you love your wife dearly, don’t you?” Nancy asked.

“Yes, ma’am, more than anything,” Ryan said.

“And in those three years, she’s been faithful to a fault, hasn’t she?” Nancy asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” Ryan said.

“And you’ve been faithful to her as well, haven’t you?” Nancy asked.

“Yes, ma’am, I have,” Ryan said.

“Your wife agrees with me, Ryan, that you’ve been a very naughty boy,” Nancy said. “And you know what happens to naughty boys?”

“No, ma’am, I don’t,” Ryan said.

“Naughty boys get punished,” Nancy said.

“Please don’t hurt her,” Ryan begged. “She didn’t do anything.” Nancy laughed out loud as she looked around the room.

“What chivalry,” she announced to jeers. She turned back to Ryan. “You don’t understand, dear boy. Naomi has agreed to help us punish you in a way that you will never forget.” Ryan looked at his wife in shock and saw her smirking. Nancy turned to the two men and nodded her head. One of them pulled out a ball gag and forced it into his mouth. He struggled for a bit but stopped when Nancy slapped him. John turned to Franklin.

“I thought you said no one would be hurt, Senator,” he said. Franklin waved him off.

“No one’s been hurt, John,” the senator said. “Just watch.” As they watched, Nancy stepped back onto the stage. Walking to Naomi, she lifted the spaghetti straps holding her tiny dress in place and pulled them off her shoulders, letting the flimsy dress fall to the floor. Everyone could see that Naomi was naked under the dress. Nancy walked in front of Naomi, running her hands over Naomi’s shaved pussy. Smiling, she turned back to Ryan.

“She’s so wet, Ryan,” Nancy said as she stepped off the stage. She laughed as she rubbed her finger under Ryan’s nose. “Enjoy it while you can, Ryan. That’s as close as you’re going to get to her pussy for quite some time.” Ryan shook his head, tears falling down his face. Nancy stepped back on the stage and motioned to someone waiting in the wings. Three very large men wearing loincloths stepped onto the stage. One was black, another was Hispanic and the third was white. They ogled Naomi before turning to Ryan.

“Say hello to Naomi’s husband, gentlemen,” she said.

“Hey,” they all said with a smirk.

“Ryan, these three men are going to give your wife something you cannot,” Nancy said. “And yes, they are going to denigrate you and humiliate you while they do it. And I promise you, Naomi will be ruined for you from this night forward. Never again will you ever be able to pleasure her.” Naomi smiled, but there was no warmth in her smile.

As they all watched, the men removed their loincloths, revealing their monstrous dicks. Naomi got on her knees in front of them and sucked each one into her mouth, one at a time, all the while looking at her husband. Tears were falling down Ryan’s face and he shook his head, but the large man behind him held his head and forced him to watch.

“Gentlemen, remove her shoes and place her on the table,” Nancy ordered. The three men picked Naomi up and placed her on the table, her legs spread wide. They removed her shoes and tossed them on the floor of the stage. “Now, Ryan, watch your wife get truly fucked,” Nancy said.

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