The World of Erasthay: the God's Passionate Love Book 2 - Cover

The World of Erasthay: the God's Passionate Love Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by mypenname3000

Chapter 7: The Thief’s Wicked Plan

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 7: The Thief’s Wicked Plan - Illina can't refuse the paladin of law's offer to rob the Goddess of Crime's Vault.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   BDSM   Light Bond   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts  

Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Leywife Monica – North of Raratha, The Kingdom of Valya

I bent down at the small brook and thrust my hands into the cool water. The stream had cut through a grassy field, digging into the dirt to reveal a bed of rounded rocks the fluid raced over. The water was cool. Refreshing. I flexed my fingers in it, savoring the flow.

It was after our midday meal was over, our break from a half-day’s riding. My mind drifted through last night’s attack. The gifts my baby gave me to defend us had come into use. Even with them, things had been disastrous. The attack sudden. The full effect of magic was terrifying. The power the warlock used on us could have killed us all before we even knew it.

Illina knelt down beside me, her red hair swishing about her face. She thrust her hands into the water, too. She pulled them up and rubbed them together, droplets spilling over her hands. They were paler than my own and had an interesting sheen to them.

“How’s your backside holding out?” I asked her.

She blanched. “If I never ride a horse again...” She shook her head. “My butt should be soft and supple, not red and throbbing.”

“Unless you’ve been spanked,” I said and giggled.

She gave me a sly look. “Do you like being spanked?”

“I’ve enjoyed it a time or three.” I gave an earthy giggle.

“You are not the innocent woman you appear to be.” She flicked her fingers, droplets of water flying from them. “The way you act, you’re almost virginal at times.”

“I am far, far from that.” I glanced down at my belly. “I’m a leywife. After I became pregnant with Pater’s child, men wanted me. They used me, receiving the blessing that having sex with me provided them.” She smiled and glanced at me. “One day, why, I must have had thirty men.”

Illina’s jaw dropped.

“My husband to be...” I sighed, remembering Bishop Tomas Sanderian. “He arranged it.”

“Husband to be?” Illina blinked more. “I thought you and the paladin were engaged.”

“Tomas is dead.” I sighed. “It wasn’t love between us. He was a high ranking priest of Pater. Marrying a leywife meant prestige. He and his wives convinced me to marry him. He brought me to the temple. I had many lovers while there, mostly male. It was a blur, those three months. So much sex, and now...”

“Now you’re in love with a paladin of Lagu who follows Luben’s marriage vows?” Illina shook her head. “He is an unusual man.”

“He’s a paladin of Lagu because of his wife’s murder. They had a Lubenite marriage. He rescued me from the temple. I would be dead without him.”

“I get it.” Illina stared at her hands. “So, you went from being fucked by every hot guy that caught your eye to devoting yourself to Bryce. Who, I’ll admit, is a dashing man. Mature and strong.”

“He is,” I said and smiled. “I don’t need all that attention if I have him.”

“And yet you want to fuck Barg.”

I caught my breath. A rush of heat washed out of my pussy. I resisted the urge to glance back at the men. At the black-skinned barguest. He was handsome and exotic, like no man I had ever seen. Strong. Protective. Fiercely devoted to Illina. He made her cum. A lover who knew how to please a woman. And his cock was different.

To be knotted to a man...

“Of course I don’t,” I lied, my cheeks burning.

“It’s fine,” Illina said. “I’m not jealous. I’m no Lubenite. Barg and I are free to take other lovers. We share them, too.”

“I’m glad for you,” I said. “But I have no interest in him.”

“I’ve seen you staring at him. Watching him.”

“I love Bryce,” I said stubbornly.

“What has that to do with wanting to be knotted by Barg’s cock?” She leaned in close. “I can arrange it for you. Privately.”

I shivered at the invitation. The wild delight of being fucked by him. It would mean going behind Bryce’s back. I told him I would be faithful. I couldn’t let my lusts control me. “No. I’ve already had this conversation with Barg. We both agreed it would be a bad idea.”

“You sure?” Illina had a mischievous grin on her lips. Her green eyes twinkled. “I can see you want it.”

“I’m sure.”

“Well, I’m going to arrange it. Tonight. I have a plan.”

I stared at the thief in shock. Then I bolted to my feet and rushed back to the men. Barg held the reins to his horse, standing tall and proud. So handsome. The noonday sun gleamed off his hairless skull, the black skin surprisingly shiny. He glanced at me. A wave of heat washed through me. I hated this lust for him. He filled my thoughts all the time. The old me would not have hesitated to take him into my bed.

The version of me that had lived before that attack. Before Bryce had swept in and saved me.

I stepped up before my paladin. He wore his full armor with ease. He glanced at me, his brow furrowing in question. I cupped his face, rose up on my tiptoes, and kissed him with quite some hunger on the mouth. His whiskered lips moved on mine. His armored form felt so solid against me. Strong and unyielding.

Why couldn’t one man be enough?

I broke the kiss and Bryce took in a deep breath. He stared down at me in surprise. “That was a welcome delight.”

“I just wanted to kiss you,” I said, feeling Barg behind me.

“Have you been practicing?” Bryce said next.

“I’ll keep trying while riding,” I said, wishing he had said something romantic. Something to sweep me off my feet.

Sir Bryce Cartith

Near the end of our day, the sun sinking low on our right, Illina’s horse cantered up beside mine. I glanced at the thief. She sat her horse without her usual grace that she had with everything else she did. She wasn’t fit for traveling outside of cities. She thrived in them.

“We’ll be reaching Carithia before sunset,” she said. “We should stop there. Sleep in a bed.”

I glanced at her, studying her. “You don’t want to sleep on the ground again?”

“Gods, no,” she groaned. “My poor back. The ground’s too rough, and as much fun it is fucking outside where I can watch Monica riding you, I want a proper bed. Stuffed with goose feathers. What’s an hour?”

“Very well,” I said. An hour ... I had been on my quest this so long. “You know she’s following, right?”

Her brow furrowed. “She ... Oh, yes, Lady Alloria.” She nodded. “I don’t know what she’ll try next, but I saw her in that invisibility box. I’ve never seen the like. Mages can’t do invisibility, right?”

“Not and have it be movable,” I said. “I don’t think, anyway.” I furrowed my brow. That warlock had come so close to ruining a decade of work.

“We need to be careful,” Illina said, stretching her back. Then she winced and shifted how she sat. “She’ll try again. I don’t get what I did to the bitch to make her so persistent. I stole some jewelry. Made her cum. She acts like I killed her lover or something.” Then she grinned and opened the front of her blouse. She pulled out a necklace of platinum and amethysts. “Pretty, right? I sold the rest, but I just had to keep this. Out of spite now for all the pain and grief she’s caused me.”

I shook my head.

“I know, I know. I’m just a terrible thief.” She burst into wicked laughter. “Arrest me for having stolen property.”

“I need you.”

“Yes, you do.” She tucked the necklace away. “So, we need to be careful and be ready for her next scheme.”

“I’m working on it.”

Illina gave me a curious look.

Lady Alloria Valis Korvan – Outskirts of Carithia, Kingdom of Valya

“They’re approaching the town, my Lady,” my sex slave, and Djinn, said. Saniyya stared at the small mirror she’d conjured for herself. “I think they intend to stay the night in it. Illina seems quite keen on it.”

“That’s not good,” I muttered. “How do we sneak into a room?”

“With care, I presume, my Lady,” Saniyya said. She was using her illusion magic to create a scrying device. Her powers were quite interesting, able to make solid objects that felt real. Smelled real. Even tasted real. But they wouldn’t last. They were ephemeral.

“And we’re going to have to sleep in the rough,” I muttered, seeing the village ahead. We couldn’t even enter it. I sighed, staring at a field we were passing. I wasn’t happy about that. “Conjure our camp.”

Saniyya glanced at the field and blinked. A large pavilion appeared. It would have a soft bed and divans, even scented braziers. She could stock it with the sweetest treats and the most refreshing wines. None of it real. If I tried to live off her illusions, I’d starve to death. We had provisions, though. Trail rations.

Hard, nasty tack bread that made my teeth ache from chewing on them. If they were just camping in the open, I could sneak in under the illusion and get back my necklace. I wanted to do more to Illina, but now it was just about retrieving my property. I needed to preserve my youth. I was aging again. Weeks had been added to my life. I couldn’t have that.

It wasn’t reversible.

Frustration boiled into me as I rode my horse up to the pavilion and dismounted. “Saniyya, conjure a flail.”

It appeared in my hand, the tails long and made of leather. I stared at the Djinn, my frustration mounting. I would take it out on her and her sweet ass. Her clothes had already melted from her dusky-brown flesh. She slipped into the pavilion, her ass begging to be spanked.

Illina – Carithia, Kingdom of Valya

I sauntered across the common room of the Wiggling Delight, wanting to whistle. I loved plotting a crime. Being in the midst of a caper was so exciting. I wanted to skip as I threaded around the tables crowded with farmers and laborers all enjoying their evening after a day of work. Barmaids threaded through them, their black hair and bluish skin contrasting with my features. I stood out among Valyans.

Men appreciated it.

I gave them flirty winks when coarse suggestions were called out at me. I dodged around their friendly hands wanting to pat my ass or grab my small breasts. My reflexes flowed me through the crowd back to where the others sat enjoying dinner.

We had a table in the corner, a rectangular affair draped with a red cloth. Rather surprising to see the fine cloth covering the table given the patrons. But the owner wanted to have a presentable establishment. There weren’t many signs of brawls and bars here.

Barg had his back to the wall. Bryce sat with his back to the crowd, wearing just a linen shirt and trousers, his armor stored up in his room. Monica was beside him, looking fetching in that white robe of hers.

I smiled at Monica, arching my eyebrows at her.

Monica looked down at her glass of wine. Her eyes flicked up for a moment. Not to look at me, though. My smile grew as I squirmed beside Barg. He leaned back in his chair, stretching. I couldn’t wait for the fun to begin.

Until then, I leaned over to Bryce and said in a conspiratorial hush, “Maybe we should talk about what you know of Cernere’s Black Vault.”

“I suppose,” he said. He straightened in his seat. “I thought you knew about it.”

“Oh, I do,” I said. “But there might be things you noticed that I will help me get in—”

“You think I didn’t see you do that, Krazil!” roared a man. A chair scraped back, much of the talking cut off. “Think I’m not blind!”

“I know you’re blind, Zerinal!” Krazil shouted. He stood up, too. The men were both large, wearing patched vests and canvas pants tied off with ropes. They had the appearance of laborers or street toughs. “What you going to do about it? Bleat like a Las fucked sheep?”

“What? You think I’m going to stand for that?”

Bryce looked over his shoulder at the men.

“Baa, baa, baa!” Krazil mocked. “That’s what you sound like. Same bleats you make when taking Las’s cock up the ass. You love it when the God of Lust buggers you after he fucked your wife and made her cum like—”

Zerinal’s fist slammed into Krazil’s chin. A hard blow that sent him stumbling. He grabbed the back of an empty chair to keep from falling. He then swung it around in an arc that slammed it into Zerinal. Wood exploded, and the man fell down hard. Krazil pounced, falling on the man.

Sir Bryce sighed. He rose and said, “I’ll deal with this. Take them to the town’s magistrate.”

“The travails of being a paladin of Lagu,” I said, giving him a mocking smile.

“Laws must be kept so order can flourish,” he answered. “They are ruining the evening of those around them with their selfish conflict.” He marched across the bar. Even out of armor, he cut an imposing figure. Tall and strong, his muscled body rippling with his strength as he crossed the room.

He pushed through the bystanders gathering around the two men brawling on the floor. He grabbed them and hauled them to their feet with ease. His strength was impressive. He must have muttered a prayer to Lagu. He could flex that prowess of his with ease. A dangerous man.

He marched the two men out of the room. The moment he was gone, I said, “Monica, here’s your chance.”

She turned to look at me, her twin braids of dark-brown hair swaying about her head. Her brow furrowed. “Chance, Illina?”

“Crawl beneath the table and suck off Barg,” I said, my hand already working to unlace his trousers. “I went through all that trouble to keep Bryce busy. He’s happy enforcing the law, and you can be happy sucking my barguest’s cock.”

Barg glanced at me and shook his head. I winked at him and smiled. I told him I would pull this off. A naughty caper to help him and Monica have some fun behind Sir Tightass’s back.

Leywife Monica

I swallowed as Illina worked. It was clear what she was doing. The patrons were settling back to their meals. None were looking at us in the corner. It was darker here, the light from the fire having far to reach. Her hand moved, clearly now jacking off Barg’s cock.

Bryce would be busy for some while with the magistrate. I shivered. I licked my lips as this wild heat swelled through me. To suck off his cock. To indulge my lusts for him ... I had to do it. Once I had, I could stop thinking about him and focus on Bryce.

I loved him. I wanted to be faithful to him, but it was such a chore. I had never practiced monogamy. Pater hadn’t been my first man, and after him, I had so many. I’d been gangbanged, taking cocks in every hole, reveled in the delights that men could give my body. My pregnant pussy clenched.

I slipped beneath the table. Bryce never had to know. It would be our secret. Illina was a thief. She wouldn’t snitch. And she would keep this up. I knew it. She would keep tempting me to have sex with her barguest until I cracked.

Might as well save her the effort.

I could barely see his cock beneath the table. He was as black as night, his shaft visible more by her paler fingers holding it, defining the shape of him as she stroked up and down him. I crawled closer, my hands sliding over the wooden floorboards. I settled between his spread legs, my heart racing, my pussy clenching in excitement.

As if knowing I was right before him, Illina tilted Barg’s cock at me, aiming it almost at my mouth. I groaned and grabbed his dick. Barg let out a soft moan as I wrapped both my greedy hands around him. My pussy blazed with heat.

I used to enjoy so many cocks. I closed my eyes. I could enjoy this one. Sir Bryce and I weren’t married yet. I shuddered, sliding my hand up and down this dick. I could just open my mouth and engulf him. I could swallow him with ease.

And then what?

I would be betraying Bryce. That wasn’t something I could do. It would be wrong of me to do this. I released his cock and backed away. I slipped out from beneath the table and rose back to my seat. I perched there, breathing heavily.

Illina stared at me in some surprise. Her green eyes narrowed. “He won’t find out.”

“I know,” I said, closing my eyes. I put my faith in Bryce. I’d made promises to him. “This isn’t what I want.”

“Oh, you want it,” Illina cooed. Her arm moved as she pumped her fist up and down the cock I craved. “Don’t even pretend you don’t. You’re dripping for it. Barg, you can smell her, can’t you.”

“Illina,” the barguest said, “she doesn’t want this. You tried.”

“Are you saying I failed?” Illina leaned in close to her love. “I don’t fail.”

“You can’t control her. She had the chance and refused. Respect it.”

Illina sagged in her chair and glared across the table at me. She shook her head. It was clear she didn’t understand at all. She had a selfish streak to her. Not surprising given that she was a thief. She took what she wanted. She didn’t let things like rules or laws or even her word bind her. Not when there was something shiny she could steal. Some games she could play.

“Why do you want me to have sex with your lover?” I asked her, crossing my legs, my pussy aching. I so wanted him. It would be so easy to just slip back beneath the table and enjoy him. To let him fuck me hard. He could pound me.

She shrugged.

“No, please, tell me. I want to know. We’re traveling together. We should understand each other.” I drew in a deep breath. “I made a promise. I think it’s important to keep it. Bryce never asked me to. He never made me choose monogamy. I offered it. I won’t hurt him by taking it back.”

“She’s right, Illina,” he said. “Promises are important. You know that.”

“Don’t go quoting my mother’s fifteenth rule at me,” Illina muttered.


“Fine, fine, you want to uphold your word to Sir Nofun, be my guest. I just wanted to give you some pleasure.” Illina’s hand darted down again. Barg closed his eyes and groaned as she fisted him. “My man has an amazing cock. I just wanted to share it with you. Give you some bliss.”

Her words had such sincerity to them, but I didn’t believe her. I shook my head. “That’s not it.”

“She’s just playing games,” Barg said. “She does that. She doesn’t like Sir Bryce and wished to enjoy knowing that I’d cuckolded him. Fool that I am, I let her talk me into it.”

“Mmm, because you like making me happy when I do this,” Illina said.

He shuddered and let out an almost hound-like growl of delight. He squeezed his eyes shut and made me wonder what she was doing to his cock to make him growl like that. To have that joy flashing across his face.

My pussy clenched. The burning desire to enjoy Barg swelled even more. Illina smiled at me from across the table. Her eyes held that glittering, green mischievousness again. Her pink lips held a wet gleam.

“We could share him together,” cooed Illina. “Suck his cock. He could cum on our faces and then we could lick each other clean while he fucks you. Mmm, doesn’t that sound delicious?”

“It does, but I won’t,” I said. Now I fixed hard eyes on Illina. “I understand that you resent Bryce for collaring you. But he released you.”

She rolled her eyes.

“I’m not going to help you hurt him.” I picked up my glass of wine. “So you can suck his cock and have him cum on your face. I won’t do it.”

“You have more steel in your spine then you look,” said Illina. “You look like you’ll break under the slightest weight.”

I was surprised by her words. Did she think I was strong? If I didn’t have Bryce, I’d be so lost. Not just raped by those goblins, but probably killed by them. And after the death of my new friends, my future husband and his wives, I should have been broken by grief, but I had him to cling to. I would be nothing without him.

“I’m not strong.”

Illina snorted.

“I’m not.” I finished off my wine, the warmth bleeding through me. “If I was, then I wouldn’t even be tempted at all. I wouldn’t want to be sucking his cock at all.”

“You really don’t see it.” Illina sighed. “Fine, fine, you win. I won’t tempt you to do things like this.” Her head vanished beneath the table.

Barg groaned. The wet sucking echoed. His hand slid down, clearly grabbing her head while she blew him. The heat of my wine melted down to my pussy. I crossed my legs, wanting to join her so badly. To have Barg cum on our faces would be delicious.

And then to lick each other clean...

I shifted, my cunt growing hotter and hotter with every suckle. Every naughty slurp that reached my ears. I closed my eyes, rocking in my chair. My clit pulsed. My pregnant pussy begged to be touched. My heart beat faster and faster.

Illina sucked with hunger. She gave him a noisy blowjob. He squeezed his eyes shut. He snarled out his pleasure. That bestial lust of his. My cheeks blazed. My nipples throbbed. I played with my goblet, wanting to masturbate so badly.

“Illina,” growled Barg. “Gods damn, you’re sucking with hunger.”

“She’s still playing her game,” I said and rose. “I think I’ll retire for the night.”

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