The World of Erasthay: the God's Passionate Love Book 2 - Cover

The World of Erasthay: the God's Passionate Love Book 2

Copyright© 2022 by mypenname3000

Chapter 12: Monster’s Pregnant Delight

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 12: Monster’s Pregnant Delight - Illina can't refuse the paladin of law's offer to rob the Goddess of Crime's Vault.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   BDSM   Light Bond   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts  

Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Leywife Monica – Ten-It Forest

Two days after leaving the Trades, the Ten-It forest began to thin. We were being escorted across the woods by the elves as a favor to one of their race, Xerathalasia, who was impressed by Illina. “She reminds me of my wife,” the sultry elf had said, “so I convinced my sisters to lead you directly west to save you a few days.”

Illina had grinned throughout that first day of travel, smirking as a small group of elves had led us west through their woods. We had crossed the Roytin on boats made of woven branches and shaped like bowls late the day before. Some of the strain on Bryce’s shoulders had melted. He didn’t like the detour, but Illina had the supplies to break into Cernere’s Vault. Now we were heading west to Lake Tur where it lay.

The woods thinned more and more as I rode forward on my mount, the elven scouts padding along beside us naked, their bodies painted with swirls of dark greens, browns, and blacks to help them fade into the foliage. They were all smiles, one talking with Illina.

Then a field appeared. Open land.

“Good travels,” Xurinalilarimi said, a bright smile on her lips. Her long and delicate ears twitched. “May your quest be swift and successful.”

“Mmm, and may you get all the pussy you can enjoy when you’re in heat,” Illina said, winking down at the elf.

“Pity yours is leaving us, Illina,” Shaniivairai said. She had a cock. It dangled soft between her thighs right now. “If you want, we can say goodbye in a more leisurely fashion.”

“He’d glower the entire time and ruin the fun.” The thief jammed her thumb at my husband and knight.

Bryce didn’t say a word.

“Pity,” said Shaniivairai.

“Right?” Xurinalilarimi said. “I’m about to go into heat, and four sexy beauties are leaving. I could have fucked you all.”

A ripple of heat washed through me. I hadn’t enjoyed a single elf. The idea of being with their feminine bodies and hard cocks sent waves of heat through me. But I was married to Bryce now. I would be faithful to him. Alloria was an exception brought on by her devious magic interacting with Bryce’s prayer.

Neither could control their lust for the other.

“Once we’re victorious, we’ll come back,” said Illina. “Have a vacation. Then you can bring on every elf with a cock. I’ll take you all on. Just give my Barg some pussy, and we’ll be set.”

“He’s definitely fun to fuck,” Xurinalilarimi said, blowing Barg a kiss.

“It was a jolly good time last night,” Barg said, sitting on his horse with a refined posture and not the slouch like his partner.

“Sun is sinking,” Bryce said and heeled his warhorse.

“Thank you,” I called to the elves and matched pace with him, riding at his side as we came out on the field.

I wasn’t sure where exactly in the Kingdom of Valya we were other than the western side of the Ten-It forest. We had to keep going nearly due west, cross the Blath Hills and then find a boat out to the island in the center of Lake Tur where Cernere had built her Black Vault. We might have to go to the city of Sher-Vex for that which lay on the far side of the lake.

We soon reached a road and took it west, hoping to find our way to the highway to Sher-Vex. We had a few hours of daylight left and Bryce clearly was eager to use them all. Once we had the Ambrosia, we could head to the Black Spire and foil the Lawbreaker’s plans. I hoped this delay wouldn’t cost us time in stopping him.

“What if we’re not in time?” I asked Bryce.

“Time?” Bryce asked.

“To stop the Lawbreaker?” I asked. “I mean, we had the detour. We have to break into the Vault. What if he gets what he needs from the Black Spire before we can arrive. Then what?”

“He’ll have to find a way to use it to kill Pater,” said Bryce. “We still have time to foil him. If we aren’t there before him, then we’ll pick up his trail from there and ride him down.”

“Still.” I squirmed. “It’s taking a chance, isn’t it?”

“Everything is a chance,” he said and then looked back at the forest. “We might have lost a few days, but it may still be recoverable.”

I turned to see what he might be staring at. The forest was a green blur on the horizon now. The rest of the party rode behind us, Stefan and Ahlona sharing his mount, Illina slouched on her horse, looking in a daze, Barg riding alert, Alloria yawning.

Was Bryce looking at her?

Bryce turned away and then said, “Do you regret not having sex with an elf.”

His words rippled shock through me. Lust and then embarrassed shame at the desire brimming in me. “Not ... regret,” I answered with care. “Not precisely.”

“You wish you had?”

I swallowed. “Is that wrong? It’s only a desire. I won’t act on it.”

“I know.” He reached out his hand. He didn’t ride with his gauntlets on. I took it, and a shiver of heat rushed through me. “I trust you.”

I smiled at him. I could control myself. It was hard. Those elves were sexy, whether they had cocks or not.

“We’re married,” he continued, “but it’s different, isn’t it? Having Alloria in our life is making me think about ... things?”

I arched an eyebrow. “Think? On what?”

“Monogamy.” He looked ahead. “We didn’t marry with Luben’s rites.”

“No, with Lagu’s,” I said, remembering how naughty our vows were. I don’t think the God of Love required couples to be in the midst of making love when they spoke them.

“And with Alloria in our relationship, it is not like monogamy is something we can even have. It hasn’t ... ruined things between us, has it?”

“Of course it hasn’t,” I said, squeezing his hand. I smiled at him.

“So if you want to have sex with Stefan it’s—”

“Or Barg?” I asked before I could stop myself.

He gave me a look, eyes studying. “Or Barg,” he said after a moment. “If you wish.”

My cheeks burned. “Truly?”

“Truly.” He squeezed my hand. “I love you, Monica. I trust you.”

This giddy, hot wave of lust shot through me. A molten desire that burst between my thighs. This change was amazing. I had come so close to giving in to my temptation for Barg. Illina almost had me convinced to enjoy him.

Now I didn’t have to hide it. My thoughts blazed as we rode. I squirmed in my saddle, so eager to reach camp. My pregnant pussy needed satisfaction. I rubbed at my belly through my clothing, the feverish heat spreading and spreading.

“I love you, Bryce,” I purred.

Sir Bryce – Blath Hills, The Kingdom of Valya

The sun had set an hour ago. The coals of the campfire spread a ruddy light that illuminated Monica leading Barg and Illina to their tent. I watched my wife slip inside. She was eager to enjoy the barguest’s monstrous cock.

I had seen her lust as we traveled. It was admirable that she had controlled herself. Most women couldn’t. Monica had impressed me far, far more than I thought she could when I first met her in the midst of the carnage at her temple.

Alloria stood at the entrance to the tent we shared with Monica. The Valyan noblewoman unwrapped her toga, exposing more and more of her body. That busty form my body burned for. I needed to fuck her. Pound her. I wanted to be in her all the time, and now the ardor was blazing hot in me.

She vanished into the tent, the last glimpse of her that curving rump. I was about to stand when Stefan sat down beside me. He glanced at me. His face was serious. His brown hair was growing a little wild, needing to be trimmed. He had a goatee he stroked as he fixed his green eyes on the Illina’s tent.

“I didn’t think that would happen tonight,” said Stefan. “I got the impression from Monica that you and her had spoken the Lubenites vows in marriage. Monogamy. Excluding, of course, Alloria and the warped magics that have snarled around the pair of you.”

I grunted. “That was a surprise. The woman’s pussy is glorious and poisonous all at the same time.”

“I’ve stayed well clear,” Stefan said. “Still ... You don’t look angry at Monica.”

“I have been ... expanding my idea of marriage.” I glanced at him. “Don’t be surprised when Monica comes to you. I won’t be mad. She was raised in Pater’s faith. She always shared her passion freely.”

“But not you.” Stefan shifted. “Did you ever share your wife?”

“Never.” Pain rippled around the edges of my heart.

“She was killed by the same man who killed my mother?”

Agony now tore at it. I stared at the fire, battering down the pain. I tried to keep it out of my answer, but growled out, “Yes.”

Fury rippled through my body. He would pay. That day came closer and closer with every passing hour. Every raging beat of my heart.

Stefan Halian

I studied Sir Bryce. The bare-chested paladin, the Lubenite amulet swaying around his neck, shook with emotion. Rage. His arms bulged as he gripped his knees. This man was old enough to be my father and could easily best me in any contest of physical might.

“Why did he kill my mother?” I asked, the pain rippling through me. I pulled out my mother’s rainbow amulet from beneath my robes and held it in my hand.

“Because she slept with Pater,” the paladin answered, the rage still thick in his voice. “Your mother’s killer hates Pater.”

“What a terrible reason to kill anyone,” I muttered, staring at the amulet. “She sent me to Esh-Esh to become a mage, but I was never really good at it.” I snorted. “I never really tried to be good at it. I thought she was trying to get rid of me as a kid. I think I resented that.”

“She wanted you to learn a trade,” Bryce muttered. “Wanted you to become a man.”

“I know that now. And then when she died, I was in another country. Days travel away. I always imagined that if I was there, I could have helped her. Protect her. But she sent me away where I couldn’t do anything. It made me resent my schooling as a mage even more. I think it held me back. I convinced myself that I wasn’t good, that I was wasting my time. More and more, I’m realizing that I hated myself for being away from her.”

“You would be dead with her if you had been there,” he said with a certainty that spoke truth.

“Yeah, I had been just a boy, but ... I guess we’ll never know if I could have done something to have changed things. Anything.”

“You’re doing something now.”

I snorted. “Too late.”

“Sometimes you can only avenge. There’s no shame in failing because you were too weak to act. Now you have the strength. Now you are a man. You are walking this path because you care about her.”

“Like you do for your wife?”

Sir Bryce gave a slow nod, hands rubbing at his knees through his thick pants.

The strength of his emotions struck me. “You loved her a lot.”

“She was my everything.” He grabbed the amulet. It seemed almost reflexive like he didn’t know he was doing it. “When I rode into danger, it was her that I thought of. While if ought monsters, I had no fear because I knew she was safe, waiting for me. My succor.” His voice grew thicker, his gaze more and more distant. “I had just slain an ogre and its get. Two women were dead from the violence of birthing the two cubs. I was hurt. Battered. I just wanted to get to her and then...”

Liquid brimmed in his eyes. His hand balled about the amulet.

“She was dead?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

He straightened. “Gone from me forever.”

“Why did he kill her?” I asked. “Your wife?”

“Hatred. He hates. It’s deep in him. A vile thing.”

“But why hate her?” I pressed.

The man gained his feet and marched around the fire to his tent where Lady Alloria had vanished. “If my new wife comes to you, she has my blessing, Stefan. Monica’s young, and I have Alloria.”

I nodded as I watched him. He threw aside the flaps to the tent and vanished inside. I stared down at the amulet. Revenge was all I had. I couldn’t have stopped the Lawbreaker as a boy. It wasn’t my fault she was dead. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t there. I wouldn’t have been able to stop it. I had known all of this before and yet now...

Now I believed it.

Tears stung my eyes. I closed them and thought of my mother. Always smiling. Always so kind and caring. She didn’t deserve to die. I would avenge her. I would punish the Lawbreaker for denying the world my mother’s beauty.

Someone set beside me. A feminine musk filled my nose. Familiar. Ahlona rested her head on my shoulder a moment later, her arm going around my waist. I slipped mine around hers and opened my eyes.

“We’re going to avenge her, Ahlona,” I whispered.

Her hand covered mine clutching the amulet. “We are.”

I glanced at Sr. Bryce’s tent. “I never knew my father. My mother never married. I never had a human step-father, but if I had ... would he have been like Bryce?”

“I can’t say, but his words have affected you. I think a father’s supposed to do that. Yes? Give advice to his sons?”

“I’m not really sure. I suppose so.” I smiled. “We’re the only ones not having sex.”

“Mmm,” purred my angel. “Monica’s getting naughty in the tent with Barg and Illina. What shall we do?”

“I have a few ideas,” I said.

Ahlona sank down to kneel before me, her wings spreading wide. Her halo shone brighter than the coals behind her, spilling golden light across my blue robe. Her hands grabbed the ties of my belt and undid them. She threw them open, unveiling my body.

From Illina’s tent, Monica’s moans grew louder and louder, mixed with the thief’s own panting. They were making love in there with passion. Then from Bryce’s, Alloria let out a gasp of shuddering excitement.

“Your poor cock is so hard,” Ahlona said. She leaned her head down and placed a kiss right on the crown. “He’s suffering so much. Barg and Bryce are getting their dicks wet, but yours is so dry.”

“So dry,” I groaned in agreement.

She kissed my cock again. Then her tongue licked across the tip. I groaned, closing my eyes as she bathed me with her warm saliva. My angelic half sister caressed me, teased me. The pleasure flowed down my cock to my balls.

I groaned, adding my own passion to the sounds coming from the two tents. My chest rose and fell, my open robe swaying around my body. My balls twitched as her tongue stroked over my spongy crown.

Then she brushed the slit. Her tongue slid over it, teasing me.

“Ahlona,” I groaned, opening my eyes and staring down at her.

She winked at me.

I shuddered at the warmth of her tongue’s movement. A hot shiver ran through me as her tongue caressed my slit. She gathered up the bead of precum that had formed there. Immediately, another one appeared.

So she sucked that one into her mouth.

Her mouth nuzzled into my cock’s tip as she kept sucking. Wings flapping, my angel slid her lips further and further over the crown of my cock. She engulfed the crown. A heady rush of bliss swept through me as she sucked on me. My balls tightened. My chest rose and fell.

This heat built in my balls. My hands clenched to the fallen log I sat on. I panted as the wicked angel worked her mouth up and down my cock. Her red hair rustled about her beautiful face. I slid my fingers through her curls.

“Ahlona, you never cease to amaze me,” I panted, my balls tightening.

She sucked harder. My dick throbbed in her mouth. She worked her lips up and down my shaft, loving me with passion. Her hand cupped my balls. She kneaded them as she soaked my dick in saliva. My jizz boiled in them, ready to rush out of me.

My angelic sister’s eyes stared up at me with such brilliance in their diamond clarity. Her cheeks hollowed. Her white-feathered wings fluttered as she bobbed her mouth. She worked up and down my cock, sucking the entire time.

My toes curled. My heart pounded in my chest. This amazing pleasure surged through my body. I groaned, heart pounding as she sucked and nursed and loved my cock. The pleasure built and built with her every suckle.

“I’m going to cum, Ahlona,” I panted. “Gods damn, you’re hungry for it tonight.”

She winked at me and sucked hard, her fingers coaxing at my balls. The pressure rose to the tip. As the moans gasped from both tents, women getting fucked hard, I threw back my head and growled out into the night.

My cum fired into Ahlona’s mouth.

Spurt after spurt of my jizz pumped into her mouth. She gulped it down with hunger. She swallowed every drop of my spunk. My heart pounded hot blood through my veins. It screamed through them, leaving me dizzy.

She sucked out all my spunk. She drank it down with such hunger. Her eyes sparkled up at me as my orgasms hit that peak. I hovered there for a wonderful second. Then I descended into panting bliss. My chest rose and fell.

Ahlona slid her mouth off my cock. Without a word, she turned and sauntered to our tent, her naked ass painted by the ruddy light of the dying coals. I grinned, rose, and followed after her.


The moment the women were naked, Monica was on Illina. The Secaren woman’s twin braids of brown hair draped over my thief’s thighs. Illina was stretched out on her back, legs spread wide to give Monica access.

The leywife went for it. She thrust her rump into the air at me as she feasted on Illina’s twat. I breathed in, smelling the sweet musk of Monica’s pregnant pussy. The scent filled my nostrils and set fires to my veins. My cock throbbed hard.

“Human or beast?” I asked Monica.

“Beast,” she moaned into Illina’s pussy, wiggling her hips. “My husband says I can enjoy myself.” “Mmm, it’s time to give her a real cock and not what Sir Limpdick is packing.”

“I can assure you my husband’s dick is not limp.” Monica shivered. “It’s magnificent, as you well know, Illina. You came hard on him when he collared you.”

“Fine, fine, I won’t imply that your husband has a small cock or that he can’t get it hard for you or that he leaves you unsatisfied,” Illina said. “I won’t do that at all.”

“Illina,” I growled in warning as I finished stripping naked. “If you want to play with Monica, insulting Bryce won’t get you far.”

“That’s right,” Monica said. “I don’t have to lick your pussy to enjoy Barg’s cock.”

“Yes, you do,” Illina moaned and grabbed the top of the leywife’s head, forcing Monica down to resume her cunnilingus. “Mmm, just like that. Cernere’s black cunt, that’s what I need.”

My body flowed as I changed forms; bones melted and shifted, my flesh reforming into a new shape as I took on my bestial form. Something similar to a hound. My mouth grew into a muzzle, my tongue long, my body compact muscles.

With a growl, I buried my snout into Monica’s pregnant, shaved pussy. She groaned as my thick tongue licked up her pussy lips, caressing every fold of her twat at once. Her juices soaked my tongue, a heady rush of delight.

“That is a jolly good delight,” I said, the words coming out a little strange through my muzzle. “I must say, Monica, this is a ravenous treat to have you in our tent.”

“I know,” groaned Monica. “I just need this.”

I pressed my nuzzle back into her pussy. I breathed in her sweet musk while my tongue licked and lapped at her cunt. I dragged my tongue across her folds, loving how she moaned and shuddered. I felt her petals and her clit beneath, savoring the texture.

I flicked up her snatch over and over again. My tongue parted her folds. She whimpered, her hips wiggling. Illina moaned out her own pleasure, her salty musk filling the air, mixing with the feminine delight coming from Monica’s delicious twat.

Pregnant pussy...

“Jolly good treat,” I growled and licked harder.

“Pater’s cock!” Monica moaned, her butt-cheeks clenching.

“You would know,” groaned Illina. “Oh, yes, yes, you would know. Mmm, just get that tongue in me. Lick my cunt. I’m going to cum so hard on your mouth. Ooh, pretty leywife, I’m going to drown you.”

“Yum,” Monica purred.

“Indeed,” I growled and licked her pregnant twat again.

My tongue parted her folds. In my bestial form, my tongue couldn’t thrust in and out of my mouth like it could in my human flesh. But stroking across her entire pussy and licking up over her taint was quite the stimulation. I licked faster and faster, caressing her with my wet tongue.

She moaned. Groaned. Her butt-cheeks wiggled. I loved the sounds she made, my cock so hard, dangling down between my body. My tail wagged with my excitement as I feasted on this yummy pussy before me. My tongue flicked up and went further.

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