The World of Erasthay: the God's Passionate Love Book 2 - Cover

The World of Erasthay: the God's Passionate Love Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by mypenname3000

Chapter 8: A Clash of Sex

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 8: A Clash of Sex - Illina can't refuse the paladin of law's offer to rob the Goddess of Crime's Vault.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   BDSM   Light Bond   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts  

Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Leywife Monica – Ten-It Highway, Kingdom of Valya

The Black Spire...

As we rode north the next morning, the name, and what it conjured, shuddered through me. The Black Spire. Almost mythical. Located on Dead Isle east of Althos, a cursed and haunted land that no sane person would ever land. A place haunted by all manner of undead. Shades, zombies, umbral whores, wights, specters, and things that didn’t even have names. And in its heart, so it was said, thrust up the Black Spire.

A fang of midnight stone plunging upward into the sky. Surrounded by a miasma, warded by magic. From there the three Norns were said to dwell at its peak. The demigoddesses who controlled the fates of mortals. There they wove the skeins of a person’s life. Mine. Bryce’s. Illina’s and Barg’s. I shuddered, thinking that the terrible man who sought to kill Pater would ultimately head there.

What dark thing did the man seek from the Black Spire? Which horrid artifact supposedly placed there by Dauthaz, the father of the Norns, to safeguard them from the darkest forces in the world. A terrible strongroom of devastation and destruction.

The Rams Horn of Agrippin which was said to drive mad any who heard it trumpeted. The Bloody Fleece of the Putrid Mammoth, a horrid creation of the Biomancer Vebrin. It was said to release a foul vapor that poisoned all. Even after it was killed by Genovain and his sister-lover, the Phoenix, it still shed that foul rot. The Heartstring of Kalagon Fireblood, one of the ancient dragons who, if strung to a lyre, could play a note that would boil the minds of all who heard it. Or the Miter of King Nuvian who could control the will of any struck by it its tip.

So much evil locked away in the Black Spire. It was supposed to be inviolable. No mortal could ever enter their home atop the peak. Their Fate would not allow them. But the Gods Fates were to be immortal, so how could they die unless the criminal sought a way to step out from his own Fate. How could he do that?

The weight on my shoulders bore down on me realizing just the burden that lay before us. Where the quest would take us. After Illina and Barg parted from our company after retrieving the Ambrosia from Cernere’s Vault, Bryce and I would have to head into deadly peril. Face the horrors of this world in order to save Pater. But I would do it with Bryce. Last night, I had faced temptation to break my vow of monogamy.

I had overcome it. He had confided in me. Told me where our quest would take me. Despite the fear, I felt a renewed commitment to Bryce. I had grown even closer to my knight. I would ride at his side.

I rubbed my hand over my belly. We could let nothing stop us in our quest to save my unborn child’s father. So I had to hone my skills, those abilities granted to me through motherhood of a gods child. So long as I carried my child, I had power.

I had to use it to save my god.

As I rode, I resumed my practice. I focused on spreading out my senses, letting them spill across the road.


I leaned forward, resting my elbow on the pommel of my saddle. My dumb horse knew to plod along after Sir Tightass and Monica. I didn’t have to guide it. I could think about more weighty matters. Like the next round in my game with the paladin and the seduction of the pretty leywife.

I wanted to see her gasping and crying out on Barg’s cock. To have her be knotted to his dick. To see the joy that my lover would give her. Sir Stonebrain would stare blank face, trying to pretend he didn’t care, while his emotions seethed beneath watching her getting pounded. Getting knotted.

It would be so much fun.

Maybe I should be more blatant in my seduction. Be bold. Just flirt with her in front of him. Have Barg fucking me in his barguest form while telling her how amazing it is. She’d squirm and watch us with covert interest. Even Sir Mushmind would notice that she was getting turned on. He would grow more and more jealous and...

What if he decided to kill Barg? I mean, he was a Paladin of Lagu, but I bet he could find some way around it. Barg wasn’t human. Wasn’t a dual sex or hermaphroditic race. He was a monster. Cursed by a fairy queen. He could justify himself.

No, no, I couldn’t push the game that far. Back to being subtle. Another distraction. Maybe in the Ten-It forest. All those elves around. They would be after Sir Bryce. They liked cock, and their women only grew theirs for three days in a moon’s cycle.

So a human with one would be attractive. If Monica were to think he’d stray, then she wouldn’t be held up by her morals. She would come to Barg and satisfy that itch burning in her pussy. I would get to watch them fuck and get knotted. Then I could lick her clean.

And for the rest of the trip, I would think about it every time I looked at Sir Monogamous. I giggled.

Sir Bryce turned, his armor creaking, to stare back at me. I gave him a big grin. Oh, yes, we’d be in the Ten-It Forest soon. We’d reach the outskirts by nightfall at least. I couldn’t wait. Tomorrow night, we’d be amid the elves.

The night after that, we should reach the village where Shasti stayed. My alchemist would whip me up the alchemical items I needed while the elves preyed on Sir Limpdick. He’d no doubt fend them off, but would Monica know that?

Yes, yes, just a few more days.

Lady Alloria Valis Korvan – The Edge of the Ten-It Woods

Illina and her companions camped at the edge of the Ten-It woods. Only saplings grew here like the forest was slowly creeping forward through the sprouting of new trees. The thick wall was a few hundred feet away from where the coals of their fire lay.

I had to wait hours for them to go to sleep. I was almost out of food. It was nasty stuff, too. These trail rations. Hard jerky and dried fruit. How did tales of adventures sound so glorious when the heroes had to eat this terrible crud.

I wanted fine food. Soft silks. I wanted to be back in Raratha, not crouched behind a bush and wrapped up in invisibility. I had to wait for them to fall asleep. To bed down and close their eyes. You’d think they could be accommodating and just pass out after a day riding, but Sir Bryce and Barg seemed to be in a competition to see who could fuck their women the longest.

Men were such disgusting things.

Finally, they fell asleep. I waited another hour, struggling not to fall asleep myself. It was so boring. How did guards just stand around all day and not do anything? I could lounge away my day enjoying grapes being fed to me soaked in the pussy juices of my maids and having a naughty vixen devour my pussy for hours, her tongue giving me to orgasm after orgasm.

But to just sit here and do nothing but watch. I wanted to rip my hair out.

The stars wheeled overhead. They twinkled down at me. The moon shone silvery bright. It was time. I glanced at Saniyya. The submissive Djinn waved her hand. I didn’t feel anything, but my body vanished even from my own sight. My hands. The tip of my nose at the bottom of my vision. I stared down at my form wrapped in my toga.

I was invisible.

I stripped that off. I couldn’t afford to make any noise. It would rustle. Being naked didn’t matter. I was invisible. No one could see me. I stepped out wearing only my traveling sandals and socks. I moved with care, sneaking like that dumb girl I used to be in that mud-stained farming village where I grew up. If I hadn’t escaped there, I’d be a crone by now who wasted her life shoving mandrake bulbs up her snatch so a man could fuck me and fertilize the plant with his disgusting seed.

I focused on Illina. She slept beside Barg. The black-skinned monster lay on his belly snoring softly. She was on her back. And it was around her neck. My necklace. I could see the amethysts in the dying coals. I padded towards her, my excitement building and building. I would take it and flee. No more thoughts of revenge. No more trying to kill her friends and capture her.

I just needed my necklace back so I would stop aging. So I could escape my fated death. Every sunset, I aged another day. Too many would start to pile up. The fear of becoming old almost drove me to rush heedlessly at her. But I was so close to having it back.

I was the thief tonight. It was time for Illina to be robbed.

I reached her and held my breath. With delicate care, I grabbed the necklace and turned it to reach the clasp. My fingers shook as the gold chain slid along Illina’s pale throat. If she woke up ... My heart pounded so fast. It thundered in my chest, the blood pumping through tight veins. My head ached from the strain.

I found the clasp.

Monica bolted upright on the other side of the fire and shouted, “She’s here!”

I froze.

Illina’s green eyes snapped open. Her hands shot up and she grabbed my invisible wrists, her fingers seemingly wrapped around nothing. With a snarl, she twisted. I gasped as pain flared. The world blurred. Then I ended up on my back. The air burst from lungs in a wheezing gasp. Illina pivoted and straddled me. A dagger appeared in her hand.

Then it pressed against my throat.

A whimper of fear rushed through me. She had it right on my artery. I stared at it while the rest of my body went still. I trembled from my racing heartbeat. I didn’t know what to do. She had me. She would kill me. I didn’t want to die.

“Alloria, Alloria, Alloria,” Illina cooed, such malicious joy in her eyes. Each time she spoke, she pressed the dagger a little tighter into my throat. I could feel it there, poised to slash and spill my life’s blood out. “You’ve caused a lot of problems. Banish the invisibility or...”

“Do it!” I screeched, my words coming out as a croaking shriek. “Saniyya, remove the invisibility!”

It went away as fast as it came, my nose appearing at the bottom of my vision. My body naked, straddled by the equally nude Illina. Her fiery hair swayed about her skin with that strange texture to it. Not quite human skin. Almost artificial.

Barg rose over me, staring down with flat eyes. Then Sir Bryce appeared, naked save for an amulet around his neck. A locket in Luben’s colors, white and black checkers. His eyes were dangerous. Anger lurked in them.

“Here’s the bitch who hired those men to kill us in our sleep.” Illina leaned down to me. “Sir Bryce is a Paladin of Lagu. He doesn’t like people who break the law. I think murder’s a big one. I could be wrong. I’m a thief.”

“It’s the biggest,” said Sir Bryce, his voice a flat rumble.

“So, you’re fucked, aren’t you, Lady Alloria?” Illina said, not hiding her glee. Her green eyes hone.

“Please!” I gasped. “I just wanted my property back. My necklace. You don’t have to kill me. I have money. I can pay for my mistakes. I can make restitution.”

“If you wanted to buy it back, why, I could have been accommodating,” Illina said. She pulled the dagger from my throat and then tapped my cheek with the flat of the blade. “I’m very reasonable. Why, I’m sure we would have found a price that would have made me very happy.”

“Please! You don’t have to execute me. I’m the wife of Lord Gregorin Korvan. He can pay any amount of fine, Sir Bryce. Just level it. I’m sorry my men were overzealous. They were just supposed to recover my necklace.”

“You don’t expect us to believe that, do you?” Illina asked.

“I don’t deliver justice,” said Sir Bryce. “I’m not a follower of Iustia. I follow Lagu. I care about the law. Those who break it need to be punished.”

I shuddered.v “We’re about to enter the territory of the Ten-It Elves. The law you have broken is Valyan. They do not have jurisdiction over you nor can we retreat to the nearest town tonight to hand you over to a magistrate.”

They weren’t going to immediately kill me. Hope surged through me. “Okay. So ... You’ll let me go. I can just get my neckl—”

“Did I say anything about releasing you?” he growled. “You almost harmed the most important person in the world to me.” Fury blazed across his face. “I am hunting down the greatest lawbreaker this world has ever known. He has flaunted custom and broken oaths. He has shattered so much. Left so much pain behind. Your petty actions almost let him escape any form of punishment for what he’s done!”

I quivered beneath his withering gaze. Fire burned inside of him. Anger. Rage. This criminal had hurt him personally. He didn’t care about handing me over to justice because he sought something that mattered to him. That gave me an advantage.

“I’ll go. You’ll never hear from me again. I just want my property back. Illina broke the law by stealing it from me.”

“And she is in my custody,” said Sir Bryce.

“She doesn’t look it to me.”

“She is earning her redemption by helping.”

“I can help!”

He sneered at me. “No, you can’t.”

“Then what are you going to do?” I quivered there.

“I’ll collar you.” He said the words with such finality. I felt this sentence being passed on me. I quivered there, not sure what that meant. “This can be done painfully or pleasurably.”

“Ooh, ooh, choose painfully,” said Illina. Her eyes were bright as she squirmed on me. She slid the knife along my cheek, the sharp edge kissing me. If she pressed any harder.

“What does pleasure involve?” I asked.

Sir Bryce glanced at Monica. The naked Secaran woman had padded up, her round breasts swaying. She wore her hair loose, the brown spilling around her youthful and almost innocent face. She studied me then nodded to the knight.

Did she give him permission?

“It involves us having sex,” said Sir Bryce. “The moment I fire my seed in you, Lagu’s enchantment shall settle on you. A collar that will bind you to me. You won’t be able to get far. If you do, I will unleash pain on you. Disable you. Even if you can overcome the torment, I can track you to the ends of the earth.

“And I will. One day. When I have finished with the lawbreaker, I will find you and see you executed for your crime.”

I shuddered at the coldness in his words, but my pussy clenched. He had no idea what having sex with me would do. I couldn’t smile. I couldn’t show such joy. I was about to be free. I would own this paladin. He’d be my new boy toy.

“Pleasure,” I gasped. “I choose pleasure. Just ... get Illina off of me. I don’t want her to cut me.”

“You’re no fun,” Illina said, tapping her knife’s flat edge against the tip of my nose. “I wanted to thank you for unleashing Kurg Widowmaker on me. That was such a wonderful gift. I soooo need to repay you for it. He almost killed my Barg.”

“You shouldn’t have been a thief,” I spat back at her.

She grinned at me and then slid off of me. She stood up and said, “Have at her, Sir Bryce. I like how you can find ways to get out of that monogamy to enjoy a pretty woman.”

“We do what we must sometimes,” growled the paladin at Illina.

He didn’t like her. She didn’t like him. This was perfect. Once he was in me, came in me, he would be mine. I would put an end to this dumb quest of his and channel the paladin into serving my law. I shuddered, my pussy getting wetter and wetter for him.

My hands slid down my body to the diamond-shaped patch of black pubic hair on my pudenda. I slid my fingers through my curls, toying with them while my pussy grew juicier and juicier for him. I just wanted him to slam into me. To fill me to the hilt.

It would be incredible. He would fuck me hard. He would pound me with such force. Ram into me. He would spill all that cum in me. My cunt clenched as my fingers slid down to my pussy. One more man to fuck to get my dreams.

I could handle it.

My digits stroked my lips as he moved between my thighs. He was hard. Eager. He might have gotten permission from Monica, but it was a formality. This man wanted me. They all did. So long as I was young and beautiful, I had power over them.

And once they were in my pussy, I would control them.

He seized my wrist and ripped my fingers from my twat. I shuddered at his strength. Here was a man who’d been in charge all his life. He was in his forties. Strong and mature, a hint of gray in his black hair. Not much. He had a weathered face. Strong lines. The epitome of masculine strength that made most women wet and quivering.

He thrust my fingers at Monica. Now she was more my type. Shaved pussy, round breasts, youthful and glowing with excitement. She already had pussy juices trickling down her thighs as she opened her mouth and sucked on my digits, cleaning off my tangy flavor.

“Mmm, you like that, poppet?” I cooed to Monica. “Maybe once I’m collared, Sir Bryce will let me eat you out.”

She slid her fingers from my mouth and moaned, “Only if you needed healing. That’s the only time I do anything sexual with anyone.”

“Shame, you’d love my Barg’s dick,” Illina called. “And so would you, Alloria. You’d howl your head off.”

A shiver ran through me. After I had Sir Bryce, I needed to get Barg to fuck me. It would be so pleasant to have her own lover pin her down while I ripped the necklace off of her. Barg would help me break her in. Make Illina my slave. I’d keep her chained to my bed. She could lick my pussy whenever I wanted.

“I find all the satisfaction I need with Bryce’s cock,” said Monica. She had heat in her voice. Steel in her spine. She faced Illina without flinching.

Sir Bryce seemed oblivious as he rubbed his finger up and down my pussy’s folds. He stroked me, brushed my clit. I groaned as the pleasure burst through my body, my bud hypersensitive from my excitement. I would dominate both men. It would be incredible.

I shuddered on the bedding as that rough, calloused digit, so different from the soft touch I craved, caressed my clit. My cunt clenched, the heat rippling through my body. I bit my lip and moaned, my breasts jiggling. Sir Bryce loomed over me, that pale, Secaran skin of his contrasting with the bluish tone of mine. I squirmed, my large breasts jiggling.

This was perfect.

“You’re wet,” he said and thrust a pair of fingers into me. Thick, stretching out my pussy.

I gasped, “Yes!”

“She’s a whore,” said Illina. “All those noblewomen in Raratha are. The things they let me do to them.”

I ignored her and quivered on his digits, waiting for his cock to penetrate me. It was worth fucking a man to dominate him. My toes curled as those serious eyes of his bored in on me. He would be ravishing me soon. He would be fucking me. Pounding me. He would plunge that dick into the depths of my pussy and make me cum.

It would be glorious. I clamped down on him and quivered there, my heart racing. My blood pumped hot through my veins. I whimpered and groaned, my cunt clenching down on his digits. The heat rushed through me.

Those fingers stirred me up. They felt incredible in me. I quivered, my hips wiggling from side to side as he worked his digits in and out of me. My toes curled. It would be such a wild delight to feel him in me.

“You’re too ready for this,” he said, his brow furrowing.

“You’re just so sexy,” I cooed, putting all my sensual desires I could fake into it. He couldn’t be suspicious. “I love a big, strong man ravishing me.” My hands shot up. I rubbed at his hard muscles, his swaying amulet brushing the inside of my wrists. Was he married to this Monica? A Lubenite ceremony? No wonder he had to ask her permission.

Luben was such a stuffy god. Love should be free, not bound in marriage.

“Fuck me! Collar me! I’ll show you that I’m compliant. That I just want this misunderstanding cleared up.”

He ripped his fingers out of my cunt, leaving me gasping, then he was on me. He rammed his dick to the hilt in me. I shuddered in delight, knowing my magic would chain him. He would be mine. My pussy clung to him, reveling in his dick burying to the hilt in me. My clit burst with sparks. His balls smacked with heavy weight into my taint.

“Yes!” I moaned, my twat squeezing about him. I reveled in being filled by him. The pleasure was exquisite. It surged through me. I groaned, my hips dancing from side to side. I savored every inch of his dick filling me up. “Oh, yes, yes, Sir Bryce, collar me!”

My arms slid around him as he lowered his weight. His amulet pressed between my large tits. My thighs gripped him. I wouldn’t let him go. I would hold him in me. My pussy clenched around his dick as he hammered me.

He didn’t hold back. This mighty paladin fucked me like a warrior. My eyes widened at the powerful plunges of his cock. His thick bush rubbed into my shaved cuntlips as he buried his dick to the hilt in me. His heavy balls smacked into my taint, full of that cum.

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